The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 177 The 7th regiment was formed and Seoul was captured!

"Originally, according to the plan drawn up by the staff department, the designation of this unit should be the Seventh Attack Regiment."

"But after the boss saw it, he said it was too ordinary and could not reflect the style of a heroic unit, so he personally issued instructions and named it the Gang Seventh Regiment!"

Chief of Staff Jie looked at Wu Qianli with some envy and said with a smile.

"Thank you for your love, boss. I have traveled thousands of miles to repay you. I am willing to charge on the battlefield and fight to the death!"

Wu Qianli's eyes were slightly moist, and he stood up in emotion and said loudly.

To be honest, when he first came to this world, his thoughts were very pure.

I just want to kill more American troops and let the volunteer soldiers shed less blood.

Now, he did it.

Lei Gong, Ping He, Yu Congrong, Mei Sheng, and countless other lovely people who would have frozen to death were saved by him.

In the future, a road full of danger and honor seems to be paving for him.

He doesn't know if he can create more military miracles, but he will definitely go all out.

"I don't want you to die, I want you and the Seventh Gang to become a sharp sword, a sharp sword that can pierce the 'heart' of the US military at any time!"

The boss looked at Wu Qianli seriously, his eyes full of expectation.

"Qianli and Gangqi Regiment will definitely fulfill their mission, overcome all obstacles for New China, and establish a century of peace!"

Wu Qianli replied loudly with a serious expression.

"Okay! A hundred years of peace... I hope so."

The boss was stunned for a moment, and said with emotion, obviously a little touched.

"Qianli, one more thing. According to your special operations theory, the Gangqi Regiment should be a small group of troops that can advance quickly."

"So, if we still follow the establishment of a regiment of several thousand people, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient to move."

Chief of Staff Xie thought for a while and reminded.

In fact, the staff's initial plan was for Wu Qianli to set up a special operations battalion, so that it would be convenient to perform intermittent beheading tasks, and both rewards and army expansion would be taken care of.

But later, Wu Qianli's performance in the Battle of Watergate Bridge was so impressive that the boss personally made the decision to at least be promoted to the regimental level.

Anyway, the specific number of people can still be determined. If they are suppressed and not promoted, the comrades will feel chilled.

"What Chief of Staff Xie said is that soldiers are more valuable than more valuable soldiers."

"I think the strength of the Seventh Regiment is only [-], but they must all be veterans of hundreds of battles."

Wu Qianli nodded and said.

"Okay, you can mention the specific firepower configuration and personnel selection, and Shiji will try his best to support you."

The boss said, holding up a cup of steaming boiling water.

"Boss, I don't have high demands."

"The seventh regiment has one M1 steel helmet, two sets of M1943 field uniforms and cotton-padded jackets, one M1943 backpack, compass, engineer shovel, individual first aid kit, and gas masks."

“In addition, we need two hundred Thompson submachine guns, five hundred Garand rifles, twenty Browning heavy machine guns, one hundred Springfield sniper rifles, twenty bazookas, and 30 M19 mortars. "

"There are enough bullets, artillery shells, grenades, incendiary bombs, smoke bombs, signal flares, and illumination tubes. By the way, Garand must be equipped with a grenade launcher. That's all for now..."

Wu Qianli's eyes lit up and he spoke the request very quickly.

The boss just took a sip of hot water and almost spit it out. Fortunately, he raised his head slightly in time and didn't lose his composure, but he still choked.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Wu Qianli! You think you are robbing me like a landlord!"

The boss coughed a few times and said dumbfounded.

Forget about the equipment, he gritted his teeth and gave it to him with a wave of his hand, such as Mosin Nagant and Bobosha, but Wu Qianli preferred beautiful weapons.

Forget about beautiful weapons, you are still asking for so many submachine guns and machine guns.

Weapons are okay, but the main reason is that the supply of ammunition is too difficult. After all, the firepower is too strong and the ammunition is consumed quickly, so it can only be captured.

"Boss, don't worry. Logistics only need to guarantee our ammunition at the beginning of each battle. We will seize the rest from the US military."

Wu Qianli saw the boss's worry and said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, just think that I owed you something in my previous life!"

"Weapons can be given, but they are borrowed. Don't you have the skills? Go grab another set from the American devils!"

The boss thought for a moment, slapped the table, and agreed.

"Robbing? Okay! Are we about to have a war again?"

When Wu Qianli heard this, not only was he not angry, but his eyes lit up and he asked.

"Clever, we won a complete victory in the second battle. The US military suffered heavy casualties and low morale. They even proposed peace talks recently. It is clear that they want to delay time."

