The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 176 Wu Li is promoted to the leader of the independent special operations regiment!

"SSS-level permanent reward treasure chest?"

"Grandma, it sounds so luxurious, don't give me any more junk!"

Wu Qianli cursed in a low voice, but his heart was filled with joy.

He led the Seventh Company through several ghost gates and finally completely cut off the lifeline of Shuimen Bridge. It was finally time for the reward.

"Ding - the reward types are divided into blue treasure chests and red treasure chests, please host choose one of them to open!"

"Blue Treasure Chest Reward [-]: The host gains super self-healing function. After the host is injured, the self-healing speed is ten times that of ordinary people, and the wound will never be infected."

"Azure Treasure Chest Reward 1000: The [-]th Interleaving Company acquires the concealment and lurking skill. After it is turned on, it will be in an absolutely concealed state [-] meters away from the enemy and will not be discovered by the enemy."

"Azure Treasure Chest Reward Three: The host obtains all the piloting skills of the US military's active aircraft and the knowledge of active aircraft carrier piloting techniques."

"After selecting the blue treasure chest, the host can open a copy of Xingnan Port, hide and lurk towards Xingnan Port, and blow up or rob the aircraft carrier!"

When the cold system reminder tone finished playing, Wu Qianli clenched his fists excitedly, his eyes filled with light.

The first reward almost announced that as long as he didn't die suddenly on the battlefield, he would be immortal.

The second reward is a great skill for the seventh interleaving company that performs interleaving missions.

Absolute concealment means that even reconnaissance aircraft are useless, and they can come and go freely on the battlefield.

As for the third reward, it was obviously given to the aircraft carrier who encouraged Wu Qianli to kill Xingnan Port.

"Isn't it just a dream to seize an aircraft carrier? There's still some fun in blowing it up, but the risk is too great."

Wu Qianli pinched his chin and frowned, obviously hesitant.

"If I get the reward, can I not go to the dog dungeon?"

Wu Qianli thought for a while and asked the system in his mind.

"Of course. The system is only a vassal and auxiliary to the host and cannot force the host to do anything."

The cold system prompt tone quickly replied to Wu Qianli.

"You're a dog's system for recognizing faces!"

"Tell me, what's the reward for that red treasure chest?"

Wu Qianli looked obviously relaxed and asked with a smile.

"Red Treasure Chest Reward 700: The host acquires the super marksman skill, which can kill enemies within [-] meters with one shot. The bullet has absolute armor-piercing and slight blasting effects (can be used once in each battle)."

"Red Treasure Chest Reward 50.00: All soldiers of the [-]th Interleaved Company gain rapid self-healing skills. The self-healing speed is doubled, and the chance of wound infection is reduced by [-]%!"

"Red Treasure Chest Reward 40.00: All Chinese troops on the Korean battlefield gain cold resistance attributes, and the frostbite rate and freezing death rate are reduced by [-]%!"

When the system's cold notification tone was completed, Wu Qianli's eyes widened and he almost screamed with excitement.

"With a 700-meter blasting bomb that can definitely penetrate armor, I will dare to fight a heavy tank alone from now on!"

"The self-healing effect of the entire seventh interleaved company has been enhanced, the infection rate has been reduced, and a large number of excellent veterans will be retained in the future!"

"Even without these, just for this final reward, I would still choose the red treasure chest!"

Wu Qianli was thinking about it, and suddenly there was a trace of tears in his eyes.

He thought of the Ice Sculpture Company that maintained its charging posture on Dead Eagle Ridge, and the countless volunteer soldiers who lacked cotton-padded clothes and froze to death in this foreign land.

According to the memory of his previous life, in the Battle of Changjin Lake, the Ninth Army lost 19202 people, lost 28954 people to frostbite, 1000 people froze to death, and 3000 people suffered from severe frostbite and could not be treated!
Now, those numbers can be reduced by nearly half.

"Choose the red treasure chest!"

Wu Qianli made his choice immediately without any hesitation.

In his heart, blowing up an aircraft carrier, establishing an unparalleled attack, and leaving a mark in history are not as important as the lives of countless volunteer soldiers.


"System rewards have been distributed!"

As soon as the cold system prompts finished, Wu Qianli felt a weak heat flow in his body.

He boldly opened part of the cotton-padded jacket, and the heat slowly increased, protecting the exposed areas where the cold wind penetrated.

Although Wu Qianli still felt cold, he was not as numb and stiff as before.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Wu Qianli put on the cotton clothes happily and nodded repeatedly with a smile.

