Chapter 118 Wu Liuyi Injured
This sultry and humid night was over, and Jiang Bei held the [-]-style and looked around.

Not far from him, Yuan Lang crawled forward, checking the situation of each post.

"Jiangbei, is there anything wrong with your post?" Yuan Lang came to Jiangbei and asked.

"Nothing unusual so far," Jiang Bei said softly.

"Okay, continue to observe, and report immediately if there is any situation."

Yuan Lang patted Jiang Bei on the shoulder, then moved towards Xu Sanduo.

"Attention, the target is found at point F, and it is expected to cross the 10 national boundary pillar in 2471 minutes."

In the headset, Qi Huan's voice sounded, and Jiang Bei became alert and concentrated.

In the jungle far away, a few ominous figures loomed from the border.

From the scope, Jiang Bei could see the dew-wetted horse ridges and the weapons they carried: gleaming ammunition chains, grenades as thick as teacups, and even a recoilless rocket launcher.

"Attention all teams, the enemy has heavy firepower, and before the opponent gives up resistance, try to kill them." Yuan Lang said with a binoculars.

The outposts quickly confirmed the request and began to aim at the incoming enemy.

Wu Zhe adjusted the assault rifle carefully, and whispered to Qi Huan next to him: "What's wrong with the country next door? Can you buy machine guns at the cigarette stand? Howitzers are in the supermarket? It's fine to have an automatic rifle last time. This time, even the guns were brought in."

Qi Huan looked at Wu Zhe calmly, ignored his question, and made a gesture of ready to attack.

Every cross ring in the scope has been aligned with the forehead of a caravan drug dealer.

The caravan of drug dealers finally crossed the border.

Entering the border, the drug dealers themselves became nervous. They clenched the weapons they thought they were holding and opened the guns involuntarily.

"Point A handles the tail, point C focuses on firepower, point D and point E flank, point F is responsible for sealing and action."

Seeing drug dealers entering the border, Yuan Lang immediately issued an order.

"A point understands, over"

Point A Jiangbei received the order, quickly gave Zhang Qiu and the others a gesture to follow, took out a pistol, installed a silencer, and quietly touched the flank of the horse team.

He was on guard against a drug dealer in the rear, but he didn't notice that the three of Jiangbei had already touched him and followed the team with an assault rifle in his hand.

Jiang Bei picked up a pistol with a silencer, aimed it at him, and shot it out. The drug dealer was hit to the point. In an instant, the other two did the same.

The three people behind the horse team were reimbursed like this, and the sound of falling to the ground did not attract the attention of the people in front of the horse team, because Yuan Lang and the others fired, and the heavy fire was the first to be killed.

After the three of them fell to the ground, the three of Jiangbei quickly switched their assault rifles, fired alternately, and killed four more people.

The drug dealers were also experienced. When they found someone, the leader quickly took cover and shot scattered. The bullets poured towards the three people in Jiangbei, and the three were suppressed.

Seeing that the situation was at an impasse, Jiang Bei gestured to Zhang Qiu and the others to cover them. Then, using the cover of the trees, he jumped and rolled away from the place suppressed by the drug dealers. He sat up and immediately suppressed the two of Zhang Qiu. People's drug dealers, come and shoot.

Two drug dealers were hit, and Zhang Qiu and the two reacted quickly, and cooperated to kill the drug dealer who could not be reached from Jiangbei's perspective.

Seeing that the number of his own people was decreasing, the leader of the drug dealer panicked and shouted in a fucking foreign language.

Wu Zhe's voice calling Yuan Lang quickly came from Jiangbei's headset: "Captain, the other party said to let them go and leave half of the goods for us."

Yuan Lang grinned, and said indifferently: "Don't worry about him, just wait."

The drug dealer yelled a few more words, and Wu Zhe continued to translate: "Captain, they have increased the price, and now it's all."

Seeing that Yuan Lang and the others did not respond, the drug dealers began to speak Chinese, shouting to surrender.

Jiang Bei, behind the drug dealer, smiled at the corner of his mouth. The drug dealer's trick is coming. He wants to fake surrender. He rolled his eyes and said, "Captain, it's probably a fake surrender. Why don't we fight them instead? Anyway, if it's a real surrender, you won't be afraid." .”

Yuan Lang glanced at Xu Sanduo who hadn't fired a shot for a long time, and said to the headset: "What do you think?"

"There is a high ground next to our place. We can see them by touching them three times. If the other party pretends to surrender, we can tell." Jiang Bei said.

Yuan Lang was silent for a moment, then replied: "Yes, pay attention to safety."

As soon as Yuan Lang finished speaking, Xu Sanduo, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stood up and shouted at the drug dealer: "Put down your weapon, quick!"

Yuan Lang's face darkened, and he quickly pulled Xu Sanduo to the ground. Fortunately, the other party did not shoot, but held up a white flag to signal his surrender.

