The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 186 The 7th regiment fought a bloody battle with the American and French forces!


Flares pierced the night sky with a blast that ripped through the air.

In an instant, a bright red light lit up, illuminating the bloodthirsty eyes of the soldiers of the seventh regiment.


The veins on Lei Gong's neck popped out and he roared loudly.

When the soldiers in the artillery battalion heard this, they immediately stuffed heavy mortar shells into the barrels of the guns.


The muzzle flashes of a row of mortars lit up together, white smoke rose in all directions, and shells flew into the sky.

"call out--"

The shells crossed a beautiful parabola, fell straight down, and exploded violently at both ends of the U.S.-French coalition convoy.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The fire cloud of the explosion instantly swallowed up nearby vehicles, and the steel body was lifted into the air by the shock wave, followed by heavy dry carbon black.

The soldiers carried inside didn't even have time to scream. Their entire bodies were already on fire, emitting a disgusting "human oil" smell.

“Fried beautifully!”

"Yu Congrong, aim all your heavy machine guns at the center and hit me hard!"

"Everyone else, shoot freely and kill these sons of bitches!"

Wu Qianli picked up Thomson, took the lead in firing and said.


Everyone yelled and raised their guns to shoot.

"Da da da da da..."

The gunshots sounded like fried beans, and countless fire snakes swayed below the canyon, splashing countless blood mist and harvesting a lot of lives.

inside an armored vehicle

"General, we were ambushed by the Chinese army!"

"They have the advantageous location and opportunity. We are no match for them. Let's find a way to break out!"

The American captain grabbed Ralph's arm and urged him in panic.

"No! It's impossible!"

"How can the firepower of the Chinese army be so powerful!?"


"Damn it, why do they use beautiful equipment!?"

Ralph suddenly reacted and asked, glaring into the eyes of the American captain.

"Yes, they are all beautiful equipment...not good!"

"This Chinese army is the ghost army that crossed Changjin Lake and blew up the Shuimen Bridge!"

"The ace elite guard battalion of the [-]st Marine Division could not withstand their attack, and they captured the command post overnight!"

"Mr. Lieutenant General, we can't hesitate any longer, we must break out immediately!"

The US captain's eyes narrowed, as if he was afraid of the devil he encountered, and he immediately shouted loudly.


Ralph's expression was cold and he slapped him mercilessly.


The US captain covered the right side of his face and opened his mouth in disbelief.

"Hmph, thanks to your U.S. military, which is known as the world's most powerful military, now it is so frightened when it encounters an ambush by the Chinese army."

"According to the sound of artillery, the vehicles on both sides of us have been blown up by them, which means it is impossible for us to rush out!"

Ralph grabbed the American captain by the collar and shouted loudly.


The US captain felt the burning pain on the right side of his face, and suddenly woke up after hearing Ralph's roar.

"Sorry, Mr. Lieutenant General, I lost my temper."

"The situation is critical now, what do you think we should do?"

The US captain took a deep breath and asked quickly.

"Idiot, telegraph the friendly forces immediately and ask the reinforcements to come and pick us up quickly."


Ralph gritted his teeth and yelled viciously.

"Okay, telegraph reinforcements, and then...wait, attack?"

The U.S. captain almost thought he heard wrongly and looked at Ralph dumbfounded.


Just at this moment, a shell landed near the armored vehicle, and the shock wave generated by the violent explosion caused the armored vehicle to shake violently.

"Fuck you!"

The American captain knocked his head aside, with red blood flowing from his forehead.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang..."

What followed was the crisp sound of dense bullets hitting the steel plates of the armored vehicle.

"Did you see it? Under such firepower, do you want our troops to huddle in the canyon and be used as targets by them?"

"They hope that you will be timid and then be killed until you collapse in despair and then surrender obediently, just like you did at Changjin Lake."

Ralph snorted and said disdainfully.

"Shit!" "Mr. Lieutenant General, the French army in World War II seems to be more talented than us when it comes to surrender."

The US captain heard the ridicule and retorted unbearably.

"They are all a disgrace to France, but not me and not my Foreign Legion."