"Company commander, Shiji is calling!"

Mei Sheng took a telegram and shouted to Wu Qianli in a low voice.


Wu Qianli waved his hand in surprise, not understanding what other tasks there were.

"According to the intelligence intercepted by our army, the US military will transport steel structure components to repair the Watergate Bridge. Shiji hopes that we will ambush the transport vehicle and not give the US military on the eastern front a chance to retreat."

As Mei Sheng read it, he suddenly laughed. Wasn't this the battle they had just finished?

"Hahahaha, if you ask me, our company commander Niu, the boss is probably still worried about whether we can find the transportation route of the bridge components. We have already finished the matter."

Yu Congrong laughed loudly, recalling the scene in which he was in full swing just now, and felt very satisfied.

"Telegraph Shiji, the [-]th Interpenetrating Company has destroyed all the components of the US military bridge. The next step to close the network depends on the friendly forces."

Wu Qianli said, slowly sitting on a boulder on the ground, looking a little tired.

Many soldiers of the seventh interleaved company were so tired that they sat down and panted heavily. They didn't even have the energy to take out anything to eat.

They are members of the Iron Army and people of flesh and blood. If they had a choice, they would like to guard the few acres of wheat fields in their hometown and fall asleep listening to the murmurs of their family members.

But in order to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, defend their homeland, and defend the newly founded New China, they set foot on the frozen soil of North Korea without hesitation.

Not long after, a ray of morning light broke through the night, and the sun slowly rose in the east, bringing a touch of warmth to everyone in the seventh interleaved company.

"The other end of Watergate Bridge is the direction of home, right?"

Pinghe looked into the distance for a long time and suddenly asked.

"Yes, the direction of the motherland."

Yu Congrong was stunned for a moment and said.


After the Shuimen Bridge was bombed, the Ninth Corps of the Volunteer Army stepped up its offensive and soon defeated the US troops.

In desperation, MacArthur directly issued an order to abandon all heavy weapons and tanks and disperse from the trail towards Xingnan Port.

The Ninth Army Corps took advantage of the victory and pursued it, completely defeating the U.S. Army on the Eastern Front and killing countless enemies.

At the same time, good news came frequently on the Western Front. Throughout the second battle, the Volunteer Army won a complete victory.

The Chinese army became the first organized army to annihilate an entire US military group. The world was shocked, the US Congress was in chaos, and there were even calls for an early armistice and peace talks.

In the process, a very funny thing happened.

Lieutenant General Walker, commander of the U.S. Eighth Army, originally fled in a panic near Seoul, but unexpectedly got into a car accident.

A South Korean soldier drove a large truck and accelerated in a hurry, crashing Walker's jeep into a ditch.

Walker suffered severe brain trauma. He was helped into the truck and rushed to the hospital, where he died directly in the bumps.

The military exploits that 20 volunteers dreamed of were achieved by South Korean soldiers. This was the highest-ranking American general who died in the entire Korean War!

Of course, after the incident happened, the US military was desperately blocking the news. Shiji didn't know about it yet. They were thinking about more important things now.

…………………………………………Shiji, in the command room

"Happy, happy!"

"Boss, you must have read those newspapers about foreign devils. They are all pinching their noses and praising us for our good fight and showing off our country's prestige!"

Chief of Staff Xie held a few newspapers in his hands and sighed with a red face.

"These foreign devils are all paper tigers!"

"Your sword is sharp and they support you, but if you are weak, they will all fight to take a bite!"

"This is a victory forged by our soldiers with iron and blood. To be honest, I feel sad..."

The boss looked at the rapidly advancing combat map with mixed emotions and sighed.

"By the way, why haven't the cotton-padded uniforms in the rear arrived yet? If this continues, how many of our soldiers will freeze to death!"

The boss suddenly thought of this, his eyes turned cold, and he was obviously a little angry.

"Boss, the latest batch of cotton-padded clothes has arrived, but it's still not enough for all employees."

"As for the number of cases of frostbite and death, it is actually less than half the figure estimated by the staff. It seems that God is helping us."

Chief of Staff Xie replied calmly.

"Report to the boss, the seventh interleaving company has been ordered to reach Shisi!"

At this time, Secretary Liu walked into the command room and reported the report with a smile.

Speaking of which, Secretary Liu has been listening to rumors about Wu Qianli, but he hasn't seen this old friend in a long time.

"Okay! Our heroic troops are back! Hurry up and arrange for the hospital to treat the wounded in the Seventh Company, and then give them some hot food. Enough!"

