The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 121 The Great Attack Begins at Midnight

Chapter 121 The Great Attack Begins at Midnight ([-])

Battalion Commander Yang gave an order, and the soldiers of the artillery battalion quickly stuffed the heavy steel shells into the barrel.


The muzzles of countless cannons flashed with flames, and many large-caliber cannons shook back violently due to the strong recoil, and white smoke filled the surroundings of the position.

"call out--"

The shell pierced the night sky, and with a sharp friction sound of tearing the air, it slammed into the outer positions of the US military.

"Shit! It's the shelling of the Volunteer Army, quickly retreat to the air-raid shelter!"

The U.S. military officers on the ground reacted quickly, shouting loudly, and rushed to the position of the air-raid shelter first.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

However, before the U.S. military completely entered the air-raid shelter, high-explosive shells exploded beside them.

A scalding fiery cloud rose up, enveloping countless U.S. troops in an instant.

"Lie down! Don't panic!"

"The volunteers have insufficient logistical supplies, and the shelling will pass in a while!"

On the ground, the U.S. sergeant, who had no time to escape into the air-raid shelter, covered his ears, lay on the spot, and loudly comforted the recruits who were running around.

However, the landing point of the shells has almost completely covered the entire position.

The panicked American soldiers could only see the non-commissioned officer's mouth open, but they couldn't hear a sound.

Some U.S. soldiers lying on the spot were cut off half of their bodies by the flying shell fragments, and the pungent smell of blood mixed with gunpowder smoke dispersed.

"Oh my god! When did these hateful volunteers have such strong firepower?"

An American sergeant's eardrum was shattered abruptly, and he asked in pain while covering his bloody ear.

However, some US military officers who knew the inside story had already hid in the air-raid shelter.

Listening to the bombardment from the Longshuidong artillery position, they could only sigh helplessly, and then clenched their fists angrily.

If it weren't for Wu Qianli, if it weren't for the seventh interspersed company that suddenly rushed to take away the artillery position, they would not have fallen into the current passive bombing situation.

However, at this moment, Wu Qianli didn't know the anger of the US military. He was holding the telescope in his hand, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Battalion Commander Yang did a good job bombing. He killed these idiots. Let's live in peace, but he insisted on crossing the ocean to ignite the flames of war."

Wu Qianli looked at the flames of the US military positions in the distance, and he was more confident about the attack.

"His grandma, this Battalion Commander Yang is a kind person. The US military positions in our attack position are about to be blasted into coal."

Yu Congrong, who is a big boss, can clearly feel that the artillery support they received is more violent than others, so he couldn't help saying with a smile.

Lei Gong next to him also grinned his big dry mouth, showing his snow-white teeth, insisting that after the battle, he would bring Battalion Commander Yang to have a good drink or two.

The continuous shelling quickly blew up the barbed wire fences around the US military positions, and all the landmines buried with great effort were also detonated.

However, just when the U.S. military thought they could finally catch their breath, they suddenly discovered in despair that the artillery on the Longshuidong artillery position was still roaring, showing no signs of stopping.

"Give me a hard blast, don't put on such a poor fucking look!"

"Blow up and kill two more American devils now, and then we will spend a few fewer lives in exchange!"

At this time, Battalion Commander Yang waved his fist and shouted loudly to urge the artillery to speed up.

Thanks to Wu Qianli and his lightning raid, they grabbed a large number of shells, and now the artillery battalion can pour shells on the US military without any distress.

The shells bottomed out, so I just pried open the new wooden box of shells and put them on.

The gun barrel was red, and a large amount of snow water was simply heated and poured on it to cool it down.

The arm was numb, so he shook it vigorously, endured the soreness and continued to fire.

Countless shells seemed to cost nothing, and bombarded the US military positions, blooming gorgeous clouds of fire.

The blazing high temperature generated by the explosion directly melted a large amount of snow on the US military positions, turning it into wisps of white smoke that shrouded it.

To say the worst, it has to be the US troops stationed at the northwest entrance, that is, the US troops in the attacking direction of the Seventh Interlude Company.

Because of the eccentricity of Commander Yang, they received the greatest care.

The only 240mm caliber howitzer on the artillery position kept blowing up their heads.

Many of the U.S. troops lying in the trenches of the position were already close to the ground, but they were still not spared.

Under the blockade of intensive artillery fire, it is commonplace to blast them into blood clots.

Even the U.S. troops, who were a little far away from the shells, were injured by the shock wave and the shock of the ground, and their internal organs were damaged, and they bled and convulsed to death directly on the ground.

The U.S. troops who were lucky enough to hide in the air-raid shelter stuck to the innermost side and covered their ears vigorously to prevent their eardrums from being shattered by the super-decibel sound waves.


"Hey, what a pity. The U.S. military has dug a large-scale air-raid shelter in advance, otherwise it will inevitably cause greater damage."

Ping He slowly put down the optical scope of the sniper rifle, sighed, and said with some regret.

