The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 192 The first attack of the 5th US Marine Regiment!

"Brother, the American devils are coming."

Wu Wanli looked at the US military in the distance and reminded in a low voice.

"Don't worry, just move closer and hit again."

Wu Qianli pressed down his right hand to signal everyone to stay calm.

Upon seeing this, the soldiers of the Gang [-]th Regiment suppressed their desire to fight and watched the American soldiers gradually approach.

The American soldiers looked at the motionless high ground and could only bite the bullet and continue to approach.

However, after they got close to a certain distance, a US military officer suddenly made a gesture, and all the US soldiers suddenly fell down.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

At the foot of the mountain, the heavy machine guns of the US military roared, and dense bullets swept in front of the Gang [-]th Regiment's position, stirring up countless earth and rocks.

Many Shi Shuo hit the helmets of Wu Qianli and others, making a clanging sound, but they still waited calmly.

"Damn it, couldn't you have fought back earlier?"

The lying US military officer looked at the motionless high ground, sighed in disappointment and cursed.

If the Chinese army cannot help but fire back, then their mission of testing the firepower will be completed and they can evacuate early.

In desperation, he had no choice but to make a fighting gesture towards the back and request artillery support.

Upon seeing this, the U.S. troops in the mortar position behind quickly opened the wooden box of the shells and quickly stuffed the shells into the barrel.

"call out--"

"call out--"

More than a dozen mortar shells roared through the wind and snow, hitting the Gang [-]th Regiment's position fiercely.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The violent explosion raised countless curtains of snow, and in the light of the fire, countless shrapnel flew out and became deeply embedded everywhere outside the trenches.

"Bah, these American devils are really willing to give up. They can fire so many artillery shells in a tentative attack."

Lei Gong shook the snow off his body and cursed with some displeasure.

"The bombing was quite decisive, but it feels like their accuracy has dropped a lot."

"No one in the whole group was even slightly injured."

Pinghe observed it for a moment and said with a slight smile.

"Okay, the reward bonus just issued by the system has taken effect so quickly."

"With the back slope and other fortifications, plus the 40.00% five bombing accuracy bonus, the American Japanese air force is no longer afraid of bombing."

Wu Qianli raised the corners of his mouth and said secretly in his heart.

"Commander, the positions of the American machine guns and mortars have been calculated clearly, and they can be shelled at any time."

After Lei Gong observed it for a while, he said confidently.

"Captain, the American soldiers have reached the predetermined distance. They will all be eliminated in a few minutes."

Yu Congrong could no longer hold back any longer and reported with full fighting spirit.

"Wanli, grenade!"

Wu Qianli yelled without any nonsense.


Wu Wanli and others, who were well prepared, pulled the tab, counted silently for two seconds, and threw the grenades one after another.

"Boom! Boom!"

The grenades emitted white smoke and exploded suddenly as they flew into the air.


The dozen or so U.S. soldiers at the front were unprepared and were immediately blown to pieces.


Wu Qianli didn't give them a chance to react. He yelled, lifted up Thomson, and started shooting at the American figure in the black smoke.

Countless soldiers showed up one after another, pressed their rifle butts tightly, and fired wildly with submachine guns.

Dense bullets came out of the gun, countless brass bullet casings flew out from the side of the gun, and the powerful recoil kept hitting their chests.

Soon, the snow was stained red with blood, and a large number of corpses fell to the ground.

More broken blood clots and limbs were scattered everywhere, and half-dead American soldiers were wailing.

At the same time, the thunderous man on the artillery camp waved his hand, and rows of mortar muzzle lights lit up.

Countless artillery shells, carrying bursts of wind-breaking sound, accurately hit the U.S. military positions below.

Before many American troops could escape, they were directly submerged in the orange fire cloud of artillery fire.

Not only that, the artillery shells also detonated the US military's mortar bomb boxes, destroying all machine guns and mortars.

As for the US military tank, although it was fine, the observation window was obscured by the smoke from the explosion and became blind.

Within a few minutes, the attacking US troops not only suffered heavy losses, but also lost all fire support.


"Their firepower is too strong, retreat immediately!"

The US military officer who was lucky enough to survive saw this and quickly gave orders loudly.

When the U.S. troops turned around and retreated, Pinghe and others sniped and knocked down several U.S. troops.

