The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 205: Enter the headquarters of the Korean Army’s 6th Division!

Night falls, the moonlight is like water.

Wu Qianli and Yu Congrong led a group of top soldiers and quietly climbed to the top of the mountain.

There are South Korean army sentries on the top of the mountain. Their purpose is to take the opportunity to kill these sentries, seize the position on the top of the mountain, and cover the main force going up the mountain.

On the other side, Lei Gong and the soldiers from the artillery battalion had quietly reached the top of another mountain.

They set up a row of 80 mortars and aimed at the village at the foot of the mountain, ready to fire support at any time.

Mei Sheng led the soldiers to the bottom of the mountain, waiting for Wu Qianli and the others to send the signal.

Wu Qianli, Yu Congrong and others cautiously approached the top of the mountain. After reconnaissance, they found that only a small number of South Korean soldiers were on guard duty, while the rest hid in the fortifications on the top of the mountain.

It turns out that at this point, the South Korean army was eating!
Wu Qianli and Yu Congrong quietly climbed to the top of the mountain from different directions, and cautiously approached the South Korean army's sentry.

They took action almost at the same time, and all the South Korean soldiers on guard were knocked down.

Then Wu Qianli waved to the people behind, and Wu Wanli and others followed cautiously.

A few of them followed behind and continued to move towards the South Korean army's defenses.

At this moment, a South Korean soldier suddenly stood up from the ring fortification, and everyone quickly fell down.

But the man obviously realized something was wrong and shouted loudly: "Who are you? What are you doing?"

The South Korean soldiers spoke Korean, which they did not understand at all.

After hearing the shouting, Wu Qianli knew that he had been exposed, and without saying a word, he took out a grenade and threw it out.

Yu Congrong also quickly took out a grenade and threw it into the South Korean army's ring fortification.

Then Wu Wanli and others also took out grenades and threw them directly into the South Korean army's ring fortifications.

In fact, the South Korean soldier, because it was too dark, was not sure whether the figure he just saw was Chinese or one of his own, so he asked.

But then grenades with black smoke flew over one after another, and the South Korean soldier suddenly reacted, but it was already too late.

The grenades were all accurately thrown into their fortifications.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

As several violent explosions rang out, the South Korean troops on the position were immediately knocked upside down by the bombing, resulting in heavy casualties.

Wu Qianli led everyone to rush forward and jumped into the South Korean army's fortifications. When he saw the South Korean army still moving, he shot directly.

"Da da da~!"

With a burst of intensive gunfire, all the South Korean troops on the position were quickly wiped out.

At the same time, Mei Sheng and others waiting at the bottom of the mountain heard gunfire and explosions from the top of the mountain and knew that the situation had changed.

Mei Sheng immediately said: "Attack immediately and follow me to the top of the mountain."

The soldiers of Gang [-]th Regiment immediately grasped their guns and rushed toward the top of the mountain.

The explosions and gunshots here naturally alerted the South Korean troops down the mountain on the other side.

In the village, a South Korean officer ran out in panic and shouted: "What's going on?"

"The checkpoint on the mountain was attacked by the Chinese army. The current situation is unknown, and the phone lines were also blown up."

"Ah Xiba~!"

The South Korean officer cursed angrily and ordered loudly: "Immediately send troops up the mountain to support, and we must block the Chinese army's attack."


A lieutenant next to him responded quickly, turned around and ran to deliver the order.

Although he was angry, he also knew that the volunteers who came here at this time were only a small force at most.

The main force of the Volunteer Army is at least twenty miles away from here.

So he wasn't very worried.

Then the South Korean officer hurriedly ran into a nearby room.

This room was a headquarters of the South Korean Army. A South Korean Army major general stared at the map in front of him and asked casually: "What's going on?"

"General, this is a small Chinese force that is attacking the checkpoint on the mountain. We have already sent troops to support them. I believe there will be no serious problems."

The major general of the South Korean army frowned and said: "After dark, the main force of the Chinese army launched a full-scale offensive again. Now the situation is very unfavorable for our army. At this time, we must stabilize our position."

"General Ridgway is already very dissatisfied with our performance. If we fail again, we really have nothing to explain."

This major general of the South Korean Army is Kim Chung-wu, commander of the Sixth Division of the South Korean Army.

During World War II, he joined the Japanese army with the rank of second lieutenant. After Japan surrendered, he became a prisoner of war.

But this guy was lucky enough to save his life after the war.

After the US military took over South Korea, he participated in a training class and became an officer of the South Korean army. From then on, he rose through the ranks, rising from platoon leader to division commander in just a few years.

On the one hand, it is also because this guy does have some abilities. The most important thing is that he caught up with the good times and the South Korean army rapidly expanded its troops, so he rose up so quickly.

All the South Korean military officers present fell silent.

After a while, a colonel said cautiously: "The Chinese army's offensive is too fierce. Judging from the current situation, we may not be able to withstand the attack of the main force of the Chinese army."

Jin Zhongwu said angrily: "We must block their offensive no matter what, and resist it for as long as possible, otherwise we will not be able to explain to Commander Ridgway."

"This war is a matter of life and death for our country. We cannot completely rely on the US military. The most important thing is that we have to rely on ourselves."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of gunfire on the mountain behind became more intensive.

Jin Zhongwu couldn't help but frowned and said, "What's going on? Can't we deal with a small force of the Chinese army that launched a sneak attack?"

