The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 167 The main attack of one person!Destroy all American troops!

Chapter 167 One-person Main Attack!Destroy all American troops!

"All bayonets, charge with me, and meet the company commander!"

Ping He fiercely fixed the bayonet on the slot, shouted and rushed out of the bunker, leading the reconnaissance platoon to kill towards the second floor.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon raised their gleaming bayonets and rushed towards the platform on the second floor as quickly as possible.

At this moment, the large water pipe that exploded was still spewing out white steam, creating favorable concealment conditions for Ping He and others to charge.

"Shit! Is the machine gunner on the other side asleep? Shoot quickly to suppress the charge of the Chinese army!"

The US military commander Childe drew out his pistol and fired several shots into the white mist below, yelling in panic.

But no matter how much he yelled, the machine gun on the other side was still in a state of misfiring, and it would never be possible to shoot at the volunteers.

"Sir, could it be that some volunteers have already come up, otherwise it is impossible for our soldiers on the other side not to respond!"

A U.S. sergeant came to his senses and shouted at Childe nervously.

"To shut up!"

Childe also thought of this, but he was afraid of the collapse of the team, so he quickly stopped the US sergeant's statement.

"Sir, not only that, even the soldiers below are silent..."

"Let's retreat, sir, the Volunteer Army may have sent two companies to attack, we can't hold out for long..."

The U.S. sergeant lowered his voice, and persuaded Chard a little timidly.


"Withdraw? Above is the headquarters, where are we going to withdraw?"

"We fight for freedom and democracy, and we vow to annihilate these Chinese troops!"

Childe slapped the U.S. sergeant forcefully, and shouted righteously.

His words quickly reached the ears of the American soldiers, and the morale that was originally slack suddenly dropped a lot.

Especially where there were only two remaining heavy machine guns, the US machine gunner suffocated all his strength, and slammed the barrels of the guns until they were hot and red.

For a while, the venomous fire snake suppressed the offensive of the reconnaissance platoon, and other US troops followed suit and fired.

The brass bullets collided chaotically on various metal iron frames, making crisp ding ding sounds.

However, if these bloody American soldiers looked back, they would definitely be so angry that they would throw their guns on the spot.

I saw Child backing away slowly, and waving at his two or three confidantes, his eyes full of hints.

"Be quiet, withdraw from the back passage..."

Childe looked at his confidants who looked slightly hesitant, and gestured anxiously, conveying.

A few U.S. soldiers took notice at this moment, and while firing their guns, they retreated slowly to the rear, and not many people noticed it at all.

Childe looked at the American soldiers who were still desperately aiming and shooting, a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes, but he still turned his head and planned to leave.

However, just as they were about to escape, Wu Qianli shot at them with a gun in his hand.

"Da da da da da da da da da..."

Wu Qianli picked up a Browning machine gun and fired wildly at the side of the U.S. military. Gritting his teeth against the recoil, he kept pressing forward.

The brass bullets with sharp penetrating power flew at high speed, and soon smashed seven or eight American soldiers into sieves, and bright red blood slowly dripped down the iron frame on the second floor.

"Fuck you! The volunteers are really coming up, get down!"

Child slammed onto the ground, gnashing his teeth and shouting loudly.

At this moment, his mood was extremely complicated, and he was about to escape, but he unexpectedly killed the volunteers halfway.

Soon, Wu Qianli's shuttle finished sweeping the bullets, and he dropped the machine gun neatly, and quickly rolled to a corner aside.

"Heavy firepower continued to suppress the bottom, and the others turned their guns to block the volunteer troops on the platform!"

Child simply dropped the Colt in his hand, grabbed a long rifle and started shooting.

The U.S. troops who reacted turned their guns and aimed at Wu Qianli's position just now.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Twenty or so American soldiers picked up Garand semi-automatic rifles and frantically pulled the triggers, trying to harvest the volunteers who came up.

Wu Qianli clung tightly behind an iron frame, and countless bullets whistled past his ears.

A stray bullet even hit the iron frame, and sparks from the violent impact of the metal splashed on him.

He gritted his teeth, adjusted the angle very hard, and hooked Thomson not far away with his feet.

Coupled with a submachine gun behind him, Wu Qianli completed the action of holding two submachine guns, only waiting for an opportunity to charge and shoot.

However, the U.S. military remained focused, desperately firing the bullets in Garland, and Wu Qianli, suppressed by the dense stray bullets, could not show his head.

However, the US military also has some doubts.

Didn't there be volunteer troops on the platform?Why didn't much blood spray in the white steam, and even the desperate charge of the volunteers they expected didn't come.