It wasn't until they plunged into the smoke that Pinghe reluctantly put down his sniper rifle.

"Captain, let me lead a company in pursuit, and the battle can be resolved in one minute!"

Yu Congrong looked at the escaping US military figures and pleaded with some unfinished meaning. "We can't pursue anymore. Send an order to the entire regiment to move to the anti-slope fortifications."

Wu Qianli shook his head and ordered decisively.


When everyone heard this, although they were a little confused, they still agreed without hesitation.

After the order was passed on, all the soldiers of Gang [-]th Regiment rushed to the rear without any orders, and soon they all moved to the fortifications.

"call out--"

At this time, the large-caliber howitzer roared suddenly, and countless shells approached with bursts of explosions.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Soon, a deafening explosion resounded through the sky, and fierce fire covered their previous location.

"Brother, fortunately you ordered the transfer. If we were still there, we would have sacrificed many comrades."

Wu Wanli looked at the shelled positions outside and sighed with lingering fear.

"It's me, Lao Yu, who was reckless."

Yu Congrong on the side lowered his head with a red face when he heard the words.

"How about the casualties?"

Wu Qianli glanced at the entire regiment of soldiers with concern and asked.

"Reporting to the regiment leader, no one in the regiment was killed, and only two were slightly injured."

Lei Gong quickly completed the statistics and reported.

"Regiment commander, the phone number of the commander of the 27th Army."

Mei Sheng picked up the phone and reminded in a low voice.

"Wu Qianli, commander of the Gang [-]th Regiment, may I ask what the commander's instructions are."

Wu Qianli took the phone and said into the receiver.

"Hahaha, I don't dare to give instructions. You are directly under Shisi, the boss's favorite general. I will not interfere with your command."

"Just tell us what the situation is, so that we can help prevent and respond."

The commander's hearty words came from the other end of the phone.

"Reporting to the leader, the Gang [-]th Regiment repelled the first round of the US attack with almost no casualties."

"Please rest assured, chief. As long as Highland 331 is in Qianli's hands, we will never lose it. I am willing to issue a military order."

Wu Qianli looked serious and promised solemnly.

"it is good!"

"Highland 331 is the gateway to the Huachuan area and the most important position. It is the best arrangement to leave it to your Gang [-]th Regiment."

"If you need anything, I will try my best to satisfy you."

The commander said with appreciation.

"Chief, although the Gang Seventh Regiment has fierce firepower, it is precisely because of this that the fine weapons and ammunition are consumed too quickly and it is difficult to replenish them. Can you see if you can..."

Wu Qianli was not polite and said directly with a smile.

"I just happened to have captured some a while ago. I'll ask the supply team to send you a batch tonight."

"Anyway, if these American weapons and ammunition are dispersed to the 27th Army, they won't be of much use. It's better to replenish them for you first."

Upon hearing this, the commander responded with great pride.

"Thank you, chief!"

Wu Qianli grinned and replied.


At the same time, within the US military command headquarters

"Reporting to the commander, the headquarters sent three telegrams in a row, urging us to seize Highland 331 as soon as possible, open the gap in Huachuan's defense, and capture Huachuan City as soon as possible."

A US military officer handed over the telegram and reminded a little helplessly.

"Fuck you!"

"If you have the ability, let them come in person and see if they can quickly break through the Chinese army's positions!"

"You have also seen the battle just now. This Chinese army has fast firepower and excellent combat quality. It is definitely an elite elite force."

"If we advance rashly, it is very likely that we will end up with the same disastrous outcome as that French battalion."

Colonel Colombates flicked his white gloves and cursed loudly.

"Sir, according to the latest news obtained by our scouts, the 27th Army of the Volunteer Army has secured other dangerous places in Huachuan."

"The troops we sent have all tried to attack these places, and even thought about attacking through small roads."

"But their defense was too tight, and all our plans failed."

At this time, another US military officer handed over a military intelligence report and reported it in a low voice.


"We called back to the headquarters and said that the Chinese army's defense is very tight, and Hill 331 is an even more difficult nail to deal with. We can't find any loopholes at all."

"We will try our best to attack, but we alone will not be able to capture Huachuan quickly. I hope the command headquarters can mobilize troops for reinforcements."

Colonel Colombates sighed and said slowly.

"Yes, sir!"

A US military officer responded quickly and quickly sent the telegram to the headquarters. (End of chapter)

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