"I admit that I underestimated the enemy."

"This Chinese army is very powerful, and Huachuan probably has their people coming to kill them."

"We may not be able to survive until reinforcements arrive if we continue like this, so we might as well give it a try."

"Do you dare to cooperate with me in attacking the mountain and carving a bloody path?"

Seeing that provocation was effective, Ralph showed a playful smile and asked.

"This old lunatic!"

The American lieutenant cursed in his heart, but he could only nod in agreement.


"Man, don't be nervous, you just need to use tank fire and heavy machine guns to help me suppress them."

"We will defeat these damn enemies just like the French army did during the Napoleonic era."

Ralph said, pulled out his pistol, turned around and got out of the armored vehicle.


The soldiers of the French battalion outside seemed to have seen the backbone, and they all shouted and slowly came closer.

"French warriors, both ends of the road have been blocked. Those Chinese troops thought they could easily defeat us."

"They're dreaming!"

"We can still attack the mountain and carve out a bloody path!"

Ralph shouted, waving his pistol.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The foreign soldiers in the French battalion became more motivated and shouted.

This fighting spirit also infected the nearby US troops, allowing them to recover from the panic of being ambushed.

"Attention, all tanks, turn their muzzles and accurately bombard the heavy machine guns and artillery positions on the mountain."

"Other soldiers relied on the wreckage of the vehicle as a bunker to suppress the Chinese army."

Seeing that Ralph was serious about it, the US captain quickly used the radio to convey the order in person.

"Yes, sir!"

The U.S. troops on the other end of the radio responded one after another, and soon they set up their positions and began to fire back.

Soon the dull sound of artillery boomed on the mountain top, and the broken earth, stone and snow particles flew into the air.

The blind fire of the US military's fire reconnaissance just now was nothing more than a casual round on the hillside.

But now, the Gangqi Regiment has exposed the specific location of its firepower, and the gun flames sprayed are extremely bright.

Under the bombardment of American artillery fire, some soldiers were accidentally hit and their whole bodies were blown out of their positions by the shock wave.

At the same time, Ralph fired three shots into the sky and loudly gave the order to attack.

Soon, the soldiers of the French battalion formed a fighting formation and attacked the gentle slope on the east side.


on the hill

"Damn it, these foreign devils are quite tough. They won't surrender even after being beaten like this. They actually want to attack."

Yu Congrong rubbed his forehead that was hit by Sha Shuo, gritted his teeth and cursed.

"Brother, these American devils are a bit strange. Why are so many of their soldiers covered in black, like briquettes?"

Wu Wanli scratched the back of his head and asked with some confusion.

He had occasionally seen black American soldiers, but he had never seen so many in one unit.

"That's right, so many of them are like this."

"It's still late at night, and our reconnaissance battalion soldiers' sniper shots are almost off."

Pinghe spat and complained.

"I think they may not be American soldiers, but they look a bit like the French army."

"The French army that dares to fight is probably one of the few foreign battalions in France used to support the scene."

Wu Qianli thought about the memories of his previous life and guessed.

"It doesn't matter what they are, they are foreign devils who invaded us. Just fuck them hard."

Lei Gong pinched his beard and said.

"Captain, according to the news we just received, U.S. military reinforcements are coming quickly."

"The people coming to respond are all armored troops. The higher ups ask us to be careful."

"In addition, the 27th Army has also sent reinforcements, but they lack vehicles and are expected to arrive at about the same time as the US military."

As soon as Mei Sheng left the radio station, he rushed to report to Wu Qianlihui.

"No, this will end in a tug-of-war, and then let them break out after each other suffers losses."

"Tell your comrades to use firepower to deplete the enemy's troops first. When they get close, kill them in hand-to-hand combat and deal with them as soon as possible!"

Wu Qianli hesitated for two seconds and made a decision immediately.

In fact, he has another consideration, which is that based on his past life memories, there should be an important person in this French camp.

He forgot who it was specifically, but the level was definitely not low, and it would definitely not be a loss if he won.


Everyone immediately responded and passed on the order. (End of chapter)

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