The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 120 The Great Attack Begins at Midnight

Chapter 120 The Great Attack Begins at Midnight

"The seventh interspersed company of the telegram asked Wu Qianli and the others to rush to the northwest exit of Xiajieyuli Airport. At [-]:[-] midnight, they cooperated with the large forces to launch a general attack!"

In the command room of the Ninth Army Corps, Song Shilun slapped his hands heavily on the table as he spoke. Obviously, he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.


The secretary of the headquarters quickly responded, and the urgent telegram was quickly sent to Wu Qianli.

Wu Qianli took the telegram, read it twice silently, and after memorizing the content, carefully tore the telegram into pieces and scattered them on the snow.

"Brother, we seem to have arrived at the predetermined location, why did we not see anyone?"

Wu Wanli looked at the vast expanse of white snow, which was eerily quiet, and even suspected that the seventh interlude got lost and went in the wrong direction.

"Hahaha, Guawazi, do you think it's like the storyteller said in ancient times, everyone was in great fanfare and lined up to attack?"

Lei Gong looked at Wu Wanli's innocent face, couldn't help but smiled and squeezed his shoulder.

On the other side, Ping He, who was at the front of the team, put his fingers to his mouth and blew twice vigorously, and the sharp whistle sounded like a bird's chirp resounding through the sky.

After a while, there was a similar bird call, chirping for a while, and a khaki color of military uniform finally appeared in front of everyone.

A sentry from the Volunteer Army came to the [-]th Interlude Company and carefully led them to the predetermined ambush position.

Originally, there was still a link to report the unit number, but the Seventh Interlude Company was so special that there was no need to report it at all.

As soon as the volunteer sentry saw the flag of the polar bear group fluttering in the wind, they immediately understood that this was the legendary company of heroes.

"It's true that people are more angry than people. It would be great if I was also a soldier of the Seventh Interlude Company."

The volunteer sentinel who led the way sighed enviously while thinking about it.

Under the guidance of the sentinel, Wu Qianli led the seventh interspersed company and quickly ambushed at the planned attack position.

At this time, the U.S. troops in the base camp in Xiajieyu were half surrounded by the volunteers, and they were tightly suppressed.

However, the encirclement was not completely sealed, but one or two gaps were deliberately left to prevent American soldiers from fighting to the death.

But if the U.S. military is really lucky and really protrudes from the gap in the encirclement, they will soon face layers of ambushes and pursuit.

Inside the position, Wu Qianli slowly raised his cold binoculars and looked at the periphery of the US defensive position.

I saw layers of barbed wire exposed, the defensive position was tightly covered, and a layer of nails and some traps were deliberately spread on the surrounding ground.

It is conceivable that if the volunteers launch a group charge under such circumstances, they must rely on human lives to fill in these fortifications in the early stage.

"Company commander, the American devils should be more than just these superficial tricks."

After Ping He observed with the scope on the sniper rifle, his expression immediately became serious.

"Let's not talk about the mines buried outside the positions. At least they have set up a lot of bunkers and firepower points in hidden places."

After observing the outer positions of the Perfect Army, Ping He spoke while using half a pencil to draw a general situation on simple white paper.

Ever since he was promoted by Wu Qianli to be the leader of the reconnaissance platoon, he has developed the habit of analyzing and drawing simple maps before fighting.

"It would be great if we could get rid of these troubles before starting the war."

Wu Qianli looked at the map drawn by Ping He, there were more than a dozen possible hidden firepower points.

Moreover, the crossfire formed by these firepower points would definitely lock the attack route, which made his scalp tingle.

"Telegram the headquarters of the Ninth Corps, requesting the Heavy Artillery Battalion to carry out cover-type artillery strikes on the external positions of the US military, and exchange some shells for the lives of the soldiers. This is still worthwhile."

Wu Qianli took out a slightly worn-out metal watch, and seeing that there were still a few hours before the attack, he simply telegraphed to the headquarters, requesting artillery strikes in advance.

However, when this telegram was delivered to Commander Song Shilun, he immediately felt annoyed and amused.

"Damn it, this kid Wu Qianli is really not in charge of the family and doesn't know how expensive he is."

