The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 206: Kill the Major General and Commander of the Korean Army!

Chapter 206: Kill the Major General and Commander of the Korean Army!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The shell fell into the crowd of fleeing South Korean soldiers and exploded loudly. The South Korean soldiers who were bombed immediately fell over and became a mess.

At this time, Jin Zhongwu really believed that this was the arrival of the main force of the Volunteer Army.

In fact, he also made a mistake in his judgment. The main force was true, but there was only one Gang Seventh Regiment.

But now the troops around him have no fighting spirit, and there is no way they can be the opponent of Gang [-]th Regiment.

Jin Zhongwu no longer cared about organizing resistance and shouted loudly: "Retreat quickly, get out of here quickly."

While shouting, he continued to run forward, when a cannonball fell, landing just in front of Jin Zhongwu, only a few meters away.


A violent explosion sounded, and Jin Zhongwu, who was walking forward, was blown backwards.

Several pieces of shrapnel were embedded in Jin Zhongwu's body, and blood continued to pour out.

Jin Zhongwu was lying on the ground and wanted to get up, but he had no strength left. Blood kept spurting out from his mouth, his body kept twitching, and he died after a while.

After a while, several South Korean soldiers gathered around and tried to rescue Jin Zhongwu.


Several people helped Jin Zhongwu up and shouted loudly, but the guy was completely out of breath.

Then another artillery shell fell, and several South Korean soldiers were knocked to the ground.

At this time, the South Korean army was already dead and wounded. Seeing that Jin Zhongwu was finished, the remaining South Korean soldiers naturally ignored him and abandoned his body, and fled in all directions.

Lei Gong shouted excitedly: "It's so fun! It's so fun!"

"Keep firing and kill these grandsons for me!"

The firepower battalion and mortars opened fire at the same time, continuously firing shells into the distance. The South Korean troops who escaped from the village were defeated. People were constantly shot and fell to the ground. The scene was also chaotic.

At the same time, Wu Qianli led the soldiers directly into the village. At this moment, the South Korean army in the village had been completely defeated and could not organize effective resistance at all.

Wu Qianli shouted loudly: "Keep going forward, not a single South Korean soldier can let go."

After Wu Qianli finished speaking, he led several soldiers directly into the South Korean army's headquarters.

At this moment, there is no one here.

In a nearby room, there were several radio stations placed, and the South Korean army did not even have time to take them away.

In a room outside, there were several braziers with some documents thrown inside, some of which were not completely burned.

Wu Qianli rushed over, kicked the brazier over, put out the fire, and shouted: "Come here and see if there are any documents that have not been burned. Sort them out to see if there is anything useful."

"Others will search carefully and don't miss any corner in case there are hidden South Korean troops."


The soldiers responded loudly.

Then Wu Qianli came out of the house and shouted: "Yu Congrong!"


Yu Congrong rushed over with several soldiers.

Wu Qianli said: "You guys, follow me and continue to pursue outside the village."


Wu Qianli led his men to chase them to the entrance of the village. At this time, Lei Gong and the others had stopped shelling. Because they saw that the troops had occupied the village, they were afraid of accidentally hurting their own people, so they had to stop the shelling.

However, most of the South Korean troops have been eliminated, and only a small number of enemies took advantage of the chaos to escape.

Wu Qianli looked at the corpses of South Korean soldiers scattered on the road outside the village, and said with a smile: "Lei Gong did a great job."

"Check carefully to see if there are any alive."


At this time, Mei Sheng and a group of soldiers also chased after him.

Wu Qianli wiped the dust off his shoulders and said, "There is a group of South Korean troops who have run away. I'm afraid they won't be able to catch up."

"All the South Koreans in the village have been wiped out. Let's block this crossing first."

"Now that the main force has launched a general offensive across the entire front, it is estimated that the main force in South Korea will be completely defeated soon."

"At that time, this will become one of the important passages for their southward retreat. As long as this road is blocked, many South Korean troops will definitely be stopped."

Yu Congrong on the side raised his hand and pointed to the hilltop next to him, and said: "Captain, as long as we occupy these two hills on both sides, we can block the road. By then, no South Korean army will be able to escape from here."

While they were talking, Pinghe ran over and said with a smile: "Captain, a big fish was found over there."

"Big fish?"

Wu Qianli frowned and asked quickly: "What big fish?"

Pinghe said quickly: "It seems to be a major general of the South Korean army."

Upon hearing this, Wu Qianli walked over quickly.

Everyone looked at Jin Zhongwu's body and saw that this guy was wearing the rank of major general.

