The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 207 The main force of the Chinese Volunteer Army launches an all-out attack!

At dawn, the "United Nations Army" headquarters
A US military staff officer came forward and reported: "General, telegram from the front line."

"The Chinese army launched another fierce attack last night. South Korean troops at various defense lines suffered heavy losses and generally retreated 10 to 15 kilometers back."

"Especially their 6th Division suffered the heaviest losses. The 6th Division was completely defeated and was no longer able to form combat effectiveness."

"Fuck you!"

Li Qiwei cursed angrily: "A bunch of losers, what's the use of keeping such a teacher."

The US military staff officer said quickly: "General, the commander of the 6th Division has been killed in the battle."


"He died fighting."

Li Qiwei was stunned for a moment, and his attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, and he quickly said: "These are the real soldiers. If their commanders could be like this division commander, leading the troops and fighting bloody battles, how could they be so defeated?" awful."

"Excellent commanders like this should be rewarded vigorously, publicized well, and everyone should be called upon to learn from this division commander."

Upon hearing this, the US military staff was stunned and could not react for a while.

After a while, he quickly responded: "Yes, yes, I'll do my humble job now."

The reason why Li Qiwei is like this is because the combat effectiveness of these South Korean troops is too weak.

Therefore, Li Qiwei hopes to set an example to improve the morale of the troops and thereby improve their combat effectiveness, and now Jin Zhongwu is a good candidate.

So Li Qiwei didn't ask how he died and just characterized the matter directly.

We must vigorously promote him as a heroic figure and a fighting hero.

If Jin Zhongwu knew this, he would probably be grateful to Li Qiwei.

Li Qiwei walked quickly to the sand table, stared at the sand table and said: "The Chinese army is advancing so fast that overnight, it has basically advanced to our second line of defense."

At this time, a US military colonel said: "The main reason is that the combat effectiveness of these Korean troops is too weak. If it were not for their incompetence, the first line of defense would never have collapsed so quickly."

Li Qiwei said: "Originally, I didn't hold much hope for these guys. It's good that they can buy us two more days."

"But since they have retreated, we cannot let them be idle. Let them organize themselves as soon as possible and continue to assist us in our defense."

"We must use the second line of defense to block the Chinese army's attack, hold them back, and completely defeat them."

"yes sir!"

The US military colonel responded quickly, then pointed to the sand table and said: "Our army has built a large number of defense fortifications, and they are all built based on favorable terrain."

"The terrain here is very suitable for positional warfare. The Chinese army's firepower is insufficient and its attack power is seriously insufficient."

"As long as we hold these positions, the entire defense line is safe and they won't have any chance."

Li Qiwei nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "According to our comprehensive intelligence from all aspects, the Chinese army's logistics support problem is still seriously insufficient."

“Their supplies cannot sustain a large-scale battle for too long, so as long as we can hold them back, it will only take about ten days to completely overwhelm them, and then if we counterattack, they will be defeated. "

"Therefore, we don't have to worry now. The defeat on the battlefield is only temporary."

It can be seen that Li Qiwei is constantly cheering for his soldiers so that they can maintain strong combat effectiveness.

The US military colonel said: "There is just one thing. The Chinese army will choose to attack at night."

Li Qi nodded slightly and said, "This problem can be easily solved by allowing our soldiers to rest during the day and fight at night."

"Of course, we can't be idle during the day. We can send planes to bomb them, or we can launch certain counterattacks in appropriate places."

"We must make full use of our advantages and attack our Chinese army as much as possible."

"In some suitable places, using our heavy armored clusters to launch appropriate counterattacks against them, I think it can definitely have good results."

The US military colonel said: "What the general said is absolutely true. Then I will immediately send your instructions to all the troops and let them launch a counterattack based on the actual situation."


At noon that day, the Volunteer Army Headquarters.

The boss quickly walked to the sand table.

Chief of Staff Xie said: "This morning, the US military launched a series of counter-offensive operations in some areas."

The boss said with a serious face: "We must block the U.S. military's counterattack, concentrate our forces, and launch another large-scale attack at night."

"We must strive to defeat the main force of the US military as soon as possible, so that our army can further advance southward and achieve the strategic plan."


Chief of Staff Jie responded quickly and said: "Please rest assured, boss, our army will be able to rely on the existing defense lines to withstand the U.S. military's counterattack."

"The troops are also making preparations to launch a new round of offensive at night."

The boss said with a serious face: "Judging from the current situation, the US military is also very well prepared."

"Their purpose is also very clear, which is to block our attack and then wear us down."

"If the battle is delayed for too long, it will have an extremely negative impact on our army, so we still have to seize the time and achieve greater results as soon as possible."


Chief of Staff Jie responded and said: "The US military initially let those South Korean troops in the front serve as cannon fodder. Now the South Korean troops they hold on the front line have been basically defeated by us."

"Now we continue to attack, and we are facing the main force of the US military."