"Also, let Wu Qianli come over to see me."

As the boss said this, Wu Qianli's dazed look came to mind again, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Boss, now that the second battle is almost over, we should discuss our merits and reward them. We can't let the soldiers feel cold."

"Everyone else is easy to handle, but Wu Qianli and the Seventh Interleaving Company are in special circumstances..."

Chief of Staff Xie looked at the boss and reminded him appropriately.

"Well, I know, that's why I met him."

The boss said calmly, but he had a preliminary plan in mind.

Chief of Staff Xie nodded slightly and chatted with the boss about other matters of the battle.

After half an hour, Wu Qianli hurriedly arrived at the door of the command room.

"Report, Commander Wu Qianli of the Seventh Interleaving Company, requesting instructions!"

Wu Qianli puffed up his chest and reported loudly.

"Okay, come in quickly and sit down."

The boss glanced at Wu Qianli and saw that he looked tired, so he said to the chair opposite.


Wu Qianli's buttocks were halfway sat on the chair, but his waist remained firm.

"You kid, you've been so successful lately! You've messed up the U.S. military's rear areas at Changjin Lake!"

Chief of Staff Xie looked at Wu Qianli and praised with a smile.

"That is what the comrades of the Seventh Company have worked hard and fought desperately for. It is not my fault alone."

Wu Qianli smiled slightly and responded

"I was expecting you to work hard, so I was prepared to see you become a skinny monkey, but I didn't expect that when you came back from the war, you would actually gain some weight, hahahaha..."

The boss stared at Wu Qianli for a few seconds, then laughed.

"Don't tell me, Boss, the American canned beef and chocolate taste really good. It's much better than eating those frozen potatoes. You should try it too."

Wu Qianli grinned, took out the cans and chocolates from his arms and put them on the table.

"Boss, look, does this kid know how to reward merit and bribe us face to face? Hahahaha..."

Seeing Wu Qianli like this, Chief of Staff Jie couldn't help laughing.

They had met many people before, but most of them were too reserved. Seeing Wu Qianli like this made them feel interesting.

"A reward for meritorious deeds?"

"Report to the boss, Wu Qianli and all the comrades of the [-]th Intermediate Company will obey all arrangements of the organization without any objection!"

Wu Qianli was stunned for a moment, then reacted instantly and replied loudly.

"Don't be nervous. Since the boss asked you to come here, you can express your thoughts."

Chief of Staff Xie glanced at the boss, nodded and said.

"Wu Qianli, the staff department handed me a preliminary plan. The 27th Division of the 80th Army has a vacant deputy division commander position, and he can carry your rocket up."

The boss looked at Wu Qianli and said with a smile.

When Wu Qianli heard this, his eyes widened instantly and he looked at the boss with gratitude.

Rewards based on merit are generally left to one's own arrangement. A boss like this who takes the initiative to ask for advice is a treatment that only a few people who value him highly have.

What's more, from a company commander to a deputy division commander, it's no exaggeration to say that he has reached the sky in one step.

"Boss, thank you for your consideration, but I think this somewhat inappropriate."

Wu Qianli thought for a while, shook his head and said.

"Wu Qianli, please think carefully. This is the deputy division commander. He has been promoted several levels and is still the same army you are in now."

Chief of Staff Xie looked at Wu Qianli with a smile and reminded.

"Chief of Staff, I am serious. I still hope to fight on the front line."

Wu Qianli clenched his fists and said with firm eyes.

He is a person who has died once. He does not have that much desire for power and status, and just wants to contribute more to the country.

The deputy division commander has a high status, but his position is actually awkward and he can't do much.

"Tell me what you think."

The boss raised his lips and looked at Wu Qianli with interest.

"Boss, during the Battle of Changjin Lake, the [-]th Interpenetrating Company carried out beheading operations many times, severely damaging the command center of the US military, blowing up the Shuimen Bridge, and annihilating countless enemies."

"The power of special operations has been initially proven. I want to use the [-]th Interpenetrating Company as the backbone to build the first special forces of New China!"

Wu Qianli looked directly into the boss's eyes and said forcefully.


"I know your kid is thinking about the special operations."

The boss didn't look surprised. Instead, he nodded slightly and looked at the chief of staff, indicating that it was his turn to speak.

"Zhisi's second plan is to build a new special operations independent regiment with the [-]th interleaved company as the core, directly under the command of Zhisi and not subject to the jurisdiction of other troops. Comrade Wu Qianli will serve as the leader!"

Chief of Staff Xie took out a document and read it with a smile. (End of chapter)

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