The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 115 Attacking the Longshuidong Artillery Position

Chapter 115 Attacking the Longshuidong Artillery Position

On the outskirts of the Longshuidong artillery position, Wu Qianli was holding up a telescope to observe the situation inside.

Across a shallow river, the U.S. military was chatting casually, without any tension on their faces.

"Everyone, I heard that the volunteers in front fought fiercely. Shouldn't we have another big defeat like before?"

A US military recruit grinned slightly, breaking the atmosphere of their chat with some embarrassment.

He recalled that during the first line of defense at Changjin Lake, under the overwhelming charge of the Volunteers, he squeezed desperately into a troop carrier, and even his helmet was blown away.

"Oh man, what are you worried about?"

"Do you think we really want to fight a decisive battle with the volunteers by gathering our troops near the Xiajieyuli Airport?"

A slightly sloppy American veteran stuffed the cigarette in his mouth into the recruit's mouth and said with a loud laugh.

"Don't worry, we'll be safe soon."

A U.S. sergeant smiled and handed a chocolate to the recruit.

While the American soldiers were chatting happily, Wu Qianli and Pinghe also completed a general investigation.

"Company commander, these American devils seem to be a little lax in defense."

Ping He held a very simple pencil, and marked the strength and firepower of the US military on a piece of slightly worn paper.

"Hahaha, the U.S. commander's intention to retreat is too obvious, even a fool can see it, let alone these battle-tested U.S. veterans."

"How much wariness can you expect from the U.S. military who are about to slap their ass and flee?"

Wu Qianli smiled slightly, and put down the cold telescope in his hand.

Because the collective march of the Artillery Battalion and the Seventh Interspersed Company was a bit loud, it was easy to alert the US military in advance.

Wu Qianli and He Pinghe took a few reconnaissance platoon soldiers and took the lead in entering the artillery position of Longshui Cave to observe the situation.

"Company commander, although the American devils are relatively relaxed, they have six major firepower points in front of them."

"And these firepower points just blocked all the passages we can, and there is even a state of saturated firepower."

Ping He's sharp eyes scanned the US defense positions on the frontal position, and his heart sank slightly.

It seems that the US military's lax defense is not only because of the imminent escape, but also because of its trust in its own firepower equipment.

"Damn it, these American devils are really cunning. They just placed some important firepower points where the shells can't hit them."

Wu Qianli raised his left thumb, made a slight gesture, and stared at the semicircular heavy machine gun positions piled up with sandbags, frowning slightly.

"Follow me quietly to the side of the American devils to have a look, maybe there are still loopholes."

Wu Qianli stood up slightly while talking, and the snow on the white cloak was slowly shaken to the ground.

Under the cover of night, Wu Qianli and others quickly slid across the frozen river, and then quickly fell down on the snow.

On the tall observation tower of the US military, a high-power searchlight illuminates the dark place below back and forth.

With this thick beam of light, Wu Qianli could even see clearly the ice slags hanging on the barbed wire in front of him, and there were some bells where the transparent ice slags intersected.

"Before the official start of the attack, these barbed wire fences must be completely blown up with shells."

Wu Qianli said silently, and moved towards the deeper flank of the US artillery position.

Many swearing American soldiers yawned and patrolled, not noticing Wu Qianli and others at all.

Until they reached the flank of the US military position, they suddenly found that there was no US patrolling here.

"Company commander, the troops deployed by the American devils here are probably only about two platoons."

Ping He observed with the optical scope of the sniper rifle in his hand for a long time before he came to a general conclusion.

"Do these American devils really think that they can sit back and relax with a few tanks?"

Wu Qianli was lying on the snow, observing the situation in the distance with a telescope, and couldn't help smiling.

I saw seven or eight Sherman tanks parked in the same place, with their barrels facing forward, as if they were ready to kill at any time.

Wu Qianli understands that this is not only the good intentions of the US military commander, but also a helplessness of insufficient troops.

Sending heavy troops, coupled with saturated firepower to defend the frontal positions, can shoot and injure a large number of active volunteers on the river beach.

At the same time, the US tanks on the flanks can not only serve as an important defensive force, but also can detour out in an emergency, encircling the frontal attacking volunteers.

And the surrounding area of ​​Longshuidong artillery position is completely bare.

Even some dead tree trunks were uprooted by the U.S. military, just to prevent any bunkers from being attacked by the Volunteers.

"If we want to fight this battle, we must fight blitzkrieg, and we must not be held back by the firepower of the American devils."

