The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 191 The Hwachuan sniper battle begins!

At dawn, the US military camp

"Sir, all the howitzers are ready, and the air force's bombing will arrive even if it is delayed!"

A U.S. military officer reported loudly.

"it is good!"

"Send my order, the entire army must assemble, and attack immediately!"

Colonel Colombates looked at his watch and nodded slightly.

"Yes, sir!"

The US military officer responded and quickly conveyed the order.

Not long after, the thick howitzer barrels were slowly raised and aimed at the high ground where the Gang [-]th Regiment was located.

"Fire! (Fire!)"

Following the roar of the commander of the US artillery battalion, the muzzles of countless howitzers lit up with red light, and the gun barrels jerked backwards.

"call out--"

"call out--"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Countless artillery shells roared towards the high ground, and the violent explosions made the snow-capped mountains flash red, and finally turned into coal-black craters.

331 high ground

The soldiers of the Gang [-]th Regiment lay tightly in the rear air-raid shelter, billowing black smoke shrouded the entrance of the cave, and the pungent smell of gunpowder filled the air everywhere.

Until the sound of artillery gradually subsided, the explosion point also gradually extended away.

"Brother, the American artillery fire has finally moved away. Fortunately, we built fortifications in advance, otherwise the losses would have been huge."

Wu Wanli looked at the remaining fire in the outer positions and sighed.

"The American devils are afraid that we may have an ambush, so they use extended artillery fire to cut off reinforcements, just like we did yesterday when we attacked the French camp."

"Comrades, get ready for battle, the Americans are about to attack!"

Wu Qianli clenched his fists and said quickly.

"Commander, the soldiers in the firepower camp are all screaming, waiting to defeat these American devils. Let us take over the most important position on the front line."

Yu Congrong picked up the Thompson submachine gun and took the initiative to ask for help.

"Be careful with their heavy firepower and don't fight head-on. This US military is more equipped with better firepower than the previous ones and is their real trump card."

Wu Qianli nodded in agreement and gave instructions.

"Don't worry, captain, we haven't played any trump cards before!"

Yu Congrong grinned, a trace of heroism ignited in his eyes, turned around and rushed out.

"Comrades from the fire camp, come with me and kill these bastards!"

Yu Congrong pulled the gun bolt hard and shouted loudly.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The firepower battalion soldiers had long been blown out of their anger, and they roared loudly and rushed to the front line.

Wu Qianli held the gun in his left hand and the telescope in his right hand, and also walked towards the front line.

"Regiment Commander, the U.S. military's artillery fire is very fierce. You are now the leader of the regiment and the core of the entire Gang [-]th Regiment. There is no need to take risks. Why not let me go."

Mei Sheng stopped Wu Qianli and suggested worriedly.

Every time he saw Wu Qianli rushing to the front of the line of fire, he sat at the rear again and again, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Mei Sheng, you are the political commissar. I can listen to you on the affairs of the regiment."

"But once the cannon fires, the whole regiment must obey my command!"

"You stay, I'll go!"

Wu Qianli didn't hesitate at all, he simply gave the order and rushed out with Wu Wanli and others.

The military situation is like a fire, and fighter opportunities are fleeting. He doesn't want to die because of talking too much.


On the position of the [-]th Regiment of the [-]nd Marine Division of the US Army.

"As soon as the artillery fire passes, launch an attack immediately and don't give the Chinese army a chance to breathe!"

Captain Colombates put down the telescope excitedly and shouted loudly.

"yes sir!"

A US military officer responded quickly and hurriedly passed on the order.

Not long after, several American Pershing heavy tanks slowly drove forward. Under the thick barrel, a white five-pointed star was particularly dazzling.Behind the tank body, a large number of U.S. soldiers lowered their bodies to follow, and looked very cautiously ahead.

"Squeak, squeak—"

The tank's thick tracks moved forward slowly, constantly crushing tree branches and other roadblocks in front, making strange sounds.

The Gang [-]th Regiment did not open fire on their position, but quietly waited for their approach.

As elites who have fought a hundred battles, they know that shooting now cannot damage the tank armor at all, but will expose their own firepower.

A few minutes later, the US tank pressed down not far from the high ground and stopped in place.


"Who told them to stop? Keep marching!"

Colonel Colombates put down his telescope and cursed loudly.

"Sir, there is a radio communication from the forward troops."

"The slope of the high ground further ahead was too steep. The tank tried several times but couldn't get up at all."

A US military officer sighed and said helplessly.

"Then let the tanks stay in place to provide fire cover and the infantry attack upwards. We must capture Hill 331!"

Colonel Colombates felt cruel and ordered in a cold tone.

"Yes, sir..."

The US military officer responded sympathetically and quickly conveyed the order via radio.

After receiving the order, the tank raised its gun barrel on the spot, aimed at the position on the high ground, and prepared to go.

Several heavy machine guns were set up by the US military in nearby bunkers, and there were also matching mortars huddled behind the tank armor.

After preparing these, some American troops dared to rush out of the cover of the tanks and fight towards the high ground.

Obviously, the US military was not sure about the firepower of the [-]th Regiment, and planned to conduct a tentative attack first.

Colonel Colombates picked up the telescope again and carefully observed the situation on Highland 331.

At this time, the high ground was filled with thick smoke, and there were huge gun craters and burning dead branches everywhere. Only the position of the soldiers could not be seen clearly.

"No wonder they say the Chinese army is a ghost force, it's so well hidden."

"Hmph, then let the elites of the United States send you down and let you be real ghosts."

Colombates smiled contemptuously and said to himself.

high ground

The soldiers of Gang [-]th Regiment opened the safety and pulled the bolt of their guns. It was obvious that they had been waiting for a long time.

At this time, the firepower battalion occupied a dangerous main position in order to maximize its firepower advantage.

The positions on both sides are assault battalions and reconnaissance battalions, which can snipe and reinforce the main position at any time.

The last one is the several temporary positions of the artillery camp, which can be easily moved at any time to avoid being destroyed by US artillery fire.

There are connections between several positions, and they all lead to the temporary command position on the front line, which is also where Wu Qianli and others are located.

"When Brother Yu seized the main position, everyone in the firepower camp thought they were going to have a big fight."

"Who knew this American devil was so stingy? Hahaha, who would eat such a small amount of trash?"

Wu Wanli looked at the sparse offensive formation of the US military and couldn't help but smile.

In his opinion, even dispatching one of his assault companies was enough.

"Silly boy, what are you enjoying? This is just a tentative attack by the American devils. The fun is yet to come."

Yu Congrong rubbed Wu Wanli's head and said with a smile.

"Hey, I originally wanted to warm up the barrel, but with these people, firing two shots is a waste of shells."

Lei Gong curled his lips and said with some disgust.

"Yu Congrong brought the US troops closer and mopped them down with submachine guns. There is no need to expose his firepower to this small number of people."

"Lei Gong, when we open fire later, you don't have to worry about these infantry. Give priority to blowing up the American heavy machine gun and mortar positions below!"

"Others, stand by where you are."

Wu Qianli slowly put it down and ordered with murderous intent.


Everyone agreed in unison and quickly went down to get ready.

At this point, the historical Huachuan sniper war kicked off ahead of schedule under the butterfly effect of five thousand miles! (End of chapter)

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