"I'm not stupid. Who doesn't know how to use the cannon to hit it up first. The problem is that there must be so many shells."

While laughing and cursing, Song Shilun quickly took a few sips of warm water to suppress the irritability in his heart.

"Tell that kid Wu Qianli, when he grabs enough cannons and shells from the American devils, I will support him as a local rich man, and call for artillery support as he pleases!"

After Song Shilun finished speaking, he waved his hand with a wry smile and asked the secretary to go down and reply truthfully.

When the secretary turned to leave, he picked up a situation report just handed over by the artillery battalion.


Song Shilun had just glanced at the numbers in the report, and then spit out a sip of water, his eyes widened in astonishment.

He can be regarded as someone who has seen big scenes, but the number of artillery and shells seized by this artillery battalion is really unexpected for him.


"And according to the amount of shells currently stored, there are enough shells to bombard Xiajieyuli Airport continuously for a day and a night."

When Song Shilun finished reading the report, the first thing he thought of was to dispatch more artillery from the army to prevent the artillery battalion from being overwhelmed.

"His grandma, according to this, Wu Qianli really robbed the rich man from the American devils."

"Good guy, he has to give him a big credit for taking the cannon. After the war, the boss will not let this kid pull out a strengthened independent regiment to do it alone."

Song Shilun suddenly felt that Wu Qianli, a well-off general, seemed pleasing to the eye, but at the same time, he was a little bit reluctant for Wu Qianli to leave the Ninth Army completely.

"No, the telegram just now hasn't been sent yet!"

Song Shilun got up abruptly, and hurriedly asked someone to intercept the telegram just now.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time. If it was sent out, it would give that boy Wu Qianli a chance to slap him in the face.

"Starting at midnight at 01:30, let the artillery on the Longshuidong artillery position fire at full power, and blow up all the positions outside Xiajieyu!"

"Other peripheral troops will officially launch a general offensive at 02:30 as scheduled."

As Song Shilun spoke, he punched heavily on the location of Jieyuli Airport on the upper and lower sides of the map.

Sure enough, all the fear came from the lack of firepower. With enough shells, he could finally roll up his sleeves and let go.


"Company commander, Commander Song called back. He agreed to our request. Before our army participates in the general offensive, we will receive one hour of continuous artillery bombardment support."

"In addition, the headquarters asked us to quickly attack the inside of the US military after the shelling was over, find the location of their aircraft, and blow them up."

After receiving an accurate response from the headquarters, Mei Sheng handed the telegram to Wu Qianli with a happy face.

"Speed ​​into the inside of the U.S. military and destroy the U.S. military's aircraft."

Wu Qianli took the telegram, looked at the words on it, mumbled it twice, and immediately understood the intention of the Ninth Army Command.

Commander Song, who has historically focused on defense, may have learned the experience of special blitzkrieg after watching the artillery battle in Longshuidong.

So now I think about it, let the volunteers advance quickly under the cover of powerful artillery fire, without caring about annihilating all the U.S. troops they see.

After forcibly opening the gap in the US military position, the US military planes were immediately blown up, completely destroying the illusion of the US military's large-scale retreat from the air.

Historically, a blitzkrieg of the Third Reich was fought like this.

It's just that the target of that empire was the capital of the enemy country, and their target now is the US military aircraft.

"Company commander? Read the telegram, Commander Song seems to think highly of you."

Seeing that Wu Qianli had become engrossed just after reading the content of the first page, Mei Sheng couldn't help reminding him in a low voice.

"Oh? You value me, how much do you value..."

Wu Qianli was choked back in the middle of his words, and when he saw the words at the back of the telegram, he almost wondered if he had read it wrong.

Between the lines, Song Shilun revealed that after letting Wu Qianli finish the battle, he would try his best to ensure that he was given the title of deputy division commander, and he would directly supervise the newly formed Seventh Regiment.

Forget it, Song Shilun even gave Wu Qianli some promises in a very subtle way.

For example, as long as he agrees, he will be given a certain degree of autonomy in the future, allowing him to manage an army similar to an independent regiment.

"Hey... It can be seen that this Commander Song really doesn't want to see our Seventh Cross Company leave the Ninth Army Corps he is in charge of."