Wu Qianli took a look at the simple firepower distribution map drawn by Ping He, and secretly made up his mind.

"Company commander, there is a situation."

Ping He heard the slight sound not far away, immediately pricked up his ears vigilantly, and warned in a low voice.

"The whole army is hidden, let them go without special circumstances, and don't alarm the US military."

Wu Qianli heard the words, immediately clenched the dark red bayonet tightly, and clung tightly to the icy cold snow, staring at the approaching US troops in the distance.

"Shit! Have I been abandoned by God? Why is my luck the worst every time, I have been on duty for three consecutive nights!"

A U.S. sergeant blushed and cursed at his soldiers in a drunken manner.

The soldiers below looked at each other and sighed slowly, no one dared to touch his bad head at this moment.

As time passed, the slight sound made by the US military's heavy leather boots stepping on the snow was getting closer and closer to Wu Qianli and others.

Wu Qianli and the soldiers in the reconnaissance platoon maintained restraint, and even the heartbeat did not increase much.

They are all the calmest fighters in the [-]th Interlude Company, and they have long been used to such thrilling moments.

But even though they were well concealed, something unexpected happened next.

"Sir, be careful, the weather in the Far East is too cold, it will be uncomfortable if you plant it on the snow."

A U.S. soldier looked at the staggering U.S. non-commissioned officer who was walking in the front, and kindly wanted to help him.

"Let go of me, I can go by myself."

The U.S. sergeant frowned and pushed the approaching U.S. soldiers away.

The soldier immediately staggered and fell to the side, and the place where he fell was unbiased, which happened to be Wu Qianli's hiding place.


The American soldier wanted to pat Xue Li up, but suddenly saw a head staring at him, and broke out in a cold sweat.

"Be careful, there are..."

When the American soldiers saw the military uniform on Wu Qianli's body, they immediately understood everything, and were about to struggle to get up to warn.


At this moment, Wu Qianli covered his mouth with his big hand, and stabbed the American soldier's chest fiercely with a bayonet.

Before the American soldier finished speaking, his vocal cords were severed along with the main artery, and the warning sound stopped abruptly.

The other two American soldiers also noticed something was wrong. When they looked back, their eyes widened in horror, and they froze in place.

However, their reaction was not too slow. After only a second of hesitation, they immediately raised their guns, only wanting to fire them into the sky as a warning.

However, at the same time as Wu Qianli started, several other soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon also quietly touched the backs of several American soldiers.


Wu Jin, a soldier of the reconnaissance platoon, stabbed the bayonet into the back chest of the American soldier.

The shock of being stabbed with a living heart beat made the handle of the stabbing knife tremble slightly at first, but there was no movement within a few seconds.

After several American sentries were dealt with neatly by the soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon, the drunken American sergeant finally noticed the movement behind him.


Looking at the twitching U.S. soldier lying on the snow, the U.S. non-commissioned officer woke up more than half of his wine in an instant, and immediately wanted to pull out the pistol at his waist in a hurry.

However, he had just touched the butt of the pistol when Ping He immediately kicked him in the stomach.

"Fuck you!"

When the U.S. sergeant was clutching his stomach and rolling in pain on the snow, a cold bayonet had already reached his chest.

"Tell me your patrol time, password, and your specific troop configuration."

Holding a bayonet, Wu Qianli asked the U.S. sergeant in fluent English, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"If I say so, will you let me go?"

The U.S. sergeant raised his hands and asked quite pleadingly.

The American blood stained on the cold bayonet hadn't dried up, and left drop by drop on his military uniform. The strong smell of blood made him feel the threat of death.

Facing his question, Wu Qianli still had a cold face, did not answer a word, but the general stabbed a little bit deeper.

"I said it! I said it all!"

The U.S. sergeant, who was feeling the attack of pain, held Wu Qianli's military thorn tightly with both hands, and hurriedly agreed.

He knew very well that he, who was at an absolute disadvantage, had lost the basic right to negotiate terms.

After he had said everything that could be said, Wu Qianli even threw him the simple map of Pinghe and asked him to draw a rough picture of the situation inside.

Under the threat of a bayonet, the U.S. military sergeant had no choice but to write down obediently, not daring to deceive or conceal anything.

However, in the information provided by the US military officer, there was one point that surprised Wu Qianli a little.

The U.S. military actually sent two division-level sharpshooters to help defend. They just don't know how strong they are in a duel on the battlefield.

"Company commander, we have basically figured out the situation of the Longshuidong artillery position, so let's go back quickly."

