Chapter 238 Artillery!

"It's different now!"

The Brigadier spoke confidently.


The chief of staff was taken aback for a moment, then reacted:

"What good things did Li Yunlong get?"


"Can the independent artillery regiment participate in the battle?"

Yangquan is not easy to fight.

The army lacked combat experience, and the artillerymen of the main regiments and a large number of grassroots officers and cadres went to Yangcun to participate in training, and they would not be able to return to the army until June at the earliest.

Now is the time when the combat effectiveness of the troops is at its weakest.

Another point,
Although the 105 howitzer currently equipped by the troops is advanced, it is essentially a camel-mounted mountain cannon. Although it is powerful and accurate, it has a low muzzle velocity and a short range in the flat firing state.

Not suitable for use as a direct-firing artillery.

Especially at the moment, when a large number of excellent artillery crews are not in the front-line troops.

Attacking an important town like Yangquan, where the devils built a large number of reinforced concrete fortifications, was a bit difficult.

as well as,

There's no need to take it down now,

After June, it will not be too late for the officers and artillery crews who participated in the training to return to the team to attack. Anyway, the devils can't make waves. At that time, even if the No. 11 army is transferred, it will not help.

But since the brigade commander said that the time has come, there are only two possibilities.

The independent artillery regiment has completed its training and is ready for battle.

Although the independent artillery regiment equipped with the new 130 long-range cannon is to suppress the enemy's artillery firepower and the artillery decisive battle is the combat mission, but with the 130 cannon's projectile weighing 33 kg, it is more than twice the weight of the 105 howitzer, and the terrifying muzzle velocity , enough to destroy solid concrete fortifications.

Moreover, this artillery can be fired directly.

However, the better the performance of the artillery, the longer the range, the higher the requirements for the gun crew, and the 130 long-range artillery is equipped with a transport vehicle, and there is also a tracked transport vehicle, which has higher requirements for technical non-commissioned officers.

It takes a long time of training to put into actual combat.

Or, Li Yunlong got new weapons that can deal with solid concrete fortifications.

"It's a new cannon!"

The Brigadier is mysterious.

"What new artillery?"

The chief of staff was curious.

On Li Datuan's side, new weapons will come out every month.

Moreover, each is a super easy-to-use weapon.

From the tone of the brigade commander, this kind of artillery seems to be a super artillery specially designed to deal with fortifications.


"Absolutely impossible."

America, the Army Weapons Proving Ground, an artillery expert said firmly:
"It is no problem to make the 60 mortars have a range of more than three kilometers."

"It only needs to lengthen the barrel and increase the charge."

"Technically, there is no difficulty."

"By improving the tail fin, redesigning the projectile body, or directly adding rifling to the mortar, it is also possible to increase the range without reducing the accuracy, and even further improve it."

"But the weight remains the same, which is absolutely impossible."

"No matter which technical solution is adopted, the thickness and length of the barrel must be increased, and the weight of the artillery will naturally be greatly increased."

"If the existing 60mm mortar is doubled to 60 kilometers, then the weight will almost double, and the weight of a single [-]mm mortar will reach more than [-] kilograms."

"Forty mortars over 60 kg ..."

The American Army general who consulted frowned.

The 60 mortar with this weight is meaningless, so it is better to equip it with an 82 mortar.

The European-Asian war has already begun, and more and more countries will join in, and the scale of the battle will become larger and larger, and will further expand, and eventually, it will become a real world war.

America's participation in the war was inevitable.

When both sides are exhausted and the world is in chaos, the United States will join the battlefield, finally grab the interests of the world, and then formulate the rules of the world.

Definitely won't make the old ending of the last European war.

So, start preparing now.

After learning that there was a 60 mortar with a range of three kilometers and a weight of less than [-] kilograms, the staff assigned him to upgrade the technology of the army's existing mortars.

But now it seems that even the United States cannot achieve a 60mm mortar with a range of more than three kilometers without increasing the weight.

That is to say...
The enemy's technology is far more advanced than that of the United States?

However, you have to look at the real thing to be sure.

With the real object, you can figure out the corresponding technical principle, and then imitate it.

Yang Village.

Artillery training ground.

"Is this a cannon?"

Looking at the artillery in front of him, the brigade chief of staff was stunned.

I know from the brigade commander that Li Yunlong has brought in new artillery, but he didn't tell him the specific model.

Out of curiosity, and because the army had nothing to do recently, and he basically had nothing to do, the brigade chief of staff drove over at a speed of [-] per hour in a jeep.

The distance between the brigade and Yangcun is not far, and there is a newly expanded four-lane flat road, and the jeep with treaded tires is fast.

What appeared in front of his eyes at this time were six cars lined up...

"Or a tank?"

The chief of staff looked at the artillery sergeant beside him.

What appeared in front of his eyes were six... tanks with tracks, armor, and artillery, but the artillery on the back without turret armor was too large. The recoil of such a huge artillery was not that of the tank in front of him. Unbearable.

"240 self-propelled mortar!"

The artillery sergeant replied.

"Self-propelled...240 caliber."

The chief of staff swallowed.

There will be a larger caliber mortar, which he has long expected.

From 60 mortars, to 82 mortars, and then to the 120 heavy mortars in February, the caliber of mortars brought by Li Yunlong has gradually increased, and mortars will come next, everyone in the brigade and even the staff of the headquarters We, including the boss, have thought about it.

But how to run directly from 120 caliber to 240.

Still on your own?
At this time, what appeared in front of the chief of staff was Lao Maozi's Tulip 240 mortar.

