The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 214 The honor of the empire on which the sun never sets, the final fantasy of the British ar

This wave of tricks by the British army to deceive their teammates made the Philippine [-]th Battalion miserable.

After losing the protection of the tanks, bullets from the volunteers fell like raindrops. The enemy troops were killed and injured, and the valley was covered with enemy corpses.

This move by the British army also completely angered the commander of the Philippine army, Lieutenant Colonel Ogada.

Lieutenant Colonel Ogada yelled: "These hateful British guys are so shameless. They deserve to go to hell."

"If the British don't even save the British, why should we die for them?"

"Retreat immediately~! Retreat quickly~!"

Lieutenant Colonel Ogada gave the order, and the remaining enemy troops immediately fled the valley in disarray, leaving only corpses and blown-up tanks and cars everywhere.

The news reached Brody's command headquarters, and the old guy almost became so angry that he vomited blood.


"This bastard should be sent to a military court."

The staff officer next to him said: "The Philippine battalion has refused to send troops to support us, and now the frontal attack is not going well either. We..."

Brody's troops and the Canadian Army's 25th Brigade were in a frontal attack, but they encountered stubborn resistance from the main force of the volunteers and their progress was blocked.

It was originally thought that the Philippine Battalion could open a gap from the flank and rescue the Gloucester Battalion, but in the end this was the result.

Although Major General Brody was angry, there was nothing he could do about it. The Philippine Battalion could not be entirely blamed for this matter. The heavy tank company he sent was not strong enough, and he still cheated his teammates like this. No wonder he was angry.

Major General Brody shouted angrily: "Continue to strengthen the offensive on the frontal battlefield."

"Give me the call from the US 65th Group immediately!"

In addition to the Philippine Battalion, the U.S. 65th Regiment also received orders to support Brody.

Since the Philippine Battalion refused to continue the attack, Brody could only pin all his hopes on the US 65th Regiment.

"Sir, the call is connected. It's Colonel Harris, commander of the US 65th Regiment."

When asking for help, Brody was still very polite. He said a few polite words first, and then asked: "Dear Colonel Harris, where are your support troops?"

What Major General Brody never imagined was that Colonel Harris was a big slippery man.

Colonel Harris said quickly: "Your Majesty General, I have received an order to support you, and I am busy deploying troops."

"But you also know that there are too many Chinese troops on the opposite side. Their people are everywhere in the mountains and plains. We also have our own defense lines to defend."

"The number of troops that can be mobilized is really limited, and it is quite difficult to mobilize. I am working hard to mobilize the troops. Please be patient."

After hearing this, Major General Brody was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

But now that he had someone to ask for, Major General Brody could only say patiently: "Colonel Harris, we need emergency rescue now, and I hope your troops will leave as soon as possible."

"Although there are many Chinese troops on the opposite side, it is daytime and they dare not launch an attack at all."

Colonel Harris asked: "Your Majesty General, are you sure that the Chinese army on the opposite side really will not launch an attack during the day?"

"What if they suddenly launch a surprise attack while our plane is returning?"

"The Chinese army is very cunning. Once I deploy too many troops to support you, they will definitely take advantage of the void in our defenses and launch a surprise attack."

"If I lose my position, it may lead to the collapse of our entire U.S. military. Can you help me shoulder this responsibility?"

Brody almost choked to death with one sentence.

Brody said angrily: "Are you going to disobey orders and refuse to save me?"

Colonel Harris said: "I have never said such a thing. In fact, I am also seizing the time to mobilize troops."

Major General Brody said quickly: "Okay! Even if you only send one battalion to support, you can do it!"

"The remaining troops can completely defend the defense line. Don't they dare to attack during the day?"

Colonel Harris said: "Your Excellency, General, are you the commander of the Chinese army?"

"How do you know they don't dare to attack? I don't dare to take the risk!"

Major General Brody was so angry that he wanted to rush to the headquarters of the US 65th Regiment immediately and slap this bastard hard.

