The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 108 Target, Xiajieyuli Airport!

Chapter 108 Target, Xiajieyuli Airport!
03:30 p.m., Xiajieyuli Airport
"Fuck you!"

Major General Barr, commander of the Seventh Division of the U.S. Marine Corps, watched the battle report of the annihilation of the Polar Bear Regiment. He stood up angrily, and slapped the wooden table with his palm.


With a muffled sound, part of the coffee on the table immediately splashed on the sleeve of Major General Barr's military uniform, and kept shaking.

The adjutant of the U.S. military who originally planned to hand a document to Major General Barr froze in place, not daring to step forward.

The Polar Bear Regiment is the trump card elite of the 7th Division of the US Marine War, and it is also the face of Major General Barr.

During World War I, the U.S. Polar Bear Corps was unstoppable and invaded Siberia, Russia, and was awarded the title of "Polar Bear Corps" by US President Wilson himself.

However, at this time, Wu Qianli directly wiped out this heroic unit of the US military in an organized way. How could General Barr accept this.

"What about that bastard McClain, let him roll over, how the hell did he fight! (What about that bastard McClain, let him roll over!)"

Major General Barr roared angrily, and his body couldn't help trembling slightly because of the urgency, his clenched hands turned white due to excessive force.

"General, Captain McLean seems not to have fled back with the rout. (General, Captain McLean seems not to have fled back with the rout.)"

The US military adjutant behind him hesitated for a while, but still reminded him in a very cautious whisper.

General Barr heard that, just about to continue the attack, but still hesitated for a while, took a deep breath, and forced himself to calm down.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the combat map that was wet with coffee on the table, just like the corrupted battle situation of the US military, it looked extremely ugly.

"You go out first, let me have a good chat with General Barr. (You go out first, let me have a good chat with General Barr.)"

At this moment, Krulak, the deputy commander of the First Division of the US Marine Corps, saw the traces on the table, and immediately understood what was going on, and immediately waved his hands to let the idlers go out for the time being.

The adjutant of the U.S. military immediately gave a military salute, and escaped from the combat command room with a sigh of relief. General Barr also noticed Krulak's arrival, but did not respond.

"General, no matter how humiliated you are, are our Marine Division so embarrassed? (General, no matter how humiliated you are, is our Marine Division so embarrassed?)"

While speaking casually, Krulak handed a new cup of hot coffee to General Barr.

After receiving the news of the fall of the Eastern High Command Post, Larulak, the deputy commander of the First Division of the U.S. Marine Corps, was stunned for half a minute in shock.

He really couldn't imagine how an army could penetrate the iron walls of the elite US military and kill them under their command post.

However, with the loss of General Smith, he could only assume the command of the first Marine Division, and the commander-in-chief of the two divisions was handed over to General Barr.

"General, although this sentence is cruel, we should really start thinking about how to retreat. (General, it is time for us to think about how to retreat.)"

Krulak sighed slowly as he spoke.

General Barr frowned immediately when he heard the words, and opened his mouth to refute, but after thinking about the current rotten battle situation, he sighed slowly and nodded slightly.

The entire Changjin Lake battlefield was originally divided into three parts: the eastern front, the western front and the central part.

As the South Korean army in the central region was quickly defeated by the volunteers in the first place, the U.S. military can only count on the pincer offensive on the east and west lines to destroy the military strength of the volunteers.

However, the [-]st U.S. Cavalry Division on the western front has also been beaten and retreated steadily, not to mention their eastern front, which is almost in danger of being wiped out.

"I am very puzzled, how many troops of the Volunteer Army are behind us? (I am very puzzled, how many troops of the Volunteer Army are behind us?)"

General Barr looked at the location of Wulaoli on the map, with a look of suspicion in his eyes.

The American soldiers who fled back seemed to be scared out of their wits. Some said they had the strength of a regiment, while others said they only had a company.

"This telegram is the last message from Captain McClain of your army, according to whom the Volunteers have almost a division behind us. )”

Deputy Commander Krulak handed the telegram from McClain's fans before his death to General Barr, with a wry smile on his face.

General Barr immediately took the telegram when he heard the words, and after a careful look, the whole person fell silent immediately.

From his point of view, he would rather the Volunteer Army spend a division to barely annihilate the Polar Bear Group.

