Chapter 117 Emergency Missions

In the depths of the grassland, two figures in auspicious suits were crawling on the green hillside, and a few hundred meters away from them, about a battalion of tanks was parked there. The tanks were hidden by camouflage nets, and there was a team around Soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms and carrying Bayi bars are patrolling.

"Eagle's Nest, Eagle's Nest, no call at night, please answer if you hear it, over."

Jiang Bei, who was lying on the grass, put down his binoculars, took out the pen and paper he carried with him, and drew out the opponent's camp on the map. Then, facing the headset, he began to contact the headquarters.

"Eagle's Nest received."

"Found the hidden point of the enemy tank battalion, the location coordinates are XXX, request firepower, over."

After receiving the reply, Jiang Bei immediately reported the information detected by their sniper team.

"Eagle's Nest has received it. Army Aviation will arrive in 10 minutes. The firepower is about to cover the surrounding area. The sniper team evacuates immediately, over."

Yuan Lang's voice came from the headset, Jiang Bei smiled, said he received it, and patted Zhang Qiu, who was in charge of guard beside him.


The two immediately put away their observation equipment, and retreated quietly towards the back of Po.

Ten minutes later, six or seven armed helicopters roared in. Before the tank battalion could react and organize air defense preparations, the firepower of the ground attack came across the surface, and one battalion was reimbursed.

Jiang Bei and the two retreated to the distance, looking at the smoky tank battalion, Zhang Qiu shook his head and said: "Another tank battalion has been reimbursed, and there is no way to fight back."

"Cluster combat is outdated. There is no air supremacy, nor information suppression. You can only be beaten passively."

Jiang Bei agreed, saying that he knew that there were still many old officers in the army who advocated group charge, but with more and more high-tech, who would play tank battles with you?

As long as air supremacy and information rights are mastered, tanks will not work well at all. After all, when there is air superiority, who will dispatch ground troops, even if they appear, they will be small troops mainly for reconnaissance.

Once the tanks are dispatched, once they are exposed, they will face destruction.

Of course, the premise of these is that urban warfare will not be carried out. After all, urban warfare must consider whether or not to use cities.

Since the skydiving training ended, Squad A began to participate in various exercises. Most of them were the old A as the professional blue army, giving lessons to brother troops. No, today another heavy squad was taught.

Before they died, they didn't even know how the enemy found them.

"Let's go, go back to the agreed place and gather."

Jiang Bei said to Zhang Qiu.

After the fire attack, even if the enemy still has residual forces, it is not Jiangbei's turn to clean them up. Squad A is a special force. During the exercise, they are responsible for beheading, and reconnaissance and guidance. Before the enemy's organic units are eliminated, it is not their turn. They do this.

Two hours later, in a coniferous forest, Jiangbei and the two walked to the place they had agreed upon, while guarding each other.


Jiang Bei hid under a tree and uttered the sound of birds, and saw three people hiding in the forest stand up, it was Wu Liuyi, Qi Huan, and Han Cheng.

"How about it, if you don't accept you two at night, who did you mess up?"

Qi Huan asked Jiangbei with a greasy face.

"It's okay, we have set up a tank battalion, how about you?" Jiang Bei asked back after clarifying the situation of the two of them.

"I found the other party's oil depot and made a wave."

Qi Huan shook his head and said, the three of them were a bit unlucky, the team searched for the enemy target in four directions, and finally found the oil depot.

"Wu Zhe and the others haven't come back yet?"

Zhang Qiu glanced at his watch, seeing that the agreed time was almost up, he asked worriedly.

"It should be here, let me ask." Qi Huan shook his head.

He turned on the communicator, and just as he was about to call Wu Zhe, he heard Wu Zhe's voice in the headset: "Call the kitchen knife, call the kitchen knife, we are being chased by a platoon, help us quickly."

Before they could finish speaking, several people in Jiangbei heard the August [-] bar and [-] gunshots coming from outside the forest.

The faces of the five people changed, and they quickly chased in the direction of the gunfire.

After not running far, I saw Wu Zhe and several people shooting alternately. Opposite them, there was a member of the reinforced platoon who was shooting at them.

Jiang Bei quickly found a high ground, set up the [-] sniper, and looked through the binoculars, and saw that Xu Sanduo jumped into the ditch under the firepower of a second lieutenant and several soldiers on the opposite side.

Seeing that there was no white smoke coming up, the second lieutenant knew that he hadn't hit the opponent, so he signaled to the soldiers around him, telling them to take a detour to cover Xu Sanduo's back.

Jiang Bei fired a shot, hit the second lieutenant, and quickly changed positions. Qi Huan and the others followed suit and shot at the other chasers.

White smoke rose from the chasing soldiers, and a squad was reimbursed in an instant.

The second lieutenant froze for a moment, looked at the white smoke rising from his body, and sat powerlessly on the ground.

Seeing that his own people were suppressing the opponent, Xu Sanduo glanced around, sat up, and quickly shot at the daredevils who surrounded him. One of the daredevils was eliminated, and the rest were forced to go back.

Jiang Bei then fired two more shots, hitting two guys with exposed heads.

Seeing that the momentum was not right, the other party stood up and called for everyone to retreat.

It's a pity that the Jiangbei people didn't let them go. Seeing that the enemy was about to retreat, the gunshots in the jungle echoed without hesitation.

Wu Zhe and the others who had just been suppressed, with the support of Jiangbei Qiheng and the other five, methodically pursued each other back.

Amid the crisp bursts of shooting, the people exposed to the edge of the jungle fell down one by one. Even those who ran fast were called by Jiang Bei who was hiding behind.

"Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw immediately."

