My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 274 Barbarossa!

Chapter 274 Barbarossa!


It is now mid-41st year.

Tiger, Tiger, Tiger is still being planned, the main force of the combined fleet still exists, and the future is promising.

The devil is at his peak.

Although they have been beaten several times, many soldiers have been lost, several battleships have been sunk, and several Scuds have been lost on the mainland, they are still confident.

The future is full of strange hopes that come from unknown sources.

The people in power at the top may be worried, knowing that the empire is betting on a slim chance of survival, a glimmer of possibility.

But the middle and high-level officers, at that level, had a strange and indescribable hope for the empire.

As for the lower-level citizens, lower-level soldiers, and lower-level officers, they are still indulged in the dream of the higher-level establishment, thinking that the empire is making great progress abroad and that the common prosperity of Greater East Asia is about to come.

A lot of fanaticism.

At this time, Kamikaze has naturally not started planning yet.

"We can't make a weapon similar to the Scud."

Onishi Takijiro said.

Everyone in the navy nodded in unison.

It has supersonic speed and a range of more than two hundred kilometers. Its explosive power is comparable to that of a main battleship salvo, and it can accurately hit targets two hundred kilometers away, including the scuds of moving warships.

The empire really can't make it.

There is even no way to do it theoretically.

Rockets have a range of two hundred kilometers. This is theoretically possible, but it can hit the target accurately unless...


A group of naval generals looked at Onishi Takijiro. They vaguely knew what the kamikaze plan was, and fell silent for a while.

Those who came to attend the meeting ranged from major generals to senior generals.

This group of people are the direct beneficiaries of the Japanese class. Once the empire fails, their interests will be directly damaged, and their life safety will not be guaranteed.

Naturally, they don't care about the so-called rules and regulations, life and human rights. In their eyes, there is only victory.

Everything can be compromised for the sake of victory.

Onishi Takijiro continued:
"We don't have the technical capabilities to build a supersonic Scud."

"But everyone has seen the combat efficiency of the Scud. Just a few rounds can destroy one of the empire's most powerful battleships."

"This is an epoch-making weapon."

"A super weapon that can completely change the situation of the war."

"The Empire needs this weapon, especially the Combined Fleet."

"In the future, our enemy will not only be the other side, but also the United States."

"I believe you all should know clearly in your mind that if the United Fleet and the United States start a full-scale war, what are the chances of the Empire winning?"

A group of Japanese naval generals, including Yamamoto 56, continued to remain silent.

What are the chances of the empire winning against the American Navy?

I'm afraid not even half of it.

The gap in industrial capabilities and national strength between the two sides is too great.

America, not the old czar.

If the Empire builds one warship, the United States can build five. If the Empire builds one aircraft, the United States can build ten. This is something that no tactics, courage, or determination can make up for.

Moreover, the empire's technological level is worse than that of the United States.

No matter how you think about it, if a full-scale war really starts, there is no chance of winning.

"If we have a weapon similar to the Scud, we can destroy a capital ship more than 100 or even hundreds of kilometers away with one shot or several shots."


Onishi Takijiro did not continue.But all the Japanese admirals, including Yamamoto 56, were breathing a little heavier.

If the Combined Fleet really has a Scud-like weapon,
Then, after launching an attack on Pearl Harbor, destroying the main force of the American Pacific Fleet, occupying surrounding islands, and establishing a complete early warning mechanism, the empire can really force the United States to bow to the empire at the minimum cost.

"You are in charge."

At the end of the meeting, Onishi Takijiro was successfully appointed.


Onishi Takijiro lowered his head and responded.

The Japanese are working hard to govern, and the whole country is speeding up the production of new anti-tank artillery and honing anti-tank tactics.

Time slowly came to late June.

Something is wrong in this 41st year.

Because Mustache accidentally obtained some information,
At the beginning of the war, thousands of British Empire aircraft were destroyed at the airport. Later, hundreds of aviation and air defense-related factories were almost bombed into dust and smoke.

Not to mention the Lancaster, Spitfire, and even the Hurricane are severely undercapacity.

Anti-aircraft artillery can no longer meet the demand.

The rest that couldn't be bombed by planes were almost destroyed by the Gestapo.

Fatty Qiu was so bombed that he couldn't take care of himself.

The Sea Lion Project is about to be released...
German tanks were about to land on the British Isles. Fatty Qiu was so frightened that he pulled out all the expired mines made during the last European War and quickly spread them all over the English Channel.

When Big Beard saw this situation, Little Beard wanted to fight Fatty Qiu, and he suddenly felt happy.

Bearded heart is clear.

Don't look at the arrogance of Mustache now. Fatty Qiu was beaten to the point where he couldn't take care of himself. If they really landed and the ground war started, the situation would never be as one-sided as it is now.

The scale and strength of the British Empire's world's largest navy, as well as the existence of the English Channel, prevent the mustache's army's logistics supply from being smooth. Without excellent logistics supplies, the combat effectiveness of the tank unit will not be so easy to exert.

Huge losses can easily occur.

What happened in France cannot happen again in England.

In terms of strategic vision, a big beard is much better than a mustache.
He is very clear.

Once the Germans land, the Americans will definitely step up their intervention. By then, a steady stream of supplies will cross the Atlantic and reach the British mainland, and the war will inevitably be dragged into a stalemate.

By the time··

Every time he thought of this, Big Beard's heart felt hot.

Therefore, in order to encourage Mustache to continue the attack, he sent troops to the other side of the English Channel and fought with Mustache. Big Beard spared no effort and sent all kinds of supplies. Oil was sold to Mustache at low prices, truck after truckload.

But the bearded man is not a fool either.

He also knew very well that although the chance was very low, it was possible for Mustache to join forces and march eastward.

Therefore, he also deployed more than 500 million troops on the front line to deter the mustache from messing around.

After that, Big Beard sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, preparing to watch the deadly fight between the United States, Britain, and Germany, and reap the benefits for himself. During this period, he also took the time to pay attention to the situation in the Far East.

Although he was wary of rising forces in the Far East,

After all, there are only interests between countries.

But in Big Beard's mind, the situation in the Far East is far less important than in Europe.

Therefore, he only mobilized a part of the Far East Army to go to Europe. Firstly, to strengthen the defense on the western front. Secondly, after all, he signed a friendship treaty, which can be regarded as giving the Japanese an attitude, so that the little Japanese can safely and boldly deal with that mysterious man. Unknown forces.

This is also the reason why the number of troops stationed on the Western Front in Europe exceeds 500 million, which is hundreds of thousands more than what is stated in the data.

What the bearded man never expected was that,
June 41,
The sharp-edged mustache took action.

Including the servant army, more than 550 million troops crossed the boundaries stipulated in the Soviet-German Friendship Treaty and launched a massive offensive.

In just one week,
Millions of troops were annihilated and captured, and thousands of fighter jets parked neatly on the airfield were destroyed.

Shocked the world.

(End of this chapter)

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