"You just want to die without saving me!"

"I have tried my best to rescue you, but I didn't expect you to have this attitude."

"If you really want to rescue us, why haven't the troops set off yet?"

"Am I mobilizing troops?"

"Are you disobeying orders?"

"Disobey whose order? Disobey your order? You seem to have no control over me!"

"Fake~! Didn't your superiors give you an order to support us?"

"As I said just now, I received such an order. I am currently deploying troops. We will support you as soon as possible."

"Asshole, you are a complete asshole. What good will it do you if you deliberately delay time like this?"

"General, you have wronged me. Is this how you British treat friendly troops who want to help you? Do you still have the spirit of a gentleman?"

"Gentleman, sir!"

"Fake, please watch your words and deeds."

"Be careful, you beast. If I don't see your troops come to support in time, I will definitely go to the coalition court to sue you."

"Fuck you! You can sue me wherever you like. I'm still afraid of you, an old mad dog!"


Brody was shaking with anger and yelled.

Harris was no longer polite, and the two men took the microphone and started yelling at each other.

After scolding him for a while, Brody seemed to feel that continuing to scold him was not an option.

So, he sighed and decided to give in again.

"Okay! Let's all calm down."

Brody said sincerely: "Now I am begging you, send troops to support us quickly! Even if you send fewer troops!"

Colonel Harris also knew that scolding like this was not an option, and he calmed down. Naturally, this slick guy would not let him get the handle. If he went too far, he would not be able to explain to his superiors.

"Your Majesty the General is right. I just received the news that we have deployed a tank company. I will send this tank company to support you."

"Only one tank company?"

"Currently, there is only one tank company! Maybe we may be able to mobilize more troops later, and then we will send more troops to support." Harris also made a concession.

But Brody was extremely dissatisfied with this and said angrily: "Without a strong infantry unit to coordinate operations, do you think your tank unit could get close to Camp Gloucester?"

Colonel Harris pondered for a moment and said: "Your Majesty General, I think what you said is very reasonable, but what if it succeeds?"

"How about this! I'll send a platoon up first to try my luck?"

A platoon?

Try your luck?Brody was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He felt that if he continued to talk to this bastard, he would be pissed to death.

Major General Brody got angry again and yelled into the microphone: "You son of a bitch, you can do whatever you like!"

"But I won't let you go. If anything happens to Camp Gloucester, I swear that you, a brat, will be sent to a military court."

After finishing his curse, Major General Brody threw the microphone to the ground.


Brody was still angry and continued to curse: "These Americans are really unreliable."

"At the critical moment, we have to rely on ourselves. No one can count on us."

"Send the order immediately, order the troops, and strengthen the offensive. I don't believe we can't open the gap."

"Yes, sir!"

At the same time, Colonel Harris on the other end of the phone just smiled and hung up the phone gently.

Although he was scolded a lot, he also scolded Major General Brody just now.

What's more, Colonel Harris didn't care at all. He wouldn't lose a piece of meat after being scolded a few times. What's the big deal? It would be better to piss this hateful British guy to death.

They have no ability themselves, they are surrounded, and they beg us to rescue them, and they still have the same attitude.

Why should I save them and let them all die? They are a bunch of trash who only succeeds but fails.

Although he was thinking this in his mind, he then thought about it. After all, the headquarters had given them orders, and he couldn't let Brody and the others really grasp the handle.

A staff officer next to him asked cautiously: "Commander, do we still send troops to support?"

Colonel Harris said: "Of course, didn't I say that? Send a tank platoon up to try your luck first, and tell them to be smart and pay attention to safety. I want you to rescue them, not to die."

"Yes, sir!"

Subsequently, under the order of Colonel Harris, the US 65th Regiment sent only one tank platoon to support.

Four US-24 tanks were swaying towards the snow horse. They also wanted to open a breakthrough from here.

However, halfway, they encountered the British heavy tank company that had just withdrawn from the front line, but now they only had five "Captain Centurion" heavy tanks left.

