The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 114 Obtaining Command of the Heavy Artillery Battalion

Chapter 114 Obtaining Command of the Heavy Artillery Battalion
"Buzz buzz buzz—"

Accompanied by the extremely fast dive of the U.S. bomber, the roar of the aircraft engine constantly stimulated the eardrums of the soldiers of the seventh interspersed company.

The jet fighter's flight at the speed of sound directly and forcefully broke through the snow in the air, and formed a looming wind wall.

As the plane dived to the lowest point, several aerial bombs were thrown down quickly, and a dozen small black spots hit the exposed artillery barrel hard.

"call out--"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by a violent explosion, the trucks and artillery below were all shrouded in a cloud of fire.

The gun barrel, which was shiny just now, instantly became shriveled and charred, and countless steel fragments were scattered and flew in all directions, making a brittle sound.

"His grandma, these American devils really don't feel bad at all. It's a pity that the cannons are all made by themselves."

Looking at the wreckage of the large-caliber artillery that was burning ragingly in the distance, Lei Gong couldn't help sighing with regret.

As an old comrade of the artillery platoon, he has also fired many types of artillery, but he has never used such a large-caliber artillery.

Battalion Commander Yang was also a little disappointed when he saw this scene. These cannons hadn't been warmed up by their own artillery battalion, but now they have become like this.

"Commander Wu, thank you..."

"If it weren't for you, our artillery battalion would have to use bayonets to fight the American devils."

Battalion Commander Yang looked at the flickering flames in the distance, and bit the word thank you very hard.

It's not that he's afraid of bayonet-knife melee combat with the American devils. There is basically no coward in the volunteer army who is afraid of death.

It's just that with these artillery pieces, the comrades-in-arms who get along day and night, as well as thousands of volunteer soldiers, can shed less blood and pay less young lives.

"I don't need to say thank you, they are all comrades in my own army."

"It's just that I always feel that this bombing will not end so quickly. These American devils are probably holding back."

Wu Qianli looked at the US bombers circling in the sky, and frowned slightly worriedly, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

After a total of 12 B29 bombers dropped their aerial bombs, they continued to circle in the sky and did not leave immediately.

"Oh boys, look at our masterpiece, these cannons are all in pieces of steel."

A pilot who had just joined the U.S. Army, looked at the fire and thick smoke in the snow, and couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

"Ah, yes, what do you guys think of the proposal I just made? Throw a few incendiary bombs before leaving. It's time to watch the fireworks."

American pilot Adam is not interested in the explosions he is accustomed to. He is full of thoughts about the V-shaped sea of ​​flames in his mind.

Air Force Major Michel of the U.S. bombing squadron thought about it and decided that it was indeed necessary to drop some white phosphorus incendiary bombs.

All the way they flew, they didn't see the Volunteer Artillery Battalion, so they couldn't tell where it was.

For the rich and powerful U.S. military, it is obviously a great deal to waste some ammunition to kill possible enemies.

"Units No. 1 to No. 3 threw incendiary bombs on the small forest on the southeast side."

"Units No. 4 to No. 9 used machine guns to shoot at the valley in front of them."

"The rest are flying at low altitude nearby, looking for suspicious targets. If the enemy cannot be found after 5 minutes, they will return to the base immediately."

Major Michelle of the U.S. Air Force gave an order to the radio after a little thought.

"Roger that!"

The bombers of the U.S. bombing squadron immediately stepped down and turned their noses, and each quickly flew towards the corresponding position.

As several U.S. bombers approached, the Stars and Stripes on the fuselage became clearly visible.

The soldiers of the Artillery Battalion and the Seventh Interlude Company couldn't help swallowing nervously, their eyes fixed on the fighter planes in the sky, and their hearts were pounding.

"Company commander, have the bombers of the American devils spotted us, should we launch a counterattack immediately?"

Yu Congrong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he began to feel a little anxious.

It is also thanks to the fighting power of the Seventh Interlude Company before, when they faced tanks and planes, they were never passively beaten, basically they all did the opposite.

"Company Commander Wu, make up your own mind about what to do, our artillery battalion also listens to you."

Battalion Commander Yang marveled in his heart at Wu Qianli's accurate judgment just now, and on the other hand looked at Wu Qianli with extremely trusting eyes and said.

In order to prevent the worst from happening, the artillery battalion deliberately covered the anti-aircraft guns with thick gun coats covered with snow, and cleverly hid them not far away.

After what happened just now, the artillery battalion believed in the company commander of the interspersed company. As long as Wu Qianli nodded, they would immediately launch a counterattack against the US bombers in the sky.

"No, tell comrades to keep calm, this battle must never be fought."

Wu Qianli listened to the roar of the approaching plane engine, hesitated for two seconds, but shook his head quickly.

