The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 187 The French Lieutenant General’s desperate move!

Chapter 187 The French Lieutenant General’s desperate move!
"Bombardment! Keep bombarding!"

"The French army is already attacking the mountain. Please cooperate with them fully!"

The American captain looked at the French battalion attacking like a madman and shouted loudly.

"Yes, sir!"

The U.S. tanks quickly fine-tuned their muzzles, and each barrel aimed at the defensive position on the hillside at the maximum elevation angle.


In an instant, the US tank fired a cannon, the heavy tank body shook backwards, and rounds of artillery shells spun out at high speed.

"call out--"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Countless fires bloomed on the hillside again, the blazing flames ignited many dead branches, and the blazing heat waves distorted and blurred the air.

After the bombing, the soldiers of Gang [-]th Regiment stood up in disgrace, many of them coughing repeatedly due to the thick smoke.

"Damn it, when will we have armored troops like this? I will rush over and kill them!"

Yu Congrong picked up the slightly damaged heavy machine gun, gritted his teeth and cursed.

"There will be, we will have China's own... advanced armored forces!"

Wu Qianli clenched his fists and said with firm eyes.

"Captain, they are coming!"

Pinghe set up his sniper rifle and reminded loudly.

In the distance, the thick smoke gradually dissipated.

Countless French soldiers appeared, charging upward like crazy.

In the rear of the French army, Ralph waved his pistol, inspiring the soldiers of the French battalion to charge.

"Guys, do you still remember General Napoleon's glorious 'Battle of the Three Emperors'?"

"The warriors of France defeated the many with less, and smashed the crown of the Austrian Emperor's HRE Emperor with guns and cannons!"

"Today, we will also use guns and artillery to destroy the prestige that the Chinese army has just established in the Far East!"

Ralph's face flushed with excitement, his vocal cords ached when he shouted, and he struggled to keep up.

"Long live Napoleon! Long live France!"

The soldiers of the French battalion cheered excitedly, but still followed the tactics and attacked with the best route and spacing.

on the hill

"Brother, are these foreign devils crazy?"

"Obviously they were ambushed, but they ended up fighting like they had a huge advantage."

Wu Wanli looked at the high morale of the French army and said with some surprise.

"Hahahaha... It seems that my guess is right. This is the French foreign camp, that 'crazy army'!"

Wu Qianli smiled and said in his heart.

"Comrades, the opportunity to make a great contribution has come, give me a good beating!"

Wu Qianli set up his submachine gun, swept the shuttle, and shouted.

Following his order, countless gun flames instantly lit up on the silent position, and dense bullets sprayed out.

Facing the sudden firepower, the French soldiers in the front row were directly torn apart, and their bodies exploded into pools of blood.

However, the French army behind did not show any fear. They just lowered their figures more carefully and attacked along the bunker towards the mountain.

"We're on the mountainside, set up fire points and counter-suppress their firepower!"

Seeing that the casualties were too great, Ralph quickly ordered adjustments.

Soon, some French troops found bunkers, mounted light machine guns, and fired at the positions above to coordinate the attack.

The Gang [-]th Regiment faced a steady barrage of fire from the opposite side. There were some gaps in the fire network, and some French troops took the opportunity to charge forward.

"Captain, if this continues, they will be able to attack us soon."

"Their strength is still sufficient. They must use it up again, otherwise the casualties in direct hand-to-hand combat will be too great."

Mei Sheng looked at the French soldiers getting closer and closer and quickly reminded them.

"Don't worry, captain, give the reconnaissance battalion five minutes. After five minutes, I guarantee that all the machine guns of these foreign devils will misfire."

Pinghe thought about it for a while and quickly promised.

"3 minutes."

Wu Qianli listened to the sound of soldiers falling on the battlefield, looked down with cold eyes, and said firmly

"Seven minutes?"

Pinghe frowned in embarrassment and did not dare to respond directly.

"Add me and take out all the firepower points in 3 minutes!"

Wu Qianli replied expressionlessly, raised his sniper rifle and locked onto a target.

The locked French soldier didn't realize it. He thought he had found an excellent bunker and opened fire wantonly.

He was in a particularly good position, with a misshapen boulder blocking the way. He could shoot his gun from the gap, and all his vital points were in the blind spot.

Based on the shaking of the gun flame, Wu Qianli locked the position of the French army and aimed directly at the boulder.