Looking at the combat map in his hand, Ping He suggested in a low voice.

Obviously, they have just dealt with the US military patrol team, and they must not delay it any longer, otherwise the US military must be alert.

"Okay, let's deal with it briefly, and we will return to camp immediately."

Wu Qianli waved his hand, and several soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon immediately buried the American corpses on the ground.

Even the remaining blood stains sprayed on the ground, the soldiers did a simple treatment before leaving.

When Wu Qianli and others returned to the outlying Volunteer Army camp, the rough map was spread out, and all the backbones gathered together, and quickly listened to the situation of the US Army's Longshuidong artillery position.

"Company commander, according to this situation, it may be better for us to divide our troops to fight."

Mei Sheng looked at the distribution of firepower and military forces on the map, pinched his chin and pondered for a moment, and finally came to a conclusion.

"Divide the troops? Brother, didn't you say that you need to concentrate superior forces to annihilate the U.S. military?"

Wu Wanli scratched his head in doubt, and asked a little puzzled.

"Stupid boy, what Mei Sheng said is right, we do have to divide our troops."

Wu Qianli smiled slightly, pointed to the map, and signaled everyone to focus on it.

"We need to use a force to attack their frontal positions, beat them to the point of collapse, and put enough pressure on them."

"At this time, the tanks on the flanks of the U.S. military will definitely come out in a roundabout way. At that time, our troops ambushing on the flanks can just take advantage of the vacancy and attack their interior. The battle will determine the world."

After Wu Qianli finished speaking, he clenched his fist with his right hand and slammed it hard at the US artillery position in the center of the map.

"Okay, Company Commander Wu deserves to be rich in combat experience, so let's fight like this!"

After hearing this, Battalion Commander Yang's eyes lit up, and he nodded slightly while looking at the map.

The actual battle plan is very simple, but the simpler the battle plan with fewer links on the real battlefield, the better the final effect will be.

After all, the battlefield of bullets and bullets is not just talking on paper, and a gorgeous and bloated plan will be difficult to implement, and it is easier to make mistakes in a certain link.

"Company commander, leave the main attacking position to Lao Yu. I will definitely call for help after three minutes of beating the American devils."

Yu Congrong patted his chest, habitually wanting to take over the task of the main attack.

"Company Commander Wu, this is the main offensive task, please leave it to our artillery battalion, we can still charge forward, no worse than you."

Battalion Commander Yang was about to speak, but he couldn't help speaking eagerly because he spoke calmly first.

He knew very well that taking the main frontal attack and wanting to make the U.S. military with such saturated firepower feel oppressive would mean that there must be a lot of sacrifices.

And after their artillery battalion is over, this battle basically only needs to carry out bombing missions, but the earth air interspersed company, which is a secret weapon, must not suffer heavy casualties here.

"Yang Battalion Commander, I said this first, you are not authentic."

Yu Congrong stood up suddenly, and was about to continue arguing for a few more words, but was stopped by Mei Sheng at the side.

"Company commander, in fact, Battalion Commander Yang is right. From an objective point of view, the Cannon Battalion is indeed more suitable for the main attack."

"Only by piercing and charging from the flanks can our seventh piercing company play a greater advantage."

Mei Sheng analyzed the battle situation calmly and objectively, and looked at Wu Qianli.

"The whole army obeys!"

Wu Qianli nodded slightly, then stood up, and said seriously, everyone straightened up immediately, waiting for their combat mission.

"Battalion Commander Yang, you take the first company and the second company of the artillery battalion to attack the US army, and show me your momentum!"

Wu Qianli looked at Battalion Commander Yang loudly issuing military orders, and cast a beseeching look.


Battalion Commander Yang was not at all displeased at being commanded by Wu Qianli, but responded loudly.

"Pinghe, Meisheng, you and the reconnaissance platoon assist Battalion Commander Yang to knock out the frontal US firepower. We must not let their eight machine guns fire in unison."


"Lei Gong, you take over the third company of the artillery battalion and the heavy artillery, and hide at the junction of the front and the side to wait for the opportunity. As soon as the US tanks are dispatched, they will immediately blow up hard!"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

When Lei Gong heard that he could temporarily take over the heavy artillery, he immediately rubbed his hands excitedly and responded loudly.

"The rest of the people ambushed with me on the flanks of the Longshuidong artillery position of the US Army. As soon as their tanks are bombed, we will launch an attack immediately!"

 Thanks to Shen Ma Ge's Shen Ma and other book friends for their monthly tickets

(End of this chapter)

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