Before it was different now, there were only a few fighter jets at most, and the power of a dozen US jet bombers was by no means something they could compete with.

More importantly, they were also charged with the grand strategic task of taking down the Longshuidong artillery position and bombarding Xiajieyuli Airport.

It would be a big loss if too many troops were wasted for this battle and the encirclement and suppression of the entire Changjin Lake East Front was delayed.

"Okay, tell the comrades to hide and don't make any noise, even if you freeze to death, lie down on the spot!"

After listening to Wu Qianli's words, Battalion Commander Yang nodded without hesitation, and immediately ordered someone to convey the order to every soldier in the artillery battalion.

At this time, Li Gousheng also recovered from the astonishment just now, and with a face full of grief and indignation, he grabbed the small snowdrift in front of him with his hands.

The icy cold feeling spread from the nerve endings in his hands to his brain, but he couldn't erase the image of kneeling down to kowtow to Wu Qianli in his mind.

He really couldn't understand, how could Wu Qianli be so accurate because of the guidance of an immortal.

But soon, he didn't have the mind to think about these things anymore.

A U.S. bomber that dived at a very high speed just passed over his head.

A white phosphorous incendiary bomb was thrown down, and fell quickly with the addition of physical acceleration.

"Do not……"

Li Gousheng almost exclaimed, if he hadn't suppressed his voice in his throat with his last rationality when he came out, the whole snow field would have heard his wailing.


Different from the rapid explosion of the aerial bomb, the white phosphorous incendiary bomb hit the snow, only making a crisp sound like glass shattering.

What followed were countless small jumping flames, devouring the surrounding dry tree trunks like demons.

A soldier of the artillery battalion was caught in the flames of the incendiary bomb, and the flames immediately spread from his sleeves to half of his body.


The soldier wailed in pain, but up to this moment, the heart-piercing pain did not make him forget the hidden command requirements.

He directly covered his face with the military cotton coat on the other side, and lowered his voice, so that the screams became weaker.

Until the blazing fire behind him enveloped his whole body, he was so painful that he simply took out his military thorn and wiped it on his neck.

Blood gushed out on the snow immediately, and the smell of scorched human flesh mixed with the smell of blood permeated the air, and he finally ended his pain.

However, this soldier was just a microcosm. Several soldiers in the artillery battalion were burned by fire because of this, and they chose to commit suicide.

At this moment, the fire spread rapidly and soon reached the vicinity of Li Gousheng.

"Don't...don't come here."

Li Gouzun looked at the approaching fire in horror. At this moment, waves of heat had rushed over his body, covering him with layers of fine sweat.

"Don't move, the American devil's plane is about to fly away, just hold on for a while."

Wu Qianli looked at the US B29 bomber that was gradually rising in the sky, and said with a little joy.

"His grandma, company commander, look what this eggless guy is doing."

Yu Congrong gritted his teeth angrily, stared at Li Gou's remaining position and cursed.

Everyone immediately looked in the direction of Yu Congrong's gaze, and the anger in their eyes was stronger than the flames of the bomb.

For his own safety, Li Gousheng used a long bayonet to directly push his comrade's body away.

It's pitiful to the soldier in the artillery battalion, who endured the pain of being burned by the fire, and at the same time was humiliated like this.

At this time, a U.S. bomber in the sky apparently also noticed the abnormality of the tumbling below, and gradually approached the low altitude.

"Report sir, report sir, there seems to be something strange in the grove 2 meters southwest of Unit 500, request bombing!"

American pilot Adam spoke to the radio uncertainly, and pulled the joystick.

The bombs and incendiary bombs carried by his own bomber had just been dropped, so he could only ask for the assistance of other fighters.

"Is that true? We're running out of bombs."

As Air Force Major Michelle spoke, he looked at the grove not far away, and there was a hint of sharpness in his eyes.

"The No. 7 and No. 8 aircraft, after finishing the strafing of the valley, immediately turned to the grove for the final bombing."

Major Michelle of the U.S. Army thought about it, and although he was not sure, he still made a decisive decision.

"Roger that!"

American pilot Adam nodded slightly, and drove the bomber down through the grove, and the machine gun mounted on the plane fired rapidly.

"Da da da da da da da da da..."

Countless bullets were shot at the grove, knocking down a lot of snow.

Many soldiers ambushing here were shot in the body, and with a muffled grunt, they lost consciousness.

Even Li Gouzeng was shot in the leg, and traces of bright red blood dyed the entire army cotton trousers red, and instantly solidified into dark red in the cold air.

In the snow without medical conditions, he could only tightly cover the wound on his leg, grinning his teeth and gasping for air.

But soon he found that whether it was the soldiers of the [-]th Interlude Company or the comrades in his own unit, they looked at him with resentful eyes.

