The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 127 Chasing down the commander of the US Army on the Eastern Front!

Chapter 127 Chasing down the commander of the US Army on the Eastern Front!
"Speed ​​up, don't let the big fish in the watchtower escape!"

Wu Qianli shouted and charged forward, replacing the Garand in his hand with a Springfield sniper rifle with an optical sight on the way.

The U.S. Special Warfare Battalion in the rear did not expect the Seventh Interlude Company to be so bold that it would dare to directly enter the core of their base camp regardless of the U.S. troops behind.

By the time the group of US troops reacted under the roar of Battalion Commander Leonard, the Seventh Interlude Company had already opened a short distance from them.

"You idiots, chase after them!"

U.S. Battalion Commander Leonard clenched his fists and kicked the buttocks of several stunned U.S. non-commissioned officers beside him.

"Yes, sir!"

The U.S. military, who was stunned by Wu Qianli's reverse operation, finally reacted, and chased and killed the seventh interspersed company with all its strength.

The soldiers at the forefront of the U.S. Special Operations Battalion took out the bazooka and aimed at the seventh interspersed company ahead.

"call out--"

In an instant, several rockets blasted towards the darkness ahead with traces of white smoke exhaust, but most of them were smashed crookedly, leaving only a few scorched black snow pits.

As for the American soldiers who kept shooting towards the darkness ahead during the charge, it was a waste of bullets, and the flying bullets could only shuttle back and forth like luck.

At this time, Wu Qianli had already taken the seventh interspersed and made a detour, heading towards the large watchtower of the US military headquarters.

During this process, except for a small number of wandering sentries, the [-]th Penetrating Company did not encounter any decent resistance, and approached inside as easily as a bayonet piercing through white paper.

"Why are their internal defenses so lax? Could it be an ambush?"

Mei Sheng raised his gun and killed another American straggler, muttering in confusion.

But there was no turning back when he opened the bow, not to mention that Wu Qianli was so determined to kill in front, which gave everyone full confidence.

Finally, when they rushed to only two or three hundred meters away from the watchtower, the US machine gun positions in the distance suddenly roared.

"Da da da da da da da da da da da da..."

The white American soldier held the Browning machine gun in his hand and fired frantically forward, and the bullet casings thrown out quickly fell to the ground.

Seeing the delayed charge speed of the Seventh Interlude Company, the US machine gunner was not at all happy, but swallowed in fear.

"Shit! Who can tell me, when did this group of volunteers come here?"

While strafing, the US machine gunner asked the deputy machine gunner next to him frightenedly.

"Our outer fronts are in emergency, and we don't know where they have been broken through..."

The US military deputy machine gunner piled the ammunition belt aside, and said a little pessimistically.


A clear gunshot sounded, and the hot bullet instantly penetrated the head of the US machine gunner, and a ball of bright red blood splashed on the face of the deputy machine gunner next to him.

"According to the predetermined tactics, rush to the past!"

Just after Wu Qianli pulled the trigger, he jumped up from the snow with great confidence, and quickly approached the observation tower ahead with his people.

Sure enough, amidst the sound of machine guns that stopped abruptly, the seventh interspersed company quickly approached, and after a while, it reached a position only 150 meters away from the watchtower.

The U.S. troops staying there probably only had a platoon or so left, and immediately panicked and organized a defensive firepower network, and the rockets bombarded like they didn't need money.

"Reconnaissance platoon, concentrate your sniper firepower, and knock out the searchlights of the American devils!"

Looking at the Seventh Interlude Company that was pressed in place again, Wu Qianli shouted a little depressed.

"Bang! Bang!"

As soon as Wu Qianli finished speaking, Ping He, who had planned this for a long time, fired two shots at the top. The bright searchlight burst instantly, and the glass shards crashed down.

The U.S. military, which had lost its light and illumination, poured firepower into the darkness in fear, but its aim dropped a lot.

And unlike the Seventh Interlude Company, which was hidden in the dark, the machine guns of the stationed US troops, which kept spraying gun flames, accurately exposed their positions.

"It's crazy to hold a heavy machine gun, isn't it? Make you fucking scream, shut up for me!"

Lei Gong picked up a super bazooka, and fired the rockets fiercely at the orange-red gun flames of the US troops ahead.

"call out--"


The fast-flying high-explosive rockets hit the US machine gun position directly.