"Sir! Could it be... that the volunteer army was killed by only one person?!"

With sweaty palms, a U.S. military sergeant spoke out his bold conjecture.

When the other U.S. troops heard this, they thought it was reasonable to think that there were only violent but short bursts of Browning machine gun fire and no other gunshots.

However, this is even more terrifying...

A volunteer army single-handedly killed the American troops below, and quietly took out half of the heavy firepower on the second-floor platform! ?

Thinking of this possibility, many American soldiers were shocked, and the hands holding the guns trembled a little.

"Shit! You idiots, how could the Chinese army have such fighting power?"

"This is all their strategy, they just want to confuse you!"

Seeing that morale was about to collapse, Child immediately yelled loudly, trying to stabilize the general's mind.

However, the American soldiers looked at each other, swallowed slowly, and their will to fight became depressed.



At this time, in the US military formation, the clear sound of countless Garand magazines being emptied came, and the firepower that blocked Wuqianli suddenly stopped.

"good chance!"

Wu Qianli's eyes lit up, he picked up two Thomson submachine guns, and quickly killed them.

I saw him resting the submachine gun firmly on his chest, and pulling the trigger to the end, two orange-red gun flames suddenly lit up.

"Da da da da da da da da da da da da..."

Two Thomsons sprayed bullets quickly, making a dense sound like a Chicago typewriter.

The unsuspecting American soldiers were torn apart by the poisonous fire snake, and countless blood holes leaked bright red.

"Heavy machine gun! Submachine gun! Counter attack!"

Childe wiped the bullet-splashed dirt from his face and shouted at the machine gunner.

But at this time, the only two remaining Browning heavy machine guns in the US military were also misfired by Wu Qianli.

There were only seven or eight American soldiers holding on to their M3 submachine guns, ready to shoot immediately after the five thousand miles of firepower ceased.

"not good!"

Wu Qianli didn't realize the situation until he rushed closer, and immediately frowned, a trace of tension flashed in his eyes.

The diffuse white steam gave Wu Qianli cover, and also blocked his sight, making him unable to see the situation of the US military.

So, he was just betting.

Bet that the firepower of his dual guns is enough to crush the U.S. military, and bet that the U.S. military will not have a second chance to shoot him.

Unfortunately, Wu Qianli seems to have lost the bet.

The Thompson submachine gun in his hand will soon run out of bullets, and there is no cover to hide around, and it seems that he is about to die.

At this moment, under the platform on the second floor
Without the fire suppression of the US military, Ping He quickly led the reconnaissance platoon to the bottom of Childe.

"No, the company commander probably tried his best to attract the firepower for us. He must be in danger now!"

Hearing the gunshots above, Ping He immediately understood the general situation, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

"Brother Pinghe, don't worry, let me come, no matter how hard the American devil is, he will lie down for me!"

Wu Wanli said while looking at the platform on the second floor, and touched the grenade on his chest.

"Wanli! Now your brother is too close to the US military, these grenades may cause accidental injury!"

Seeing this, Pinghe immediately grabbed Wu Wanli's hand and persuaded him in a low voice.

"Accidentally hurt my brother? Impossible! Just watch."

Wu Wanli shook off Pinghe's hand, and persistently threw the grenade in his hand onto it.

Coincidentally, when Thomson misfired in Wu Qianli's hand, several small black spots were thrown up.

Several U.S. soldiers just raised their M3 submachine guns and were about to aim at Wuqianli, which was only a dozen meters away.


At this time, several grenades fell on the platform, making a crisp metal impact sound.

"Fuck you! Another grenade!"

The U.S. military, already in the shadows, threw away their submachine guns and rushed to a safe position behind.

However, a few seconds later, the explosion of the grenade did not come.

"You idiots, you were tricked by the volunteers! These grenades pose no threat at all!"

US commander Childe pointed at the grenade on the ground and roared loudly.

The U.S. military turned their heads to look at it, only to find that the grenades thrown up were genuine, as none of them had pulled the tabs, and they would not explode at all.

It turned out that Wu Wanli had long thought of the possible accidental injury of the grenade, so he simply used this method to frighten the US military and buy time for Wu Qianli.

"This guy Wanli is finally not the brat he was before, he has made great progress!"

Wu Qianli praised Wu Wanli in his heart, and exerted force on his legs, rushing forward at the fastest speed.

Wu Qianli at this moment is like Caesar in the West, covered in blood and red, holding a death bayonet in his hand, approaching like a gust of wind, bluffing the American troops present.

