My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 246 Can You Change Someone?

Chapter 246 Can You Change Someone?


"Forced to retreat?"

In the afternoon, Zhu Huaibing, who was far away in Xi'an, was about to go to the front line to inspect the position, and he was puzzled when he heard the news from the front line.

What is forced retreat?

He just ordered the troops to build a forward position three kilometers away from the enemy's position.

Not to attack.

Why was it forced to retreat?

"Under heavy shelling, forced to retreat."

After hearing the more detailed report, Zhu Huaibing fell silent.

Is it necessary?

He just ordered the troops to build a forward position three kilometers away from the enemy's position.

Not to attack.

Was it necessary to drive his troops away with such heavy artillery?

"About 3000 people were killed and missing!"

Hearing the final casualty statistics, Zhu Huaibing was stunned.

3000 people!
Still dead and missing!
He sent a total of more than 5000 people to build a forward position. As a result, in half a day, he didn't even see a single enemy, and there were only a small half left?
It was just a retreat, and the enemy did not launch an attack.

Why is there such a heavy loss?

"During the retreat, their shelling has not stopped, and they have been retreating with us."

"Even more violent."

The officer who reported explained tremblingly:
"The shells kept falling like hail, and there were explosions everywhere. There was no time to catch your breath. The horses were so frightened that they couldn't control it, and the troops completely lost command."

"After retreating for about two kilometers, the shelling stopped. After arriving at the station, there were only 2000 people left."


Zhu Huaibing was silent for a while.

He knew that the artillery fire of the Eighth Route Army was very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

Based on the officer's description, the artillery fire density of the Eighth Route Army was about a hundred rounds per minute, and they were all powerful artillery of the 75-mountain cannon level, which lasted for nearly two hours.

With such a density of artillery fire, even if the devils came, they would have to retreat.

In the face of such a dense artillery attack, 2000 people can still come back...
He suddenly felt quite satisfied...
of course,

Zhu Huaibing knew very well that it wasn't that 3000 people were wiped out, most of them were scared out of their nerve by the shelling, and got separated and fled in the chaotic retreat.

And among the 2000 people who came back, most of them were scared out of their wits.

"Commander, we..."

subordinate asked.

"Stay where you are first, stay away from Baishui County."

Zhu Huaibing sighed.

Although the terrain around Baishui County is not considered a plain, as the edge of the Jinzhong Basin, it is still flat and open. The mountains are generally low and flat, and there are no dangerous natural fortifications.

There are only two slightly higher mountains around the county seat, but these are also occupied by the Eighth Route Army.

To attack such a county,
It's hard.

The defenders are condescending and have a wide range of fire, so they can easily display their firepower, while the attackers need to cross a flat area that is several kilometers wide and lacks solid bunkers.

The dense forest can block the view,

Field ridges, slopes, and villages can block bullets,
But I can't stop the shells falling from the sky...

This is also the reason why he ordered the troops to build a forward position three kilometers away from the county seat. He did not expect that the enemy's artillery fire was so fierce.

No wonder the little devils lost so badly.

He only has a few old-fashioned mountain cannons in his hand, and he is afraid that they will be wiped out by the enemy as soon as they are fired.

After his subordinates left, Zhu Huaibing immediately walked quickly to the headquarters and reported the situation.

"They should be bluffing."

The high-ranking commander in charge of commanding the attack on Baishui County remained confident in his tone:

"Continue to attack and consume their shells."

"Two wings attack at the same time."

The next day, Zhu Huai's military department and another department, each with 5000 people, attacked from the left and right wings at the same time.

But what greeted them was still composed of fifty long-range mortars on each side, firing at a rate of three hundred rounds per minute.

The condescending field of vision and the wide shooting range allow the gunner to spot the enemy by himself, without the need for an artillery observation post, he can see the landing point clearly by himself, and then adjust the pitching angle.

The shells are always accurately landed in the offensive formation.

Before the attack started, it was interrupted by overwhelming shells.

Especially Zhu Huai's army on the left. Under Ding Wei's order, six 105 howitzers also joined the battle. This kind of artillery with greater power and longer range escorted Zhu Huai's army to retreat for a long time.

As a result, he had to retreat to the station.


In this battle, they were still beaten back to their positions by more than 1 shells without even seeing the shadow of the enemy.

The shelling on the right side stopped, and his side was still being bombed. The blatantly different treatment made Zhu Huaibing feel that something was wrong.

After the war, he investigated and found that,
Sure enough, something was wrong.

The attacking force on the right also had 5000 people, and its casualties were much less than his, only less than one-sixth of his. After detailed investigation, it was found that most of the shells on the right were near the attacking force, and few fell in the middle. , so there were very few casualties, and the shelling stopped after the retreat.

And the left side of his attack...

The artillery shells continued to fall in the middle of the attacking team, and even the more powerful howitzers extended to his army garrison, causing him to retreat further.

