The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 168 The U.S. Army's Water Gate Bridge position is lost!

Chapter 168 The U.S. Army's Water Gate Bridge position is lost!
Shuimen Bridge North
Just when Wu Qianli was invincible, Yu Congrong and others here encountered a little trouble.

"Platoon leader, it can't be done, the American devils' firepower is too fierce, and the risk of storming is very high!"

The fire platoon soldier Tieniu lay down on the ground, pressed his helmet forcibly, and roared loudly.

In the distance, several heavy machine guns on the outskirts of the U.S. military fired alternately, and orange-red flames kept gushing out.

Not only that, some U.S. troops also installed rifle grenades to bombard the fire platoon's formation indiscriminately, blocking their attack.

"His grandma, it's hard to fight, why don't you stop fighting this battle?!"

"Even if you hit it with your head, you have to break through the defense line of the American devils!"

Yu Congrong looked at the fire platoon fighters behind him and roared loudly, expressing his determination to prepare for a strong attack.

As a veteran on the battlefield, Yu Congrong understands the current situation very well, and the only way to go is to attack.

If it is suppressed in place, the firepower platoon will only be annihilated slowly under the firepower of the US military.

As for retreat?

That would be tantamount to betraying Wu Qianli and others and running away by himself. Yu Congrong would rather die in battle than do this.

"Bazooka ready! Throw it at the American Devils machine gun position!"

Yu Congrong spat hard and roared loudly.

Soon, four or five soldiers in the firepower platoon took the risk to stand up, raised their bazooka, and aimed at the heavy machine guns that the U.S. military kept firing.

On the defensive position of the U.S. Water Gate Bridge, a U.S. military officer, Jodl, immediately widened his eyes in shock when he saw this situation.

"Fuck you! How can there be several bazookas in a platoon of the Chinese army!"

"Snipers! Kill them!"

Jodl threw down the binoculars violently, and pointed in the direction of the fire platoon Bazooka and shouted.

At this time, the sniper hidden in the dark had already silently raised his gun and aimed at the soldier who fired the rocket.

"Bang! Bang!"

Several gunshots sounded from the dark, and the volunteer soldier who had just picked up the bazooka was shot in the chest, and dark red blood slowly oozes out.

The other U.S. troops on the ground also turned their firepower and swept towards these most threatening volunteer soldiers.

"American devils, I will hold you back even if I die!"

Many soldiers who were shot in the body roared in a low voice, and shot out the rocket with the last bit of strength, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"call out--"

"call out--"

Four or five rockets rushed out quickly, carrying traces of white steam, and slammed into the heavy firepower of the US military.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Under the violent explosion, the extremely strong shock wave exploded the sandbags surrounding the position, and the sand and stones inside splashed everywhere.

Two Browning heavy machine guns were blown into scrap iron, and the cracked metal parts, along with the bomb fragments, tore apart the bodies of American soldiers.

In an instant, the original turbulent firepower of the U.S. military stopped, leaving only one bunker still roaring, and sporadic rifles firing.

Seeing this, Tieniu, a member of the firepower platoon, gritted his teeth, took a deep leap, and quickly picked up the bazooka in front of him, and quickly mounted the rocket.

"Cough cough cough... Hurry up and fight back, don't give the Chinese army a second chance to bombard!"

U.S. military officer Jodl coughed and raised his binoculars, and when he saw what the iron bull was doing, he immediately pointed to the front and reminded.

At this time, the only remaining dark fort of the U.S. military turned its machine gun, preparing to beat the iron bull into rotten meat.

"His grandma's, cover fire!"

Seeing this, Yu Congrong picked up a Thomson gun and fired wildly at the position of the US military bunker.

Other fire platoon fighters also aimed at the US military bunker, pouring bullets desperately away.

In the US military bunker, some ricochets flew into the interior, causing a lot of trouble for the US machine gunners, and their movements were a little slower.

"How dare you shoot indiscriminately! Fuck you!"

The fire platoon fighter Tieniu gritted his teeth, picked up the bazooka, aimed precisely, and fired.

The rocket flew out with a whoosh, spinning at high speed and hitting the center of the bunker.

Huge fragments of the explosion splashed out, and were slammed into the bunker by the high pressure of the shock wave, and the American soldiers inside were bloody and bloody.

"Good opportunity! Don't keep the smoke bombs, let me blast them out!"

Yu Congrong saw that there was a vacuum in the heavy firepower of the US military positions, and immediately punched the snow with excitement, roaring loudly.

Soon, some soldiers of the fire platoon installed grenade launchers and fired the white phosphorus smoke grenades seized earlier.


Accompanied by the slight sound of metal rubbing, five or six rounds of white phosphorus smoke bombs were fired, and white smoke soon rose from the US military positions.

Before the white smoke had spread much, Yu Congrong stood up abruptly, raised his bayonet, and made a fighting gesture.

The soldiers of the fire platoon understood instantly, put on sharp bayonets, and blatantly charged towards the US military positions.

