The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 102 A platoon pursues a U.S. regiment!

Chapter 102 A platoon pursues a U.S. regiment!

Accompanied by the metal friction sound of the steel tracks of the tanks, the giant US tanks presented an "A" formation and drove slowly forward.

In the middle of the heavy tanks, there are US military personnel carriers guarding one after another.

And in order to facilitate quick response, many American soldiers were kicked out of the car cursing and followed around the convoy with their guns raised, ready to deal with ambushes at any time

There is also a white soldier at the front of each troop carrier, holding the mounted Browning heavy machine gun tightly, the murderous muzzle of the machine gun, constantly aiming around, ready to fire at any time.

It has to be said that McLean, who leads the U.S. Polar Bear Regiment, is by no means an idiot general. The traces of the original battle in the snow made him very vigilant.

Even so, none of the soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company, who were only tens of meters away from them, noticed that many American soldiers even complained.

"Oh shit, why should we have to be kicked out of the troop carrier while they're still sheltering from the wind and snow."

A U.S. military recruit complained to his companion rather indignantly. Tired of raising the gun, he simply lowered his hand and only grabbed the butt of the gun.

"Hmph, just get used to it."

With a cigarette dangling from his mouth, the American veteran didn't even want to say much, just grinned.

Just as the U.S. military continued to march towards the command post, Wu Qianli and others also slowly took out grenades one by one and placed them beside them.

One part is a pineapple-shaped grenade with grooves on it, which glows black in the weak sunlight, and is specially used for anti-infantry.

And Wu Wanli held a large black grenade in his hand. Feeling the heavy texture in his hand, Wu Wanli smiled with satisfaction.

Thanks to the arsenal of the U.S. military command post, the seventh interspersed company got this kind of large grenade that can blow off the tracks of tanks.

In the beginning, the Korean People's Army was driving Soviet-style tanks and was invincible, but it was a pity that it was hit by this grenade and collapsed.

Seeing more and more American troops passing by, Wu Wanli gripped the large grenade tightly, swallowed slowly, and his heart beat faster.

"Don't worry, let the American devils go first."

Wu Qianli saw Wu Wanli's state of mind, and reminded him in a low voice.

In fact, not only Wu Wanli, but also the soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company who were in ambush felt a little uncomfortable.

There were too many American soldiers, and they were too close together. They could even see the white steam exhaled by bearded American soldiers with cigarettes in their mouths.

However, all the soldiers were lying tightly in place, and even their fingers were stiff from the cold, they didn't move their bodies.

So no matter how careful the U.S. military is, when they look around, there is only a vast expanse of snow, which is terrifyingly quiet.

"Report sir, the vanguard has arrived at the command post, do you want to go in and rest?"

An American soldier ran up to McClain and asked him.

McLean raised his binoculars and looked at the dead and silent U.S. Eastern Command in the distance. He frowned and hesitated for a while.

"Send a battalion of troops in for a quick search, while the other soldiers wait outside."

McLean, who could not let go of his guard, was still unwilling to let the large troops go in directly. For safety, he would rather stay in the ice and snow for a while longer.

If it was before, he would definitely not be so fearful, but after experiencing a big defeat on the front line, he no longer dared to underestimate this group of volunteers.

After all, the Polar Bear Regiment, which was originally full of more than 4000 people, now only has more than 2000 people left incomplete, and there are four battalions, each with only more than 500 people left.

The damage to the strength of the group is objectively inevitable, so forget it.

However, although the defeated and wounded soldiers who were gathered back still retained their original fighting qualities, the vigor to fight tough battles in their hearts had almost disappeared.

If it weren't for the fact that he still held more than 20 heavy tanks in his hands, he would have no confidence at all.

"Yes, sir!"

When the orderly conveyed the collection order to the first battalion in front, all the American soldiers had a bitter face.

To put it nicely is to search, but to put it badly, isn't this just letting them be the vanguard to go to mines and wipe out the enemy army?
Although Peter, the commander of the first US battalion, was a little helpless, he did not dare to disobey the order of the regiment commander, so he waved his hands to let the soldiers advance.

Several exhausted American soldiers gradually approached the gate, and the bullet holes pierced by bullets made them a little vigilant.


The gate of the command post was slowly pushed open by a US veteran with one hand. At the same time, the gun held in his left hand was still shooting inside.

"Da da da da da da da da da..."

After the bullets in a magazine were poured out extravagantly by American soldiers, no enemy troops were found.

Seeing that it was safe inside, the irritable American soldiers who were tortured by the wind and snow pushed the entire door open and wanted to search inside.

However, at this time, as the door was completely pushed open, the slight sound of white smoke rising from the grenade was immediately heard in their ears.
"No, there are traps! (Not good, there are traps!)"

