Chapter 124 Wu Qianli Like a Killing God Possessed
Under the dazzling light of the U.S. military flares, the Seventh Interlude Company was instantly exposed.

In the distance, two US military Ford-style military pickups were galloping fast, and the Browning heavy machine guns mounted on the front of the vehicles pointed at the position of the seventh interspersed company very accurately.

Behind the U.S. trucks, a large number of well-equipped U.S. troops lined up in order to give full play to their firepower advantage and semi-surrounded them.

Seeing this scene, a trace of astonishment flashed in Wu Qianli's eyes, and a little sweat broke out nervously on his frozen red palms.

"The whole army obeys the order, rush over as fast as possible, don't stay where you are!"

Wu Qianli roared loudly, and ran forward at the fastest speed.

At this time, the Seventh Interlude Company was in an embarrassing situation. They were mixed with the planes covered with explosives and gasoline. If they were not careful, the entire army would be wiped out.

That's why Wu Qianli was so anxious to let the Seventh Interlude Company rush over, at least he could have a chance to fight the US military.

The soldiers of the [-]th interspersed company also realized this, without too much hesitation, they immediately charged forward with Wu Qianli.

Looking at the soldiers of the [-]th Interlude Company who came quickly, Garcia, the US company commander, showed a trace of solemnity on his face, and his brows were tightly frowned.

Many American soldiers couldn't help swallowing nervously.

At this time, their hands holding the rifles were a little sore, but they didn't hear the order to shoot for a long time.

No matter how you say it, the U.S. military is a well-trained and strong army. Without receiving orders, there are very few cases where guns are fired.

But the weird scene at the moment still makes many US troops a little puzzled.

Obviously such a good opportunity, their powerful firepower can completely sieve the volunteers in front of them, why not do it.

"Sir, the volunteer army is about to kill us, why don't we shoot?"

A U.S. machine gunner closest to Garcia asked nervously as he looked at the increasingly clear khaki military uniform.

"Shit! You idiot, can't you see clearly under such a bright flare? They have already covered our plane with explosives and gasoline."

"If our bullets go out and blow up all the planes, will you fight a bloody way for the large troops to retreat?"

The US company commander Garcia clenched his fists and yelled at the machine gunner viciously. At the same time, he hated the cunning of the volunteers.

Not long ago, he discovered the assassinated American soldiers, quickly gathered the remaining garrison military forces, and hurriedly surrounded them, but it was still a step too late.

Facing the current situation, Garcia, who is sober-minded, would never cut off the air retreat of the entire U.S. Changjin Lake East Front Army in order to eliminate a volunteer army that could not be connected.

The quick-witted Wu Qianli looked at the U.S. military with their guns raised, and quickly understood their psychology.

During the charge, he hastily raised his left hand high, and made a fighting gesture to the soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company behind him, telling them not to shoot.

Although the current U.S. military is concerned about the planes behind them and throwing rats.

However, if the seventh interspersed company really fires at full power, under the threat of death, it is inevitable that the American soldiers will accidentally fire their guns.

"His grandma's, it's cheaper for you American devils."

Yu Congrong just raised the muzzle of the machine gun in his hand to shoot, but when he saw Wu Qianli's fighting gesture, he had to force himself to put it down.

At this moment, a strange balance is being maintained on the battlefield. Neither of the armies on both sides fired first, but the distance is getting closer and closer.

"Go on the bayonet!"

Wu Qianli, who was at the forefront, rushed forward and shouted loudly, and pulled out the dark red military thorns around his waist.

After hearing the order, the soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company quickly installed their bayonets on the rifle slots, and rushed forward at a faster speed.

A bayonet with a murderous look flashed out, which was extraordinarily dazzling under the reflection of the white light of the flare.

"Hmph, this group of volunteers who don't know what is good or bad, dare to fight hand-to-hand with us, it's just in time!"

When Garcia, the commander of the U.S. military, saw the [-]th Penetrating Company rushing towards him with a good bayonet, he was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth immediately raised.

Since the soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon and the artillery platoon were not present, the strength of the seventh interspersed company at this moment was simply not as good as that of the US military.

Not to mention that in Garcia's cognition, Caucasians who have a physical advantage are born with a huge advantage in melee combat.

"Heroic soldiers, all bayonets, for freedom and peace, kill them!"

The confident US company commander Garcia ordered loudly, as if he had seen the victory of the US military in close combat.

Not only that, but at the same time as he was charging very cunningly, he let two military trucks run at full speed and rammed towards the seventh crossing.

As long as the formation and organization of the Seventh Interlude Company were disrupted, the decline in combat effectiveness would be inevitable.

"Immediately disperse, each squad rushes towards the American flank, and kills these American devils!"

Seeing the U.S. military truck rushing towards him, Wu Qianli roared loudly to remind him.

Not long after he finished speaking, two US military Ford trucks approached with a great sense of oppression, and they were about to hit Wu Qianli's body.

"Bang! Bang!"

