The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 166 Beheading and Bombing the Bridge in the Dark Night!

Chapter 166 Beheading and Bombing the Bridge in the Dark Night!

"In one minute, get rid of the American devils at the bottom of the water pump room, kill them, reach the US military headquarters and the water gate bridge deck, behead and blow up the bridge!"

Wu Qianli yanked the bolt of the gun and roared sharply.


The soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon basically rushed in, and immediately responded loudly.

In the white mist, the murderous intent of the crowd was like a sharp sword, stabbing the remaining US troops into tension.

"Shoot now! Cover them with ferocious fire!"

"Don't be nervous! As long as we hold on for a while, reinforcements will arrive soon!"

US military officer Childe cheered up his morale loudly, but his palm holding the pistol was sweating nervously.


"Battle baa baa baa baa..."

When many U.S. troops heard the news, they immediately yelled and took up their submachine guns and machine guns, aiming at the smoke and shooting frantically.

Regardless of whether they can hit or not, at least this will give them a little sense of security.

At this moment, just as Wu Qianli was about to show his head and take aim, a swarm of bullets flew over, hitting his cover with sparks flying.

"These American devils are so used to being arrogant, they don't know how expensive bullets are!"

Wu Qianli clenched his fists and sighed helplessly when he heard the sound of metal bullets colliding.

Even if he had a perfect hit rate, it would be useless if he couldn't shoot.

"Company commander, comrades can't even shoot. If this drags on, it will be more and more unfavorable to us."

Ping He clung to an iron plate and shouted at Wu Qianli.

"Wanli, can blind casting work?!"

Wu Qianli pulled out the grenade from his chest, handed it to Wu Wanli not far away, and asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry brother, I will definitely blow up the firepower network of the American devils!"

Wu Wanli estimated the distance, and immediately patted his chest to make sure.

"One on the upper left, two on the bottom at one o'clock..."

Wu Qianli nodded slightly, listening to the gunshots, and reported all the heavy firepower of the US military to Wu Wanli.

At this moment, Wu Qianli's time slow experience card still has fifty seconds left.

In front of him, the slow sound of gunfire was like an annunciator, clearly revealing the location.

"it is good!"

A gleam of light flashed in Wu Wanli's eyes, he bit off the tab of the grenade, and threw it viciously at the location Wu Qianli said.

second floor, on the platform
"Oh, it's impossible for those Chinese troops to come over in such a firepower net, so we can rest assured."

A US machine gunner just breathed a sigh of relief and sighed with emotion in a low voice.

But when he looked up, his eyes widened in shock, and his whole body was shocked.

I saw a grenade emitting white smoke flying towards him at high speed, approaching precisely in front of him.

"Fuck you!"

He immediately dropped the machine gun, and wanted to run back while rolling and crawling.

The grenade seemed to have insufficient strength, but when it was about to land on the platform, it was already in a downward trend.

The U.S. military near the grenade called God to bless, but the strength of the volunteers throwing the grenade was still insufficient.

However, they couldn't be happier the next second.


When the grenade was still in the air, it exploded suddenly, and a huge flame flickered fiercely.

Countless shrapnel killed four or five nearby U.S. troops on the spot with the maximum damage radius.

Under the huge shock wave, the body of an American soldier was blown away, and immediately flew down, falling to pieces.

"You boy, blind throw and air blast! Good job, continue!"

Wu Qianli observed the movement above in surprise, and immediately gave Wu Wanli all the grenades on his body, and said loudly.

"Hmph, bro, just look at it!"

Wu Wanli picked up the grenade, bit off the tab, and shot another three times in a row.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After the continuous explosions, the firepower of the heavy machine guns of the U.S. military suddenly went silent by more than half.

Seeing this situation, not only the machine gunners, but even other U.S. troops did not dare to shoot indiscriminately, instead they hid behind the bunker and fired cautiously.

"Bazooka, boom!"

Seeing this, Wu Qianli quickly raised the bazooka, aimed it at the U.S. military and yelled.

"Comrades, bomb the second floor!"

Ping He quickly completed the firepower analysis, raised his bazooka and shouted.

In an instant, four or five reconnaissance platoon soldiers showed their heads, and the muzzle of the black bazooka was already pointing at the position where the gun flames were sprayed on the second floor.

At this moment, the white mist of the smoke bomb has gradually dissipated, and the rocket attack of Wu Qianli and others is clearly revealed.

"You idiots! Pick up your guns and stop them!"

The US military officer Childe yelled in panic, and quickly fell to the ground.

Some American soldiers heard the words, their eyes were full of panic, and they subconsciously picked up their guns.

However, they were still too slow.