After Wu Qianli finished reading it, he couldn't help but shook his head while smiling wryly.

To be honest, these things that Commander Song promised made him feel very moved.

It's not for any power status, he is not someone who only wants to get promoted and get rich.

It's just that with more troops in hand, he can better help the volunteers and completely win the peninsula war, which is related to the fate of the country.

"Company commander, no matter what you decide after the war, we old comrades are willing to continue to follow you, charge forward for the party and the people, and drive all the American devils into the sea."

Lei Gong, who was the closest, inadvertently glanced at the contents of the telegram, but he didn't make too many suggestions, but simply expressed his opinion.

After all, compared with the expansion and promotion after the war, the immediate general attack is more imminent.

After hearing this, Yu Congrong nodded in agreement.

Then he spit on his hands, rubbed them vigorously, moistened his red hands, and adjusted the Browning heavy machine gun beside him.

"Let the comrades get ready. After the artillery bombardment is over, we will attack directly as planned."

"Remember, the speed must be fast, and we must take out our most violent offensive. We must not let the American devils have a chance to breathe and rebuild their defenses."

Wu Qianli shook his head vigorously, put those weird thoughts behind him, and began to focus on the battle in front of him.


Wu Qianli's order was quickly conveyed to the ears of every soldier in the Seventh Interlude Company. Everyone nodded heavily, paying great attention to the upcoming battle.

The night is like water, and while it is quiet and silent, it also adds a touch of chill to the environment.

At 01:30 midnight, on the Longshuidong artillery position

Battalion Commander Yang was in full swing for the soldiers of the artillery battalion to make final adjustments to the cannon, and box after box of shells were piled up next to the thick muzzle.

Even not long ago, the headquarters specially sent logistics troops to serve them steaming millet porridge, as well as unlimited steamed buns and fried noodles, so that they could eat and drink enough before facing the next shelling mission.

The newly added elite artillery was also incorporated into the various grassroots units in the artillery battalion.

The artillery battalion, which originally had a large number of casualties, now has more people than before entering the court.

"His grandma, thanks to that guy Wu Qianli, I never dreamed of fighting such a rich battle."

Battalion Commander Yang looked at the thick gun barrels with black iron flowing from the door below, and couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and gratitude in his heart.

However, at this time, Li Dali, a newly dispatched artillery platoon leader, looked at the cannons in the position for a long time.

He hesitated for a few seconds, and finally tiptoed to the side of Battalion Commander Yang, questioning the aiming range of the cannon.

"Battle Commander Yang, there is no problem with the artillery shells and the precise shooting position, but the muzzle aiming is too off-center."

"Look at the direction of the northwest entrance, and you don't know which unlucky American army is stationed there. This is the rhythm of being blasted into meat."

Li Dali endured it for a long time, looked at the slightly strange layout now, and finally expressed his doubts.

In fact, generally speaking, doing so has little impact on the battle situation.

After all, they have sufficient firepower and can carry out continuous artillery bombardment.

At most, at the beginning, it can make some troops charge more smoothly.

If the cannons were still placed like this when the ammunition was insufficient before, the troops below would scold their ancestors for eighteen generations.

"Hahahahahaha... There is nothing wrong, nothing wrong, it should be done like this."

"Platoon Leader Li, you don't know something. It's not easy for our artillery battalion to have so many cannons and enough shells..."

Battalion Commander Yang looked at Li Dali with a puzzled look on his face, and quickly coaxed and tricked him to make sense of it. Obviously, his mind was biased.

Before Li Dali joined the army, he was a simple and honest farmer, but when he was told softly, he could only shake his head with a smile and no longer raise any objections.

After repeated adjustments, the soldiers of the artillery battalion finally completed the final preparations, only waiting for the scheduled battle time to arrive.

Battalion Commander Yang stood at the commanding height of the Longshuidong artillery position, staring fixedly at the slightly broken pocket watch in his hand, for fear that he would be half a minute behind.

"it's time……"

When the pointer of the pocket watch pointed to 01:30 midnight, Battalion Commander Yang's eyes immediately flashed a light, and his heart became excited.


(End of this chapter)

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