The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 193 New China's reinforcements enter North Korea, and the US military attacks across th

United Nations Command, command hall
"Fuck you!"

"No matter how powerful the Chinese military's firepower is, can it still match ours?"

"We have been fighting for so long without even knocking on the 331 Highlands at the gateway to Hwachuan. It is simply a shame for the United States!"

Li Qiwei angrily tore up the telegram and cursed.

"General, calm down, the Chinese army will... after all..."

Chief of Staff Dole just wanted to say a few words of comfort, but suddenly lost his words in the middle of the sentence.

Yes, what advantages does the Chinese military have?

They held relatively backward weapons, lacked ammunition, and even lacked cotton-padded clothes.

Even the seventh regiment did not have the saturated howitzer fire of the US military, plus endless air force bombing support.

"The Japanese troops in the Pacific were equally tenacious in fighting. They even had the early advantage of the navy and air force, but they were all repelled by us."

"But why do these Chinese armies, which are weaker on paper, allow us to hit the wall repeatedly?"

Li Qiwei let go and scattered the telegram fragments on the ground, turned to ask everyone in the command hall.

Quiet, deathly still.

The various US military officers exchanged glances and wanted to retort, but they didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Li Qiwei smiled bitterly and waved his hand, signaling all other officers to go out, leaving only Chief of Staff Dole.

"General, the Chinese army has only achieved partial advantages on the eastern front. Overall, we are maintaining a comprehensive offensive."

"It's just that the Chinese army retreated very decisively, so it was far from the time when it showed its weakness."

"If we continue to attack, we may have to pay a lot of casualties."

Chief of Staff Dole glanced at the sand table and analyzed calmly.

"The death of the French lieutenant general has had a bad diplomatic impact, and the international media has been talking about it."

"Even Mr. President personally asked about the progress of the Korean War. We need a big victory so much."

"Even if the Chinese army fakes a retreat in advance, we must break through Hwachuan, get closer to the Han River, and conquer Seoul!"

Li Qiwei stared at Huachuan on the sand table resolutely and said categorically.

"Okay general, as long as we capture Huachuan, we have a [-]% chance of winning this battle."

Chief of Staff Dole thought for a moment and analyzed.

"Where are our reinforcements? Where are they now?"

Li Qi slightly rubbed his temples and asked.

"Two additional regiments have been dispatched to march to both sides of the Huachuan area, and other troops are also rushing to Huachuan."

Chief of Staff Dole replied.

"Still rushing? Are our mechanized troops not as fast as the Chinese army's light infantry?!"

"Send an urgent message and ask them to speed up. In any case, they must all arrive in the Huachuan area within three days to assist the fifth regiment in the attack."

Li Qi slightly frowned and said slightly dissatisfied.

"Good general."

"There is also a very important piece of news, which is related to the direction of the entire war situation. Look..."

Chief of Staff Dole handed over a top-secret document with an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Read it."

Li Qi held his forehead slightly tiredly, closed his eyes and said.

"China transferred several field armies stationed in the northeast to the Korean battlefield overnight, and took advantage of the darkness to quickly approach the [-]th parallel and will arrive on the battlefield soon."

Chief of Staff Dole opened it carefully and read in a low voice.

"Damn it, why is it bad news again?"

Li Qiwei opened his eyes suddenly, his blue eyes filled with annoyance.

"General, we have to speed up."

"Once support from the Chinese military arrives, all our plans will be difficult to implement."

Chief of Staff Dole reminded.

"The air force is ordered to take off non-stop during the day and carry out bombing support missions to the maximum extent."

"The supply of logistical ammunition will be increased, especially artillery shells, making continuous artillery fire a nightmare for them."

"Tell all troops on the east and west fronts to immediately increase their offensive and strive for a strong advance across the entire front!"

Li Qiwei's eyes flashed with a hint of cruelty, and he ordered through gritted teeth.

"Yes, sir!"


Huachuan, 331 Highlands
Fierce artillery fire exploded on the hillside, and the dazzling red light pierced the thick smoke.

A large number of well-equipped U.S. soldiers followed the tanks and launched a new round of attacks on the highlands.

