The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 101 Facing the Polar Bear Group

Chapter 101 Facing the Polar Bear Group
"If I remember correctly, the logo on the small dynamic map should be the flag of the U.S. Polar Bear Regiment."

Wu Qianli's eyes froze, and he muttered to himself.

Historically, the Polar Bear Regiment was wiped out on the frontal battlefield, and the vanguard of the attack was also their seventh interspersed company.

But in this time and space, perhaps because of his own butterfly effect, the polar bear group retreated to the rear.

However, by mistake, they fought against their seventh interlude company again.

"Company commander, is there any new combat deployment coming up?"

Seeing that Wu Qianli was suddenly stunned, Mei Sheng seemed to be thinking about something, so he couldn't help but remind him.

"Mei Sheng, you said that if I want to use a company of ours to destroy an elite regiment of the US army, is it possible?"

Wu Qianli turned his gaze to Mei Sheng's face, and suddenly a crazy idea popped up in his heart.

You must know that the annihilation of the polar bear regiment in history depends on far more than the Seventh Interlude Company.

That was when many combat troops concentrated their superior forces and took advantage of the right time, place and people to barely annihilate them.

In Wu Qianli's hands, there is only the seventh interspersed company.

Although the [-]th interspersed company can move quickly and avoid the sharp edge of the polar bear regiment, Wu Qianli doesn't want to let go of such an opportunity.

"Company commander... If this is the case, it may be a miracle recorded in military history."

Mei Sheng was slightly taken aback when he heard Wu Qianli's words, until he stared at Wu Qianli's serious face for a few seconds before he was sure it was not a joke.

However, although Mei Sheng had great trust in Wu Qianli, the comparison of military strength still made him a little afraid.

You must know that under normal circumstances, it takes the lives of several volunteer soldiers in exchange for the sacrifice of one American soldier.

It is undeniable that under the leadership of Wu Qianli, the Seventh Interlude Company is already the elite of the elite.

But fighting against one group in a row, this kind of disparity of more than one to ten can only be won when the gods come.

Seeing Mei Sheng's reaction, Wu Qianli was not surprised, and turned his gaze to the others.

"Don't worry, company commander, no matter whether we can win or not, our seventh interlude company dares to fight."

"The big deal is that if you get shot and fall down, and when the snow is buried, I am also a hero who sacrificed for the country. There is nothing to be afraid of."

Yu Congrong scratched his head and thought for a while, and choked out two rough words.

Lei Gong glanced at Wu Qianli, smiled without saying a word, but was full of confidence in his heart.

He knew that Wu Qianli dared to ask this sentence, so he must have made arrangements and preparations in his heart.

Sure enough, Wu Qianli suddenly pulled the US combat map hanging on the wall and slapped it on the table.

"Now, the First Marine Division and the Seventh Marine Division of the American devils are all curled up on the last line of defense."

"They are definitely not willing to retreat immediately, but will hope that the US military on the western front will gain an advantage and respond to them."

As Wu Qianli spoke, he slowly slid his fingers across the combat map, which happened to be connected to the major strongholds of the US defense line.

Everyone squinted and found that the entire line of defense was like a circle, locking the seventh interspersed company tightly in the ancient soil.

"And the American devils will definitely notice that there is an abnormality in the command post, and they have even guessed that the command post has fallen. They will definitely mobilize troops to encircle and suppress it."

While talking, Wu Qianli winked at Mei Sheng who was holding the document, and Mei Sheng immediately understood.

"According to the telegram sent back to the command post by the American devils, they have suffered heavy losses, especially the Seventh Division of the US Marine Corps, which is on the front line, has suffered more than half of its casualties."

"Now that their available soldiers are combined, there is at most one full division and one disabled regiment."

After Mei Sheng finished speaking, everyone's psychological pressure suddenly relaxed, which meant that the pressure faced by the Seventh Interlude Company would be less.

"And the American devils want to hold on to the last line of defense. They can only draw about one regiment of troops, and what we have to do is to destroy this regiment!"

As Wu Qianli spoke, he held his fingers in his palm and slammed them hard at the US military logo on the battle map.

Although the main force of the Volunteer Army has gained a major advantage, the strength of the US military can still hold fast, and there is even the possibility of counterattack when necessary.

And once Wu Qianli wiped out the reserve army of the last US regiment, the American devils' battlefield initiative was completely lost.

At that time, the seventh interspersed company can intersect northward to assist the volunteers in destroying Xiajieyuli Airport and control the escape route of the U.S. military by air.

Retreating can cut off part of the US military's logistical supplies, or even rush to the Water Gate Bridge in advance, blowing up the only way for the US military to retreat on land.

"This...if it is done properly, our army can annihilate two main divisions of the US military!"

