The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 215 The end of the British Royal Double Emblem Camp!

The reason why Major General Brodie was so persistent was not simply to save the meritorious battalion of Gloucester Camp, but most importantly, to save his military career.

Once the Gloucester Battalion is really wiped out, then his position as brigade commander will definitely come to an end.

Judging from the current situation, once removed from his post, Major General Brodie will inevitably retire even if he is not sent to a military court.

Once he retires, it means that his military career is completely over.

Major General Brody was really unwilling to give in, so he wanted to give it a final try.

Under the orders of Major General Brody, the British 29th Brigade and the Canadian 25th Brigade continued to launch a fierce attack on the volunteer blocking positions.

The battle was very fierce. The soldiers relied on their positions to repulse the enemy's attacks many times and eliminated a large number of enemies.

Wu Qianli lay on the ground, watching the enemy soldiers rushing up, and kept shooting.

With Wu Qianli's current strength, plus the system upgrade's bonus of hitting every shot, he can shoot one shot at a time without missing a single shot.

As crisp gunshots rang out, the enemies fell one after another under the muzzle of Wu Qianli's gun.

Wu Wanli has been by Wu Qianli's side, reloading bullets for Wu Qianli.

Under Wu Qianli's careful teaching, Wu Wanli's marksmanship has also been significantly improved.

While helping Wu Qianli load bullets, Wu Wanli would also look for opportunities to fire a few shots.

Although his marksmanship is not very good, he still killed two enemies in the battle just now.

Wu Wanli observed secretly and saw an enemy approaching.

He saw the opportunity, raised his gun and fired.


With a crisp gunshot, the bullet hit the enemy's chest.

A stream of blood spurted out, and the enemy groaned and fell to the ground, dying.

Wu Wanli shouted excitedly: "Brother, I killed three of them."

"Good job!"

Wu Qianli praised, and then pulled the trigger again.

"Bang Bang~!"

Two crisp gunshots rang out, bullets flew quickly towards the enemy, and two foreign devils were shot one after another, all with one shot to the head.

Since the soldiers of the Gang [-]th Regiment were in a commanding position, the enemy was attacking from above and was subject to certain restrictions.

So in this case, for a sharpshooter like Wu Qianli, headshots are simpler and easier.

After a fierce battle, the enemy once again left corpses on the ground and retreated in panic.

After the enemy was defeated, Wu Qianli led the soldiers, put away their weapons and ammunition, carried the wounded and quickly evacuated the position, returning to the tunnel of the anti-slope position.

Soon, the United Nations' artillery fire fell, violent explosions continued to sound, the artillery fire enveloped the entire position, and the entire mountain was trembling slightly.

Dust and gravel kept falling from the top of the pit. Wu Qianli shook the dust off his head and cursed: "These bastards are really desperate."

"But I like it! Hahahaha..."

Wu Qianli said with a grin. The reason for this was because the enemy attacked desperately, even at all costs, although it caused a lot of pressure on the Gangqi Regiment.

But taking advantage of the terrain and taking advantage of this opportunity, the Gangqi Regiment had already eliminated a large number of enemies.

Wu Qianli was naturally very happy to be able to eliminate more enemies.

At this time, Yu Congrong came over and said: "Commander, this time the enemy should have sent a lot of troops to counterattack in order to rescue the Groshasha battalion, right?"

Wu Qianli said: "I just contacted the friendly forces and got some news."

"So far, only the 29th Brigade of the British Army and the 25th Brigade of the Canadian Army have counterattacked. The remaining troops have no intention of launching a counterattack for the time being."

Yu Congrong was slightly surprised and said, "In other words, the foreign devils did not increase their troops to launch an attack during the day?"

"Didn't a large number of enemies retreat nearby?"

After hearing this, Ping He shook his head and said, "According to our reconnaissance, there are not many nearby enemy troops coming for reinforcements."

Lei Gong took a puff from his dry pipe and guessed, "Maybe it's because our main force is approaching. Even in the daytime, they don't dare to act rashly."

Wu Qianli pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "I don't think so. If we don't dare to act rashly, we should be able to mobilize some troops to support."

"My guess is that most of the nearby troops are American troops or other troops. There are fewer British troops. Other troops are not willing to invest too many troops to rescue the British troops."

Mason nodded and said: "Well, maybe...except for the British 29th Brigade, which is more desperate, even the Canadian 25th Brigade's attack is not that fierce."

Wu Qianli smiled slightly and said, "It seems that these guys are not monolithic."

"But this is not surprising. After all, we come from more than a dozen different countries, each with their own plans. How can they be united as one?"

"Some of them are basically just here to make up the numbers, and the US military is probably more concerned about its own people and not that concerned about rescuing the British army."

Yu Congrong nodded and said: "Grandma, that's fine. If they really unite as one, it will be even harder to deal with."

