The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 126 Kill through the US Special Operations Battalion and go straight to Huanglong!

Chapter 126 Kill through the US Special Operations Battalion and go straight to Huanglong!

After the last loud explosion, all the planes parked on the US military airport were blown up.

Under the thick black smoke, countless scattered aircraft wreckage flickered with flames, and there was not even a complete aircraft part.

"Good job, take the guy and hurry up to support the company commander and the others!"

After the task of bombing the plane was completed, Lei Gong was full of excitement and led the soldiers of the artillery platoon to quickly support Wu Qianli.

After hearing the order, the soldiers of the artillery platoon put away the row of mortars in fear, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Their indiscriminate bombing just now made the barrel of the gun hot and red, and if it continued, it might explode.

On the other side, Leonard, the American battalion commander with a slumped face, struggled to stand up, and firmly clasped the flesh of his palm with his nails.

The slight pain finally made him feel a little sober, but the eyes he looked at the Seventh Interlude Company also became filled with hatred.

"Surround these nasty yellow-skinned monkeys, kill them all, and take no prisoners!"

Leonard gritted his teeth and roared, pulled out his pistol, and fired three shots into the sky.

The U.S. soldiers in the special warfare battalion also understood that if they could no longer wipe out the volunteers in front of them, the group army would have no extra reinforcements to send.

"Kill them at once! (Kill them!)"

Several U.S. soldiers from the Special Operations Battalion clenched their bayonets and rushed towards Wu Qianli.

"His grandma's, let me die!"

Yu Congrong blocked the Wuqianli flank very domineeringly, and stabbed the American soldier's chest fiercely with the blood-stained bayonet in his hand.


The American soldier who was attacked reacted quickly, gritted his teeth, twisted to the right, and narrowly escaped the fatal stab.

"Okay, you American devil, you still showed off your skills with Lao Tzu, right?"

Yu Congrong missed the stab, but he didn't panic at all, and directly swept the bayonet in his hand to the side.

In an instant, the sharp blade that shone coldly was just right on the neck of the American soldier.


The American soldier felt the coldness coming from his neck, his eyes widened instantly, and he wanted to pull it away with his hands.

However, it was too late, Yu Congrong grinned, and slashed the bayonet back fiercely.


With the slight sound of the sharp blade cutting through the blood vessels, a smear of scarlet blood splashed on Yu Congrong's face.

The American soldier clutched his bloody aorta and immediately fell to the ground.

"Be careful, company commander!"

Yu Congrong had just helped Wu Qianli get rid of an American soldier, and now he saw two American soldiers approaching Wu Qianli, so he couldn't help shouting.

"Hmph, why panic, if one of these American devils comes, I'll kill one!"

Seeing the two bayonets approaching quickly, Wu Qianli didn't panic at all, but instead ignited a raging fighting spirit.


Wu Qianli clenched the dark red bayonet in his hand, struggling to pick up the two sharp blades that had been stabbed at him.


There was a crisp sound of metal colliding, and two US military thorns came, and the military thorns were thrown aside abruptly.


The two U.S. troops who made a surprise attack saw that they were thrown away with a full blow, and even their bodies almost staggered and fell to the snow. They couldn't help but exclaimed in confusion.

Wu Qianli didn't give them time to think. Seeing that the two American soldiers almost fell down due to the strong force, he directly stabbed them twice quickly.


After screaming in pain, the two American soldiers clutched the bloody holes in their chests and fell powerlessly on the snow, the scene in front of them gradually blurred.

Wu Qianli didn't even look at them for a second, and directly gritted his teeth and fought towards the U.S. troops ahead.

After finishing off a few more U.S. troops, Wu Qianli's hand holding the bayonet began to tremble slightly, and his breathing became heavier and heavier.

No matter how powerful he is in melee combat, no matter how strong his will is, he is still a human being, not a god.

During the long hours of fierce fighting, his arms were already sore and unbearable, and even the bayonet was covered with large and small gaps.