"Hahaha, whoever said that the air-raid shelter can definitely survive this level of bombing."

After listening to Pinghe's words, Wu Qianli smiled slightly, pointed to the location of the US air-raid shelter, and signaled Pinghe to take another look.

Seeing this, Ping He picked up the sniper rifle with some doubts, and immediately opened his mouth wide in shock.

Not far away, the air-raid shelter of the US military is already in a half-collapsed state.

Numerous dust and wood and stone structures half-buried the air-raid shelter entrance, and even the US troops inside did not dare to escape rashly.

"Thanks to the company commander's foresight, he took the seventh and pulled out the Longshuidong artillery position of the US army."

"Otherwise, if this kind of fierce artillery bombardment falls on the heads of our volunteers who lack bunkers and anti-aircraft firepower, the consequences will be disastrous..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Mei Sheng couldn't help looking at Wu Qianli's figure with admiration, feeling a burst of emotion in his heart.

But Wu Qianli didn't notice Mei Sheng's gaze, but looked down at the slightly worn watch, always paying attention to the time of the attack.

Ten minutes before the final attack, the intense artillery roar suddenly stopped, and Wu Qianli was a little surprised.

"The company commander, is my watch broken? It seems that there are still 10 minutes before the general attack is launched."

Mei Sheng asked in surprise, and glanced at the watch in Wu Qianli's hand.

"No, the time is correct. It is estimated that our Battalion Commander Yang is going to join the American devils."

Wu Qianli looked up at the position of the Longshuidong artillery position, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

According to the previous practice, after the shelling is over, the volunteers will immediately launch a group charge, and the results of these shells will never be wasted.

So after hearing the sound of the artillery, the U.S. military did not dare to slack off in the slightest, and immediately ran out of the air-raid shelter and returned to the position.

Some U.S. military support even went to the front line to rebuild simple fortifications.

On the Longshuidong artillery position, Battalion Commander Yang couldn't help slapping his thigh and laughing as he watched the American troops regrouping on the position.

"This American devil must have been bombed stupid. If you frighten him, he really came out."

"Simple adjustment in place, three rounds of rapid fire, followed by extended fire forward."


Battalion Commander Yang roared angrily, and waved his hand forward fiercely. Countless artillery roared again, and shells exploded on the US military positions again.

A large number of U.S. troops on the ground were prepared to defend against the group charge of the Volunteers, but they did not expect to suffer another round of bombing, causing heavy casualties for a while.

However, the bombing didn't last long this time. After 10 minutes, countless figures in khaki military uniforms jumped up from the snow outside.

"Comrades, according to the predetermined plan, kill me!"

Seeing that the time was up, Wu Qianli held the Thomson submachine gun tightly in his hand, and rushed to the front of the team.

As a group charge attack, how to fight, I told every comrade in advance.

As a result, everyone immediately rushed towards the predetermined route following the loud charge horn.

The U.S. military officers on the front line looked at the dead and wounded U.S. corpses, as well as the slugger that was blown into pieces, and countless national curses burst out in their hearts.

But they could only be red-eyed, urging the surviving American soldiers to immediately organize a defense.

The disgraced U.S. soldiers had no choice but to set up two fairly complete machine guns, and fired at the charging Seventh Interlude Company.

"Da da da da da da da da da da da..."

In the dark night, the muzzles of the heavy machine guns of the U.S. Army kept flashing, which put a little pressure on Wu Qianli and others who were charging.

Even so, the remaining US firepower could no longer seal off their straggler charge route, and could only desperately slow down the attack speed of the [-]th Interspersed Company.

"Lei Gong, knock out the firepower of the American devils immediately!"

Wu Qianli, who was at the forefront of the team, threw himself onto the snow, dodged some stray bullets, and made a fighting gesture of bombardment towards the artillery platoon behind.

When Lei Gong saw Wu Qianli's gesture, he immediately understood, and personally adjusted a mortar at his feet.

"Let's have dinner!"

After the gun platoon quickly adjusted the muzzle, Lei Gong immediately yelled loudly.

The soldiers of the artillery platoon heard the order and immediately stuffed the mortar shells into the muzzle like feeding rice.


Accompanied by the crisp sound of metal firing pins, a little white smoke rose around the mortar platoon, and the shells soared into the sky, smashing towards the roaring machine guns of the US military.

"Fuck you! Move the machine gun quickly, don't let the firepower of the volunteers cover it!"

The US military officer looked at the small black dot tearing the air in the sky, and shouted in a little panic.

However, just as several U.S. troops raised their heavy machine guns, the shells had already landed at their feet.

In an instant, their entire bodies, including the machine guns, were overturned in mid-air, and were torn apart by the explosion fragments.

Seeing such a tragic situation, the rest of the U.S. military couldn't help being slightly stunned, and their legs felt a little weak.

"Now, speed up and beat them!"