But at the same time, he couldn't believe that a division of the Volunteer Army detoured behind them, and the U.S. military didn't receive any news.

"General, in any case, the strength of this volunteer army cannot be underestimated. (General, the strength of this volunteer army cannot be underestimated.)"

While persuading, Krulak raised his right hand and pointed to several strongholds on the combat map, leaning over to express his thoughts.

Before the U.S. military retreats, it should also put on an offensive posture to confuse the volunteers.

However, in order to prevent the risk of collapse of the defense line and to preserve the vitality of the US military, the air force was mainly used to create this momentum.

When the indiscriminate bombing made the volunteers exhausted, a large number of US troops could take the opportunity to transfer to Xiajieyuli Airport.

In today's situation where the strength of the Volunteer Army in the rear is unknown, it is better to take the air channel instead of retreating back and take the Xingnan Port Channel to bully the Volunteer Army's weakness of not having air supremacy.

After Krulak explained this idea to General Barr, Major General Barr had no choice but to nod his head and accepted the plan.

At this moment, they were a little fortunate that the temporary airport Smith built in Xiajieyu had become a life-and-death passage for their US troops to escape at a critical moment.

Under their meticulous polishing, Major General Barr finally reported the US military's Eastern Front retreat plan to the superior US military Almond and MacArthur with some trepidation.

And they have already made up their minds, no matter whether they approve it or not, they will lead the US military to start a large retreat, otherwise they may really be wiped out on the battlefield of Changjin Lake.

In the original history, General Smith led the US military to retreat in the same way, and was highly praised by the US after returning home.

After completing the report of the retreat plan, Major General Barr ordered the bombers that could take off from the airport to set sail immediately to carry out the bombing plan against the volunteers on the front line.

Just at this time, a group of bombers had just completed their mission and landed back at Xiajieyuli Airport. Before they had a rest, they were immediately equipped with aerial bombs and flew to Wulaoli.

At this moment, in a forest in Wulaoli, Wu Qianli was distributing the special-effect penicillin he had obtained to the wounded of the Seventh Interlude Company.

At this moment, Ping He, who had fainted, was also supported by Wuqianli, who gave Ping He the penicillin.

Feeling a huge warm current reverberating around his body, Ping He slowly opened his eyes.


Just after waking up, Ping He gasped for air while clutching the wound on his arm, a burst of severe pain was coming from his wound.

"It's okay, wait until the bacteria in the wound are killed by the special medicine, and it will gradually get better."

While talking, Wu Qianli handed Pinghe a military water bottle.

In order not to make the water in the kettle too cold, Wu Qianli warmed it up in his arms for a while.

Ping He licked his chapped lips, took the water bottle and drank it down in one gulp, his throat was so dry that it was about to smoke, and he felt refreshed for a while.

After a short period of severe pain, Ping He clenched his fists in pain, leaving traces of sweat on his back.

However, with the gradual cooling of the wound, a comfortable feeling spread from the nerve endings in his arm to his brain. The wound, which was still very serious just now, miraculously improved a lot.

The other soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company who used the special-effect penicillin all looked at the wounds on their bodies, and their eyes widened in surprise.

You must know that some of them are already half seriously wounded. Not only are they a little weak in the fierce battle, but even the rapid march is somewhat difficult.

They were even hesitating whether to sneak away in the dark, so as not to burden the company.

However, under the effect of special medicine at this moment, even though they have not fully healed, it is clear that there is absolutely no problem keeping up with the pace of the team.

"Company commander, how much of this medicine is there? If there is enough, our Seventh Interlude Company can save at least half of the comrades who died in the next battle."

Ping He looked at the used-up vial of penicillin in surprise, as if I were looking at a treasured miracle drug.

Everyone obviously also noticed the changes in the wounded of the seventh interspersed company, and they all looked at Wu Qianli in unison, with a hint of longing in their eyes.

After all, compared to directly sacrificing on the battlefield, being tortured to death by pain is the most tormenting.

"Oh, this is the special medicine that I managed to collect from the American devils, but unfortunately, I also discovered these doses, and now the comrades have used up all of them."

Looking at the expectant eyes of everyone, Wu Qianli could only sigh helplessly, and said slowly.

After all, the things given by the system are so unstable, and he doesn't know if he can have them in the future, so he can only prevaricate them for the time being.

"Company commander, we have killed so many American devils. Although we have a brilliant record, it will definitely attract their attention."