Despite the huge momentum, under the tenacious sniper attack of the Gangqi Regiment, the US military once again retreated with heavy losses.After repelling the US troops, the Gangqi Regiment did not slack off at all and quickly moved into the air raid shelter.

"These American devils are so fierce, they are like bears when they fight, and they are all gone in two blows, hahahahahaha..."

Yu Congrong wiped the black ash from his face and said with a smile.

"Brother, we can't always let their firepower battalion be in the main position. When can we put the assault battalion in the middle?"

Wu Wanli curled his lips and asked eagerly.

"You brat, why are you so anxious? The American devils' offensive period is still long, and there are plenty of opportunities."

Lei Gong took a puff of his pipe and said with a smile.

"Captain, the American devils have been defeated several times. The snow under the mountain is turning red."

"It's impossible for them to continue sending soldiers to die. They will probably use some dirty tricks."

Mei Sheng thought about it calmly and reminded.

"Insidious move..."

Wu Qianli suddenly remembered something and his heart sank.

Historically, in January 1952, an American newspaper published an article claiming that bacteria and poison gas were the cheapest weapons.

This article successfully attracted the attention of the US military. Isn't the United States at war?

These weapons happened to be used on the Korean battlefield, because the US military really couldn't win. Humanitarianism does not exist in the eyes of Americans. When did the US military have humanity?
Therefore, the US military decided to drop bacterial weapons behind the Volunteer Army and Northeast China in an attempt to establish a "vacuum zone" full of infectious diseases behind the Volunteer Army and destroy the Volunteer Army's logistics.

Although the time has not yet come, the process has been changed a little by Wu Qianli. Who knows whether it will be brought forward?

"Behind us is Seoul, Pyongyang, the Yalu River, the entire Northeast and even China!"

"I don't believe there are tasks that can't be accomplished! I don't believe there are difficulties that can't be overcome! I don't believe there are enemies that can't be defeated!

"No matter what, we must defend Highland 331 and Huachuan!"

Wu Qianli clenched his fists and said firmly.


When everyone heard this, they straightened their backs and responded loudly.


At this time, the U.S. Army Provisional Command
"Sir, the general is calling urgently!"

A staff officer hurried over and handed over the telegram.

"He urged us to speed up the offensive again, and he didn't even look at where the reinforcements had arrived."

After reading it, Colombates slammed the telegram and cursed.

"Sir, we have suffered huge losses in several attacks, and the artillery shells have also been consumed a lot. If we continue like this, I'm afraid..."

A US military officer pretended to be brave and reminded in a low voice.

"Don't worry about the artillery shells. New supplies will follow soon, and reinforcements should be arriving soon."

"As for the offensive method, if you have any suggestions, please tell me."

Crombez frowned impatiently and said.

"Sir, the Chinese army mainly relied on its geographical advantages and anti-slope positions to greatly weaken our artillery and air force bombing firepower."

"And after each round of bombing, our artillery fire will be extended. At this time, the Chinese army quickly moved to sniper positions to block our attacking troops."

The US military officer said slowly, combining his observations and guesses.

"What is your battle plan?"

Colombates seemed to smell some fighting opportunities and asked quickly.

"Sir, after the artillery fire is extended, when the Chinese army moves to the sniper position, we can concentrate the artillery fire and bombard them again to catch them off guard."

"And our infantry can take the risk of stepping on the rear of the explosion point and rush in quickly."

"While they have not yet recovered from the unreasonable bombing, attack fiercely and seize the position in one fell swoop."

The US military officer looked excited and said quickly.

"Yes, there does seem to be a chance to do so."

"What do other people think?"

Colombates couldn't help but his eyes lit up after thinking about it, but he still asked calmly.

"Sir, this plan is completely feasible."

"Even if the position cannot be captured in the end, it can still kill a large number of the effective forces of the Chinese army, with no harm at all."

Another US military officer nodded repeatedly and agreed.

"it is good!"

"Give me the order, pull out all the artillery shells from the bottom of the box, and launch a fierce attack according to the plan. We must conquer Highland 331 in one fell swoop and annihilate this damn Gang Seventh Regiment!"

Crombez slammed the table and ordered loudly. (End of chapter)

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