The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 123 The U.S. Airfield Explosion

Chapter 123 The U.S. Airfield Explosion

"The whole army obeyed the order, rushed to the inside of the US military airport, and bombed all their planes!"

Following Wu Qianli's order, the soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company rushed towards the distant airstrip in an orderly manner.

At this time, the entire Xiajieyuli Airport was in flames, flying bullets were flying everywhere, explosions were heard endlessly, and the outer defense lines of the US military were breached one after another.

In desperation, the U.S. commander, Major General Barr, had no choice but to shrink his military strength, hoping to withstand the group charge of the Volunteers on the preset second line of defense.

Not only that, a large number of US troops originally stationed inside the airport were also urgently transferred to the front line.

The airfield of the U.S. military, which had been strictly guarded to the point of no airtightness, had a loophole because of this, which happened to give the seventh interspersed company a chance.

In the distance, Ping He, who took the lead to investigate, was rushing back with a few soldiers from the reconnaissance platoon, his face brimming with joy.

"Company commander, I went to investigate. There are a large number of transport planes and bombers parked on the north side of the American devil's airport, and a large number of fighter jets are parked on the south side closest to us."

"In addition, they only deployed about two companies at the airport. With the strength of our seventh interspersed company, there is no problem in taking it down."

Ping He said to Wu Qianli with a smile, and at the same time there was a trace of hidden worry in his eyes.

"What's the matter? Is there anything new about the US military that you didn't say?"

Wu Qianli saw Pinghe's abnormality at a glance, and hurriedly asked.

"The problem is not particularly big. There is a large watchtower near the US military airport."

"There is a whole special battalion of U.S. troops stationed around there, and they are very well equipped."

As Ping He said, he silently clenched the sniper rifle in his hand. Although there was concern in his eyes, there was no fear at all.

"Company commander, since this is the case, we'd better finish this battle quickly, and it's best not to disturb the US military at the beginning."

"Otherwise, once their reinforcements arrive, we will be blocked here, and the consequences will be disastrous."

Mei Sheng looked at the battlefield surrounded by flames, and suggested cautiously.

Although today's general offensive is massive, overall, the U.S. military has temporarily stabilized the second line of defense, and the expected chaos has not occurred.

In this case, if the seventh interspersed company that came in first was discovered by the U.S. military prematurely, no matter how elite they were, they would soon be eaten by the strong U.S. military.

"Two companies..."

Hearing what Ping He and Mei Sheng said, Wu Qianli nodded in agreement, and at the same time clenched his chin, frowning and meditating.

Although the combat effectiveness of the Seventh Interspersed Company is extraordinary, it is not easy to kill two U.S. companies in a short period of time.

Not to mention that the U.S. military still has a battalion of reserve troops watching. If their lone army is not paying attention, the entire army will be wiped out.

"Wait! Pinghe, you just said that there is a battalion of troops stationed around a large observation tower closest to the airport?"

Halfway through Wu Qianli's thoughts, he suddenly discovered an important point, his eyes lit up, and he looked at Pinghe and asked.

"Yes, the company commander, and the firepower equipment of this American battalion seems to be stronger than that of ordinary troops, and its combat effectiveness should not be underestimated."

Pinghe didn't know why Wu Qianli asked such a question suddenly, and replied with some doubts.

"The whole company is temporarily hidden, you all come over and take a look at this."

Wu Qianli let the backbone of the Seventh Interlude Company lie on the icy snow, with a crumpled battle map spread out in the middle.

"Brother, isn't this the map that was seized from the American sniper? What's so strange?"

Wu Wanli glanced at the pattern marked on the map with some confusion, and many places seemed a little blurry.

"I was also a little unclear about the unique markings of the American devils."

"But now it seems that the location of the big red circle should be the command post of the U.S. military in Xiajieyu."

"And according to the intelligence that Pinghe just investigated, we are very likely to hit by mistake and have already broken into their core defense circle."

Wu Qianli pointed to the big red circle on the battle map and the sign of the nearby airport, with a flash of excitement in his eyes.

"Company commander, before we took down the rear command post of the U.S. military, it was mainly because of a surprise attack, and there was a disconnect with their frontline troops."

"Now the main force of the American devil's group army is concentrated here, and we are alone, trying to take away their headquarters..."

Lei Gong looked at the excited Wu Qianli, suddenly a little afraid of his company commander, and quickly dissuaded him tactfully.

"Who says I'm going to attack their headquarters, even if we have a battalion, we can't do it."

Wu Qianli was slightly taken aback when he heard Lei Gong's words, and soon realized that his posture had misunderstood everyone.

"Our goal is to blow up the planes of the American devils, and by the way, look for opportunities to see if we can kill the big fish of the American devils."

Wu Qianli said, pointing to the crumpled combat map, and analyzed to everyone the general situation inside the Xiajieyuli Airport as quickly as possible, as well as the evacuation route in case of emergencies.

