My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 239 Target: Local!

Chapter 239 Target: Local!

In Taiyuan, Yoshio Shinozuka called Kazuki Yamamoto.


Yamamoto remained expressionless as usual.

And more than ever.

The vicissitudes of the situation,

In just one year, the Eighth Route Army, the biggest enemy of the locust army in North China, became stronger at an incredible speed.

right now,

The special operations that he had fought for all his life were completely useless.

His more than 50 special forces members were all dispatched. When encountering a local guerrilla on Tuba Road, such as the county brigade and district squad, they had to deal with it cautiously.

If you are not careful, you have to lift your pants and run away.

It is no longer possible to hammer a main regiment of the Eighth Route Army to the ground like before.

Now when encountering a main force of the Eighth Route Army, it takes a lot of luck to be able to escape.

The idea of ​​​​renovating the tactics of the locust army in North China was shattered and dissipated before it even started.

Kazuki Yamamoto, whose dream was shattered, became a ruthless tool, still under the command of Shinozuka Yoshio, who could do whatever he asked.

"There is a task, do you want to think about it?"

Yoshio Shinozuka had a smile on his face.


Kazuki Yamamoto frowned.

If there is any task, it is better to just order it directly, and you need to discuss it with him?
"The Empire needs the long-range 60 mortars and 82 mortars equipped by the Eighth Route Army, and the 105 howitzers. The requirements are complete, including sighting equipment, and a sufficient amount of shells."

"Can you and your Special Forces do it?"

After hearing Yoshio Shinozuka's mission request, Yamamoto couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

In war, it is very common to seize the enemy's weapons and equipment.

It can even be said that it is inevitable.

In the past few years, during the implementation of the Cage Project, the strength of the Imperial Locust Army and the emphasis on protecting the artillery were often captured by the Eighth Route Army. Not only the [-]-type infantry artillery, but even the mountain artillery were occasionally captured.

Fortunately, the Eighth Route Army did not have enough shells at that time, and the troops were not capable of carrying luggage, so they had to discard or bury them after fighting.

But there are always exceptions.

On the battlefield, there are only a few kinds of enemy weapons captured, especially non-individual weapons.

Wipe out a group of enemy troops, and seize the weapons and equipment equipped by them, which are too late to destroy.

Most of the artillery captured by the locust army was for this reason.

Because of the relevant orders of the headquarters to prevent the enemy from capturing the artillery, before the locust army artillery is captured, the soldiers will destroy the artillery to a certain extent, and the focus is on destroying the aiming instrument.

Sights are the easiest to destroy.

Without an aiming instrument, artillery shooting depends entirely on the sense of aiming, and the practicality is greatly reduced.

In addition, when the enemy retreated urgently, in order to improve the mobility of the troops, they actively discarded them, lost them accidentally on the battlefield, and caused enemy soldiers to lose their ability to resist on a large scale due to gas bombs.

The issue is,
Today, the strength of the Tuba Road is unbelievable. Even if there is a serious lack of military quality of the soldiers, it has beaten the locust army to the ground, wiped out nearly 8 locust troops, and surrounded the first army with nearly [-] people.

In all the battles between the locust army and the Eighth Route Army, there was not one time when the Eighth Route Army was repelled.
All the Eighth Route Army took the initiative to retreat.

If they were prepared to retreat, the opponent would not even be able to release a bullet, so naturally they would not give the locust army a chance to capture the mortar.

As for the annihilation of small units,

During the battle in the Jinzhong Basin, the Commander of the Gangbu sent small-scale troops to attack the supply line of the Eighth Route Army many times. However, in the face of the Eighth Route Army, which had an absolute superiority in the number of short-wave radio stations, the raiding troops never came back.

No chance of capture at all.

As for what the Eighth Route Army lost...
might have,
But the locust army is retreating steadily, and there is no chance to pick it up!
Let him capture the enemy's artillery, it is better to let his team directly disembowel themselves, and leave a whole body.


Yamamoto shook his head.


Yoshio Shinozuka nodded, but did not continue.

He didn't know why the base camp asked to seize the artillery of the Eighth Route Army, but even if the First Army could capture it, there was no chance of transporting it back to the country under heavy siege.

As for the Air Wing...
There are transport planes,
But out of fuel!
"Exchange the advanced artillery of the Eighth Route Army for monetary technical assistance?"

Yoshio Shinozuka didn't know the reason, but Neiji Okamura knew.

After the Americans failed in their own research, they set their sights on imitation.

But for imitation, a prototype of the artillery is required, preferably complete, and can have shells for test firing.

The devil encountered difficulties in counterfeiting the border ticket produced by the uncle of the system, and just sought technical help from the American father. The US military hit it off and exchanged the technical assistance for the Eighth Route Army mortars.

The senior devils didn't know the difficulty, so they agreed directly.

"Seized the Eighth Route Army Artillery..."

Okamura Ningji rubbed his forehead, feeling his head was big.

It's not easy.

