The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 107 Obtaining God-level Special Effect Penicillin

Chapter 107 Obtaining God-level Special Effect Penicillin

"Lie down!"

Ping He keenly heard the roar of the plane's motor in the sky, and quickly endured the pain and lay down on the snow.

The soldiers of the other reconnaissance platoons also fell down one after another, their snow-white cloaks almost blending with the white snow.

It is difficult for ordinary people to observe them, let alone high-altitude aircraft.

But the U.S. military pilots who had already locked the direction, not only did not hesitate at all, but accelerated the flight speed.

"Do these rat-like volunteers think they can hide like this? (Do these rat-like volunteers think they can hide like this?)"

The young American pilot snorted disdainfully, and was ready to pierce the volunteers' bodies with bullets.

"Platoon leader, the fighter jets of the American devils seem to have spotted us, shall we move quickly?"

Wu Jin, a member of the reconnaissance platoon, raised his head slightly and said anxiously when he saw the American fighter jets getting closer.

The other reconnaissance platoon fighters also looked at Pinghe one after another. Although the situation was urgent, none of them planned to abandon their platoon leader.

Ping He frowned and looked at the U.S. military aircraft in the sky, apparently in a dilemma, not knowing how to get out.

"Run, our plane is there, we'll be safe with the plane's cover. (Run ahead, our plane is there, we'll be safe with the plane's cover.)"

A black American soldier limped forward while still staring at the fighter planes of the friendly forces in the sky.

On the way to escape just now, his thigh was unfortunately shot by Wu Qianli, and now he is rushing forward like a frightened bird.

The other U.S. soldiers were also rushed forward by the crowd in a panic, with the mentality of following the crowd.

"Platoon leader, these American devils are rushing towards us, let's find a place to hide first."

Wu Jin, a member of the reconnaissance platoon, couldn't help sighing as he watched the American figure swaying in front of him.

Why is the threat from the sky still unresolved, and the U.S. troops on the ground swarmed in again.

The other reconnaissance platoon soldiers also nodded when they heard the words. Normally, they would not be afraid of these routs.

But after all, Pinghe is injured now, if he fights with a large number of US troops, there may be accidents.

Therefore, Wu Jin, a member of the investigation platoon, immediately planned to carry Ping He on his back, but Ping He repeatedly waved his hands and refused.

Different from the worries of other comrades in the reconnaissance platoon, Ping He's eyes lit up after seeing the figures of these American troops.

"If we move now, it will only increase the risk for ourselves."

"It's better to rush over and fight with the American devils, their planes will still throw rats."

While talking, Ping He tore off a piece of cloth from his military cotton uniform, and used it as simple gauze to bandage his wound a second time.

When the people in the investigation platoon saw Pinghe took out the bayonet from his bosom after bandaging him, they felt distressed.

But right now, they have no better way, so they have to turn their heads and pour their anger on the American soldiers.

"Follow me to the front and protect our platoon leader!"

Wu Jin, a soldier of the reconnaissance platoon, quickly fixed the bayonet on the slot of the Garand rifle, and rushed towards the swaying figure of the US army first.


Flying snow fell on the soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon, and there was a faint cold glow on the bayonet that was still bloodstained.

When more than a dozen reconnaissance platoon soldiers rushed towards the US troops, they were immediately suppressed.

They thought they had escaped from the wolf's den, but they didn't expect that there were tigers waiting for them here.

At this moment, the black American soldiers who had run to the front were stunned for a moment, and immediately turned their heads to run in other directions.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two crisp gunshots from the Garand rifle rang out. After the bullet with great penetrating power pierced the body of an American soldier, it continued to fly backwards with undiminished power, killing two or three American soldiers in a row.

The snow particles flying all over the sky made the U.S. military's line of sight extremely short, so when they saw the soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon, the distance was only tens of meters.

Wu Jin, a member of the reconnaissance platoon, mercilessly fired all eight bullets from the magazine until the sound of "ding—" came, and the empty magazine automatically popped out.

After a while, under the wounds of the bullets, there were more than a dozen American soldiers who fell down on the ground.

The blood that kept flowing out was frozen by the cold temperature, and the pervasive smell of blood stimulated the nerves of the U.S. military. From time to time, U.S. troops who were not completely dead cried out for help.

"Can't run, they have guns in their hands, we can't be faster than bullets. (Can't run, they have guns in their hands, we can't be faster than bullets.)"

Iverson, a US military officer, discovered the current situation and immediately reminded his companions loudly.

Judging from the situation of the U.S. military corpses on the ground, most of them were shot between the eyebrows and chests by bullets.

Moreover, what the volunteers were holding was the Garland, which could fire eight bullets in three seconds, with fast firepower.

He didn't think that people like himself could escape successfully from these perverted sharpshooters, so he tried his best to dissuade other US troops.

Some of Iverson's original subordinates stopped immediately, but none of them wanted to be the first to rush up to meet the volunteers.