Wu Qianli quickly pulled out his Colt pistol and fired a shot at the cabs of the two trucks.

It was too late to see the effect of the shooting, and immediately after Wu Qianli shot, he took two steps and rushed to the left, narrowly avoiding the impact of the truck.

In the cab of the US military truck on the left, a cloud of blood splashed out along with broken glass.

The head of the American driver inside was hit by the frontal impact of the bullet, and he slammed back against the iron sheet of the truck, and the vehicle gradually decelerated forward weakly.

The driver of the American truck on the right was not much better. The unloaded bullet flew diagonally, smashed the windshield on the side of the car, and hit him in the temple.

With only time to twitch a few times, the American driver tilted his head, and his whole body collapsed to the left while pressing the steering wheel.

The U.S. military vehicle he was in also had the inertia of speed, and a sharp turn knocked several U.S. soldiers into the air. Finally, the tires fell into a snow pit and skidded to a stop.

Watching this scene, the US company commander Garcia couldn't help but freeze in place, his mouth opened so wide that he could stuff two eggs.

He thought he had been in the army for many years, and he was considered battle-tested, but Wu Qianli's combination of luck and strength still stunned him for half a second.

"Fuck you! Why are you standing there? Stop them!"

"Don't be afraid, we have an advantage in numbers and physical fitness, and quickly slaughter these hateful yellow-skinned monkeys!"

Garcia, who was awake, looked at some of the American soldiers who were also suppressed, and quickly boosted their morale loudly, urging his soldiers to kill them.

Under Garcia's continuous persecution, the American soldiers finally came to their senses, gritted their teeth, and charged at the soldiers of the [-]th Interlude Company viciously with their bayonets in hand.

"His grandma, it's been a long time since I've met someone who dares to fight with us Seventh."

"Kill all these American devils within 10 minutes, kill!"

Holding a bayonet, Yu Congrong accelerated his speed by more than five thousand miles, and was the first to rush into the US military formation like a wolf like a tiger.

The U.S. soldiers facing Yu Congrong were also stubborn, gritting their teeth and trying to compete.

But just as he was gathering strength to stab, the cold bayonet had already pierced his chest.


Yu Congrong clenched the bayonet in his hand, picked up the entire life of the American soldier, and threw it aside vigorously.

An American soldier who was rushing over was hit by the sudden flying corpse, and unfortunately sprained his foot and fell to the ground.


In a panic, he hastily pushed away the corpse on his body, wanting to get up immediately.

However, at this moment, a flash of coldness flashed across his main artery, and Wu Qianli who followed him forcibly cut his main artery, so he had to fall unwillingly in a pool of blood.

Taking advantage of the time when Wu Qianli drew his sword, two American soldiers rushed forward to make a sneak attack, but they were immediately blocked by Wu Wanli behind him.


Wu Wanli, who had experienced the baptism of war, stabbed the body of the American soldier on the left with a quick knife.

The American soldier felt his eyes go dark, and soon lost consciousness, his hands hanging down weakly.

But Wu Wanli also used too much force, and the bayonet fell deeply into the flesh and blood of the American corpse, so he couldn't withdraw the knife quickly for the time being.

The American soldier on the right seized this opportunity and quickly stabbed at Wu Wanli's chest.

"Go to hell, you hateful volunteers!"

The U.S. soldier put all his strength on the bayonet in his hand, and only wanted a sharp blow to penetrate Wu Wanli's body.

Seeing that the gleaming tip of the knife was about to pierce the heart of Wu Wanli's chest, a military stab that was so fast that it left an afterimage quickly slammed into the US bayonet.


In an instant, the sound of metal colliding was deafening, and even sparks sparked from the friction.

The bayonet that was stabbing at Wu Wanli swiftly was forcefully pulled away by Wu Qianli, and stabbed at the air on the other side.

"Fuck you!"

The U.S. soldier whose bayonet was thrown away fell down on the small snowdrift beside him due to excessive force, and fell solidly into the snow.

And just at the moment when the bayonet collided, Wu Qianli's huge force split his tiger's jaw open, and his palm was stained red with traces of blood.

But under the threat of death, the American soldier still endured the severe pain in his palm and struggled to get up.

But unfortunately, Wu Qianli did not intend to give him a chance to stand up again.

A black shadow flashed past, and Wu Qianli swung the butt of the rifle in his hand high, and smashed it hard at the head of the American soldier.

In an instant, the blood mixed with the brain splashed out, leaving only the soulless corpse, which slowly fell to the snow.

After dealing with the U.S. troops in front of them, Wu Qianli and the others did not stop at all, and went straight to the depths where the U.S. troops were densely packed like wolves and tigers.

The soldiers of the Seventh Interspersed Company behind them also formed a three-man combat team, protecting the rear and two wings of Wu Qianli and the others, tearing apart the US formation like a flesh grinder.