Yuan Lang got up from the ground, looked at the white flag, and asked Jiang Bei: "No charge at night, have you arrived yet?"

Jiang Bei climbed up to the high ground behind the drug dealer, and when he saw the drug dealer in the scope, he said, "Here we are, a drug dealer has indeed raised a white flag, but it's just a fake surrender, and everyone else is holding guns. By the way, there is a 40 fire. You guys pay attention."

After the words fell, Xu Sanduo froze when he heard the words, he lowered his head and remained silent, he knew he had made a mistake again.

"Attention all teams, find the target and shoot immediately, unless the other party throws the gun and tricks me."

Yuan Lang stared at the white flag that appeared with a displeased face, and said to the groups.


Jiang Bei shot first, took away the guy with 40 fire, and then kept shooting.

Among the drug dealers, a guy who should be the leader saw that the situation was not right, and with the help of a horse, he avoided the bullets and fled towards the woods.

"The leader of the target wants to escape." Qi Huan, who was in charge of the observation, said.

"All groups, quickly surround them and don't let them run away."

Yuan Lang decisively issued a pursuit order.

The remaining six or seven drug dealers saw that their men were gradually being shot to death, and the boss ran away. They threw away their weapons one after another. There were also one or two unwilling guys who, while throwing their guns, quietly He went to touch the pistol at the back of his waist, but it was too late, and Yuan Lang and the others who followed after him put the barrel of the gun on his waist.

Yuan Lang asked them to put their hands on their heads, stand in a horizontal row, raise their hands, and squat down.

Jiang Bei glanced at the team members and saw that Xu Sanduo and Wu Liuyi were not there, so he quickly asked, "Where are Xu Sanduo and Wu Liuyi?"

"It seems to be chasing the guy who escaped."

Wu Zhe said that he was going to chase just now, but when he saw Wu Liuyi and the other two taking the lead, he gave up, and complained in his heart: "Want to escape from these two perverts, it's tantamount to a fool's dream."

Jiang Bei had a secret way, and quickly said: "That guy Xu Sanduo is here, something will happen, which direction is he going?"

Wu Zhe pointed in the direction, and before he could speak, he saw Jiang Bei had already galloped into the woods. He didn't understand what Jiang Bei meant, but he was not stupid, so he hurriedly followed.

Jiang Bei searched for footprints all the way for a few minutes, when he suddenly heard explosions and gunshots, his expression changed, he touched the direction of the sound, and rushed there in one breath, and saw Wu Liuyi lying on the ground, Xu Sanduo looked flustered Taking gauze from the bag.

Jiang Bei thought that Wu Liuyi was seriously injured, so he quickly yelled into the headset: "Wu Liuyi is injured, call the hygienist quickly!"

Then he rushed in front of Wu Liuyi, pushed Xu Sanduo away, and checked Wu Liuyi before he breathed a sigh of relief. Wu Liuyi was indeed injured, but it was on his shoulder, not a vital part.

After the inspection, Jiang Bei glanced at the surrounding environment, and after confirming that it was safe, he said to Wu Liuyi: "Squad deputy, hold on, the sanitation staff will be here soon."

Wu Liuyi nodded with a pale face, then looked at Xu Sanduo and said, "Sanduo, are you okay?"

Xu Sanduo shook his head with a confused look on his face. Jiang Bei knew what was going on with him just by looking at him like this. Yep, aftermath of the murder.

Jiang Bei saw that he was not injured, so he left him alone, took the gauze from his hand, took off the bag, let Wu Liuyi sit up, and then helped Wu Liuyi stop the bleeding to prevent excessive bleeding.

At this time, Wu Zhe also led Yuan Lang and the others to catch up. Li Yu checked Wu Liuyi again and said, "There is nothing serious, but the bullet is still inside, so we have to go to the hospital to take it out."

Yuan Lang, Wu Zhe and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and then Yuan Lang came to the correspondent, contacted the armed police, and asked them to prepare the hospital.

After finishing it, Yuan Lang glanced around and saw a male corpse lying beside the tree. It was the runaway leader who had been shot in the head and was already dead.

Behind Xu Sanduo, a woman was foaming at her mouth and her eyes were motionless. Yuan Lang looked at Wu Zhe who was checking, and asked, "Alive or dead?"

Wu Zhe touched the woman's breath and pulse, shook his head and said, "Dead."

Qi Huan asked Xu Sanduo: "It's over, what happened?"

Xu Sanduo didn't reply to Qi Huan's words, but looked at the woman's body without saying a word.

Wu Liuyi, who had already been bandaged, said: "Let me tell you, it should be the drug dealer who ran away with the woman. Xu Sanduo saw it and chased after him. I was worried about him, so I followed. In the end, the two drug dealers couldn't outrun us." , used a grenade to take a woman as a hostage, trying to force Xu Sanduo to put down his weapon, you know Xu Sanduo's character, he thought it was true, so he listened to the drug dealer and put down his gun."