As soon as U.S. military officer Jodl saw the cold light of the bayonet, the white mist completely enveloped the front.

"Sir, are we going to fight hand-to-hand with the Chinese army?"

A U.S. sergeant looked at the unknown white mist ahead, with a look of fear in his eyes.

Even veterans who have participated in the Pacific battlefield think that the volunteer army's hand-to-hand combat is definitely more terrifying than the Japanese army.

Because although the Japanese army's stabbing was brutal, it was relatively rigid, especially when charging against the heavy machine gun Banzai.

The charge of the volunteer army is not only fast and fierce, but also can always play various tricks.

"Hmph! These Chinese troops are too anxious. If they charge with bayonets at such a distance, they can only become living targets!"

"So that the soldiers don't have to dodge and shoot directly, the volunteers will definitely not be able to rush through!"

U.S. military officer Jodl smiled contemptuously, watching the volunteers in the white mist stop shooting, presumably they were fully prepared to charge forward, just in time to reap a wave.

In fact, Jodl's tactical judgment was correct. The distance between Yu Congrong and the others was still too far, and if they charge close now, they will surely suffer heavy casualties.

However, if Yodel can see through the situation in the white mist, he must shout that the Chinese army is cunning.

It turned out that Yu Congrong's actions were all pretending to show him. The white mist immediately caused the soldiers to scatter to the two sides to find cover and lie down, and set up two Browning heavy machine guns.

Unknowingly, the U.S. troops raised their guns one after another, trying to shoot at the vital points of the charging volunteers, but they missed nothing.

Not only that, in order to exert maximum firepower, many U.S. troops exposed most of their bodies, shooting against the recoil.

"The place where the flames were the densest in the white mist just now, give me a hard hit!"

After Yu Congrong found out where the U.S. troops were concentrated, he raised his submachine gun and swept across.

The two Browning heavy machine guns roared immediately, sweeping down the U.S. troops who were shooting out of their heads.

"Shit! These cunning Chinese troops, they will die!"

U.S. military officer Jodl looked at the fallen U.S. military, threw the binoculars to the ground, and cursed.

The American soldiers were also stunned by the sudden firepower, and they clung to the bunkers one after another, daring not to shoot first.

What about hand-to-hand combat?Why didn't you talk about martial arts all of a sudden?

The U.S. military also wanted to bully the Volunteer Army's white-blade charge just like bullying the Japanese army's pig charge.

As a result, the Volunteer Army taught the U.S. military a lesson. Times have changed. This is the Korean battlefield, not the Pacific battlefield.

"Grandma's, have fun! It's fun!"

Yu Congrong heard the screams of the US military in the distance, and said with a laugh.

"Heavy machine guns turn to the left, continue to shoot, and suppress the US military!"

"A small group of skirmishers quickly inserted in the middle and smashed the grenade at the American devils!"

"The main force of the firepower platoon and I will fight from the right wing, and have a real hand-to-hand battle with the American devils!"

Yu Congrong put Thomson on his back, gripped the bayonet tightly, and gave orders loudly.

They are able to play so fancy now, mainly due to the change of all American weapons. After all, it was difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

However, although the Quanmei Weapon has strong firepower, the ammunition is consumed too quickly, and they cannot carry enough.

Therefore, Yu Congrong couldn't beat it, and he had to deal with these American soldiers with hand-to-hand combat.


The soldiers of the fire platoon responded loudly, each quickly reached their own battle order, and launched an attack on the US military positions.

Under the suppression of machine gun fire, the American soldiers hid in their positions, only daring to fire two shots from time to time.

When the squad inserted in the middle took out the grenade and threw it into the American position, many American soldiers rushed out of the position without taking their guns.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The brilliant flames of the grenade explosion suddenly appeared, and there were only a dozen or so US troops left who managed to escape from the position before the explosion.

"I can't fight anymore, withdraw immediately... ah!"

Yodl, who was lucky enough to survive, was about to command the retreat, when a cold light flashed, and his aorta and flesh were torn apart by the bayonet.

"Death to Laozi!"

Under Yu Congrong's stab again, Yodel fell heavily on the snow while clutching the blood gushing wound.

The other fire platoon fighters also carried bayonets, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, and stabbed the American soldier's chest fiercely.



There was a muffled sound of bayonets piercing flesh, and many American soldiers were kicked to the ground before they had time to howl, and a knife pierced their hearts.

In just one minute, the position returned to calm, and even the breathing of the US military ceased to exist.

"Report to the platoon leader, all the U.S. troops have been wiped out on the northern outskirts of the Shuimen Bridge, and our army has won a big victory!"

Tie Niu, covered in blood, gave a military salute and said quickly.

At the same time, the soldiers of the fire platoon after cleaning the battlefield stood proudly, looking at Yu Congrong with fighting intent.

"it is good!"

"Comrades, fight with me! Tear up the last line of defense of the American devils and blow up the Water Gate Bridge!"