From God's point of view, the entire seventh interspersed company formed a sharp blade with Wu Qianli and Yu Congrong as the tip, forming an "A"-shaped military formation, which almost completely wiped out the US troops.

The US company commander Garcia's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

Under normal circumstances, even if the Volunteers took advantage of the night battle to fight with them, they would not be in such a one-sided situation.

Not to mention that the U.S. military is still fighting to the death with the Seventh Interspersed Company when the number is superior.

"Good opportunity! This group of volunteers is already deep, keep a dense formation, surround them and stop them!"

Looking at the American soldiers whose morale was so low that they were about to collapse, Garcia quickly shouted.

Under his rhetoric, the U.S. military, which was originally killed, seemed to be in a dominant position surrounding the [-]th Interlude Company.

Some U.S. soldiers really ate this trick, forcibly cheered up, and killed the blade of the seventh interspersed company.

In fact, it is very simple for the U.S. military to gain an advantage. As long as the "tips" of Wu Qianli and Yu Congrong are knocked off, the offensive edge of the entire seventh interspersed company will be interrupted.

If all goes well, the U.S. military may really be able to counter-encircle the Seventh Interspersed Company and turn it into an encirclement and annihilation.


Seeing more and more American troops rushing forward, Wu Qianli roared and continued to fight forward.

At the most critical moment, three bayonets of American soldiers stabbed at Wu Qianli's body at the same time, but he abruptly pushed him away.

The U.S. soldiers who failed to hit with all their strength had no time to react, and were immediately pierced through the chest by the soldiers of the [-]th Penetration Company who were like tigers.

But no matter how brave Wu Qianli is, he is still an individual after all. Under the constant assault of American soldiers, his sharpness has gradually weakened a lot.

At this time, the bayonet in his hand was blunt due to the gaps, and the constant panting and sweat showed that he was exhausted.

"Company commander, the American devils are about to lose their hold, let's hold on!"

As Yu Congrong said, he gritted his teeth and plunged the bayonet into the body of an American soldier, causing countless blood to spurt on his face.

"Hahaha, it's no problem to deal with these American devils."

Wu Qianli forced a smile while clenching the blood-stained bayonet in his hand, and charged forward.

If the battle continues like this, it will definitely end in the complete defeat of the US military.

"Fuck you! Damn devil, I want you to die!"

Garcia, the US company commander, looked at Wu Qianli, who seemed to be possessed by a killing god, and cursed through gritted teeth.

Taking advantage of the seventh interlude not paying attention, Garcia, who was hiding aside, slowly took out the pistol from his waist, and carefully aimed at Wu Qianli's head.

In Garcia's view at this time, compared to the final defeat, even accidentally injuring one or two friendly troops is insignificant.

While the figure was shaking, Garcia managed to find the right opportunity, and immediately pulled the trigger of the pistol hard.


Accompanied by a slightly dull gunshot, a pistol bullet that escaped from the chamber was shot out quickly, flying straight to Wu Qianli's head.


There was the sound of a bullet piercing into the flesh, but it was not Wu Qianli who was hit, but an unlucky American who was planning to sneak attack and rush over.


Garcia couldn't help stomping his feet in hatred when he saw that the chance he had finally lost was like this.

"Fuck, this despicable American devil doesn't even talk about martial arts."

Wu Wanli looked angrily at Garcia who was sniping, but suddenly saw an opportunity.

At this time, Garcia, who was surrounded by several American guards, was some distance away from the battlefield, and the attack on him would not cause accidental injury to other friendly troops.

Wu Wanli quickly took advantage of the gap to pull out a grenade, and threw it at it with incomparable precision.

Garcia looked at the little black dots that were flying white smoke in the air, and quickly lay down on the snow.


The violent explosion instantly killed several U.S. troops near Garcia, Garcia himself was also injured, and a sense of dizziness hit his head.

What's more terrible is that some American soldiers have subconsciously stepped back a few steps, obviously already thinking about fleeing.

At this critical juncture, there was a burst of gunfire not far away, accompanied by the roar of motor trucks.

The U.S. Special Operations Battalion originally stationed near the command post is coming in for quick support.

After all, the reconnaissance platoon, which was sniping at layers, could not stop the elite support force of a battalion of the U.S. military, so they could only retreat here while fighting and retreating.

"Company commander, the reinforcements from the American devils have arrived, what shall we do?"

Yu Congrong looked at the gun flames and flames that kept flickering in the distance, and immediately understood that the US troops were equipped with excellent firepower, and a trace of dignity appeared on his face.

"Fight! We have no way out. If we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. Even if we die in battle, it doesn't matter!"

There was no fear in Wu Qianli's eyes, and he roared resolutely.

At the same time, with a clear mind, he pointed the gun backwards, aimed at the airport where the US military escaped, and pulled the trigger continuously with a smile.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The bullets that came out of the chamber pierced the night sky and shot at rows of US military planes covered with explosives like sharp swords.

 Thanks to book friends such as qw911911 and f9145 for the monthly votes~
(End of this chapter)

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