Several US machine gunners were blown into the sky together with their heavy machine guns, and the sound of the roaring machine guns was instantly weakened a lot.

"All combat troops obey orders! Alternate cover shooting, press up quickly, don't give them a chance to breathe!"

Wu Qianli spoke loudly, and at the same time picked up the sniper rifle in his hand, and shot down the American soldiers who wanted to reset the heavy firepower one by one.

The [-]th Interlude Company, which was already superior in strength, rushed forward like a rainbow, breaking through the US watchtower, and it was only a matter of time.


On the watchtower, in the command hall of the U.S. Army Group

"Get me through General MacArthur immediately, be sure to hurry!"

Major General Barr's face was ashen, and his voice trembled slightly.

"Good sir!"

The adjutant of the U.S. military was a little nervous to help him connect with General MacArthur, and the hand that handed over the microphone trembled slightly.

"General MacArthur, the base camp on the eastern front of Changjin Lake has reached a critical moment! Almost all of our planes have been blown up!"

"Part of the volunteer army has broken through the defense line and rushed to my position! I request permission to retreat on my own, and mobilize aircraft carrier formation aircraft to come to support!"

Major General Barr grabbed the phone and directly explained the critical situation.

In fact, he was like his immediate boss before. Almond had applied, but there was no definite answer for a long time.

Now as a last resort, he had to choose to report to MacArthur by leapfrogging.

On the other end of the phone, MacArthur, who was about to meet the Emperor Xiaotian, was stunned, and even the hand holding the pipe stopped in midair.

Although he also knew something about the battle situation in Changjin Lake, he didn't expect that it would quickly deteriorate into this state.

"Major General Barr, you can't just retreat like this, I will immediately mobilize the aircraft carrier flight formation to support you, stick to it, and defeat the volunteers!"

MacArthur said to Major General Barr a little angrily, quite dissatisfied in his heart.

You must know that if the U.S. Army Group on the eastern front of Changjin Lake retreats, it will mean that the entire Korean Peninsula front will be pulled back.

At that time, the U.S. military will be severely injured by the pursuit across the board and will not be able to attack again in a short time. Then the Christmas offensive he advocated will become a joke that slaps him in the face.

"Shit! Is it because I don't want to support the counterattack! Facing this group of volunteers who are like demons, how can we still support it!"

After Major General Barr heard MacArthur's words, he slammed the phone aside and roared loudly.

At this time, the charge horns and gunshots of the Seventh Interlude Company were getting closer and closer, and the U.S. troops in the watchtower could hear the shouts of killing from the outside.

"General Barr, the garrison below should be almost overwhelmed. We'd better make plans early."

Brigadier General Laroulac stood a little flustered outside the watchtower, watching the situation below through the glass cover, and sighed silently.

" could it be so fast?"

Major General Barr was a little unbelievable, and walked quickly to Brigadier General Laroulac, just in time to see two American soldiers who were blown away by grenades, and his face turned ashen.

At this moment, Wu Qianli, who was under the watchtower, had already raised his sniper rifle, and the crosshair of the optical sight was aimed at Major General Barr.

Wu Qianli tightly clenched the butt of the gun, keeping the muzzle in the most stable state, held his breath, and pulled the trigger hard at the last moment.


Accompanied by an inconspicuous gunshot, a hot bullet escaped from the chamber, piercing through the wind and snow with a murderous look, and flew up to the watchtower in the sky.


The fast-flying bullet broke through the glass cover of the watchtower in an instant, and the crisp sound of the glass made Major General Barr subconsciously dodge to the side.

But Major General Barr's movements were always too slow, the bullet still hit his left shoulder with undiminished power, and a cloud of blood splashed out.

"General Barr!"

Several US military staff officers on the watchtower immediately rushed up in panic and dragged Major General Barr to a safe position.

On the side, after being stunned for half a second by the blood-spattered Lalulac, he immediately ran back, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

If the bullet had shifted a few inches just now, he would have been hit.

Wu Qianli looked at the quickly disappearing figure above, slowly put down the muzzle of the gun that was still emitting a trace of white smoke, and shook his head with a little regret.

Although the shot just hit, but the system's notification sound did not say that the task was completed, it proved that the shot was not enough to kill.

Sure enough, when the U.S. troops in the watchtower bandaged Major General Barr and pinched him for a while, he woke up not long after.


Major General Barr, who had just woken up, felt the pain under his left shoulder, couldn't help covering the wound tightly, and took a deep breath.