"Asshole! Why are you staring blankly! He has only one person, one person! Stop him!"

Childe was the first to react from his stupefaction, and kicked the soldier in front of him on the ass, yelling loudly.

In fact, at this time, as long as one American soldier is willing to rush forward desperately and block Wu Qianli for two seconds, the US troops behind him will definitely smash Wu Qianli into a sieve.

Of course, those who were shot into a sieve also included the U.S. military who risked their lives to block five thousand miles away.

However, people are always selfish, especially the American soldiers who are all human beings.

For them, why should I die? Why can't you go up and stop this killing god?

As a result, many U.S. troops in front gave up the submachine guns dropped not far away, turned their heads and ran back.

The U.S. troops behind wanted to shoot, but they couldn't find a chance to shoot at all as they watched the friendly soldiers fleeing back.

Until the U.S. troops in front fled to the back, a U.S. sergeant who had already prepared raised his submachine gun and was about to shoot.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Wu Qianli, who was rushing towards him at a high speed, had already approached him, and grabbed the body of his gun with his strong hands like iron tongs.


Seeing Wu Qianli's playful face, the American soldier yelled in panic, subconsciously about to pull the trigger.

In an instant, Wu Qianli slammed the submachine gun, and the black muzzle was aimed in the direction of Childe and the others.

"Battle baa baa baa baa..."

The submachine gun quickly ejected countless bullets, making a dense roar.

However, these American submachine gun bullets hit themselves.


Many American soldiers who were hit wailed loudly and fell heavily to the ground.

Even some American soldiers were pierced by bullets to the fatal point before they came and screamed, and they met God on the spot.

On the platform, clouds of blood sprayed and exploded, countless pieces of rotten meat fell to the ground, paving the ground together with the brass bullets.

At this moment, even Child's eyes widened, and his legs trembled in fear.

You must know that on the Pacific battlefield, thousands of Japanese elite pig charges did not break through a US machine gun position!

Now, with just one Chinese soldier, they forcibly tore apart the double-layer defense line built by their countless firepower!

"It's him! The master of that Chinese demon army!"

Looking at the ferocious Wu Qianli, Child immediately recalled the contents of a newspaper, and couldn't help but subconsciously took two steps back.

Wu Qianli didn't care about the psychological changes of the U.S. military, and while they were stunned, he directly picked up the submachine gun on the ground, aimed at the U.S. military and fired at them.

"Pang pong pong pong pong..."

Under the turbulent shooting, countless bullet casings were thrown to the ground, falling and rebounding, making a crisp sound.

Until Wu Qianli ran out of bullets, almost all American soldiers fell in a pool of blood, struggling.

Even Chard was hit in the stomach by a stray bullet, looking down at Wu Qianli who was approaching step by step.

"Sir, we surrender! Don't kill us! I hope you will abide by international conventions and treat prisoners preferentially!"

Childe looked eager, even his lips trembled slightly, begging for mercy loudly.

Wu Qianli took a look at the US military commander's injuries, and guessed that he would not live long, so he put down the butt of the gun he was about to swing at his head.

Everyone is the master on the battlefield, there is no right or wrong.

There is no need to fire some guns, and Wu Qianli will not be greedy for this record.

However, just when Wu Qianli put down the butt of his gun and was about to walk to the other side, a fierce light flashed in Childe's eyes.

His face darkened, he gritted his teeth and pulled out a spare pistol from his waist, raising it to aim at Wu Qianli.

"court death!"

Seeing Childe's insidious behavior, Wu Qianli kicked his arm holding the gun furiously.


A pistol bullet was fired, but flew towards the ceiling.


Childe felt the sharp pain of being kicked in his hand, subconsciously let go of his fingers, and the pistol fell to the ground.

Wu Qianli stepped on Childe's hand, picked up the pistol, and shot him three times in the chest.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three bullets pierced through Childe's heart, causing it to stop beating completely.

When Ping He and the others climbed onto the platform and looked at the corpses all over the ground and Wu Qianli covered in blood, expressions of disbelief appeared on their faces.

Judging from the results of this battle, Ping He and the others all became feints to attract US firepower.

As for Wu Qianli, he acted as the main attack of the army alone, annihilating all the US troops here!
"Clean up the battlefield quickly! Get ready to attack the water pump room on the bridge and take out the US military headquarters!"

Wu Qianli wiped the blood on his neck indifferently, and ordered in a deep voice.

 Thank you, book friend 20170731210435459, a person who has not started, a passer-by, reading novels for ten years, Dafu, book friend 20210301105361081306 for the monthly vote~
(End of this chapter)

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