The boss nodded slightly and said: "Those South Korean troops are not strong in combat effectiveness. Defeating them is nothing to boast about. The real battle has just begun."

"Notify all troops not to take it lightly and to go all out to defeat the main force of the US military as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Chief of Staff Xie responded quickly.


Gangqi Regiment Headquarters

Wu Qianli took a bite of the canned beef and asked, "Political Commissar Mei, have the orders been issued?"

Mei Sheng glanced at Wu Qianli and said helplessly: "Captain, I just received the order that our regiment will take a temporary rest and will not participate in tonight's attack."

Yu Congrong on the side heard this and said with some disappointment: "This battle has just begun, why have we been replaced?"

Mei Sheng said helplessly: "This is an arrangement from the superiors. The leader has no choice but to obey the order."

"But if everything goes normally, we will definitely be on the bus tomorrow night."

Wu Qianli lit a cigarette, took a puff, and said thoughtfully: "Judging from the current situation, the US military is more prepared this time."

"Their advantages can be brought into full play, which is very detrimental to our army."

"So the next battle will probably become more and more difficult."

Mei Sheng said: "No matter how difficult it is to fight, we must strive to win this battle."

"With the war situation developing to this point, it all depends on who can persevere until the end."

Wu Qianli nodded slightly and said, "I also believe that we will definitely achieve the final victory."


That night, there were no stars in the sky

The main force of the volunteers launched another all-out attack.

Wu Qianli came to the top of a mountain close to the front line and looked around.

There was continuous artillery fire in the distance, and the brave volunteer soldiers, withstanding the powerful artillery fire of the US military, launched fierce attacks one after another.

The fighting became more intense, and the U.S. military's resistance was also very tenacious.

Wu Qianli observed it and said, "The American army on the opposite side should be the 24th Division, right?"

Mei Sheng next to him nodded and said: "According to the information obtained, it is the 24th Division of the US Army."

Wu Qianli suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but smile.

This matter is related to the 24th American Division.

The U.S. 24th Division was the first batch of U.S. troops to participate in the war. It landed in Busan at that time, and then suffered heavy losses from the North Korean army when it blocked the battle in Daejeon.

The commander of the US 24th Division at that time was Major General Dean. It can be said that Dean was very brave in fighting.

When the battle was at its most intense, the major general and division commander personally led a unit onto the battlefield.

As a result, the major general and division commander never returned, and contact was completely lost.

At that time, the US military could not find Division Commander Dean, so it appointed a new division commander.

Later, it could only be determined that the major general division commander had died in battle, and the president at that time also issued him a certificate of honor for heroic death in battle.

However, in fact, Major General Dean was not dead, and he was staying in the prisoner of war camp at this time.

It turned out that in that battle, the army he led was defeated by the Northern Dynasty army.

His headquarters was also scattered, and the major general, division commander, adjutant and others rushed into the mountains to take shelter.

The conditions in the barren mountains were difficult. One night, Major General Dean insisted on going out alone to find water.

As a result, Major General Dean accidentally rolled down a mountain stream and was alone since then, completely losing contact with the troops.

But this guy was quite lucky. He managed to save a life and wandered alone in the mountains for 36 days.

I was lost and couldn't get out. Fortunately, this guy had a strong ability to survive in the wild and miraculously survived.

But it was a pity that he did not return to his army in the end. After wandering around for 36 days, he was captured and then imprisoned in a prisoner-of-war camp in the Northern Dynasties.

After 36 days of survival in the jungle, Major General Dean lost weight from 88 kilograms to 58 kilograms.

He had lost a total of sixty kilograms, and when he was caught, he was so hungry that only his skin and bones were left.

Fortunately, this guy was lucky and finally survived.

It was not until more than three years later, when the war was over, that he was repatriated.

When Major General Dean returned home and saw the certificate of honor for his heroic death hanging on the wall, he was filled with emotion.

Wu Qianli couldn't help laughing when he thought of this joke.

Compared with the trump cards of the 24st Marine Division and [-]st Cavalry Division, the combat effectiveness of the US [-]th Division is much weaker.

However, because the US military is well prepared and has strong defensive positions, its firepower is also quite fierce.

Therefore, the attacking volunteer soldiers were still stubbornly blocked, and the battle fell into a stalemate, and the fighting was very fierce.

Wu Qianli slowly put down the telescope and said: "The attack has been blocked. It is estimated that it will be our turn tomorrow."

"But this is not what I want to see. Now I only hope that friendly forces can defeat this US military force as soon as possible."

Mei Sheng said: "The strength of the US military is still not weak, but even if we cannot break through their defense line tonight, after this night of fighting, the strength of the US military will be greatly consumed."

"When we launch the attack tomorrow, we will definitely be able to defeat them in one fell swoop."

Wu Qianli said with a serious face: "Go back to bed and regain your energy. Tomorrow, we will kill these idiots." (End of Chapter)

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