These important information were all searched by Wu Qianli through the small dynamic combat map in his mind.

After speaking, seeing that everyone was basically clear, Wu Qianli slowly got up and assigned combat tasks to everyone.

"Pinghe, you led the reconnaissance platoon to keep an eye on that US special operations battalion."

"Once there is a change in them, you will snipe with cold guns, slow down their pace, and send someone back to report immediately."

Wu Qianli was still a little worried about the U.S. reserve battalion in that battalion, and asked Pinghe to bring the most elite soldiers to watch over it.


After Ping He responded in a low voice, he divided the reconnaissance platoon into three teams, ambushed near the large watchtower of the US military, and stared at the movement of the US reserve team from different directions.

"Lei Gong, take the artillery platoon and carefully walk around to the south side of the US military airport."

"As soon as you hear gunshots from the airport, start bombing immediately, blow up the transport planes before bombing the fighter jets, and retreat immediately after the shells run out."

Wu Qianli took a look at the dozens of mortars equipped with the artillery platoon, and felt a little sense of security in his heart.

He knew very well that these mortars and artillery shells were the guarantee that the Seventh Penetration Company's frontal assault failed and some US transport planes could be blown up.

"Don't worry, company commander. Let's run the platoon and blow up all the iron birds of the American devils into scrap iron."

Feeling the importance of his mission, Lei Gong hurriedly patted his chest to ensure that he finished, and hurried away with the artillery platoon.

But Wu Wanli, who was supposed to leave with the running platoon, stayed behind a little awkwardly, looking at Wu Qianli eagerly.

"Brother, I can't play much role if I stay in the artillery platoon now, and I have been tempered, so let me follow you."

There was a little longing in Wu Wanli's resolute eyes. Obviously, he no longer wanted to stay in that relatively safe but restrained position.

"You boy, if I don't promise you, do you have to sneak over again?"

"Okay, you can follow along, but you have to obey the command and arrangement, and you can't beat your blood on your own."

Wu Qianli thought about it, and felt that Wu Wanli was indeed useful in the main attack, so he nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry brother, I will definitely obey your command and arrangement!"

When Wu Wanli heard that there was something interesting, he quickly responded excitedly.

"Company commander, since this is the case, the main attack task should be handed over to our firepower platoon."

"Company commander, don't worry, with the powerful firepower of our platoon, let alone two companies or a battalion, we will be defeated by us under a surprise attack!"

Yu Congrong vigorously pulled the slightly frozen bolt of the Browning heavy machine gun, and said confidently.

Since the replacement of the shotgun in the seventh interspersed company, all soldiers in the fire platoon are equipped with semi-automatic Garand rifles.

Almost half also carried Thomson or M3 submachine guns on their backs.

Not to mention that there are also a large number of bazookas, pineapple grenades, and American light and heavy machine guns. With this firepower, they can carry American troops several times their own.

But after Wu Qianli heard Yu Congrong's words, he smiled slightly and shook his head slowly.

"Tell comrades to polish their bayonets. We are deep in the interior of the American devils. In order not to be discovered too quickly, we must not use guns at the beginning."

As Wu Qianli spoke, he grabbed Bai Xue on the ground and gently wiped the military thorn in his hand.

Under the reflection of the faint moonlight, the sharpened blades on both sides of the groove of the army thorn were glowing with dark red blood stains, full of murderous aura accumulated by human lives.

"Well, it just so happens that it's been a long time since I've had a hand-to-hand fight with the American Devils, and my old Yu's hands are already itchy."

Yu Congrong put the Browning heavy machine gun on his back, took out the Garand rifle, and quickly installed the general thorn on the card slot.

The other fire platoon fighters also received the order, and they set up their bayonets one after another, ready for a surprise attack at any time.

However, Wu Qianli did not launch an attack immediately, but took the fire platoon fighters to the snow field not far from the airport, lay down silently, and waited for the opportunity.

"I hope that our friendly troops will give us some strength, so that the US military can put more pressure..."

Wu Qianli looked at the frontline position not far from the airport, and said silently.

He could see on the small combat map that the number of soldiers on that US position was rapidly decreasing.

If the U.S. military at the airport does not support it, it is estimated that the front line will soon be unable to hold up.

Sure enough, only ten minutes later, the US military at the airport received an order from above and urgently dispatched a company to support it.

Seeing a group of U.S. troops leave in a hurry, Yu Congrong couldn't help giving a thumbs up, and he didn't know how many times he praised Wu Qianli's miraculousness in his heart.


When a company of the U.S. Army left, Wu Qianli waved his hand and made a fighting gesture behind him.

In the snow, soldiers in white cloaks stood up slowly, shook off the accumulated snow, and quickly rushed towards the airport with gleaming bayonets.