A bullet flew out, smoke and dust exploded from the gap in the boulder, and the bullet was deeply embedded in the stone.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Wu Qianli did not hesitate and fired three more shots in succession, and the bullets accurately hit the bullet holes just now.

The last one penetrated the boulder and accurately hit the head of the French machine gunner. A bloody mist mixed with white pulp splashed next to the boulder.


Pinghe looked at the firepower of the misfire in the distance and couldn't help but take a breath.

"Captain, after this battle, you must teach me."

Pinghe glanced at Wu Qianli eagerly, felt confident, and quickly joined the sniper battle.

Not long after, the reconnaissance camp's sniper guns rang out again and again, each time killing a French soldier like a death sentence.

Exactly three minutes later, all the French battalion's light machine guns misfired.

No soldier dared to continue to make up for it. After all, the survival rate with a machine gun was already lower than that with a charge.

"General, Mr. Captain sent the radio."

"He said that the US military could conduct a final round of artillery bombardment and hoped that we would retreat a little for the time being."

"When the bombing is over, we will seize the Chinese army positions in one go."

A French sergeant whispered in Ralph's ear.

"Back off first?"

Ralph looked at the position that was only a short distance away and felt a little unwilling.

According to his original prediction, they would fire another round of rockets at this time, and they would be able to take advantage of the opportunity to attack the position.

But he didn't expect the sniper on the opposite side to be so ruthless, especially when the report below about the shooting that penetrated the boulder, he almost thought it was a lie.

"Bazooka cover, retreat for now."

Ralph watched more and more soldiers fall to the ground and ordered through gritted teeth.

The French sergeant nodded quickly and conveyed the order.

Soon, many French soldiers raised their rocket launchers and pulled the triggers, and the rockets flew out with a "whoosh".

Taking advantage of the rockets flying in all directions on the Gang [-]th Regiment's position, the French soldiers quickly retreated.

"Okay, these foreign devils were finally defeated by us."

Wu Wanli looked at the French army's back and said with a smile.

"Back off, I guess we need to call for artillery support."

"Captain, at this distance, you can take a gamble, kill them, and form a melee."

Yu Congrong was a little anxious and persuaded very quickly.

"Thunder Lord, use half of the artillery fire to block their retreat."

"The remaining mortars are equipped with smoke grenades to cover the American tank fire."

"Other comrades, fix your bayonets!"

"Follow me to kill!"

Without any hesitation, Wu Qianli fixed his bayonet and was the first to rush out of the position.

"Kill!" The soldiers of Gang [-]th Regiment raised their bayonets, quickly jumped out of their positions, and charged down the mountain.

"The leader said that we should keep all these idiots here!"

"Prepare anti-infantry bombing and smoke grenades in batches, fire!"

Lei Gong roared angrily and waved his right hand down fiercely.

The French army had just attacked the mountain, but they had been holding back and had been waiting for this moment.

The artillery battalion soldiers who had been prepared long ago picked up the cannonballs and quickly stuffed them into the chambers.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Rows of mortar muzzle flashes suddenly appeared, and the muffled sound of the shells ejected was endless.

For a moment, white smoke scattered from the artillery camp position.


"I'm going to beat up the foreign devils until they hurt! Don't give them a chance to breathe!"

Lei Gong personally picked up a cannonball and shouted loudly.

When the soldiers in the artillery camp heard this, they ignored the white smoke that choked their noses and continued to quickly stuff the shells into the mortars again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After the muffled sound, the second round of shells soared into the sky again.

At this time, the first round of shells had not yet completely fallen.
As a result, two rounds of small black dots fell rapidly in mid-air and exploded continuously with almost no interval.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A violent explosion sounded in the rear of the French battalion, and the orange-red flames shot up more than two meters high, and countless French battalion soldiers were directly swallowed.

Not only that, a mortar shell fell straight down, hitting right near Ralph.

"Not good! Protect the general!"

Several French soldiers pounced on Ralph and knocked him to the ground.


The shell exploded very quickly, and countless fragments flew everywhere with extremely strong potential energy.

"damn it……"

"If it weren't for the American weapons sent by the US military, how could the Chinese army have such powerful artillery fire..."

Ralph struggled to push away the corpses that were pressing on him, and couldn't help but have tears in his eyes when he looked at the dense debris on the backs of these soldiers.

He looked forward with angry eyes, only to see clouds of smoke rising up, perfectly covering the battlefield.

"Assault Battalion [-]st Company, grenades!"