Seeing that the pursuit was almost over, Qi Huan immediately stopped several people and shouted to evacuate the place.



Team A, running wildly all the way, came to the opposite mountain forest, holding on to the trees, panting heavily.

"What's the situation, why are you being chased like this, what did you do?"

Jiang Bei looked around his eyes and after confirming that there was no danger, he looked at Wu Zhe and the others and asked.

"My fault, I planned to go to their water source to insert a poison sign, and then saw the company commander of the other party, thinking about doing something, but was discovered by the other party's secret sentry, and then Sanduo and I were chased. I met a few of them on the road, and everyone was unlucky together."

Wu Zhe took a deep breath and said with a smile.

"Where's their company commander?" Qi Huan said.

"It was shot by me."

"No wonder, if you were in our company, if you eliminated our company commander, you would be chased back no matter what." Wu Liuyi said.

The exercise ended quickly, and Team A came out of the forest.

While they were sitting on the side of the road waiting for Yuan Lang to pick them up, the convoy of chariots from Hongfang roared past on the grassland, and the young soldiers on the armored vehicles looked curiously at this group of people they had never seen before. The special soldier's eyes were mixed with displeasure, but also with a hint of envy.

Because they already knew that during this period of time, the blue army that eliminated them was these people in strange costumes. Because of their exercise, before they knew the situation, they were notified by the director department that their company had been eliminated by the establishment.

Yuan Lang came very quickly, so fast that they hadn't had enough rest, the helicopter landed not far from them.

Wearing a pair of sunglasses, Yuan Lang jumped off the plane handsomely and came to them.

"I heard that you killed a reinforced platoon and retreated unscathed?"

The crowd nodded.

Qi Huan pointed at Xu Sanduo: "This guy broke out today and killed eight people."

Xu Sanduo shook his head, and said with an honest man's pride: "That's because I was chased all the way, Ye Buhui just participated in the back, and I killed six people."

Wu Zhe rolled his eyes at him: "It's over, if you can't do it, then I can't do it with you, as if I wasn't the first to be chased."

Yuan Lang patted Xu Sanduo on the shoulder: "Don't look at the rehearsal, you are all very fierce, if you play for real, maybe you pumpkins who have never seen blood will be killed by a murderer instead gone."

Xu Sanduo didn't move, Han Cheng, Wu Liuyi, Li Yu and the others kept refusing to believe it.

"If you don't believe it, ask Hoe to see what he went through when he killed the first person. Believe it or not, he was stunned at the time. Of course, don't ask if you don't accept it at night. This guy has done several things the first time. God of killing is alive."

Seeing that they didn't believe it, Yuan Lang pointed to Wu Zhe and said.

Wu Zhe nodded and said, "After I fired the first shot, my mind went blank when I saw someone fall down. If it weren't for the help of a few veterans, I might not be able to react."

A few blank papers nodded with a smile. Wu Zhe and the others knew about it. On the second day after they came back, they heard that they had a nightmare.

Seeing several people nodding, Yuan Lang was about to continue talking when a pilot stepped out of the helicopter and shouted to Yuan Lang, "The base is urgently on call, there is an urgent mission."

Everyone looked at each other, immediately put away their equipment, boarded the helicopter, and left the grassland.

Back at the base, before everyone could have a meal, they hurriedly changed their equipment and set off.

Team A rushed to the border that night.

At the local level, Yuan Lang got a specific task, which was another anti-drug operation.

An armed caravan with a full set of American equipment wants to cross the border with powerful firepower. Compared with the M4 carbines and grenade launchers in their hands, the submachine guns of the armed police are really overwhelmed, which is basically the level of old American equipment.

So this battle is still in charge of old a.

After confirming the information, Xu Sanduo has been looking at the expressions of Qi Huan and Yuan Lang, seeing Qi Huan and Yuan Lang like thorns on their backs.

"Why do you keep watching me? Do you think I'm lying to you again? Xu Sanduo, this time is not a drill."

Yuan Lang said unhappily.

Xu Sanduo looked at Yuan Lang's face and thought about it for a long time, but he still didn't believe Yuan Lang's words. In his heart, Yuan Lang's reputation had long been lost.

"It's over, can you see if there are live ammunition in the magazine?"

Wu Zhe threw the magazine to Xu Sanduo, motioning him to confirm it himself.

Xu Sanduo picked up the magazine and took out a bullet. After seeing the same thing, he began to believe that this was a real battle.

Seeing Xu Sanduo like this, Jiang Bei couldn't help but feel a little worried when he thought of what would happen to him in the plot. He filmed the butterfly effect, which caused Xu Sanduo to have an accident on the battlefield.

But he thought about it, and reminded himself that when the time comes, he must pay attention to Xu Sanduo, just in case, he is his comrade in arms after all, and he is living and dying with him now.

The forest this time is the densest forest Jiangbei has encountered. Only at a very close distance can it be possible to see those lurkers who are completely covered by leaves and shrubs. He is very fortunate that Yuan Lang has experience and let him lead Come over with a ninety-five.

If he only had a sniper rifle, he couldn't use it at all here. This time it was different from the previous battle. Although the forest was dense, it was not as serious as here.

Birds were chirping all around, apparently the morning bird hadn't noticed the small group of people who had been waiting in the jungle for fourteen hours.

Jiang Bei was a little bored now, and he had waited too long. He slowly held down a bug that was biting his face, and then crushed the bug to death, leaving a ball of blood on his thumb.

This is a gadfly, that is, a gadfly. Children in rural areas should know it. They often suck blood from cows and like humid places. This forest is simply the place where it thrives.

No, I shot one, and then another one.

(End of this chapter)

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