"Good opportunity, kill them and fight with them!"

At this moment, Ping He also followed up with a bayonet, and when he saw the intimidated American army, he immediately rushed forward.

When the other reconnaissance platoon soldiers saw it, they immediately quickened their pace, rushed to the front of Pinghe, formed a semicircle, and protected Pinghe in the middle.

At this time, on this snow field, more than a dozen reconnaissance platoon soldiers wearing American military uniforms and M3 helmets on their heads fought with American soldiers in the same military uniform.

Some of the U.S. troops rushed back in panic. Although fighting to the death would have a higher chance of surviving, no one wanted to be the first cannon fodder.

"These cunning volunteers are really hateful. (These cunning volunteers are really hateful.)"

When the fighter plane piloted by the young American pilot swooped down, seeing Ping He and others fighting with the friendly forces was worth the helpless stretch.

No matter how eager he was for military exploits, it was impossible for him to point the machine gun at his friendly and enemy troops and shoot indiscriminately, so he had to grit his teeth and stare at the scuffle below.

“Hahaha man what are you in a hurry? Even if they fight together, there is always a winner or loser. (Hahaha, man what are you in a hurry? Even if they fight together, there is always a winner or loser.)”

Listening to the complaints from the radio, the old American pilot smiled, and the beard around his mouth trembled slightly.

Their fuel is still sufficient, hovering in the sky for a while is not a problem.

At that time, if the Volunteer Army slaughtered the friendly army, they would just shoot directly for revenge.

If the Volunteer Army is defeated, it can return with satisfaction, and there is nothing to worry about.

"Then let them live a little longer. (Then let them live a little longer.)"

The young U.S. pilot obviously thought of this too, and his face looked better now, but he also stared down a little annoyedly, and snorted coldly.

Just when Ping He and the others were in trouble, everyone in the Seventh Interlude Company in the woods couldn't help but want to rush out to rescue them.

"Company commander, let me go. It is impossible for me, Old Yu, to watch comrades die and hide in the woods by myself."

Yu Congrong heard the sound of gunfire spreading in the open snow field, and his heart became more and more anxious. He took a submachine gun and a bazooka and wanted to rush out.

Yu Congrong's act of urgency also drove the soldiers of the fire platoon, and they volunteered one after another, wanting to follow them to the rescue.

"Nonsense, aren't you going to die now? The American devils would like to beat you into a sieve in the open snow."

Mei Sheng immediately stopped the impulsive Yu Congrong, and yelled at him very seriously.

"This... you can't just watch Ping He die, can you? Eh..."

Looking at the instructor in front of him, Yu Congrong threw his submachine gun to the ground in a fit of anger, and sighed helplessly.

"You all stay, and I will go."

Wu Qianli cast a glance at the crowd, then rushed outside involuntarily.


"elder brother!"

Everyone wanted to stop Wu Qianli with one voice, but no one really stopped him.

After all, after all the brilliance and miracles, Wu Qianli's status in the seventh interspersed company is like a half-god.

No one would question his orders and decisions, but everyone was faintly worried.

"Let's put our hearts down, our company commander will never do things that are not sure, not to mention the goal is small, but it is more convenient to act."

Lei Gong squatted in the corner, glanced at the crowd, and silently smoked a cigarette. The smoke was lingering, and his worry was hidden in his heart.

"Ding——detected the host's current situation, activated the Bright Sword mission: destroy the US fighter jets, and rescue Pinghe."

"After the mission is successful, you will be rewarded with 30 bottles of god-level special-effect penicillin, which is ten times more effective than the original drug!"

When the cold system notification sounded, Wu Qianli, who was running on the snow, was suddenly overjoyed.

You must know that the Seventh Interlude Company has a large number of wounded at this time, and many comrades even reached the point where they can hardly even run.

Although everyone can temporarily suppress it with will, in the absence of medicines, it will inevitably cause a large number of non-combat attrition.

"Whether there is a mission or not, I will definitely save Pinghe. After I succeed, I can save more comrades. This dog system finally has a conscience."

Wu Qianli nodded slightly while accepting the task of the system.

At this time, there are additional bonus 20mm quadruple anti-aircraft guns stored in the system warehouse, which is enough for US fighter jets to drink a pot.

However, when Wu Qianli rushed to the battlefield, the situation was already very grim.

Although the fighters of the reconnaissance platoon were brave and good at fighting, leaving behind dozens of dead bodies of American soldiers, they were still scattered and escaped by the US military in large numbers, and the US fighter jets in the sky began to eagerly try.


Accompanied by the muffled sound of the bayonet piercing into the flesh, Wu Jin, a member of the reconnaissance platoon, slammed a military thorn into Iverson's stomach, and slashed upwards.


U.S. military officer Iverson exerted strength with both hands, holding the bayonet tightly.

But a section of intestines flowed out from the cut open belly, and bright red blood spilled on the snow under his feet.