In the white mist, Wu Qianli held a bayonet and charged forward quickly, shouting.


Wu Wanli and the soldiers from the first company of the assault battalion pulled out grenades and threw them in front of the smoke.

The first company, with Wu Wanli as company commander, selected the best grenade throwers in the army, and all of them had amazing arm strength.

Soon, grenades flew out in circles.

The soldiers of the French battalion had just recovered from the bombing and looked at the white fog. Before they could realize what was going on, countless grenades emitting white smoke fell beside them.

"Lie down! Cover up!"

When Ralph saw this, he quickly reminded loudly.

However, it was too late.

As soon as he finished speaking, the French battalion soldiers in the front were swallowed up by the explosion and suffered heavy losses.

Before the smell of gunpowder from the grenade explosion dissipated, Wu Qianli and others, with red eyes like murderous gods, rushed into the French camp.


Wu Qianli roared and lifted up the dark red military thorn and stabbed it out.


A French battalion soldier who had just stood up suddenly softened, and the gun in his hand fell directly to the ground.

Wu Qianli clenched the handle of the gun and drew the knife quickly, scarlet blood splattering all over him.

He didn't hesitate at all, his eyes were fixed on the front, and he charged straight forward.

A French non-commissioned officer pretended to be dead and fell to the ground. He quietly picked up his gun and was about to point it at Wu Qianli.

"Damn it, you dare to make a sneak attack?"

Wu Qianli pulled out his pistol and immediately pulled the trigger.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After firing three shots, the French soldier was shot in multiple places, and bright red blood flowed out from the blood holes.

During this gap, another French soldier raised his bayonet viciously and stabbed Wu Qianli in the side.


After a loud sound of steel colliding, the attacking French soldier staggered back a few steps, showing disbelief in his eyes.

"Damn it, this black-skinned devil is so strong!"

Yu Congrong endured the pain of the slight crack in the tiger's mouth, gathered all his strength into one point, and penetrated the French soldier's heart.


The French soldier screamed and finally fell down unwillingly. Before his death, his eyes were still staring at Yu Congrong viciously.

In this way, Yu Congrong and Wu Wanli protected Wu Qianli's flanks, and as the tip of the Gang Seventh Regiment, they rushed to the front.

The other soldiers of the Gang [-]th Regiment were greatly encouraged, and each one excitedly joined the "sharp knife" assault and rushed deep into the French camp.

By this time, the soldiers of the French battalion finally panicked.

They retreated subconsciously, and the soldiers of the Gang [-]th Regiment also took the opportunity to kill deeper and deeper.

The soldiers of the Gangqi Regiment were organized into groups of three and three, completely leaving their backs to their companions, and continued to cooperate to strangle the enemy.

The French army's original assassination ability was actually not weak, but it was disrupted during the bombing.

After finally reacting, they were hit by another grenade, and Wu Qianli and others, who were like wolves and tigers, tore apart their military formation.

Now, some of the soldiers in the French battalion have been dispersed, and they can only resist alone.

But in such an unequal fight, the decline of the French battalion has become increasingly obvious.

Not long after, Ralph could already see Wu Qianli holding a blood-red bayonet, approaching step by step.

"General, retreat quickly. The Chinese army is coming. If we don't leave, it will be too late."

A French sergeant supported Ralph and said anxiously.

"Retreat? Haha."

"Believe it or not, not long after we retreated, we were blown into a pile of meat."

Ralph sneered and refused the order to retreat.


As soon as he finished speaking, another round of mortar shells flew towards their rear.


Several French soldiers who sneaked away were killed on the spot before they even had time to scream.


"General, the Chinese army has blocked our retreat. What should we do now?"

The French noncommissioned officer looked at the deep black artillery pits behind and asked in a panic.

"Why are you panicking? The French soldiers were not afraid of Verdun, why should they be afraid of them?"

"What we have to do now is not to collapse, hold them back, and bet that our reinforcements will arrive first."

"As long as the reinforcements arrive 3 minutes first, the success or failure of the battle will be decided!"

"French warriors, follow me and kill!"

Ralph grabbed the bayonets of the soldiers around him and joined the battlefield with the last remaining force of the French battalion.

When the soldiers of the French battalion saw that their way back was cut off and the general was on the way, they all became red-eyed and rekindled their will to fight.


Along with the shouts of killing, the two waves of armies collided fiercely, and the white snow was stained red with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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