Maybe it was because of low morale, or maybe it was because they were inside the Xiajieyu-ri base camp. These US troops were not well-prepared, and there were not even more than three secret sentries on the periphery.

Under the rapid sweep of the fire platoon fighters, all the American sentries were pierced through the chest by bayonets and buried in the snowdrifts, but the American soldiers inside were still unaware.

"Soldiers are divided into three groups, each with some explosive packs to fight in."

Wu Qianli didn't dare to delay at all, and made a "three" gesture to let the soldiers sneak in covertly.

Yu Congrong and a deputy platoon leader of the fire platoon nodded, and walked in from both sides, while Wu Qianli personally led people in through a small gap.

At the corner of the airport, a U.S. military sergeant was enjoying a can of beef in his hand, and chatting with several soldiers when he could retreat back.

In addition to these eaters, there was even an American soldier who squinted and took a nap.

However, at this moment, a slight sound of footsteps behind him caught the attention of the US sergeant.


Out of vigilance in the state of war, he immediately turned his head to take a look, but unexpectedly, a pair of powerful hands suddenly covered his mouth.


With a cold face, Wu Qianli stabbed the bayonet in his hand into the lungs of an American non-commissioned officer, and a cloud of blood immediately gushed onto the face of an American soldier on the opposite side.

The lung lobes of the American sergeant who was stabbed in the lungs were damaged, and a large amount of blood surged up the trachea.

He opened his mouth wide and wanted to scream, but he couldn't make a sound, and finally fell down under Wu Qianli's cowhide boots.

"Shit! There are volunteers..."

Seeing this scene, the other American soldiers were so frightened that their hairs stood on end, and they immediately screamed to grab their rifles.

Before their hands touched the casing of the rifle, several other fire platoon soldiers touched their backs and wiped their necks with their knives.

Several U.S. soldiers immediately covered the main artery that was gushing blood, fell down on the snow and twitched with hatred.

After finishing off these American soldiers, Wu Qianli looked around vigilantly in the distance.

It was not until it was confirmed that the movement just now did not alert the US military that it led the soldiers to move on.

Since Wu Qianli's goal was to blow up U.S. aircraft, he didn't get too entangled with the U.S. military.

Along the way, Wu Qianli quietly assassinated countless American troops, and finally broke into the plane parking place.

Fortunately, the U.S. military was forced to transfer a company due to the pressure of the frontline positions, otherwise Wu Qianli and the others would never have been able to enter so easily.

When Wu Qianli saw the metal wings of the U.S. aircraft, he immediately asked the fire platoon fighters to stuff the explosive packs prepared in advance under the aircraft.

Just as they were busy busy, the sudden movement not far away caused Wu Qianli's vigilance.

"Company commander, don't shoot, it's me, Yu Congrong."

Yu Congrong lowered his voice and said to Wu Qianli.

It turned out that Yu Congrong and the others successfully sneaked in here, and the total number of American soldiers killed by the firepower platoon along the way probably exceeded the strength of a platoon.

"It's just in time. Hurry up and put the explosives in place. We're going to blow up all the planes of the American devils, and don't leave them any hope of escaping."

While Wu Qianli was talking, he also got busy with his own work.

In the darkness, the soldiers hiding in rows of US military planes stuffed all the explosive packs into the corresponding positions of the planes.

Some soldiers even left some rocket shells on the fuselage of the plane because they were afraid that the plane would not be blown up.

"Is it over? Put the explosives and let's retreat immediately!"

Wu Qianli saw that it was almost done, and said to Yu Congrong in a low voice, and immediately gathered the soldiers together.

"Okay, okay, if it's possible, I really want to see the reaction on their faces when the American devil's plane exploded."

While talking, Yu Congrong smiled and stabbed the gasoline barrel on the plane with a bayonet.

Several holes were forcibly opened in the gasoline tank of the plane, engine oil splashed all over the ground, and a pungent smell permeated the air.


Wu Qianli looked at the plane loaded with explosives and the engine oil flowing on the ground, and quickly gave the order to transfer and retreat.

After all, if a bullet flew over at this time, they would have to be buried in the sea of ​​flames with these planes, and there would be absolutely no bones left under the serial explosions.


The soldiers of the fire platoon saw that the task was completed, and it was rare that it was so easy and fast, with a little joy on their faces, they quickly moved outside.

However, at this time, an unexpected accident happened...

"call out--"

"call out--"

Several small black dots pierced the night sky and smashed towards them with the sound of breaking wind.

However, before it completely fell, these small black dots burst into a burst of dazzling light, and the light reflected the surrounding airport as bright as day.

Wu Qianli and the soldiers of the firepower platoon, who were originally hidden in the dark, were completely exposed to the sight of the US military...

 Thanks to f9145, ★only warm 1er★ and other book friends voted monthly

(End of this chapter)

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