"It has been decided from above that we will launch a third battle, pursue the victory, fight and talk at the same time, and use fighting to promote talks!"

Chief of Staff Xie said happily, with a flash of excitement in his eyes.

"Qianli, I'm not afraid to tell you that there were a lot of objections to the Rockets promotion this time, but I suppressed them all at the time. You have to show some results in the third battle to stop their mouths."

The boss looked at Wu Qianli with concern and reminded.

"Don't worry, boss, Qianli understands!"

Wu Qianli nodded slightly, not surprised.

If he was promoted to an ordinary leader of the Seventh Attack Regiment, no one would have any objections.

However, the Special Operations Independent Regiment is directly under the command of Shiji. In addition, there is no need to turn in the loot, and the entire seventh interleaved company has been upgraded several levels together, which makes everyone jealous.

"Okay! I trust you when it comes to fighting."

"Tell me, what should be our strategic goal this time?"

The boss tapped his finger on the battle map on the table and asked with a smile.

"Fight the [-]th parallel and capture Seoul!"

Wu Qianli made a fist with his right hand and hit it hard on the Seoul mark on the map.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

When the boss and chief of staff heard this, they laughed together and nodded slightly.


Soon, the official document was issued, and the Gang 800th Regiment was formally established, with four battalions under its jurisdiction, namely the firepower battalion, the artillery battalion, the reconnaissance battalion, and the assault battalion, with a total of [-] people.

Wu Qianli, was promoted to the commander of the Gangqi Regiment and concurrently the commander of the assault battalion.

Meisheng was promoted to political commissar of the seventh regiment.

Yu Congrong was promoted to commander of the firepower battalion.

Pinghe was promoted to commander of the reconnaissance battalion.

Lei Gong was promoted to commander of the artillery battalion.

Wu Wanli, was promoted to commander of the first company of the assault battalion.

Tieniu was promoted to commander of the first company of the firepower battalion.

Wu Jin was promoted to commander of the first company of the reconnaissance battalion.

After the establishment of the Seventh Regiment, a group of elite veterans were added and equipped with powerful firepower. After a short training, they were just in time for the third battle.

Shiji mobilized the main forces of the six armies, and with the cooperation of several North Korean legions, they stormed the [-]th parallel across the board.

As one of the vanguards, the Gang [-]th Regiment, together with its friendly forces, broke through the South Korean army's defense line and defeated countless enemy troops.

In the chaos, the South Korean army fled backwards in a panic, just in time to break up the strong defense line of the US military.

The vanguard regiment with the Gangqi Regiment as the spearhead, with the cooperation of the Korean regiment, advanced all the way south.


As the vanguard, the Gangqi Regiment and the 50th Volunteer Army crossed the Han River and reached directly under Seoul.


Seoul, inside the US military headquarters

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Are those damn South Korean troops the spy army sent from the opposite side?!" "If it weren't for them, we could have stabilized our defense for at least a month!"

US Army Commander Ridgway angrily tore up the battle report in his hand and roared at the Chief of Staff.

"General, no matter what the reason is, our defense line has been torn apart by the Chinese army."

"It won't be long before Seoul becomes an isolated city and has lost the strategic value of continuing to hold on."

"Withdraw. If we don't leave, General Smith will be our end."

The US Army Chief of Staff said with a wry smile, obviously tearing the fig leaf into pieces without mercy.

However, as someone with a background in the U.S. military, he is not worried about Ridgway's retaliation.

"General, you must not withdraw directly!"

"The Chinese army has just completely annihilated the Changjin Lake Eastern Front Group Army. Congress and the people are already very dissatisfied."

"If we knew that we would give up resistance and hand over Seoul to the Chinese army, I'm afraid..."

The deputy chief of staff of the US military looked confused and sighed.

Li Qiwei looked at the tragic situation on the combat map and scratched his head with his hands a little irritably.

He understood that both chiefs of staff were right, but one was from a military perspective and the other was from a political perspective.

"By the way, doesn't the South Korean army boast that their Capital Division is very elite?"

"Let the South Korean Army's Capital Division stay in Seoul, and we leave an infantry regiment and provide air support. This can be regarded as an explanation to Congress."

"Damn it, sooner or later I will lead my army back and annihilate all these Chinese troops!"

After Li Qiwei said that, he dropped the coffee cup on the ground angrily.


A few days later, the volunteers captured Seoul

Wu Qianli led the Gang [-]th Regiment and led the way into Seoul, followed by friendly forces behind him.

The U.S. military felt resentful when they saw the volunteers destroying the city, and sent a large number of bombers to bomb, regardless of whether the bombing killed or injured soldiers or civilians.

