Chapter 247 Shelling!

"Aren't you going to give up?"

Leaving the headquarters, recalling the commander's eyes before, Li Ming frowned.

he feels,
My own commander is like a gambler now.

A gambler who begs everything.

"Taking Baishui County is very easy!"

At noon the next day, in Xi'an, Zhu Huaibing came to the command room for the attack on Baishui County.

The sand table on a general's table is full of confidence:
"According to information."

"The Eighth Route Army stationed in Baishui County has only three regiments, about 1 people. Two of the regiments were formed at the beginning of this year and have not even participated in the Jinzhong Basin battle."

"There is also a logistics transportation force of 2000 people."

"There are no troops around that can be reinforced in time."

Things work both ways.

After absorbing the troops of Guo Kui, it is easy for Guo Kui to lurk spies. In addition, Ding Wei did not block the news, so it is not difficult for Zhu Huaibing and his group to figure out the garrison in Baishui County.

The enemy has only 1 troops, mostly inexperienced troops.

And without reinforcements!

Zhu Huaibing, who originally decided to fight to the death, gained a lot of confidence again.

This time they had 12 troops.

The ratio of troops is ten to one.

The advantage is mine!

And it is an absolute advantage.

"They have sufficient logistical supplies."

"But whether it is the Jinzhong Basin or the border area, the only way to Baishui County is a one-lane mountainous soil road, with limited transportation capacity, and they can't bring much supplies."

"The surveillance team I arranged did not see any large-scale transport of troops,"

"However, the city walls of Baishui County are well fortified and not suitable for storming."

The general's tone was still full of confidence:

After a pause, he stated his battle plan:

"Our first priority is to win the two commanding heights around Baishui County."

"The two commanding heights are located within three miles around the county seat, and are distributed on the east and west sides of the county seat. As long as artillery is deployed here, the county seat of Baishui County can be completely covered."

"Once you win here, you can easily capture the county seat."

"They are also aware of this situation, so recently, they rushed to repair the road leading from the county seat to the two commanding heights, and built fortifications at the two commanding heights."

"However, military strength is their biggest disadvantage."

"We can break through from this point."

"First send a group of heavy troops to pretend to attack the high ground on one side. When the enemy's reinforcements are reinforced, they will attack the west. Send another group of heavy troops to attack the high ground on the opposite side. At the same time, send troops to attack the county town so that they can't take care of it."


"Even if the attack fails, we can still launch a night attack at night."

"At night, the enemy's superior firepower will be weakened, and our military advantage will be further amplified."

At this point in the meeting, although there has not been any discussion, everyone present is excited.

They seem to see victory!
"The commander is brilliant!"

Including Zhu Huaibing, a group of people shouted in unison.

"We need a vanguard to attack the high ground on the left, who will take the initiative to sign up?"

At the end of the meeting, the high-ranking commander suddenly said.


After the words fell, everyone present almost bowed their heads in unison.

Although it is impossible for the enemy to carry a large number of weapons and ammunition, they will not encounter the ferocious shell rain experienced by the devils during the battle in the Jinzhong Basin.

But the equipment gap lies here.

The enemy's artillery is equipped with a large number of guns with advanced performance. In addition to various light weapons and large-caliber heavy machine guns, the overall firepower may be almost the same as that of their troops ten times.

If you become the first bird, I am afraid that you will die miserably.

"I come!"

Zhu Huaibing gritted his teeth and stood up.

He failed once last year, but now he has lost his power seriously. He only has more than 1 remnants and defeated generals in his hands. Only by performing his best can he rise again.

When Baishui County is taken down, there will definitely be a big reshuffle here.
This is his chance.

"it is good!"

The commander was overjoyed.


That night, Ding Wei was arranging positions and distributing deployments.

In Baishui County, his total force is 1.

Because it is necessary to deploy 350 82 mortars, taking into account the physical exertion of high-intensity shelling, each artillery must be equipped with at least seven artillery crew members, plus communication command coordination supplements, etc...

That is, 3000 people are needed.

Thanks to the mission of the 57th regiment stationed in the border area, a large number of troops were dispatched to the independent regiment to participate in the one-month mortar gunner training, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to spare so many artillery crews.

36 105 howitzers also require about 500 people to serve.

He asked Li Yunlong for these artillery groups.

Nearly 45 cannons, if fired at full speed, consume about [-] tons of shells per minute, then consume as many as [-] tons of shells per hour.

Even with shelling at a conventional speed, the consumption of shells per hour is as high as [-] tons.

Although there are jeeps with trailers, the logistics transport team of 2000 people cannot be less.

This left him with only 500 troops.


Of the 500 troops, he has to draw 2000 people as a reserve team, which is equipped with 24 120 heavy mortars and fifty armored jeeps in case of emergency.

No matter when, the reserve team cannot be less.

After all, there are a total of 12 mobs outside the city.


There were only 500 infantry for him to deploy on the front line.

"no problem."

But Ding Wei is still full of confidence.