Wu Qianli understood that the opportunity to fight was fleeting, so he immediately took a risk with a few soldiers and jumped up, strafing with Thomson submachine guns while speeding up the charge.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was already so close that Wu Qianli could even see the ice slag hanging on the beards of the American soldiers and the scorched black dust that was contaminated.

"Da da da da da da da da da..."

While the U.S. soldiers were in a daze, Wu Qianli's first wave of firepower harvested several U.S. soldiers straight down in a pool of blood.

The U.S. military officer looked at Wu Qianli who was possessed by the God of Death, and retreated desperately. He pulled out a Colt pistol and aimed it between Wu Qianli's eyebrows.

"Go to hell, you bloody devil!"

The US military officer stared at Wu Qianli with gritted teeth, finished aiming, and was about to pull the trigger.

However, at this moment, small black spots that were approaching rapidly one after another suddenly hit him in front of him.


When the US military officer saw the texture on the pineapple grenade, the grenade fuze with white smoke had burned to the end.


Accompanied by a deafening explosion, a headless corpse fell heavily on the snow.

"This group of volunteers are devils, they are invincible."

After witnessing this scene with his own eyes, an American soldier immediately dropped the Garand rifle in his hand and ran straight to the rear.

"My God, those Pentagon politicians only want to kill us, I quit, run away."

On the other side, the U.S. sergeant still retains some sanity, but it is limited to firing a few shots back from time to time when retreating.


Wu Qianli was not willing to let go of the opportunity to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, and directly led the seventh interspersed killing streak to the inside of the U.S. Army's headquarters in Xiajieyuli.

With the foreshadowing of the early artillery bombardment, countless figures in khaki military uniforms, accompanied by loud charge horns, quickly broke through the first line of defense of the US military.

Until the distance between the Volunteers and the U.S. Army widened, the Longshuidong artillery position began a new round of extended artillery bombardment.


Following Battalion Commander Yang's lifetime order, countless cannons fired in unison.

The soldiers kept raising the muzzle, letting the shells shoot towards the farthest range of the artillery.

"call out--"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Wu Qianli led the seventh interspersed company, followed the landing point of the artillery extension very tacitly, and quickly rushed to the inner defense line of the US military.

When the gunpowder smoke gradually dissipated, a pair of Great Britain's Union Jack flag loomed in front of Wu Qianli in the distance.

"His grandma, these foreign devils are really not good people. The British guys have come to fight with the American devils."

Yu Congrong looked at the Mi Ziqi not far away, and smacked a mouthful of thick phlegm on the snow beside him, his eyes were burning with fighting intent.

"Company commander, according to the intelligence, what we are going to face is the British heavy tank battalion sent by the British."

"They are equipped with some Cromwell cruiser tanks and a few Churchill tanks. We have to be careful."

While talking, Mei Sheng looked at the airstrip that could be vaguely seen in the distance, and couldn't help clenching his fists.

"What the fuck are the Yankees and the Brits, how many tanks have we blown up in the seventh interlude company? Just hit it!"

As Yu Congrong said, he silently picked up a bottle of super bazooka, and looked coldly at the British army's position.

"Lei Gong, let all the comrades in the artillery platoon be replaced with the armor-piercing shells we seized earlier, and when the British tanks appear later, they will directly blow up!"

Wu Qianli smelled the unique smell of tank oil from the cold wind passing through, and immediately instructed Lei Gong behind him.

"Other comrades, use the squad as a unit, divide into combat groups, and use skirmish formations to penetrate fiercely!"

The military situation was on fire, and without time to think about it, Wu Qianli immediately gave the order to attack quickly.

On the British army's position, the blond British officer drew his Webley revolver and waved his hands back with a cold face.

Several British tanks dragged their slightly thin tracks, and quickly surrounded the Seventh Penetration Company.

"Kill over there, cut these damned volunteers into small pieces, and crush them to death!"

Standing under the flag of Great Britain, the officers of the British army issued military orders with a bit of arrogance, as if they had returned to the time when the sun never set on the glory of the empire.

"The empire on which the sun never sets? It's time for the curtain call."

Wu Qianli murmured in a low voice, and raised a Springfield-style sniper rifle, aiming at the Mi Ziqi flag fluttering in the wind.


Accompanied by a crisp gunshot, a hot bullet escaped from the chamber and hit the flagpole of the British Union Jack.


Under the shocked eyes of countless British soldiers, the Mi Ziqi fluttering in the wind slowly fell, leaving only a bare half of the flagpole.

"These damn yellow monkeys! (These damn yellow monkeys!)"

"Attack! Crush them! (Attack! Crush them!)"

The angry British officer drew his pistol and roared angrily.

The British tanks rushed towards the [-]th Penetrating Company, wrapped in the flying snow, and the slowly turning muzzle seemed to set off a burst of chilling.


At this time, the soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company also carried the bazooka or installed the grenades one after another, followed the charge horn unique to the volunteers, and launched a counter charge without fear of death.

 Thank you Shengshi Nianhua and other book friends for their monthly tickets

(End of this chapter)

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