After the bombing, the Gangqi Regiment and its friendly forces advanced into the depths of Seoul and fought street battles with the few remaining American troops.

After the fierce battle, a battalion of American troops retreated into a fortress and fought stubbornly.

outside the fortress

"Company... Captain, I figured it out. This should have been an arms warehouse before, but it was temporarily transformed into a fortress by the US military."

"The U.S. military should only have one battalion, or one with serious attrition."

"The heavy firepower should only be a few Browning heavy machine guns and bazookas. That's nothing. The main thing is that having a tank is more difficult."

Pinghe said and handed the simple map he drew to Wu Qianli.

"Okay! Arsenal, we are in the right place!"

"Tell comrades, use as little heavy firepower as possible when fighting in, and don't blow up the arsenal."

Wu Qianli's eyes immediately lit up and he said excitedly.

"Captain, that tank is a bit tricky. If we hold it back and fight, we may suffer heavy casualties."

Yu Congrong on the side was slightly stunned and said a little embarrassed.

"That's right. The boys I run the camp haven't had enough of fighting yet, so why don't we just have a blast first?"

Lei Gong smiled and agreed.

"Brother, the American tanks are coming out!"

At this time, Wu Wanli pointed at the warehouse door and shouted.

"Artillery Battalion, launch smoke bombs!"

"Bazooka, aim at the tank tracks and shoot!"

Wu Qianli said, picking up the Springfield sniper rifle and aiming at the cockpit of the tank.


When it came time to fight, Lei Gong immediately became serious and responded loudly.


Along with the muffled sound of the cannon being ejected from the barrel, several smoke grenades were launched near the tank, and white mist suddenly appeared.

Wu Qianli pulled the trigger the moment before the white mist completely enveloped him.


Accompanied by the crisp sound of gunfire, a high-speed rotating bullet shot straight towards the tank.

inside the tank

The US tank soldiers looked at the white mist and cursed angrily, and prepared to fire the first shot blindly.

However, at this time, the bullet brutally tore through the tank armor and hit the head of an American tank soldier on the spot.

Not only that, the bullets also exploded, injuring several surviving US tank soldiers.

"oh, mygod!"

A U.S. soldier covered his wound and exclaimed when he suddenly felt the tank body shake violently.

It turned out that Yu Congrong had just lifted the bazooka and hit the track of the US tank with one shot.

The American troops inside cried and opened the top cover and quickly escaped from the seemingly solid armored "box".

The majestic heavy tank was so frustrated that it was captured without even firing a shot.

"Damn it, this American is so impatient that he doesn't even dare to fire a single shot, but he surrenders directly, hahaha..."

Yu Congrong put down the bazooka and laughed.

"Brother, leave the rest of the American devils to me."

Wu Wanli picked up the Thompson submachine gun, obviously eager to try.

In the battles along the way, he took the lead every time, eager for success.

There was no way, many people were jealous of Gang Qituan, and they first used him to attack him.

It was said that he was a young boy who had never been a soldier before entering the court. With his brother who knew how to fight, he actually became a company commander in one battle.

So he couldn't wait to prove himself. Only a solid record could stop those people's mouths.

"Okay, the artillery battalion will fire a few more smoke grenades in, the fire battalion will provide fire cover, and the reconnaissance battalion will be on guard outside."

"Wu Wanli, you temporarily command the assault battalion and launch an attack."

Seeing Wu Wanli's unyielding expression, Wu Qianli smiled and ordered.

Soon, Gang [-]th Regiment set up an offensive posture. After Wu Wanli led his troops to charge in very skillfully, he was suddenly dumbfounded.



The American troops in the fortress dropped their guns one after another, squatted down consciously, and raised their hands.

One of the US military officers was afraid that the volunteers would suddenly surprise them, so he raised a simple white flag to indicate that they had really surrendered.

"You American devils have no backbone at all!"

"Pick up the gun and let's fight!"

Wu Wanli stamped his feet anxiously, picked up a gun, and handed it to the US military.


Upon seeing this, the American soldiers waved their hands to indicate that they would no longer resist and begged for mercy.

When Wu Wanli saw this, he could only wave his hand helplessly, let his men accept the prisoners, and went out to report.

"Wan Li, you did a good job. This battle counts as your first attack."

After hearing this, Wu Qianli laughed and comforted.

After a few hours, the gunfire stopped.

The Volunteer Army officially captured Seoul and won a complete victory in the third battle!
(Historically, the third battle was quite successful, and there is nothing to change. I will briefly describe it, and then detail the fourth battle that I think has regrets.) (End of this chapter)

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