"You can't escape, our record will kill you all, you yellow skins (you can't escape, our fighters will kill you all, you gang of yellow skins...)"

Before the U.S. military officer Iverson finished speaking, Wu Jin, a member of the reconnaissance platoon, twisted the bayonet to the right.

"Leave these words to your so-called God."

Under Wu Jin's cold gaze, Iverson only had time to twitch a few times before he tilted his head and his body completely went limp.

The few remaining American soldiers were also massacred in a moment.

It's not that the reconnaissance platoon doesn't want to procrastinate, but that these American soldiers run too fast.

Rather than letting them run away, it is better to turn these US troops into cold corpses.

In this way, in the worst case, these American soldiers can be buried with them.

"Well, it's time, let me send you all to hell. (It's time, let me send you all to hell.)"

Looking at the corpses of friendly soldiers all over the ground, the young American pilot pulled the joystick angrily, and swooped down at extreme speed.

"Scatter them all, don't pile them together!"

Ping He looked at the fighter jets in the sky, without a tremor in his heart, he immediately gave orders loudly.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon also spread out very experiencedly, holding up their rifles and shooting accurately at the US fighter planes in the sky.

However, the U.S. fighter jets are constantly changing the fuselage in the air with superb flying skills, and are very flexible.

The flying bullets at most shuttled past their fuselages before escaping into the boundless air.

Seeing the critical situation in the distance, Wu Qianli immediately used the system reward, and a 20mm quadruple anti-aircraft machine gun appeared in front of his eyes instantly.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom..."

Accompanied by the heavy and muffled sound of the bullets being fired, countless thick bullets quickly shot to the front of the U.S. aircraft, and the distance was already very close.

"Fuck you!"

The young American pilot suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, gritted his teeth and pulled up the joystick sharply, only to narrowly avoid those bullets.

Then before he had time to catch his breath, there was another dense firepower net of countless bullets hitting above him.

Countless thick anti-aircraft bullets precisely blocked every direction he could adjust.


The young American pilot's eyes widened, his face distorted in pain into a bitter gourd.

Before he had time to parachute, the fast-rotating propeller slammed into the large-caliber bullet in front of him.

Immediately, the young American pilot felt a violent shaking in his fingers.

The nose of the Mustang fighter jet of the US military immediately ignited thick black smoke.

And the propeller in front of the fighter jet twisted desperately a few times, and lost the power to rotate, and the whole fighter plane quickly fell downward.

Fortunately, Wu Qianli did not continue to shoot him, and the American pilot managed to parachute successfully at the last moment.

"His grandma's American devil, do you still want to escape?"

Ping He raised the rifle in his hand, pointed the muzzle at the direction under the parachute, and pulled the trigger hard.


Accompanied by a clear gunshot, the bullet quickly drilled into the head of the US military pilot, building a mixture of brain and blood.

Under the parachute, the corpse of the U.S. military with the tilted head hanging down slowly and weakly, and it didn't take long to become one of the countless corpses in the snow.

But Wu Qianli didn't pay attention to the results of the battle just now, but immediately turned his gun and aimed at another American fighter jet.

"Is this volunteer army a ghost? Where did it suddenly come from? (Is this volunteer army a ghost? Where did it come from?)"

Seeing the sudden appearance of Wu Qianli and the high-speed shooting gun, the veteran U.S. military pilot couldn't help being taken aback.

However, under another round of anti-aircraft machine gun fire from Wuqianli, he still relied on his rich combat experience to flexibly turn the fuselage to avoid it.

At this time, being cautious, he had no intention of continuing to fight, and pulled the joystick to fly high into the air to evacuate this place.

However, he found that even with only one anti-aircraft machine gun, it quickly blocked almost all his escape routes with a very precise angle and lead.

Fortunately, this time, he discovered a flaw in the firepower net, and immediately pulled the joystick to fly to the right, but soon he found that he was still caught in a trap.


An anti-aircraft machine gun bullet hit the aircraft's fuel tank very fortunately, and the entire US fighter plane exploded in the air instantly, bursting into brilliant sparks.

Looking at the wreckage of the plane falling slowly, the reconnaissance platoon fighters who were about to face death just now had expressions of shock and ecstasy on their faces.

"Bah! No matter how powerful the American devil's plane is, what's the use? Our company commander is here!"

The soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon looked at Wu Qianli's figure in unison, with a burst of gratitude and admiration in their hearts.

"Ding—congratulations to the host, successfully completed the task of shining the sword, and obtained 30 bottles of god-level special-effect penicillin, which have been automatically stored in the system warehouse and can be used at any time."

Along with the explosion of two U.S. military planes, the system's reward prompts also followed.

But at this moment, Wu Qianli didn't have the heart to look at the system warehouse, but hurried to the direction of Pinghe, his frowning revealed the worry in his heart.


At this moment, Ping He snorted, covered the wound on his arm, and fell to the ground with a pale face.

(End of this chapter)

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