My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 273 The divine wind begins!

Chapter 273 The divine wind begins!

"The Empire of Japan is not America, it is not Germany, it is not the Republic of China."

"We have insufficient resources, insufficient industrial capacity and insufficient technology."

"It is impossible for us to organize intensive firepower on the battlefield, implement short- and long-range artillery coverage, implement saturated artillery support, and carry out carpet bombing."

"Our operations require efficiency."

In the United Fleet Conference Room in Tokyo, Onishi Takijiro, who had just returned from an inspection tour of the Republic of China, spoke with an ups and downs tone.

Last year, in [-], Takijiro Onishi, then commander of the Second United Air Force, commanded a major bombing campaign against Yamashiro.

Under his command, in three months, the navy dispatched a total of 230 aircraft sorties and the army dispatched [-] aircraft sorties, dropping a total of [-] tons of bombs on the mountain city.

It caused great damage and panic to the mountain city, and even caused a series of ground troops to surrender, and effectively supported the infiltration work of the intelligence agency.

It was precisely because of the success of this bombing that he was transferred to the mainland and became the chief of staff of the Navy's No. 11 Air Fleet.

Even the rank of lieutenant general is not far away.

After a few more years of experience, the rank of lieutenant general will be certain.

"Is it?"

"Is the empire so bad?"

Some navy veterans did not believe it.

Onishi Takijiro looked over and found that the person who asked the question was a lieutenant general, and he was a lieutenant general who had served in the navy in the last century and was almost retired. He immediately understood.

Since the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese Empire has developed for nearly a hundred years.

Tens of millions of citizens worked diligently, and millions of imperial warriors shed blood on the battlefield. The purpose was to make the empire catch up with the British and American powers.

Now, he claims that the empire is far inferior to the great powers such as Britain and the United States. It is estimated that this person has difficulty accepting it in his heart.

But unfortunately,

The truth is crueler than what he said.

"You all know that."

Onishi Takijiro continued, raising his tone:

"Not long ago, I went to the Republic of China and inspected the fighting that took place in the North China region of the Republic of China a month ago."

"In that battle, including the First Army of the North China Front, the empire crushed 2 locust troops, and more than 10 imperial troops were injured. The total casualties were as high as [-]."

"This is the greatest failure in the history of the empire."

"You know that too."

"In this battle, the enemy used a variety of advanced weapons."

"Large-caliber artillery with a range of more than 25 kilometers, tanks that can block all the empire's anti-aircraft guns, tanks that can drive to commanding heights, and aircraft that can shoot accurately at night."

The disastrous defeat in North China, although the Japanese lost nearly [-] troops, was not without gains.

Not only is it more convenient commercially, ship after ship of materials are transported to the mainland and into the factory, but also some of the capabilities of the 130 long-range cannon, No. 72 tank, and aerial gunships are clearly understood.

"But do you know?"

Having said this, Onishi Takijiro raised his tone again:
"In this battle, under the light of these advanced weapons, the enemy's conventional air power cannot be underestimated, and it is even more terrifying."

"last year··"

Speaking of this, Onishi Takijiro's tone became solemn:
"During the ninety-day bombing of the mountain city under my command, the empire dispatched more than 800 aircraft sorties, including more than 400 bombers, dropping nearly [-] tons of bombs."

40 years, the most difficult years.

It can almost be said that there is no one.

External aid was weak at this time.

Millikin did not participate in the war, and the British made concessions to the Japanese at every turn, imposing blockade restrictions. After the Soviet-Japanese Friendship Treaty, aid from the north almost stopped.

The air force of Preserved Fruit is almost in name only due to consumption, and there is no replenishment. It even has no parts and fuel, so it is almost unable to resist. The ground air defense is also in name only, so the Japanese escort force is almost non-existent, all are bombers.


"What I discovered during my inspection in North China."

"In just three days of fighting."

"That group of people dispatched about [-] aircraft."

Hearing this, the group of navy bosses who were doing this all took a breath of air.

Three days, two thousand sorties.

Nearly [-] sorties are dispatched every day.

This number, even for the combined fleet, is a very large dispatch.

If we rely solely on the fleet, it will take a long time to prepare.

Current aircraft performance is poor, and mechanical performance problems occur frequently, especially those produced by Japanese aircraft. Aircraft refueling, inspection, and maintenance all take a long time, and it is difficult to guarantee the dispatch capacity.

Alternatively, it can be easily accomplished by using shore-based aviation.

But as far as they know...

"And the enemy only has about two hundred pilots..."