"call out--"

"call out--"

Several rockets flew out with traces of white smoke, and slammed into the densely populated US military.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of explosions exploded like thunder, and orange-red fire clouds rose from the first and second floors at the same time, and all the firepower of the US military stopped.

"Great opportunity! Pinghe, you lead your comrades to attack the platform on the second floor, and I will take down the US troops on the opposite side of the first floor alone!"

Wu Qianli picked up the Springfield sniper rifle, said a domineering sentence, and rushed out of the bunker immediately.

"What? Alone?!"

Ping He was startled when he saw Wu Qianli's figure jumping out, almost thinking that he had heard wrong.

But the battle was raging, and he couldn't allow him to think too much, so he could only quickly execute the combat order.

"Reconnaissance squad, cover fire!"

"Wu Wanli, blow up the opening on the second floor platform!"

"Others, rush to kill me!"

After Ping He reacted quickly, he picked up his sniper rifle and led the people out of the bunker.

At the same time, the US troops on the first floor had just recovered from the explosion and slowly grabbed their guns.

When they saw that the main attack direction of the Chinese army was the second floor, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a little.

They didn't notice that Wu Qianli had already reached a position tens of meters away from them, and was staring at them intently.

"There are more than a dozen enemies left on the first floor, thirty seconds should be enough."

Wu Qianli observed the situation of the US military, murmured silently, and raised the muzzle of his Springfield sniper rifle.

At this moment, there were still 31 seconds left on the slow time experience card, which was enough for him to do many things.

The muzzle of the black gun in Wu Qianli's hand turned slowly, and the crosshairs of the scope were facing the chest of an American sergeant.


There was a crisp gunshot, and the bullets flying out at high speed were warm, and ruthlessly pierced into the grenade on the chest of the US sergeant.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the fragments of the explosion directly tore apart the body of the US military sergeant, and the spray of blood mixed with the broken bones and flew around.

Many U.S. troops who had just recovered were knocked down by the shock wave, looking at the dismembered corpse at the center of the explosion with disbelief.
"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"Oh, damn it, this must be a ruse by the Chinese army! Shoot!"

A U.S. sergeant was the first to react, and immediately roared loudly.

He thought of the strategy used by the vanguard of the Volunteer Army to blow up the Shuimen Bridge, and immediately guessed this situation, and couldn't help worrying about his own life.

However, Wu Qianli grinned when he heard these two sentences in English, and almost laughed out loud on the spot.

Good guy, is he playing the atmosphere of the general offensive by himself, or are these US troops too timid.

The U.S. military didn't know what he was thinking, but pressed all the panic on the pulled trigger, aiming at the position where Wu Qianli had just fired his gun, and fired frantically.

"Battle baa baa baa baa..."

Under the dense gunfire, the muzzle of the US Browning heavy machine gun was hot and red, and the flying bullets sprayed indiscriminately.

The exposed steel pipes rattled when they were hit, and the rows of bullet holes were densely packed like a hornet's nest.


In an instant, even the thick pipe in the center was punctured, causing an explosion in which the pressure of the gas was unbalanced.


Bursts of white water vapor came out, spreading faster than the smoke bomb just now, and the concealment effect was better.

"Exactly what I want!"

Looking at the natural cover, Wu Qianli raised his mouth slightly, put on a Thomson submachine gun, and charged at the US military formation.

In the white mist, Wu Qianli shot out one by one from time to time, piercing the chest of the American soldier like a sharp sword.

By the time the panicked U.S. troops came shooting, Wu Qianli had probably shifted his position and fired again.

Even if it was too late to move, and most of the space was blocked by the US military's firepower network, Wu Qianli did not panic.

With the addition of slow time, he dodged and moved to avoid the poisonous fire snake very easily, and continued to kill the US troops.

By the time Wu Qianli was within ten meters of the U.S. Army, there were only three U.S. troops left who could still fight.

When they saw Wu Qianli's looming figure emerging from the white mist, a short burst of gun flames lit up at the same time.

"Da da da……"

A shuttle of bullets flew out, and the three U.S. soldiers let go of their guns powerlessly, tilting their heads and falling into a pool of blood.

On the red-stained ground, the severely wounded U.S. soldier looked up in a daze, only to see Wu Qianli's figure, and couldn't help opening his mouth.

"Shit... you... only one person?"

The wounded American soldier asked incredulously, a trace of despair flashed in his eyes.

He did not expect that it was only a Chinese soldier with a submachine gun who finally defeated a group of American troops.

"It's not important anymore, sir, just close your eyes and go to God to repent..."

Wu Qianli looked at the dying American soldier, slowly put down the muzzle of his gun, squatted down and closed his eyes for him.

On the battlefield, they are their own masters, and casualties in the hail of bullets are inevitable.

But Wu Qianli will not torture and kill the US troops who have lost the ability to resist, he does not lack that record.