"No, if this fight continues, sooner or later it will be dragged into consumption, and a breakthrough must be found."

Wu Qianli murmured in his heart, and looked keenly at the relatively weak US military formation on the northeast side.

"elder brother!"

At this time, Wu Wanli, who was exhausted, happened to be targeted by an American sergeant from the northeast. He was kicked to the ground by accident, and he was about to be killed.

Wu Qianli quickly reflexively wanted to rush over, but suddenly realized that the distance was too far to reach.

"Go to hell, yellow-skinned monkey!"

The U.S. sergeant clenched his bayonet tightly, charged backwards for a second, and stabbed hard.

Seeing that Han Mang was about to approach Wu Wanli's heart, he hurriedly rolled on the spot, narrowly dodging the fatal blow.

The U.S. sergeant pulled the bayonet out of the snowdrift in Zakong, and tried to repeat the same trick, but he didn't notice Mei Sheng who was already approaching behind him.

"Fall me down!"

Mei Sheng swung the butt of the gun high, and slammed the U.S. sergeant's waist hard.


Under the severe pain, the U.S. military sergeant only felt his body go limp, and he collapsed on the snow.

"good chance!"

Seeing this, Mei Sheng quickly pulled out the pistol from his waist, and fired three shots at the American sergeant on the ground.

The U.S. sergeant who was hit by the bullet only had time to twitch a few times before becoming a corpse on the snow forever.

"You bastard, didn't I tell you? Be careful on the battlefield."

Wu Qianli quickly helped Wu Wanli up, and picked up the submachine gun hanging from his waist.

"Fuck you! What does this volunteer army want? Hurry up and entangle him!"

The U.S. battalion commander Leonard looked at the direction Wu Qianli was pointing at, and shouted in panic.

At this time, the seventh interspersed company was inserted into the US military formation in an arrow-shaped attack formation.

As for Wu Qianli, as the tip of the arrow, there are no friendly troops in front of it, only densely packed American soldiers.

So once Wu Qianli chooses to shoot at this time, not only can he kill and injure a large number of American soldiers, but he doesn't have to worry about injuring the comrades of the Seventh Interlude Company.

"Kill! (Kill!)"

Seeing Wu Qianli raising the muzzle of a Thomson submachine gun, a U.S. sergeant felt bad and rushed to kill him.

"Damn it, you have to come here to die, right?"

Yu Congrong gritted his teeth and kicked the Chinese and American non-commissioned officers in the stomach.

The U.S. sergeant's physical fitness is excellent. Under Yu Congrong's full kick, he just took a few steps back while clutching his stomach, and did not fall down.

But when he looked up and saw Wu Qianli who had finished aiming, he knew that he was not far from death.

"Da da da da da da da da..."

Sure enough, when the rapid submachine gun rang out, more than a dozen American soldiers, including him, were shot and fell to the ground.

The impenetrable U.S. military formation was directly swept out of a gap, and no U.S. military dared to block it to meet the five thousand miles of bullets.

"The whole company obeys the order and kills me! Cut the army of the American devils into two pieces!"

Wu Qianli threw Thomson's bullets on the ground, picked up the dark red bayonet, and charged forward.

This is the only chance for the [-]th Interlude Company. If it fails to rush through, it will be surrounded by the US military, and the entire army will be wiped out.

In this life-and-death situation, every soldier embraces the determination to live to death and fights desperately forward.

The U.S. Special Warfare Battalion, which was originally outnumbered, had some soldiers overwhelmed by the red-eyed soldiers of the [-]th Interlude Company, and all of them were afraid of the enemy.

Most of them are shrewd veterans of the US military. They understand that even if they can win, it is not worth being stabbed to death. They might as well avoid it for the time being.

As a result, the soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company were like a long sharp blade, with five thousand miles as the tip, they ruthlessly tore open the US military formation and killed them all.

"Shit! What the hell are you doing? Pounce on them and kill them all!"