Wu Qianli squatted on the ground and examined it carefully, and said with a smile: "It's really a big fish. It should be a division commander level figure in the South Korean Army."

Wu Qianli said: "That should be the commander of the Sixth Division of the South Korean Army, right?"

"what do you say that is?"

Pinghe thought for a while and said, "It seems to be called Jin Zhongwu."

Wu Qianli suddenly remembered something and said, "Didn't we capture a few prisoners in the village? We will know after interrogation."

"Let Wu Jin interrogate him and determine this guy's identity as soon as possible."


Wu Qianli was not idle and began to set up defenses, because according to his guess, the main force of the South Korean Army's Sixth Division should not have completely retreated.

Once defeated, they will definitely retreat southward desperately, and there will definitely be another battle by then.

What they have to do now is to build a blocking position here as soon as possible to stop the defeat of the South Korean army and eliminate as many South Korean troops as possible.

Under the command of Wu Qianli, the soldiers occupied two hills on both sides of the road, so that the entire road was completely blocked.

The soldiers began to set up blocking positions on the mountain.

Pinghe ran over and said: "We have just interrogated those prisoners, and we have determined the identity of that guy. He is really Jin Zhongwu, the commander of the Sixth Division."

"This guy wanted to escape, but he was killed by Thunder God's shot. This time Thunder God made a great contribution."

Wu Qianli suddenly smiled and said, "I didn't expect that I really caught a big fish. Not bad, not bad!"

Pinghe said: "I have already asked someone to take a photo of that guy. He killed a South Korean army division commander. Then we can publicize it in the newspaper."

"In addition, we also seized a lot of things from their headquarters, as well as some information, some of which are in English. We showed it to the political commissar and said there was nothing particularly important."

"There are also some words in Korean that we can't understand, so we can only put them away first and hand them over to our superiors later for them to sort them out."

Wu Qianli nodded slightly and said: "The top priority now is to build a defense line as soon as possible to resist the defeat of the South Korean army."

As they were talking, Mei Sheng received another telegram from the messenger and said: "Captain, according to the information provided by Shisi, the main force of the South Korean army has been defeated across the board. There are at least several thousand defeated troops and are heading south. Run away.”

"Among them, there must be at least 3000 South Korean troops in our direction. The boss instructed us to stop this South Korean army."

"Reinforcements will arrive shortly."

Wu Qianli said with a serious face: "I know, let me know immediately, everyone is ready to fight."

"Yes!" Everyone responded quickly.

Although there are many South Korean troops, Wu Qianli and the others occupy favorable terrain, so they have nothing to worry about.

According to Wu Qianli's arrangement, the firepower battalion and the reconnaissance battalion guarded the highlands on the left and right respectively. Lei Gong's artillery battalion was also deployed near the top of the mountain on the left, ready to be ready at any time.

The assault battalion is responsible for holding on to the village and blocking the intersection. It is also used as a reserve force.

After giving the order, Wu Qianli hid in a position with a wide view at the entrance of the village, holding a telescope and observing the situation in the distance.

Soon, a large number of broken South Korean troops began to appear on the northern highway, and they began to flee southward.

Not long after, these defeated troops from South Korea entered the ambush position of the Gang [-]th Regiment.

Wu Qianli saw the opportunity and made a gesture to Yu Congrong.

Seeing this, Yu Congrong quickly ordered loudly: "Concentrate your firepower on me and hit me hard!"

Following the order, the firepower battalion soldiers aimed at the South Korean army and pulled the triggers.

"Da da da~!"

Intense gunshots rang out, and sheets of fiery bullets quickly swept towards the South Korean army.


The bullet hit the South Korean soldier, making a muffled sound and splashing blood.

Amidst the shrill screams, the South Korean soldiers rushing in front were shot and fell to the ground.

At the same time, on the other side of the mountain, following Pinghe's order, the soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion also opened fire.

The troops on both sides formed a crossfire, completely blocking the road. The South Korean soldiers who rushed up were shot and fell to the ground.

Seeing that continuing to go south would lead to a dead end, the South Korean soldiers behind were so frightened that they turned around and started running north.

The reason why they withdrew from the north was because the main force of the volunteers had already launched an attack from the north. They were defeated and then ran down.

Now running back, naturally they are not going back to find the main force of the volunteers to fight for their lives. They just don't want to die.

After these South Korean troops withdrew, they began to look for a path to see if they could go around it.

But unfortunately, it is too difficult to get around the mountain pass guarded by the Seventh Regiment.

The main force of the volunteers behind them was about to catch up.