"Maybe...God doesn't agree with the United States launching this Korean War..."

The last thought came to the mind of the U.S. military officer who closed his eyes, and then completely lost his will.

Wu Qianli did not show compassion, but quickly searched for useful weapons and ammunition, and then rushed to the battlefield on the second floor.

The second floor platform of the pump room

When the US military officer Childe heard the gunfire below stop, he couldn't help but thumped in his heart and yelled that it was not good.

"Oh damn, sir, I'm afraid the soldiers on the first floor have been wiped out. If reinforcements don't come, we may not last long."

A U.S. deputy platoon leader also noticed this and immediately reminded Childe.

"Fuck you! That bastard Marshall will only sit in the command post. Where's his reinforcements? Where's the reinforcements?"

Child roared loudly in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it to disturb the morale of the army, after all, he would die faster that way.

"Tell our soldiers that reinforcements will arrive soon, and all the volunteers will die under the guns of the freedom fighters!"

Childe pretended to be calm, but actually he was slowly leaning towards the top of the pump room, as if he was ready to escape at any time.

"Yes, sir..."

The deputy platoon leader of the U.S. military responded with disappointment, and passed on the order, knowing in his heart that they were in danger.

However, they have extremely strong firepower after all, even if they are weakened by nearly half, they can effectively slow down the attack speed of Ping He and others.

Ping He led people to attack along the bunkers everywhere, and it seemed a little difficult under the approaching firepower.

Of course, they can choose to take it by force. With the combat effectiveness of the seventh interspersed company, it will not take long to quickly and forcibly eat up these American troops.

But this will inevitably cause a large number of casualties, and the subsequent beheading assault and the blowing up of the Shuimen Bridge must be insufficient, and the gains will not be worth the losses.

"Brother Pinghe, the grenades are almost used up, and these American devils are all thieves, so it's not easy to explode!"

Wu Wanli fumbled for the grenade and said helplessly.

It is easy to blow up an attack hole, but many US troops have long been hiding behind bunkers, and even surrounded them with the corpses of their companions to weaken the shock wave and resist debris.

If it cannot be killed, it will be difficult to cause mass destruction to the US military.

"Don't be in a hurry, the American devils just want to see us chaotic and strong, trust our company commander!"

Ping He looked at the somewhat irritable and depressed reconnaissance platoon fighters, and immediately comforted him.

When everyone heard the company commander, their eyes lit up immediately, they took a deep breath to regain their composure, and aimed at it with precision.

The reconnaissance platoon that had settled down to shoot was very accurate and terrifying, and the crisp sniper shots put great pressure on the US military.

The U.S. military had no choice but to energize and deal with the firepower of the reconnaissance platoon with 100% concentration, which barely maintained the deadlock.

However, when the U.S. military focused all its attention on Ping He and others, it gave Wu Qianli a chance.

I saw Wu Qianli biting his army thorn, carrying a Thomson submachine gun, slowly crawling from the water pipe on the ground floor to the platform on the second floor.

It wasn't until he stood firmly on a remote part of the platform that an American soldier who was reloading opened his eyes wide and saw him.

Seeing that the American soldier opened his mouth to shout, Wu Qianli immediately grabbed the bayonet, aimed at the heart of the American soldier, and flew towards the American soldier.

But at a distance of five meters, the bayonet flew out with great force, piercing the American soldier's main artery and penetrating his neck.

"Ho ho..."

The American soldier who was stabbed had his vocal cords torn, and he only had time to make a weak sound before a mouthful of blood spewed out from his throat.

"Ahem... at least the result is good."

Wu Qianli looked at the military thorn that was about to fly towards his heart, his old face blushed, and he comforted himself silently in his heart.

After all, he is not a master of martial arts, even if he is only five meters, he may not be able to point and fly anywhere.


Wu Qianli rushed forward and pulled out the bayonet, a splash of blood gushed out, staining the silver blade red.

The water pipe after the explosion was still releasing white steam, and the mist gradually floated up, covering the platform on the second floor.

Holding a bayonet, Wu Qianli wandered around the second floor, assassinating countless U.S. troops like a ghost.

Gradually, most of the U.S. military's firepower thinned out, and it was no longer possible to suppress Ping He and the others.

Pinghe immediately understood that it was Wu Qianli who was doing it, his eyes lit up, and a touch of excitement appeared in his heart.

"Comrades, all bayonets, charge with me, and meet the company commander!"

Ping He violently fixed the bayonet on the slot, shouted and rushed out of the bunker, leading the reconnaissance platoon towards the second floor.

 Thanks to Dionysus One, book friend 292148, blue eucalyptus for meeting migratory birds, passers-by, and the monthly ticket cast by the prodigal son of Qitai~
(End of this chapter)

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