The American veteran who reacted first immediately turned around and ran back.

After the other American soldiers reacted, their eyes widened, but before they could escape, a huge explosion sounded.


The fragments produced by the explosion of the grenade slammed into the bodies of the American soldiers, and the American soldiers in the center of the explosion died on the spot.

"Please, save me, save me! (Please save me, please!)"

An American soldier's leg was directly blown off, and inches of white intestines flowed out, and his mouth was still wailing, looking miserable.

It turned out that Lei Gong, who was rich in combat experience, accurately calculated the long lead wire before leaving, connected the gate with the grenade ring, and set up a trap.

"These cunning volunteers, hmph..."

McLean put down the binoculars slowly, snorted coldly, looked at the sparks that exploded in the distance, and understood what happened without asking him.

But for some reason, such an explosion made him feel a little relieved.

If nothing happened, he would have to wonder if the Volunteer Army would have other means waiting for him.

"Use bazookas and grenades to explore the way to minimize casualties."

McClain immediately issued this rich and powerful order. In the eyes of the US military, the lives of soldiers are always more important than weapons and ammunition.

After learning about this military order, Peter, the commander of the US First Battalion, breathed a sigh of relief. Nothing that can be solved with weapons is not a problem.



Accompanied by the shuttle explosion of rockets, the US military directly smashed down suspicious doors and even walls before entering the command post.

The U.S. bombed from the outside to the inside as if they didn't want money, and they directly broke most of the grenade traps, and the entire battalion of the first U.S. battalion also entered the command post.

"Oh, I'm afraid these volunteers are demons and lunatics. Fortunately, I didn't stay in the command post to fight them."

Peter looked at the mutilated corpses and the traces of fierce battles inside, and couldn't help thinking with some emotion.

After arriving at the innermost command and war room, you looked around, saw the messy telegrams, and some staff officers who had no time to escape, and couldn't help frowning.

"Have you seen any living or... corpses of General Smith?"

When Peter said that, his heart trembled slightly. He was a general-level figure, so he must have really capsized in the hands of this group of volunteers.

"Report sir, we have searched inside and out, and found no trace of General Smith, except there..."

While reporting the situation, the U.S. sergeant moved his eyes to the position of the arsenal

After all, the first battalion of the U.S. military has already searched almost everything in the command post, except for the arsenal, which has not yet entered.

After all, no matter how extravagant they are, they dare not really bombard the position of the arsenal with rockets.

If one accidentally caused a series of explosions, their logistical supplies would not be able to keep up for a while.

When Peter was in trouble, Lei Gong in the distance had already made preparations for shelling.

A 105mm howitzer was fully loaded with shells, the thick barrel pointed straight to the sky, and the adjusted angle was just aligned with the position of the US military at the moment.

"Report to the platoon leader, a battalion of American devils has completely entered the command post."

"Most of the outside has also entered the snow field where shells are buried, and we can shell at any time!"

The artillery platoon fighters who had been watching with binoculars from the commanding heights ran down in a hurry, gesticulating while running.

After Lei Gong saw the warrior's combat gestures, he immediately understood what he meant.


Accompanied by Lei Gong's murderous wave of his hand, the shells that had been ready to go were shot out with a bang.

The powerful recoil pushed the barrel of the cannon backwards, inserting an inch into the snow.

However, before the smoke and dust from the shells cleared away, the soldiers of the artillery platoon hurriedly stuffed the heavy shells into the barrel and started a new launch.

"call out--"

"call out--"

Countless murderous artillery shells drew a beautiful arc in the sky, and smashed towards the U.S. military with the sound of tearing gas.

Unlike mortar shells, before the howitzer shells hit the ground, the huge decibels made some American soldiers feel a little buzzing and tingling in their brains.

McLean, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, instantly recognized the sound of these howitzer shells, his heart tightened, his pupils shrank slightly, and he looked up for half a second in a daze.

"Shelling! Lie down! (It's shelling! Lie down!)"

McLean screamed loudly as he ran to the nearest bunker and got down on the ground.

Fortunately, most of the Polar Bear Regiment are veterans, and they have already jumped out of the troop carrier with rich experience, wanting to disperse.

"His grandma finally fired, but it suffocated me, Lao Yu, and I beat him hard! Sweep these bastards to death!"

While Yu Congrong shouted, the machine gun in his hand roared at the same time.

"Da da da da da da da da da..."

In an instant, dozens of machine guns in the fire platoon fired at the same time, and countless bullets flew towards the US troops in an instant.

For a moment, the sound of the roaring machine gun even faintly overshadowed the whistling of the shells, resounding throughout the battlefield.

Many American soldiers who had just jumped off the personnel carrier were directly beaten into rotten flesh by bullets and paralyzed in a pool of blood.