"This trick again..."

Zhu Huaibing wanted to scold his mother.

Last year, under the order of the chairman, the three of them attacked the base area at the same time,
The other side also uses this trick.

The other two ministries sent a small number of troops to stop them, but on his side, they concentrated their forces and directly defeated more than 1 of his troops.

Come again this time!

Can you change someone?

But lack of strength, he can only be incompetent and furious.

What happened to Zhu Huaibing was ridiculed and gloated by others.

Everyone is happy to see it happen.

After all, with a target, fewer shells would fall on their heads.

"Keep attacking."

"They're definitely bluffing."

The general commander in charge of this operation sounded like a red-eyed gambler.

The higher the level, the less retreat there is.

Once the preserved fruit completely collapses, they will definitely be liquidated, and the only option is to flee abroad.

Going abroad, although with years of accumulation, there will be no shortage of money and goods, and even a wealthy party, but the power in his hands will disappear and disappear, and there will be no chance of rising.

It is even possible to fall prey to others.

They are unwilling to flee abroad unless it is absolutely necessary.

On the third day, the offensive continued.

On the left is still Zhu Huai's military department.

Originally, this person refused to attack because the loss was too great. Two attacks, no, to be precise, one time, the first time was not counted, he was just digging a position.

He lost more than [-] troops, and one-third of the troops were gone.

But the supreme commander of the Baishui County campaign also knew that this was a target, suitable for attracting firepower, so he added [-] reserve soldiers.

On the right, a new unit has been replaced.

Some of those who could participate in this attack were guys who had no possibility of compromise with the troops. These people all expected that the defenders in Baishui County were just bluffing in the first two days.

Dan Dingwei proved with more intense artillery fire,
Their extravagant hopes are just extravagant hopes.

On the right side, there is still a rain of bullets composed of fifty 82 mortars. More than 5000 shells were used to gently push the attacking troops back. There was a lot of movement throughout the process, but the casualties were very small.

On the left side, which is the direction of Zhu Huaibing's attack, Ding Wei directly doubled for Super.

120 82 long-range mortars, six 105 howitzers, with 750 shells per minute, a total of more than [-] shells, drove the conflict expert back to the station eight kilometers away.

Casualty figures were even greater than on the first day.

Of the more than 5000 people who attacked, only about a thousand people came back.

Of course, most of them were bombed and ran away directly.

After the war, in the headquarters of Xi'an, Zhu Huai's military department was brutal, and the terrifying power of 750 shells per minute made everyone fall into silence.

Facts have proved that the Eighth Route Army has more shells than they thought.

"Attack at night."

"They are understrength."

The Supreme Commander gritted his teeth, his eyes were red,

that night,

Undeterred fruit, he mobilized elite troops to launch a night attack.

Zhu Huaibing took the initiative to ask to participate this time, and he was ashamed with his own blood.

But during World War II, active infrared night vision equipment has been equipped on a small scale in the army. Will the system master provide this?

It can only be more advanced.

Relying on high-power active infrared lights and infrared telescopes, the night attacking troops can be easily spotted from a few kilometers away. Then, the flares are lifted into the air and the shelling begins.

Because of the close combat distance, 60 mortars also joined the battle.

Even though it was dark, the preserved fruit troops approached the two highlands within two kilometers.

After all, infrared headlights are similar to a large searchlight, and there will definitely be blind spots in the field of vision, not to mention that a special infrared telescope is needed to see the light, and the field of vision is severely limited.

But it doesn't matter, after discovering the enemy, first open the way with flares, and then suppress them with mortars.

The flat terrain and wide field of vision also somewhat make up for these shortcomings.

It really doesn't work, 150 artillery salvos, just cover a large area and it's over.

Just like during the day, the intensive artillery fire still blocked the night attacking troops.

that night,

The firepower of Zhu Huaibing's attack on the left side was still fierce, far exceeding that on the right side.

"Continue to launch the night attack"

The commander's tone was hysterical.


This person is suffering from the disease of the head of state, but he does not have the strength of the head of state, let alone the life of the head of state!

Unsurprisingly, whether it is a storm attack during the day, a night attack, or a small group of flanking troops interspersed with infiltration, facing the defenders with night vision goggles, superior firepower, and platoon-level communications,
The attacking troops seldom even touched the infantry positions. Most of them attacked Potts and were directly suppressed by the artillery fire.

In the world, the pure infantry units that can attack under artillery fire,
Although very few,

but not no,
However, it does not include the preserved fruit troops attacking Baishui County at this time.

Even if, at night, the accuracy of shelling becomes lower,
But the continuous falling shells, for the infantry charging on foot, is an uncontrollable psychological pressure that will continue to pile up.

Especially at night, when illuminated by flares,
Crash is only a matter of time.

(End of this chapter)

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