Yu Congrong roared loudly and yanked the bolt of Thomson's gun.The ejected bullet casings hit the ground one by one, making a crisp and continuous sound, like the sound of charge music.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The fire platoon soldiers with high morale shouted, followed Yu Congrong, and rushed to the water gate bridge in skirmish formation.


Shuimen Bridge South
Lei Gong and the others beat the mortar tubes red and hot, and countless exploding mushroom clouds spread all over the outer positions south of the Shuimen Bridge.

"Platoon leader, we can't keep fighting any longer, it will explode!"

A veteran of the artillery platoon looked at Lei Gong and persuaded him in a low voice.

"It's almost time, Mei Sheng should be ready..."

Lei Gong counted the time, looked at the US military positions south of the Shuimen Bridge, and his eyes revealed a hint of sternness.

"The last round of bombing, let me show my momentum!"

"Two mils to the left, three quick shots, plus extended shots..."


With Lei Gongmeng's wave of his hand, the soldiers of the artillery platoon immediately stuffed the prepared mortar shells into the muzzle.


The cannon was ejected, and there was a soft sound of metal friction, and the white mist immediately dispersed.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Another round of intensive bombing hit the feet of the U.S. troops south of the Shuimen Bridge, and the scorched ground was once again burnt red by the rising clouds of fire.

The American soldiers covered their ears cursingly, and hid themselves close to the position, waiting for the shelling to pass.

At the beginning, they were still on guard, thinking that the Seventh Interlude Company would charge immediately after the bombing, just like the volunteers in the past, and they were unwilling to waste any round of shelling.

But I didn't expect that the artillery platoon, which had seized a large number of shells, would be willing to bomb round after round, and they were all stunned.

As a result, American soldiers habitually hid behind bunkers, even after the shelling ended.

However, it was their relaxation of vigilance that gave Mei Sheng the opportunity to lead a sneak attack.

"Step on the back of the gunfire and kill!"

Mei Sheng led some elite soldiers, followed the mortar fire ahead, and rushed towards the US military positions.

In the dark night, they actually completed an almost textbook-style infantry coordination and rushed to the front of the US military positions.


Mei Sheng gave an order, and countless soldiers pulled out grenades and threw them towards the American positions.

After rounds of shelling, the U.S. military suddenly saw the grenade falling under their feet, and hadn't realized what happened for a while.

"Boom! Boom!"

The flames of the grenade explosion quickly enveloped them completely, and many American soldiers were blown into the sky.


Mei Sheng picked up his rifle, accurately killed two American soldiers who were crawling towards the heavy machine guns, and led the troops into the US military positions.

"Da da da da da..."

The submachine guns of the elite volunteers at the forefront harvested the American soldiers on the ground with extremely strong firepower.

Followed closely by the melee veterans with bayonets in hand, they charged fiercely and killed all the fish that slipped through the fire.

The U.S. military had already been wiped out by shelling and grenades, and now it was hit by a miraculous soldier. Morale collapsed instantly, and most of the U.S. soldiers were dispersed.

In the hail of bullets, Mei Sheng and others wantonly massacred these American soldiers. The ground that was originally scorched by the bombing was instantly stained red with blood.

Soon, Mei Sheng led troops to wipe out all the U.S. troops here except for a few fleeing U.S. troops.

"Grandma, the beating is so clean and neat, it smells like a company commander!"

At this time, Lei Gong rushed to support with people, saw the corpses all over the ground, and said with emotion.

"Not much to say, immediately cooperate with Yu Congrong on the other side to pinch the last line of defense inside the Shuimen Bridge, and strive to successfully blow up the bridge tonight!"

Mei Sheng clenched his ice-cold rifle, looked at the water gate bridge in the distance, and said firmly.


On the water gate bridge deck, on the last internal defense position
"What!? The troops in our outlying positions have all been wiped out!"

An American officer roared angrily when he heard the words of the fleeing soldiers.

"Bastard, are the volunteers on both sides God's troops? How could it be like this!"

"Commander Marshall's plan is to let your firepower hit the volunteers hard, and then bring them in to fight! It's not for you to bury the army!"

After the US military officer roared loudly, his brain became dizzy with anger, and he almost fell to the ground.


Seeing this situation, the few retreating soldiers immediately stepped forward, supported the American officer and shouted.

"Sir, the volunteers on both sides are overwhelmed and will attack at any time, what should we do..."

On the other side, another U.S. sergeant ran over, looked into the distance, and said anxiously.

"Tell Chief Marshall that we have no way to weaken the vitality of the volunteer army, and we can only close the net in advance."

"As for our net, whether it can cover the fierce tiger of the Chinese army depends on God's arrangement..."

The US military officer sighed dejectedly, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, and he gave the order helplessly.

Soon, a signal bomb rushed into the sky at high speed, and a red light flashed in mid-air, clearly visible within a few miles.

On both sides of the Water Gate Bridge, there is a mixed team of tanks and personnel carriers, which are quickly pressing towards the Water Gate Bridge...

 Thanks to Jianliu, Ge Wei, Agricultural Bank Family Hospital Xiuyuan Villa District for voting for the monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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