"A new type of self-propelled mortar with a combat weight of 25 tons and a crew of five."

"The power is a 520-horsepower diesel engine, with a maximum speed of 60 kilometers per hour on roads, a maximum speed of 30 kilometers per hour off-road, and a maximum range of [-] kilometers."

"Equip a 240 mortar with a maximum range of ten kilometers. It has an auxiliary loading system. The rate of fire is one round per minute. It can fire 150 kilograms of heavy grenades. It can load ten rounds of spare ammunition. A rate of fire of three rounds per minute."

"The frontal armor can protect against 12.7mm machine guns, and the side can protect against 7.92mm armor-piercing rounds."


The artillery sergeant continued to introduce.

The master of the system, as always, has optimized the Tulip self-propelled artillery.

The diesel power system has improved reliability and ease of maintenance. The artillery has also been slightly improved. The weight of the fired grenade has increased by [-] kilograms, and the accuracy has been improved.

The power has also been further enhanced.

The chief of staff listened, unaware that the saliva was gradually slipping from the corner of his mouth.

150 kg shells.

It is more than ten times heavier than the 120 mortar shell,
Even if it is smashed, it can smash through the devil's concrete fortifications.

The self-propelled crawler type also makes this heavy artillery extremely maneuverable, can quickly arrive at the battlefield, and can also be quickly transferred. It can also guard against light weapons attacks and protect the artillery crew.

"Is it enough to operate fighters?"

The Chief of Staff asked:
"There are no problems with logistics and maintenance!"

The gun is a good gun, a super heavy gun.

The only problem is the high requirements for operators.

Driving, maintaining, and using this tracked self-propelled artillery are not easy tasks. Compared with cars, maintenance is much more complicated.

Otherwise, the Independent Artillery Regiment would not be in service until now, and still training in Yangcun.

"The driving of this self-propelled artillery is very simple, as long as you can drive a truck and jeep, the process of using the artillery is also very simple. The gun crew has been selected for training, and it can be put into use within five days."

The artillery sergeant said:

"In terms of maintenance and repair, we haven't mastered it yet, but there are specialized technical experts to provide guidance, and it has the same technology as the tracked transport vehicle of the Independent Artillery Regiment. The maintenance is similar."

"it is good!"

The Chief of Staff nodded in satisfaction.

He somewhat understood why the brigade commander couldn't wait to launch an attack on Yangquan.

The Yangquan devils belonged to the remnants of the First Army. After the troops cut off the Zhengtai line, the surrounding devils hurriedly retreated and gathered in Yangquan. There were almost no heavy artillery, only some 105 artillery pieces and 75 artillery pieces.

Not to mention the devil's 75 guns, now that the troops have seized them, they don't even bother to equip them. They found a few and planned to put them in the museum in the future, and the rest are going to be dismantled directly.

It's not about the shells,
On Boss Mo's side, the devils can give them whatever shells they want, as many as they want.

Mainly 75, the power is not good, the range is still short, and the mobility is just that.

Where the 75 gun can go, the army's own 105 howitzer can also go, and where the 105 can't go, the 75 gun can't go either. The accuracy of the 105 is even higher, and the power is completely incomparable.

Who uses it!
However, the Type [-] troops are still in use.

This kind of artillery can shoot directly, and it is very suitable for dealing with the so-called knockoffs of some local bandits, but it is also a high-quality Type [-] infantry gun given by Boss Mo, and will not want the rubbish Type [-] infantry artillery of the devils.

As for the devil's 105 howitzer, although the range is similar, its power and accuracy are far inferior to its own 105, not to mention the number.

There are more than 1 devils in Yangquan. Because of the hasty retreat, there are only eight Type 105 [-] howitzers at most, and the shells are still pitiful. It is estimated that there is no base.

The troops responsible for encircling Yangquan are five main infantry regiments, two brigade headquarters directly under the artillery battalion, a total of 36 105 howitzers, and the shells have a minimum of [-] bases.

Not to mention,
With the new 120 heavy mortars in service, the main infantry regiment is ready to be equipped with six to form an artillery company.


The 120 mortars are heavy and the shells are heavy. According to the complex terrain and road conditions, new three-ton trucks are needed to ensure mobility. If an artillery company is equipped with six, twelve three-ton trucks are needed for traction and shell transportation. .

Plus the maintenance logistics unit, company headquarters, etc.,
A total of thirteen three-ton trucks and ten large and small jeeps are needed. There are really not so many technical non-commissioned officers including drivers.

Fortunately, the second training course for 3 technical non-commissioned officers is already under preparation.
The army is recruiting talents from all the bases, and the independent regiment is also adjusting, so that Boss Mo can send enough instructors. It is expected to start in July this year, and then this group of people will be able to graduate in about two years.

That is, July 43.

The army can have 3 technical non-commissioned officers.

Technical non-commissioned officers who can drive tanks, armored vehicles, self-propelled artillery, and maintain mechanical equipment.

But now, a regiment can only have two 120 heavy mortars.


It is enough to deal with devils.

By the time,
Mortars of 60, 82, 120, and 240 calibers cover the devils together, and 105 is responsible for suppressing the poor artillery units of the devils.

No wonder the brigade commander couldn't wait to attack Yangquan.

 From now on, it will be updated at nine o'clock every night, if there is no one, it will be gone.

  variable number of chapters...
  One, two, three are all possible, and the words in chapter four must be illusions.

  ps, why don’t you read it, I can’t even read this book myself~
(End of this chapter)

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