You know, this time, without counting the reserve team, there are nearly [-] artillery pieces supporting it.

The surrounding area of ​​Baishui County is flat and open, with only a few small hills tens of meters high, and the only two commanding heights are occupied by him.

It is an excellent battlefield for displaying artillery firepower.

Under the condescending shooting range, coupled with the lack of experience of the Guoku troops in facing fierce artillery fire, even if the 105 howitzer is not used, relying on the 82 mortar with a range of more than 5 kilometers, it is absolutely safe during the day.

As for the evening...
Night does reduce the firepower advantage, and the enemy will certainly attack at night.

But things are not that simple.

"Where is Zhu Huaibing?"

Ding Wei asked the head of the 57th regiment who walked in.

"Left position!"

"Is it on the left?"

Ding Wei looked at the left position on the sand table and flashed sharply.

On the third day

Eight in the morning.

"Build a position!"

Under the command of Zhu Huaibing, more than 5000 troops began to go deep into the left side of Baishui County, occupying a group of small hills and surrounding villages, and relying on the construction of positions and underground command posts.

According to the predetermined battle plan,

After the position is established, they will rely on the position and advance slowly, putting pressure on the commanding heights on the north side, forcing the Eighth Route Army to reinforce.

nine o'clock sharp,
boom boom boom

Five rounds of 82 grenades landed on the position that had just been excavated, and five fireballs of gunpowder rose up.

The 82 mortar grenade weighs 4.5 kilograms, which is lighter than the 75 mountain cannon, but thanks to the large charge of the mortar and high-energy explosives, it is more powerful than the 75 mountain cannon for the preserved fruit.

The explosive power is equivalent to 25 Gong grenades.

It is far more than twice as powerful as the 82 mortars used by the preserved fruit itself.

For the poor Zhu Huaibing who only has a few old-fashioned mountain artillery pieces, some 82, 60 mortars for his own use, and few shells, it can be described as a real power.


Even though there were only five shells, the troops of thousands of people suddenly panicked with the terrified shouts one after another, and some even ran back.

Just a few shells revealed the nature of the mob.

Since last year's disastrous defeat, most of Zhu Huai's troops gathered were a group of remnants and defeated generals, and among the 29 regiments, those who remained were not good ones.


Of course, although only five shells caused a small amount of panic in a large area, the officers quickly controlled the situation and directed the soldiers to continue digging their positions.

Although it is a mob, some of them have also undergone systematic military training.

There is an essential difference from stragglers.

At [-]:[-], the second round of shells arrived.

This time it was fifty.

A single explosion was just as violent, but dozens of times more numerous. .

Fifty shells exploded almost simultaneously,
The size and movement of the five rounds of shells were much larger than the previous round. Everyone felt the vibration of the ground and heard a violent explosion sounding like it was ringing in their ears.

In this round of shelling, there were still deaths.

The position fell into panic again.

Before the hoes for digging the position were swung down, the soldiers were looking for hidden bunkers.

The officers all showed panic.

In the preserved fruit army, at least some of those who can serve as officers have certain real materials.

They lost count of how many explosions there were.

But there are dozens of times.

The powerful, uniform, and large number of explosions are not just a single shelling, but also dozens of enemy artillery.

Everyone including Zhu Huaibing felt bad.

The enemy has so many powerful artillery pieces?

"They shouldn't have many shells!"

Gritting his teeth, Zhu Huaibing's confidant gave the order to continue digging.

Fortunately, after a full 10 minutes, there were still no shells falling, and the soldiers on the position were relieved. Under the urging of the officer, they began to build a position, but the soldiers were afraid that the shells would fall again, resulting in extremely low efficiency.

09: 30,
Just when the efficiency was just restored, the shells fell again, and the explosion suddenly sounded again...

"Don't be afraid, they don't have many shells, and they will stop soon."

The officers shouted from the field:
"The commander said, as long as Baishui County is conquered, everyone will be paid ten yuan!"

The officers tried to boost morale with the ocean,

But the voice was covered by continuous explosions,
boom boom boom

This time, the explosion did not stop,

One after another, the shells continued to fall on the forward positions that Zhu Huai's army had just occupied, before they had time to build anti-gun holes and other fortifications.

Everyone felt that something was wrong and got down one after another. Even the officer who was urging the digging of the trench to find a place to get down instead of urging.

But the shells kept falling,

On the commanding heights three kilometers away, fifty mortars were lined up neatly, each firing four rounds per second at a sustained rate of fire, and shooting shells at Zhu Huai's military position.

If it is said that the cannon is the soul of the army,
Then, the continuous falling shells are the sound of soul-stirring,
Bit by bit, destroy the will of the enemy.

With the increasing casualties and more and more bomb craters, after just ten minutes, Zhu Huai's military department finally couldn't hold on, and both soldiers and officers collapsed and fled separately.

But under artillery fire, retreating is not an easy task.

 Backfired. . .

(End of this chapter)

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