After Mei Sheng understood this, his eyes widened immediately, and he stood up abruptly, looking at Wu Qianli with excitement and shock in his heart.

You must know that in the original history, the volunteer army wiped out the highest formation of the US military in the Changjin Lake area, and it was only one regiment, which was already a huge and brilliant record.

If the two main divisions of the U.S. military were destroyed this time, it would be tantamount to emptying out all the U.S. troops on the Eastern Front, and the face of the U.S. military overlord would be swollen.

But after gradually calming down, Mei Sheng sighed regretfully again.

"Company Commander, you are a military genius, but it's a pity that you only have the [-]th Interlude Company in your hand."

"These plans are good, but if you make a wrong move, the entire army will be wiped out, and there will be no future."

After Mei Sheng thought about it, he couldn't help pouring some cold water on Wu Qianli, but he was still eager to try Wu Qianli's battle plan.

"We can definitely win."

Wu Qianli thought about those possible difficulties, but he didn't waver in the slightest, he just firmly let go of this sentence.

"Everyone obeys!"

Under Wu Qianli's order to raise his voice, the platoon leaders of the Seventh Interlude Company straightened up one after another, waiting for the specific military order to be issued.

"Lei Gong, take the artillery platoon and pull out a few howitzers from the American Devils' arsenal."

"Then place it not far from the US military command post, aiming at the road in front of the command post and the position of the command post, ready to launch at any time."

After Wu Qianli finished speaking, he cast an expectant look at Lei Gong, and the artillery platoon played the biggest role in this battle.


After Lei Gong received the order, he immediately took the artillery platoon to the arsenal without daring to neglect.

"Yu Congrong, let the comrades in the fire platoon put on machine guns and lie in ambush on both sides of the road. Don't fight at first, let the American devils go."

"Once you hear the sound of the explosion, immediately concentrate your fire to mow down the American devils. The firepower must be fierce, and you must have the momentum of a regiment."

As Wu Qianli spoke, he patted Yu Congrong's shoulder with his hand. He still believed in this veteran comrade who had experienced many battles.

"Don't worry, company commander, I'll take care of scaring the American devils to the point of peeing!"

When Yu Congrong heard that everyone was carrying a machine gun, his eyes lit up immediately, but at the same time he ran down very eagerly to prepare.

After all, with a machine gun in hand, the firepower is fierce, but the consumption of ammunition is also scary.

It would be embarrassing if the ammunition was not prepared at the ambush site in advance, and the fire failed halfway through the fight.

"Pinghe, take the reconnaissance platoon out and pay close attention to the movement of the US troops in the periphery, and report back immediately if you find anything."

"In addition, after the attack, you specifically stared at the officers of the American devils and killed them on a large scale, so as to create panic for them."

After Wu Qianli finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Pinghe. Although the task assigned to him seemed simple, the actual operation was the most uncertain.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Ping He straightened his body and replied loudly, the small amount of frost hanging on his face also trembled, and a little fell off.

Ping He, who left in a hurry, was suffocating in his heart at the moment.

When he shot at the observation window of the tank before, Wu Qianli's superb marksmanship made him envious.

At that time, the achievements made by the entire investigation platoon were not even as much as that of him alone.

This time Pinghe must have a brilliant record, otherwise, he would feel guilty even holding that sniper rifle with an optical sight in his hand.

"Mei Sheng, you are the only one in the company who can speak some English. I'll give you a few guards to keep an eye on Smith, a big fish, and those American prisoners."

Wu Qianli looked at Mei Sheng, hesitated for a while, and then said this military order.

After all, Mei Sheng, as the company's instructor, theoretically has no lesser official position than him.

And the work of guarding the captives always gave people a feeling of cold storage, and it was a bit embarrassing to say it.

That's why Wu Qianli waited for everyone else to leave before talking about it, but even the most suitable candidate in the team was Mei Sheng.

"No problem, company commander, I must be optimistic about the battle fruits that our seventh interspersed company has won with blood and life, so as not to let them have any accidents."

After hearing Wu Qianli's words, Mei Sheng didn't feel the slightest bit unconvinced, but instead accepted the task calmly with a smile.

In his view, being a company instructor is not a symbol of power, but to show higher awareness and quality.

So Mei Sheng also saluted Wu Qianli, tidied up his military uniform, and went out.

In the entire combat command room, only Wu Qianli and Wu Wanli were left.

"You bastard, your eyes are rolling around, what are you thinking about? Maybe you should run away from the artillery platoon again and run to Yu Congrong."

Wu Qianli rubbed Wu Wanli's head with a smile, and said to him half-jokingly.

"Don't worry brother, I promise not to run around, and I must obey the command of the battlefield..."

Suddenly being said by Wu Qianli, Wu Wanli immediately opened his mouth to reassure him with a guilty conscience, but before he finished speaking, Wu Qianli directly interrupted him.