The South Korean army had no choice but to organize a part of its troops and prepare to force a breakthrough.

Wu Qianli observed the situation on the battlefield and saw that the South Korean army retreated so easily.

He said coldly: "Hey~! These South Korean and South Korean troops are too inexperienced."

"We haven't had enough of fighting the seventh group yet."

Wu Wanli said: "They should come back!"

Wu Qianli smiled slightly and said: "They are already here, so they can only take this road. Going back will be a dead end."

"So they will definitely have to come back. There is no way around it."

"But... with the fighting power of these South Korean troops, it's probably not very interesting even if they come back."

The assault battalion guards this village and is in a relatively rear position.

There is a firepower battalion and a reconnaissance battalion blocking the front. Unless these South Korean troops rush over to block their attack and charge all the way, the assault battalion will have a chance to take action.

In Wu Qianli's view, the combat effectiveness of these South Korean troops was too weak, and the combat effectiveness of these defeated troops who were defeated from the front line was even weaker.

So there will be no pressure on them at all next. It is estimated that the assistance of the firepower reconnaissance battalion and the artillery battalion will be enough to block the intersection and block their attack.

And their assault battalion was originally used as a reserve team and as a second line of insurance. It seems that it will probably not be used like this.

When Wu Wanli heard this, he said with a disappointed look on his face: "Brother, why do we have to be the reserve team?"

Wu Qianli said angrily: "Where do you come from with so much nonsense!"

"Are we a reserve team? Of course not."

"Good steel should be used on the blade. The assault battalion is here because it is the most important. If the intersection is blocked, none of the South Korean troops can get past it."

Wu Wanli curled his lips and said, "I've been talking for a long time, but don't you still mean the same thing?"

"You see, they can't get through at all. The commando camp can only watch the show."

Wu Qianli raised the telescope again and said: "Did you see that the South Korean army is coming up again? It seems that these South Korean soldiers have understood it. If they want to get over, they can only take this way."

"So they will definitely attack desperately now in an attempt to open a gap."

"Tell everyone, be ready to fight at any time. We are the last line of defense and we cannot let them rush past."


Wu Wanli observed it and found that more and more South Korean troops were gathering in the distance. He did not dare to be careless and quickly conveyed the order.

At this time, a large number of South Korean troops rushed forward, trying to break out of the encirclement.

Wu Qianli looked in the direction of the South Korean army and initially estimated that there were at least 2000 South Korean troops.

Fortunately, the road is only so wide. Although the South Korean army has a large number of troops, they cannot deploy it.

At this time, the South Korean army divided its operations. Some began to attack from the hillside up the mountain, while others attacked along the road.

This move by the South Korean army is also to give full play to their strength advantage.

But very fortunately, when these South Korean troops escaped, they ran too fast, and their heavy weapons were basically abandoned by them. Without heavy weapons, they lacked firepower.

The Gang Seventh Regiment occupied favorable terrain and relied on its position to severely attack the advancing South Korean army.

Yu Congrong shouted loudly: "The regiment leader said, don't worry about wasting ammunition, concentrate all the firepower, hit hard, hit to death!"

"In short, we can't let anyone run past."


The battle suddenly became more intense. The South Korean army also attacked desperately in order to survive. However, under the intensive firepower of the volunteers, the South Korean army suffered heavy casualties.

Despite this, some South Korean soldiers still lowered themselves and charged upward with all their might.

"Grandma, since you want to die, then I'll let you die!"


Seeing that the South Korean army was still attacking fiercely, Yu Congrong shouted immediately.

Upon hearing this, the soldiers opened the grenade tabs one after another and threw them into the dense crowd of South Korean troops one after another.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

As violent explosions sounded, the fire shot into the sky and raised a cloud of smoke.

The attacking South Korean soldiers were thrown off their backs by the bombing and suffered numerous casualties.

The hillside was already covered with the corpses of South Korean soldiers, and their blood dyed the snow red.

Faced with such a situation, these South Korean soldiers finally couldn't hold on any longer and began to retreat in embarrassment.

After all, most South Korean troops are still afraid of death, otherwise they would not run so fast.

Just when several officers of the South Korean army were discussing whether to continue the attack.

A troop suddenly caught up from behind. At this time, the South Korean troops, who had completely lost their fighting spirit, surrendered with their guns raised.

Not even a few people objected. As the troops behind them caught up, these South Korean troops all became prisoners.

In this battle, the Gangqi Regiment successfully intercepted [-] South Korean troops, annihilated hundreds of South Korean troops, captured more than [-] people, and killed a South Korean major general, once again making great contributions.

(End of this chapter)

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