"And then," Jiang Bei said.

"The drug dealer must have taken the drug and pulled the grenade, trying to kill Xu Sanduo. Xu Sanduo snatched his grenade. I reacted immediately and shot the drug dealer dead. It turned out that the woman and the drug dealer had guns in their hands. , shot at me, I couldn't dodge, was hit on the shoulder, Xu Sanduo saw that I was injured, he punched the woman's throat, and made her useless."

Wu Liuyi finished speaking in one breath.

"No wonder, killing people face to face has more psychological shadows than using a gun." Wu Zhe suddenly realized that he understood why Xu Sanduo was like this, so he patted Xu Sanduo on the shoulder and said.

Qi Huan said with a smile: "This kind of rubbish, if you kill her, you will kill her. If you don't kill her, she will kill you. Think about Wu Liuyi's gunshot wound. If you didn't kill her, the one who died would be your Wu Liuyi." The deputy is here."

Yuan Lang glared at him, and said softly to Xu Sanduo: "I understand you, the first time you kill someone, no matter if you kill a good person or a bad person, you will collapse."

Xu Sanduo still didn't respond, so Yuan Lang gave up. This matter must be handled by professionals, and then he looked at Wu Liuyi: "What about you, it should be nothing, after all, they have killed you."

A smile appeared on Wu Liuyi's pale face: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Yuan Lang nodded, then greeted Wu Zhe and the others, led Wu Liuyi and Xu Sanduo to close the team, Jiang Bei carried Wu Liuyi's equipment on his back, lifted the body with Qi Huan, and came to the place where they fought before.

The frontier guards had already followed. Jiang Bei handed over the body to them and was about to leave when Zhang Qiu suddenly said, "Fuck, there are female officers in this scene! She's still a second lieutenant."

Everyone stopped and looked over, and saw a female second lieutenant with shoulder-length short hair pointing at the corpses with a gun on her back.

"Oh, she's still pretty!"

Han Cheng said in surprise.

Hey, I seem to have an impression of this man, Jiang Bei looked at the female officer.

The female officer should feel that Jiangbei and the others looked at him and her again, raised her head to look at Jiangbei and the others, and glared at them fiercely.

Jiang Bei saw his face clearly now, isn't this I am Xia Lan, the girlfriend of the ostrich in the special forces?

That's right, the Spike Fangs have appeared, so it's not surprising that Xia Lan appeared.

"Jiangbei, I'm still watching. That's right. At your age, it's time to find a wife. How about I go over and ask for your contact information."

Yuan Lang saw that Jiang Bei had been staring at him, and that he had just disappeared due to Wu Liuyi's injury, and teased Jiang Bei, saying that he was about to walk over.

"No, captain, I don't, I'm not, I just feel that she looks familiar, so I took a second look."

Jiang Bei quickly grabbed Yuan Lang, but he was not interested in Xia Lan, he had a bad impression of this woman.

"Really? Are you shy? You are not afraid of killing people, but are you afraid of women? You don't have to worry about people looking down on you. You are a talent in the military region's talent pool." Yuan Lang stopped in his tracks.

"Really, no, I'm not interested in her, let other people chase after her."

Jiang Bei shook his head, this woman should go to torture the ostrich.

"Captain, the helicopter from the mountain is here, asking when we will arrive." Qi Huan walked over and said to Yuan Lang.

"Okay, everyone, pack up your gear and evacuate immediately."

Yuan Lang nodded, calling for everyone to retreat, he went to explain the matter to the leader of the armed police, and then led the old men down the mountain.

Seeing this group of special forces leaving under the leadership of a lieutenant colonel, Xia Lan curiously asked the leader who had just talked to the lieutenant colonel: "Captain, who are those people? Why are there so many officers? I remember the wolf teeth of our military region." There is no such configuration."

The leader glared at her: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Xia Lan opened her mouth, but said nothing more.

The leader may feel that his tone is a little heavy, so he added: "I don't even know, let alone you, everyone is in direct contact with the team leader."

Xia Lan nodded when she heard the words, and looked curiously at Old A who was gradually disappearing.

Back down the mountain, the injured Wu Liuyi boarded the helicopter and was taken directly to the local frontier army hospital.

Jiangbei and the others boarded the next helicopter, and under the leadership of Qi Huan, they returned to Brigade A. As for Yuan Lang, of course they stayed to watch Wu Liuyi.


Two days later,
In a small town abroad, in a manor, there are men with guns guarding every corner.

In a building deep in the manor, a white man wearing a foreign military camouflage uniform hurried into the building, and said to the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa wearing a white tunic suit: "Ma, my people went to see, there is a lot of blood. , They must have had an accident."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was silent for a moment, and said, "Okay, I see, I'll let someone investigate."

(End of this chapter)

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