Leonard, the battalion commander of the Special Warfare Battalion, was so angry that his mouth almost twisted when he saw this situation, he waved his fists and shouted.

Many U.S. sergeants looked at Leonard who was hiding in a safe position and screaming, feeling a little contemptuous in his heart.

Many of them are not unwilling to fight to the death, but the chiefs of the volunteer army are all on the front line.

Then look at your own officers sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, just thinking about letting them go to death, the U.S. military instantly lost the idea of ​​fighting with their lives.

Leonard, the US battalion commander, seemed to understand the psychology of the soldiers, forced himself to calm down, and waited and watched the remaining troops.

The U.S. Special Warfare Battalion, which originally had hundreds of people, died under firepower and grenade explosions, and another group died in hand-to-hand combat. Now there are only more than 200 people left.

Even so, the strength of these U.S. troops is still three times that of the Seventh Interspersed Company, and the advantage in machine gun firepower is almost half crushed.

"The whole army obeys the order! Retreat a certain distance, pull away from these damned volunteers, and sweep them to death with intensive firepower!"

After realizing that hand-to-hand combat is not an advantage, Leonard rolled his eyes and immediately changed his strategy. He wanted to rely on the superiority in firepower to suppress the seventh interlude company.

As soon as they heard that they could stay away from these white-bladed demons, the eyes of the American soldiers lit up, and they quickly retreated like a tide, faster than they charged.


Seeing the U.S. soldiers retreating, Wu Qianli endured the soreness in his arms, pulled out the last grenade around his waist, quickly pulled the ring, and threw it at the U.S. military formation.

After hearing the order, other members of the Seventh Interlude Company also took out grenades and threw them at the US troops.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The grenade exploded at the rear of the U.S. military formation, and the flying shrapnel immediately injured a large number of U.S. soldiers, and even several shriveled steel helmets were thrown into the air.

The explosion prevented a large number of U.S. troops from being blown up or lying on the ground before they could shoot while retreating.

At this time, Yu Congrong had already set up the Browning heavy machine gun, aiming the gun at the U.S. military formation with swaying figures.

"Shoot, kill these bastards!"

Yu Congrong slammed the trigger to the end, ignoring the recoil of the shock, and fired a large number of bullets at the American soldiers.

Wu Qianli continued to pick up the Thomson submachine gun, aiming at the U.S. military who wanted to set up heavy firepower, delaying the formation of the U.S. military's firepower network.

In just a few seconds, the firepower of the Seventh Interlude Company actually overwhelmed the U.S. soldiers, and some U.S. soldiers had to lie down on the ground to avoid the pouring of machine gun fire.

Unfortunately, this advantage did not last long.

When the U.S. Special Warfare Battalion regained its strength, it immediately spread out the rocket launchers and heavy machine guns, and quickly counterpressed the seventh interspersed company in terms of firepower.

Wu Qianli looked at the soldiers who were suppressed, and the comrades who were sieved by the firepower of the US military, and his heart seemed to be bleeding.

But these are nothing in the short term, and there is a more serious problem before them.

"Company commander, the remaining ammunition in the hands of comrades is running out, I'm afraid it won't last long, what should we do next?"

Mei Sheng looked at the raging US heavy machine guns, and couldn't help clenching his fists, his face showing a trace of solemnity.

"Let comrades not waste bullets, and focus on attacking the heavy machine gunners of the US military first."

Wu Qianli thought for a moment, then sighed helplessly and said, after all, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

On the other side, after seeing the Special Operations Battalion finally relying on firepower to gain an advantage, the US Battalion Commander Leonard couldn't help but smile triumphantly.

"The third company stays where it is, and increases the firepower to cover it. The first company and the second company directly press on me, and annihilate all these hateful volunteers!"

Leonard looked at the position of the Seventh Interlude Company with a bit of resentment, and ordered through gritted teeth.

Soon, the U.S. military attacked from the left and right wings to the Seventh Interlude Company, and there were still a large number of machine guns roaring on the spot, providing them with cover.