What the Americans want is a long-range mortar.

The only troops equipped with this kind of artillery are the main force of the Eighth Route Army, the main force regiment, and the backbone regiment.

As for those district teams, local guerrillas in the county brigade, and militia units, they are all old-fashioned 60 and 82 mortars.

The latter was well captured, but useless.

They are not going out at all in the near future, and they are all stationed in the base area or in the county town, expanding their troops, and further training and reorganization. Presumably, the Eighth Route Army has also discovered their problems, and the soldiers are seriously lacking in military quality.

But even so,
The Battle of the Jinzhong Basin proved that attacking a city where the Eighth Route Army was stationed was tantamount to bathing in shells.

This matter is really not easy!
But what the base camp issued was a death order, no matter how difficult it was, it had to be done.


There is one more trouble!

It's late March now, and that group hasn't done anything yet!
mountain city.


Looking at the desolate city in front of him, even the hard-hearted Director Dai couldn't help but sigh.

Ever since the preserved fruit was moved here, the mountain city has gradually become prosperous, even if it is bombed by devils a series of times, it can't stop this general trend.

Because this is the core city of the Republic of China and the center of candied fruit, countless passionate young people came from all over the country and even from all over the world to contribute to the anti-Japanese cause and even sacrifice their lives.

But this year, the situation has changed.

First, the devils weakened their attack on the front line. Although they did not mobilize troops, they also weakened or even stopped their bombing, and put materials into the battle against the Eighth Route Army in North China.

In the beginning, everyone was very happy.

Such a form seems to be an extremely favorable development for preserved fruit.

Taking advantage of this opportunity,

They can take a break from a series of attacks by the devils, take a breath, concentrate, recover their strength, recuperate, and prepare for the next attack of the devils.

But the development of things was beyond everyone's expectations.

The devils suffered a disastrous defeat in North China. It is said that in the battle of the Jinzhong Basin, the devils suffered nearly [-] casualties, and more than [-] devils were killed in battle.

This does not count the battle in Yangcun.

If counted, the devils killed nearly 5 people in just four months.

Even if it was estimated by himself and proved by multiple sources of intelligence, Director Dai couldn't believe it for a while.

On my side, in the past few years, I don't know how many times I have fought the devils, and I guess the number of devils killed will not be much more than this number.The Eighth Route Army completed it in just three months.

Later, more shocking news came.

The First Army was surrounded, and more than 7 devils became a lone army.

The Zhengtai Line, Tongpu Line, and Pinghan Line were cut off.

The entire west of North China, except for a few cities around Taiyuan, has completely become the site of Tuba Road.

Such a huge victory, the devils can't block it, let alone them?

The Eighth Route Army, which is vigorously developing the economy, has not had time to make a move, and the economy on its own side has collapsed.

Frontier region tickets and silver dollars have become hard currencies, and the status of legal currency has plummeted. Few people are willing to accept it. Even if it is a mountain city, even if the military and police are watching, people are more willing to use silver dollars, or even border region tickets.

The economy collapsed, and then the candied fruit gradually stopped functioning.

Those passionate and patriotic young people who rushed here, after learning of the great victory in the North China region, also turned there one after another. Even inside the preserved fruit, a large number of talents rushed to the North China region.

With the loss of talent, the preserved fruit is gradually stopping breathing.

Even, just yesterday, the garrisons in the border counties of the Guanzhong Plain, which were originally used to seal off the border areas, rebelled en masse and joined them.

No one fired, and they surrendered in groups on their own side.


Director Dai sighed again, already planning the plan in his mind.


Do not,
A plan to withdraw money and run away.


At this moment, a subordinate ran over and reported to Director Dai:

"The Ta Kung Pao newspaper office has received another mysterious letter."

"Who is the target for this month?"

Glancing at his subordinates, Director Dai sighed again.

By the way, that group of people still has this mysterious strength to help, and they can place secret letters in the areas he focuses on monitoring time and time again under his nose, so it is not difficult to think about putting bombs on his desk.

So, you have to run away as soon as possible!

"This month's target is Yanagawa Heisuke."

Yanagawa Heisuke, a Japanese cabinet minister... The message of Yanagawa Heisuke came to Director Dai's mind.

"They also said..."

The men gasped a little:


"In order to avoid harming domestic flowers and plants and polluting the air, from this month, the location of the attack will be shifted to mainland Japan."


Director Dai spit out a big one.

Launching an attack in North China and launching an attack in the devil's homeland are two completely different concepts.

this group of people,
Are you planning to lead the flames of war to the devil's native land?
"Starting from this month, we will attack and kill the devil general in the devil's native land!"

At the brigade headquarters, the brigade chief of staff who just returned brought a message to the brigade commander.

That is the news published in Ta Kung Pao today.

"Do it in the devil's land?"

"Ha ha··"

After hearing this, the brigade commander laughed out loud:

"It's so fucking exciting!"

"I don't know how the little devil will feel when he gets this news."

(End of this chapter)

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