After the two troops met, the leader of the British army, Major Hus, asked about the American troops. After a conversation, he learned that the other party was here for support. Major Hus's face immediately dropped.

"Did you just send four US-24 tanks to support us?"

"Yes! Of course, there may be more troops behind!"


Major Huss said angrily: "Are you here to support me? I think you are here to die? Or are you here to go through the motions and fool around?"

"Major, what do you mean by this?" the U.S. Army lieutenant asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Major Huss said angrily: "Our heavily armored Centurion tanks don't work. What's the use of thin-skinned iron coffins like yours?"

"And you only sent four pitiful tanks? I don't think you are sincere in coming to rescue at all."

"In that case, please go back! We British don't need your shameful tricks!"

The US military lieutenant did not argue and said: "I will report the matter truthfully. As for how to decide, that is not something I, a little lieutenant, can say."

The U.S. Army lieutenant said, giving a military salute, then returned to his tank, and used the radio to notify the regiment headquarters of the news.

After Colonel Harris received the notice, he smiled and said: "Did those British guys really say that?"


The staff officer who made the report said: "They also scolded us for this behavior as extremely shameless behavior."


Colonel Harris no longer cared about this, snorted coldly, and smiled broadly on his face.

The staff officer asked in confusion: "Sir, they scolded us, why are you so happy?"

Colonel Harris smiled and said: "Didn't you just say it? Those British guys said it themselves and they don't need our rescue."

"Wouldn't it be better this way? It's not that we don't carry out the order, but that the British gentlemen act as heroes themselves. It's no wonder we are the ones to blame."

Colonel Harris is naturally happy, because this way they have a reasonable reason. If Brody sues him, he will have something to say.

Colonel Harris continued: "Let them come back! And immediately send an order to all troops. No more soldiers are allowed to be sent to Camp Gloucester without my order."

"Yes, sir!"


A staff officer in Major General Brody's command also reported the matter to Major General Brody.

Major General Brody cursed angrily: "Faker, these shameful bastards, did they really only send one platoon here, or was it a light tank platoon?"


Major General Brody scolded: "Harris, that bastard, he's just coping."

"But Major Hus is also a bastard who succeeds more than he fails. They retreated on their own, tricked the Philippine Battalion, offended them, and now they are pushing back the US military."

"I really want to shoot this bastard!"

Major General Brody was really going crazy this time, but anger would not solve the problem.

A colonel asked: "Your Majesty General, it seems that we can only rely on ourselves now."

Brody frowned and said: "The frontline attack is blocked, those hateful enemies are desperately resisting, and we can't open the gap at all. What should I do?"

Time passed by minute by minute. After dark, the volunteers would definitely launch a large-scale attack. By then, Camp Gloucester would be completely finished.

The colonel said: "We are already attacking with all our strength. Both our 29th Brigade and the Canadian Army's 25th Brigade have suffered heavy losses."

"The enemy occupies favorable terrain and resists desperately. Our attack at any cost will bring us even heavier casualties."

"We have paid an even greater price to rescue this Gloucester camp."

When Major General Brody heard that the losses were so heavy, the muscles on his face couldn't help but tremble.

"Are you saying that if we continue to fight, the gains will outweigh the losses?"

The colonel nodded and said, "Based on the current situation, that's it."

"Moreover, the resistance of the Chinese army is very tenacious. We have no hope at all now. It seems that we are just wasting our troops."

Major General Brody couldn't help but hesitate and said: "But Gloucester Battalion is our meritorious battalion. If they are really wiped out by the Chinese army, it will have a huge impact on us."

The colonel sighed helplessly and said, "But we have tried our best. At least based on the current situation, the probability of rescuing Camp Gloucester is very low."


Major General Brody cursed angrily: "For the honor of the Empire on which the sun never sets, we must make a last-ditch effort."

"Keep attacking!"

"Never give up until the last moment!" (End of Chapter)

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