The soldiers of the Seventh Interspersed Company, who were suppressed by machine gun fire, could only take risks and shoot from time to time, but the intermittent firepower could not stop the US attack at all.

It didn't take long for the U.S. troops on both sides to attack in a pincer shape, and they killed the seventh interspersed company not far away.

Up to now, the Seventh Interspersed Company almost has to face the suppression of U.S. firepower from three sides. If it continues like this, it will soon be unable to support it.

"call out--"

At this time, several mortar shells pierced the sky, and with the sound of piercing wind, they smashed hard at the feet of the unsuspecting US troops.

"Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by the explosion of the shells, the dozen or so US troops rushing to the front were unprepared, and were thrown into the air by the shock wave of the explosion.

Some of the American troops behind were also injured by shrapnel, lying on the ground crying and rolling.

"Company commander, I'm sorry, our artillery platoon came late, which caused so many comrades in our company to die."

Lei Gong looked at the corpses of the soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company on the snowy ground, and said with pain and guilt in his heart.

"It's not too late, you came just in time."

Wu Qianli looked at the mortars lined up, silently breathed a sigh of relief, and said.

"Respectively adjust the position of the muzzle, extend 100 meters along the south side of the stream, and shoot three rapid fires..."


Lei Gong personally supervised the soldiers in the artillery platoon to adjust the positions of the guns, and then waved his hand, another cannonball shot out, and the white smoke from the cannonballs filled the air.

"Boom! Boom!"

The continuous artillery fire just covered the retreating American soldiers. Under the precise strike, the first round of attack by the US Special Operations Battalion failed.

Looking at the American soldiers retreating like a tide, Wu Qianli's frown did not ease, but his heart was still full of worry.

Because of the huge disparity in military strength between the two sides, even if they gained several advantages, they could not seal the victory.

And the [-]th Interlude Company, which is on the disadvantaged side, can only keep winning. Once it loses once, the whole army will be wiped out.

"No, you must not fall into an endless tug-of-war of attrition, you must find a way to break the situation."

Wu Qianli clenched the cold gun shell in his hand, and murmured silently.

"Ding—the system prompts that Major General Barr, the main commander of the US Army Group, is about to transfer or withdraw."

"The host please hurry up and complete the task, kill Major General Barr, if the task fails, the system will fall into a deep sleep."

At this time, the cold system prompt echoed in Wu Qianli's mind just right.

"In this case, we can only take a risk."

After hearing the system prompt, Wu Qianli's eyes widened, his pupils shrank slightly, and he turned his head to look at the large U.S. watchtower behind him, a sternness flashed in his eyes.

"The whole army obeys orders! Regardless of the U.S. military behind you, turn around and go to the U.S. watchtower command station to kill!"

Wu Qianli picked up the Thomson submachine gun and loudly issued an order that no one had thought of.

"The company commander wants to..."

Mei Sheng looked at Wu Qianli's figure turning around and killing him behind him, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and after thinking for two seconds, his eyes were immediately filled with shock.

Drive straight in, live towards death, and hit the dragon!
This is a very bold choice, and it can even be said to be desperate!

The soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company responded loudly. They would never question Wu Qianli's orders, held their guns tightly, and followed Wu Qianli's figure to kill towards the rear.

For the [-]th Interlude Company, who had no idea of ​​the way forward and was fighting bravely towards the endless darkness behind, this was indeed a desperate gamble.

But for Leonard, who just came to support him not long ago, he still doesn't know what kind of emptiness the rear is now.

"Shit! These volunteers, what the hell are they trying to do! Stop them!!!"

When Leonard saw the [-]th Interlude Company killing towards the rear, he almost collapsed to the ground in fright, and even broke the sound in his hysterical roar.

 Thank you for those who haven’t started, just love you, qw911911, Uncle Guntuanlou and other book friends voted monthly~
  I have been busy these days, so the update will be a bit stretched. Next month, I will resume normal updates every day. It is estimated that I will finish the book with more than 100 million words. Thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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