"Also, there is a severe shortage of support staff."

In the conference room, several Japanese naval aviation experts fell into silence, especially Commander Yamamoto 56, who was extremely dignified, while others were talking a lot.Yamamoto 56 has studied the battles in North China.

He knew that the guerrilla airport was actually very close to the battlefield, so it could take off and land repeatedly in a short period of time.

We also know that the guerrillas have smooth communications and the frontline can directly contact the aircraft and locate the targets that need to be bombed as soon as possible.

But the problem is,

Mounting the aircraft, refueling, taking off, searching for mission targets, dropping bombs, landing, and then mounting again... are all very time-consuming, especially inspection, refueling, and mounting after bombing.

Often it takes several hours.

Moreover, repeated flight missions consume a lot of physical energy of the pilots.

How did the guerrillas do it?

The facts are in front of him, so Yamamoto 56 cannot help but not believe it, but what he doesn't understand is, how did the guerrillas do it?

He looked at Onishi Takijiro with curious eyes.

One of the purposes of Onishi Takijiro's previous trip to the Republic of China was to study the causes of this problem.


Thinking of what Onishi Takijiro just said, he was not talking about two hundred planes, but two hundred pilots, Yamamoto 56 suddenly frowned.

Combining various reports from Tuba Road Fuyu as before, he thought of a possibility.

The worst possibility for the Locust Army.

"You must be wondering why the guerrillas, with only [-] pilots and a serious shortage of logistics personnel, were able to dispatch [-] aircraft sorties in three days, right?"

"After calculation, on average, each pilot flies ten sorties in three days?"

"The empire concentrated several aviation wings and carried out a large-scale bombing of the mountain city. It lasted for three months and was only of this scale."

Onishi Takijiro changed the topic very badly:
"Before I answer this question, I have something to tell you."

"The guerrillas dispatched [-] aircraft and dropped a total of nearly [-] tons of bombs."

There was an uproar again in the conference room.

Six thousand tons of aerial bombs... These are several equivalents. With the capabilities of the combined fleet, even with a few main battleships, a large wave is only about this level of bombing.

The Japanese lieutenant general who was unwilling to say that the empire was so bad was silent for a long, long time.

This means that the enemy's aircraft can carry three tons at a time.
Many more than the Empire's most powerful bombers.

"The reason they were able to carry out 200 sorties in three days with only 200 pilots and a severe shortage of logistics personnel was because although they only had [-] pilots, they prepared a thousand aircraft."

"As for the shortage of logistics personnel, it is because they have specially designed semi-automatic ammunition loading trucks, fuel filling trucks, and maintenance vehicles, which greatly reduces the workload of the logistics personnel."

"It takes the Empire two hours to overhaul an aircraft and add fuel and ammunition. They only need half an hour."

"in addition··"

"Xi'an Flight School has established seven aviation classes, including 700 reserve pilots and more than 300 support staff."

"And the scale is still expanding."

"By the way, according to the information from Tigako, after completing the basic training course, students at this flight school must conduct a minimum of fifty hours of real-machine flight training every week, including live-fire training."

"The aircraft used in training are the same models they use on the battlefield."

"At Xi'an Flight School, there is also a fighter jet with a speed of [-] kilometers per hour."

As the news came down one by one, there was silence in the conference room.

As the navy, they are far richer than the army, but new pilots only have about five to ten hours of training per week, and they use old trainer aircraft.

Only after you are fully qualified will you be exposed to combat aircraft.

Because actual aircraft training not only consumes precious aviation fuel, but also consumes the life of the aircraft. Moreover, some of the trainee pilots will eventually be eliminated.

Not everyone can be a pilot.

At this moment, all the Japanese soldiers felt deeply... poverty!
I also understand,

Why did not one of the more than 5 people in the First Army escape?

"Do you think that given the current situation of the empire, we can guarantee air supremacy in the future?"

Faced with Onishi Takijiro's inquiry, everyone bowed their heads and remained silent.

This is a question that requires little thought.

Not to mention supersonic jets, large aircraft that can shoot accurately at night, these ultra-advanced aircraft,
These propeller planes alone, as well as the rapidly expanding fleet of Republican pilots, were enough for the empire to be unable to cope with.

The gap is too big.

"In terms of scale, it is impossible for the empire to catch up."

"So, we need to improve our offensive efficiency."

Onishi Takijiro once again proposed his concept.

"How to improve?"

Yamamoto asked.


Onishi Takijiro word for word.

(End of this chapter)

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