However, this wound did not affect his ability to move. After standing up, Major General Barr could still run normally.

"Lalulak, I'm seriously injured, I'm afraid I won't be able to continue commanding the tense battle situation."

Major General Barr clutched his wound, and said to Larulak with a painful face, which made him feel a sense of ominous foreboding.

Sure enough, when Major General Barr said that he would hand over the command to him, he realized that this guy was planning to throw the blame and run away with him.

"General Barr! The battle situation is extremely urgent now, you can't just..."

Brigadier General Laroulac was about to argue a few words, but Major General Barr didn't give him this chance at all. After glaring at him, he ran towards the east gate with a few guards.

Outside the east gate of the watchtower, a fully fueled jeep and a Ford troop carrier truck are parked here.

As long as they get in the car, they can reach a small landing pad with a helicopter in a few minutes.

However, the US defenders on the south side of the watchtower are still struggling, unaware that their supreme commander has planned to abandon them.

"Da da da da da da da da..."

I saw Yu Congrong gritted his teeth, holding the Browning heavy machine gun, regardless of the recoil of the shock, and fired continuously towards the front.

An American soldier who just showed his head and wanted to shoot, was sieved by dense bullets before the muzzle was fully raised.

Wu Wanli even ventured to touch the US machine gun position not far away, pulled out a grenade, paused for a few seconds, and threw it viciously.


With a loud noise, the thrown grenade exploded in mid-air as usual, and the flames burst into flames in an instant.

The flying shrapnel directly scratched the half of the sandbag that was blasted in mid-air, and fell down together with the flesh and blood of the American soldiers.

The soldiers of the Seventh Penetrating Company, who were shuttling in the darkness, stepped up their attack, and countless orange-red gun flames flickered everywhere.

"Company commander, as long as this offensive continues, we will be able to break through their watchtower in just over a minute!"

Mei Sheng observed the battle situation in the distance, a long-lost smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Breaking watchtowers and killing American soldiers have never been the key. We have to achieve valuable strategic goals."

After Wu Qianli finished speaking, he quickly noticed the US military vehicles on the east side of the watchtower with the help of the soaring flames from the explosion.

Based on his understanding of US military officers, under such circumstances, not many people would be willing to stay where they are, and there is a high probability that they will evacuate in a hurry.

"Lei Gong, let the comrades in the running platoon set up the mortars, and seal the east side of the watchtower for me..."

Wu Qianli predicted the possibility of Major General Barr's escape, and was planning to deploy ahead of time, but was interrupted immediately before he finished speaking.

"Company commander! The special battalion of the American devils is coming from behind, and will soon kill us. What shall we do next?"

Ping He looked at Wu Qianli a little uneasy, and said quickly.

"Oh, it's a pity, our troops are still too small, and our speed is slower."

Hearing the threat from the US military in the rear, Wu Qianli clenched his fists and said a little helplessly.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and it's not easy to do this with the strength of a company of the seventh interspersed company.

"It's his grandma, company commander, give me one more minute, just one minute, and I, Old Yu, promise to get in!"

Yu Congrong slammed his fist on the snowdrift with some reluctance, and loudly assured Wu Qianli.

"No! Company Commander, this is the hinterland of the US Army's Eastern Front headquarters."

"It's impossible for us to defend after we break in. Instead, we will be trapped in the embarrassment of catching a turtle in a urn."

Mei Sheng listened to Yu Congrong's words, afraid that Wu Qianli would give impulsive orders, so he hurriedly dissuaded him.

"Mei Sheng is right. We are in the den of American devils, so we must not be impulsive."

Wu Qianli couldn't help but slightly nodded when he heard Mei Sheng's words.

At this moment, he carefully picked up the sniper scope, looked at the position on the east side of the US military watchtower, and immediately keenly observed the shaking of the figure where the military vehicle was parked.

"I knew that none of the commanders of the American devils is not afraid of death."

Wu Qianli smiled slightly, almost certain that the big fish in the U.S. military was about to flee, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he gave the order decisively.

"Yu Congrong, Lei Gong, Mei Sheng, you take the main force of our company and go to the back, block this group of US special warfare battalions for 5 minutes!"

"Pinghe, you take the comrades from the reconnaissance platoon and me to hunt down the big fish of the American devils!"

 Thanks to Mai Shiranui, Huazi loves to read books $ monthly ticket support~
(End of this chapter)

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