"The American devils will definitely be stunned during the bombing and strafing. Without knowing our strength, they will let some of the main force retreat first."

"I also know you won't be able to stay idle, so follow me and the assault platoon to chase down the American devils."

Wu Qianli had just finished speaking, and seeing Wu Wanli's surprised expression in a blink of an eye, he couldn't help smiling.

"Really, brother..."

Wu Wanli just opened his mouth, wanting to say something touching, but was stopped by Wu Qianli's ruthless wave of his hand.

"Time is running out now, wait until the U.S. polar bear regiment is killed and their dog leader is killed, and we can talk slowly when we come back."

Let's talk, Wu Qianli quickly took the submachine gun and walked out.




At this moment, McClain, the head of the polar bear regiment sitting in the jeep, sneezed twice in a row.

He rubbed his nose with some doubts, and looked in the direction of the US military command post that was about to arrive, feeling something was wrong in his heart.

"Oh, sir, we are almost there. If God blesses the command post, if there is no accident, I can get you an extra military coat there soon."

The U.S. sergeant who was driving the jeep thought that his boss had caught a cold from the snow and ice, and said slowly.

"Oh, no need, this damn military overcoat is heavy and constricted. If it wasn't too cold, I would have thrown him into the snow."

As McClain spoke, he did not know how many times he had patted the snow off the military padded jacket, and sighed in annoyance.

"Oh no, sir, maybe God has missed this time, something seems to be wrong with our command post."

The U.S. sergeant driving the jeep slowly slowed down, frowned as he looked at the scene in the distance.

"What's the matter? The command post still has at least a security battalion stationed there, so we can't..."

While speaking, McLean turned his gaze to the distance, was momentarily taken aback for a moment, and immediately swallowed the following words back into his stomach.

I saw in the distance a vast expanse of white snow, the smoke left by the gunfire baptism has not yet cleared.

And as the distance got closer and closer, the howling cold wind in the distance also brought a slight smell of gunpowder and blood. Obviously, there were traces of battles here before.

At this time, the vanguard of the polar bear regiment had already entered the ambush position of Yu Congrong and others.

"His grandma's, can the American devils make it like this? Why are there so many iron bumps?"

Yu Congrong stared wide-eyed, watching the thick barrels of American tanks, and everything run over by the heavy steel tracks under the five-pointed star, all turned into nothingness.

Fortunately, Yu Congrong buried the shells in a deeper position from the beginning, and the snowdrifts accumulated on it became thicker as time went by.

This also caused the leading tanks of the U.S. military to fail to detonate immediately when they passed by, otherwise they would have alerted the enemy prematurely and would not be able to complete the combat purpose of the ambush.

"Platoon leader, why have the American devils stopped, should we take action?"

Tieniu, a member of the fire platoon, looked at the U.S. soldiers who had stopped suddenly, and couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"Action? What the hell is an action? Our ammunition is here."

"After the operation with the machine gun, it will be gone after a few shuttles. Will you fight with the US military with a fire stick?"

Yu Congrong shook his head violently, vetoing this idea, and now he can only see whether the leader of the polar bear regiment is cautious or bold.

McClain, who was sitting in the jeep not far away, got out of the car immediately and raised his binoculars to look into the distance.

I saw the US military command post, and the black smoke was about to clear.

In front of the command post, there are still several steel wreckages of American tanks, and there are also charred traces of being burned by artillery bombardment.

"There must have been volunteers, but obviously some time has passed since these battles."

McLean, who is experienced in the battlefield, took a few glances, and instantly came to a conclusion in his mind.

"Sir, there may be an enemy situation ahead, may I ask if we should continue to move forward?"

At this time, the messenger in front ran back and asked McClain.

McLean frowned, hesitated for a while, and decided to order to move on.

After all, in his opinion, even if a small group of volunteers had attacked here, it would be impossible for them to stay foolishly and wait until the US army came to attack them.

Even if there is, relying on the elite U.S. troops and more than 20 heavy tanks, it is enough to destroy the strength of all small groups of volunteers.

However, what he didn't know was that at this moment, Browning machine guns that were still smelling of oil paper had finished loading and aiming, and their dark muzzles were aimed directly at the US soldiers.

Lei Gong in the distance also asked people to load the howitzer with shells early on. The dark muzzle pointed obliquely at the sky at a calculated angle, just enough to blow up to the position of the US polar bear.

Most of the soldiers of the [-]th Interlude Company wore white cloaks, lying on the bitingly cold snow, staring at the front, and the elite U.S. troops of the Polar Bear Regiment gradually entered the ambush pocket.

 Thanks apostle for the reward~
  Thanks imon★Only warm ●1er★
  Monthly ticket voted by book friend 20170518090913116~
(End of this chapter)

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