At this time, a South Korean officer ran in and shouted: "Sir, the Chinese army has occupied the top of the mountain, and our army is currently organizing a counterattack."


Jin Zhongwu couldn't help but cursed and said angrily: "We must regain the position on the top of the mountain no matter what. We must not let this small force miss our important event."


...At this moment, the reinforcements of the South Korean Army rushed towards the top of the mountain with great momentum.

"Grandma, you are a bunch of dogs and sticks, I will die!"

Yu Congrong was hiding in a position, cursing, raising his submachine gun, aiming at the foot of the mountain and shooting continuously.

"Da da da~!"

Intense gunshots continued to sound, and strings of bullets flew out quickly. The South Korean soldiers who rushed up were seen falling down one after another.

Wu Qianli shouted loudly: "Beat me hard and stop them no matter what."

Under the command of Wu Qianli, the soldiers fired with all their strength. The South Korean army was suppressed by the intensive firepower and could not rush forward at all.

After giving the order, Wu Qianli hid behind a big rock, raised his rifle and fired one after another.

As crisp gunshots rang out, the South Korean soldiers fell under his gun one after another.

Wu Qianli observed the situation. At this time, Mei Sheng and the main force of Gang [-]th Regiment had all gone up the mountain.

Mei Sheng shouted loudly: "Captain, we have arrived at the reserved position!"

After Wu Qianli heard the shouting, his eyes suddenly opened wide and he shouted loudly: "Corpser, blow the charge horn!"

"Everyone charged forward, heading towards the village at the bottom of the mountain."


Following Wu Qianli's order, the bugler immediately raised the bugle and blew it vigorously.

"Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock~!"

The loud charge horn sounded, and Wu Qianli jumped up and shouted: "Comrades, charge with me!"

"Kill it!"

The brave warriors immediately burst out with a loud shout of killing, and rushed out one by one.

Wu Qianli took the lead, charging while picking up his submachine gun and firing continuously.

"Da da da~!"

Intensive rain of bullets swept down from the mountains, and South Korean soldiers were shot to the ground one after another.

The loud charging horn made the South Korean army frightened, thinking that the main force of the volunteers had arrived.

In addition, when they saw the mountain, the heroic volunteer soldiers rushed down the mountain like tigers descending.

The surviving South Korean troops suddenly fell into chaos and no longer had the courage to resist. They fled one by one and fled down the mountain in embarrassment.

When Wu Qianli saw this scene, he couldn't help shouting: "The South Korean army was defeated. They continued to charge and captured the village at the foot of the mountain in one fell swoop. Not a single South Korean army could let go."


Under the personal leadership of Wu Qianli, the soldiers of the Gangqi Regiment swarmed down, stepping on the corpses of South Korean soldiers, and fought all the way to the entrance of the village.

The South Korean army was defeated all the way. Facing the fierce offensive of the Gang [-]th Regiment, it was impossible to organize effective resistance.

Inside the South Korean army headquarters, a South Korean major ran in in a panic.

"Commander, it's not good, the Chinese army is coming down the mountain and is about to enter the village."


Jin Zhongwu said angrily: "What do you do for food? So many people can't deal with a small group of Chinese troops?"

The major quickly explained: "It's not a small group of Chinese troops, it must be the main force of the Chinese army. They occupied the top of the mountain and launched an attack directly."

"There are Chinese troops all over the mountains and plains! Listen to their charge horns."

In order to escape responsibility, the South Korean major obviously exaggerated.

But the volunteers have already reached the entrance of the village. This is an indisputable fact.

Another South Korean officer quickly said: "Division Commander, the Chinese army is about to attack. It is no longer safe here. You should retreat quickly."


Jin Zhongwu couldn't help but cursed: "General Li Qiwei, he has repeatedly ordered us to hold our defense line."

"Now that we withdraw, it may affect the entire defense line."

The South Korean colonel said quickly: "Sir, the Chinese army is attacking rapidly on the main position, and the frontal defense line may not be able to support it for long. For your safety, you should retreat to a safe area quickly."

Jin Zhongwu cursed angrily: "You are a bunch of losers. South Korea has lost all face. In this way, no one, whether it is the Chinese army or the US military, can think highly of us."

Although Jin Zhongwu was angry, he did not dare to delay. After all, his life was at stake.

Surrounded by guards, this guy could only escape from his headquarters in a panic.

Under the protection of a group of guards, he fled out of the village in a panic, preparing to continue fleeing south. It was best to escape directly to the US military position, which would be safer.

However, at this moment, on the top of a mountain in the distance, Lei Gong kept holding a telescope and observing the situation in the village.

Seeing Wu Qianli leading his men to attack, Lei Gong couldn't help but cursed: "Hey~! These South Korean troops couldn't help but fight, so they are defeated."

Then he saw a group of people fleeing the village from another direction. Lei Gong couldn't help but his eyes lit up. He pointed in the distance and shouted: "Quick~! Did you see the group of people who escaped?"

"Aim at them and fire!"

"They are going south, let me block their retreat."


With the thunderous roar.

Rows of mortars roared one after another.

"Chirp chirp~!"

Harsh whistling sounds continued to sound, and artillery shells quickly pierced the sky and flew straight towards the fleeing South Korean army in the distance. (End of chapter)

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