"For the sake of safety, I suggest that the Seventh Interspersed Company should move quickly and not stay where it is. Otherwise, if the US military encircles them, it will be very dangerous if we lack heavy weapons."

Mei Sheng thought for a while, looked at Wu Qianli's face, and said very seriously.

After all, the biggest advantage of the Seventh Interlude Company is that it can freely shuttle in various positions of the enemy army and fight mobile warfare with a small force.

"The platoon leaders counted the casualties and rested for a while, and we will retreat at night."

Wu Qianli nodded slowly after listening to Mei Sheng's words, and made plans to transfer.

The god-level rush marching experience card given by the system obviously pointed the soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company at Xiajieyu, and it seemed that the final decisive battle was not far away.


The platoon leaders responded loudly, and immediately took stock of the situation in their own platoons.

When the final report of the casualties was reported to Wu Qianli, he fell into a sad silence.

The Seventh Interlude Company, which had been expanded once at the Dayelm Command Post, unexpectedly dropped from [-] troops to just over a hundred.

"The assault platoon is temporarily merged into the firepower platoon and returned to Yu Congrong, and the command is unified. The other platoons remain unchanged."

It can be adjusted according to the situation of the seventh interspersed company. The soldiers below have already understood each other, and the merger was completed without the slightest resistance.

After that, except for a few soldiers who stood guard on guard, most of the other comrades fell down on the snow to rest.

Under the continuous battle with the US military, they are really tired.

Whether it was the muscle soreness caused by the fighting, or the nervous exhaustion caused by the front line of life and death, a large number of seventh interspersed companies fell asleep in a second on the icy cold snow.

"It's so beautiful to spend a little time at home with my wife and children on the hot kang. This American devil insists on getting in and doing it with us."

Looking at the soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company who were lying on the snow in disorder, Wu Qianli couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

At the same time, Meisheng, who hadn't rested yet, was fiddling with the high-power radio transferred from the US military command post, sending messages to the command post.

Annihilating the Polar Bear Regiment, capturing the flag of the Polar Bear Regiment, killing the head of the U.S. military regiment, and destroying two U.S. Mustang fighter jets.

"Brother, do you think that if my parents know that I have followed you and made such great achievements, will they be proud of me?"

While talking, Wu Wanli also learned how to light a US military cigarette with a match, put it in his mouth, and started to smoke slightly.

After a period of adaptation, the momentum of the cigarette was no longer able to choke him, but the nicotine let his brain nerves get a little release.

"Maybe, but if parents choose, they will definitely not let you, a brat, come out with me and go through life and death."

Wu Qianli looked at Wu Wanli with a smile, and rubbed his head with his hands.

After fighting for a period of time, Wu Wanli's face has grown a bit more vicissitudes, and the ruffian aura that used to be on him is now replaced by the restrained and murderous aura of a soldier.

Ping He, who was gradually healing from his wounds, couldn't help being slightly taken aback when he heard what they said. Obviously, he also thought of his parents and family, but he soon came back to his senses and was doing what he was doing.

"Brother Pinghe, what did you engrave on the bullet case?"

After Wu Wanli finished speaking, he took another puff of the cigarette, and the flame of the cigarette butt lit up instantly.


Ping He spoke concisely, and drew a series of marks on the bullet case.

"What words are you engraving?"


"The river of Pinghe?"

"It's peaceful and peaceful."

After Ping He finished speaking, the movement of his hands just stopped, and each stroke on it represented an American soldier he shot and killed.

On the outside of the bullet case, which was glowing with brassy luster, it was already engraved with knife marks from military stabs, showing Pinghe's illustrious military exploits.

"Peaceful and..."

After Wu Wanli heard Pinghe's words, his heart suddenly felt a little shaken, and he couldn't help but nodded slightly while muttering.

Soon, Mei Sheng also completed the task of sending the telegram to Zhisi, while Yu Congrong and Lei Gong had already fallen asleep snoring like thunder.

After a short rest, everyone in the Seventh Interlude Company was woken up one by one by Wu Qianli.

The night is like water, the stars are dark, and the boundless darkness tonight once again provided the [-]th Interlude Company with the conditions for a concealed march.

"Let's go, the destination is Xiajieyuli Airport!"

Under Wu Qianli's order, the soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company rushed forward quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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