"It's his grandma's. If the American devil's plane wasn't still there, I would have rushed up and killed this kid."

Yu Congrong looked at the comrades who died at this point, and stared at Li Gousheng with tears in his eyes.

Lei Gongmeisheng and the others' complexions were as black as coal at the moment, and they really wanted to cut this black sheep to pieces.

Wu Qianli also clenched his fists, looking at the US bombers gradually gathering here in the sky, with a serious expression on his face.

"Report sir, the strafing mission has been completed, and the No. 8 aircraft is heading to the predetermined location to bomb."

"Reporting sir, aircraft No. 9 is rapidly flying to the predetermined position to bomb."


Major Michelle of the U.S. Army listened to the sound of the radio and nodded silently.

At the same time, there was always a hint of hesitation on his face. Just now, under the machine guns of the bomber driven by Adam, the grove did not move at all. Could it be that it was really just hitting the air.

As for what you said about being shot by incendiary bombs and machine guns, under the double blow, the volunteers can still grit their teeth and hold on?

Sorry, for the US military, such an army does not exist in their concept.

"Major Michelle, there is an urgent mission now, please rush to the coordinates (293, 326) to carry out the bombing immediately! Don't delay!"

"Repeat again, there is no need to return to the voyage, and immediately go to the predetermined location to bomb. The situation is urgent and there is no delay!"

At this time, Michelle's radio station suddenly heard the voice of the US Air Force Base, and the words were a little serious and anxious.

Major Michel, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, understands that when they are diverted midway, it must be that the US military has encountered a very urgent situation.

"Bomb all the fighters in the squadron, give up the current target, and immediately follow me to carry out the bombing mission!"

Air Force Major Michel immediately issued an order, leading the bomber to turn around and accelerate towards the distance.

The roar of U.S. aircraft engines gradually weakened, until finally, all U.S. bombers were reduced to small black dots.

Only then did the soldiers let out a long sigh of relief, and put down the machine guns and submachine guns they were gripping tightly. Cold sweat had already covered the military cotton clothes behind them.

"His grandma is a bear, it's you! Almost killed all comrades!"

As soon as the U.S. bomber was gone, Yu Congrong jumped up from the snow, grabbed Li Gou's leftover military uniform, and carried him to Wu Qianli.

"Yu Congrong, you are also a veteran, why is your consciousness so poor, don't be impulsive."

Seeing this, Mei Sheng immediately spoke out to stop Yu Congrong, but his body stood there very honestly, and he didn't go forward to fight at all like before.

Most of the other fighters neither supported nor opposed, but silently stared at Li Gousheng with hatred in their eyes, and an invisible pressure wanted him to overwhelm him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was wrong. I was the one who had a bad temper before the Fifth Company Commander. Don't count the faults of the villain, sir. Please say something for me."

Li Gousheng immediately realized the seriousness of the matter, and he didn't care about his face, so he fell to his knees in front of Wu Qianli with a plop, kowtowing his head non-stop.

Recalling that just now he realized that it was also him, his brain short-circuited for a moment, and he actually did such a thing that people hate.

"Battle Commander Yang, leave the people in your artillery battalion to your disposal. I won't ask questions."

Wu Qianli looked at Li Gousheng who was kneeling and kowtowing in front of him, with an indescribable disgust in his eyes.

He is not a saint, and he hates being a saint. This kind of cancer must not stay in the ranks of volunteers.

So, although Wu Qianli said he would hand it over to Commander Yang, he handed a Colt pistol to Commander Yang.


Battalion Commander Yang didn't talk nonsense, gritted his teeth, took the pistol handed over by Wu Qianli, and shot Li Gouyu to death with one shot.

"Company Commander Wu, let you take command of the next battle, our artillery battalion is at your command."

Battalion Commander Yang looked at Wu Qianli very eagerly, and handed back the Colt pistol with both hands.

He is a pure soldier, and he most admires those who are capable of fighting. All power and face are nothing but clouds to him.

As long as he can defeat more American troops and save the comrades around him from sacrificing less, even if he is asked to join Lei Gong's artillery platoon to carry shells, he is very happy.

Wu Qianli took over the pistol without any hesitation, and nodded directly to take over the command.

Now that the war is raging, there is not much time for politeness.

At this time, the sunset glow that is gradually falling from the sky seems to be about to fade away, and the snow that is getting bigger and bigger is slowly covering the sight.

Wu Qianli nodded slightly, knowing in his heart that the time had come for a quick and covert march.

"The whole army obeys the order! Run quickly to the Longshuidong artillery position."

"As long as we grab the cannon there, we can arm the artillery firepower of a heavy artillery regiment!"

(End of this chapter)

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