Several U.S. troops subconsciously picked up the Browning machine gun hanging on the front of the car, but in the next second, the shells slammed down.

"Boom! Boom!"

The U.S. military personnel carrier that was hit by the shell was overturned directly and was blown into the sky. The U.S. troops who had not had time to withdraw were also buried in the flames of the explosion.

An American tank turned the thick gun barrel of the turret and just pointed at Yu Congrong's position.

A grenade fell instantly, and the majestic tank instantly turned into a steel wreck burning with raging fire, and even the barrel was blown to one side.

With the end of a round of howitzer firing, the original thick snow field was instantly blown away, and the U.S. military suffered heavy losses as a result.

"Fight back now! (Fight back now!)"

McClain gritted his teeth and roared. The round of shelling and machine gun harvest just now directly knocked out at least hundreds of U.S. troops, as well as seven or eight tanks.

The U.S. tanks that reacted drove towards Yu Congrong one after another. They blocked their machine gun fire with thick steel armor.

"Da da da da da da da da da..."

"Dang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

Countless bullets hit the armor of the US tank, and they were all bounced aside immediately, leaving only rows of messy grooves.


At this time, Wu Qianli, who was ambushing on the other side, yelled, immediately picked up his submachine gun, and swept towards the US troops behind the tank.

The U.S. troops, who had been vigilant and careful, followed the tanks, but unexpectedly, enemy troops also appeared behind them, and they were instantly killed by tailwind guns and anti-infantry grenades.

When the U.S. military finally reacted and lay down on the ground to fight back with firepower, the soldiers of the assault platoon picked up the anti-tank grenade and threw it at the U.S. tank.

"Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by continuous explosions, strips of steel tracks were blown to pieces one after another, and the U.S. tanks that were about to leave the road lay in place.

At this time, some American tanks angrily turned the fort, and the dark muzzle was aimed at Wuqianli's position.


An American soldier was retreating while shooting, when suddenly he seemed to step on something round and fell to the ground.

When he turned his head to look, his mouth opened wide in an instant, and the round shells were gradually exposing the snow layer.

No wonder the heavy tanks of the U.S. military were not crushed when they were exploring the way. They were buried so deep that they were lifted out after the first round of shelling.

Realizing that something was wrong, the American soldier got up in a jerk, and was about to warn his companions loudly.

However, when he heard the whistling sound of the howitzer, he was so frightened that his feet went limp, and he fell directly next to the slightly exposed shell.

"call out--"

"call out--"

Accompanied by the whistling sound of the second round of howitzer shells, both Wu Qianli and Yu Congrong made the soldiers move back a short distance

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The bombing of the howitzer instantly detonated the buried shells, and the chain of explosions turned the highway into a purgatory on earth.

Whether it was the American soldiers lying behind the bunker or the heavily armored American tanks, they were directly torn apart by the violent explosion.

The roar of the serial explosions continued for tens of seconds, and the originally white snow field instantly turned into large blackened artillery craters.

On the road, dense bones were burned to ashes, and the scattered blood clots exuded the smell of roasted meat. In a flash, hundreds of US troops and more than a dozen tanks were turned into nothingness.

Some of the American soldiers at the back of the road were directly knocked to the ground by the shock wave.

Some had their membranes shattered by the huge decibel explosion, covered their bleeding ears and rolled on the ground, howling in pain.

The rest of the US troops stared at everything in front of them blankly, and a huge panic swept through their hearts.

All the U.S. troops, including McClain, have no idea how many volunteers there are, let alone whether they will become the next victim with no bones left.

"Get over it! Kill all these American devils!"

At this time, Wu Qianli immediately picked up the Thomson submachine gun, led the soldiers of the assault platoon, and killed them in a semi-circular way.

The soldiers of the assault platoon all held submachine guns, and the huge gunshots were layered on top of each other, and the flames of the guns were constantly flashing. It looked like there were thousands of troops.

"His grandma, kill them!"

On the other side, Yu Congrong also turned the muzzle of his gun, ignoring the numbness of the tiger's muzzle, and continued to shoot wildly at the U.S. troops, while the ammunition chains on the side kept vibrating.

Dozens of Browning machine guns in the firepower platoon swept towards the American soldiers in the rear at the same time.

The dense bullets formed long fire snakes, like sickles, cutting down rows of U.S. troops in a pool of blood.

The soldiers of the Polar Bear Regiment, who had just experienced a major defeat, were already weak in fighting will. Under such a swift and violent blow, some U.S. troops fled backwards as if they lost their souls.

"Retreat! (Retreat!)"

At this point, if the fight continues, it is likely to be another defeat, so McLean had to grit his teeth and give the order to retreat.

Thus, the spectacle of Wu Qianli leading a platoon chasing and beating a U.S. regiment was born...

(End of this chapter)

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