Wu Qianli said with a smile: "But this Brody is quite capable. For one Gloucester Battalion, they probably paid more than one battalion."

"It seems that the enemy really attaches great importance to this Gloucester camp."

Mei Sheng nodded and said: "That's true. The British 29th Brigade lost hundreds of people on our position alone."

"It's just a pity that the other enemy troops are not so active in the rescue. If they all come to support, we will definitely achieve greater results."

Because the Volunteer Army's strategy at the time was to encircle the point for reinforcements, they hoped that Camp Gloucester, as a bait, could lure more enemies over and take the opportunity to eliminate more of the enemy's effective forces.

However, the current effect is not very satisfactory. So far, the main attacks have been fought by the British 29th Brigade and the Canadian 25th Brigade.

Wu Qianli smiled and said: "But it doesn't matter. Originally, these enemies were not so united."

"After something like this, it can only further increase their discord."

"Although we face more than a dozen enemies, the most important ones are the United States and Britain, and of course, South Korea's stick."

"And if the US military fails to pay attention to the rescue this time, the British army will definitely be scolded. Once they have a rift, will they still cooperate so tacitly in the future?"

"This is a good thing for us."

After hearing this, Yu Congrong thought about it and realized that this was indeed the truth. He said with a smile: "Haha~! Our leader is still smart and thinks about things differently from us."

Wu Qianli smiled and said, "I am just thinking like an ordinary person."

Wu Wanli glanced at Wu Qianli and said resentfully: "Brother, do you mean to say that we are stupid?"

Wu Qianli grinned and said, "You said this yourself, I didn't."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Immediately, a burst of hearty laughter sounded.

"Stop talking so much and get ready to fight."

"I guess our enemy is ready to make another move."

Wu Qianli patted Wu Wanli on the shoulder and said to everyone.


After a while
The enemy launched two more attacks. Under the tenacious resistance of the volunteer soldiers, the United Nations troops were repelled again.

Wu Qianli looked at the United Nations troops who were retreating in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "I guess this should be the enemy's last attack."

The reason why I say this is because the sky is gradually getting dark now.

It will be dark soon, and after dark, the main force of the volunteer army will definitely continue to launch attacks.

When the time comes, the United Nations forces will not be able to protect themselves, and naturally they will be unable to rescue the besieged Gloucester Camp.

On the way back to the tunnel, Wu Qianli raised his head and glanced in the distance, where the Gloucester Camp was surrounded.

If nothing unexpected happens, it is estimated that the Gloucester Battalion will be completely wiped out soon.

Wu Qianli said with some disappointment: "It's a pity that we can't catch up."

Wu Qianli and the others were responsible for the reinforcements, and they had been fighting for a whole day. Let alone besieging Gloucester Camp, even if they continued to attack tonight, they probably wouldn't be able to get their turn.

The Gang [-]th Regiment, which had fought for a day and repelled more than a dozen enemy attacks, would probably be left to rest on the spot and would not be able to participate in tonight's battle.

Sure enough, after dark, the enemy temporarily stopped attacking.

At this time, Shiji's order also came down.

Mei Sheng said: "Captain, we have just received a new telegram. The seventh regiment and the first offensive regiment are all resting on the spot, waiting for new instructions."

Wu Qianli had expected this, so it was not surprising, but now he asked: "What about the rest of the troops? Will they continue to attack tonight?"

Mei Sheng nodded and said: "Yes, the other troops will launch the attack according to the original plan."

"And the Gloucester Battalion is no longer worth keeping. According to the instructions from our superiors, troops will be mobilized tonight to completely encircle and annihilate the Gloucester Battalion."

"So there must be a big battle going on tonight. Unfortunately, we can only watch the fun."

Wu Qianli waved his hand and said, "I'm too lazy to watch this excitement. If I have this time, I might as well have a good sleep."

"When you have enough energy, you will have the strength to fight the enemy."

"It's not our turn tonight, but what about tomorrow? It should be our turn tomorrow too!"

"So it definitely doesn't hurt to be mentally prepared in advance."


After the attack failed again, Major General Brody angrily cursed: "Fake, these trash, they are all a bunch of trash."

"We fought for a whole day and night, with the help of aircraft and artillery, but we couldn't even take down a small hilltop."

"Even if you win a hilltop for us, it will be fine! That's good. Fighting for so long is equivalent to fighting in vain. It's really unreasonable."

A colonel next to him said cautiously: "General, please calm down. The matter has come to this, and we can only choose to accept the reality."

"Accept the truth?"

Major General Brody gritted his teeth and asked, "What about Camp Gloucester?"

"Can't we just give up like this?"

"The United Nations forces have already lost a French battalion, and now even the British Royal Double Emblem Battalion will be wiped out by the Chinese army!?"

The colonel frowned and said, "General, there is no other way. The Gloucester Battalion can only rely on themselves."

"At night, the Chinese army will definitely launch an attack, and the US military will definitely be defeated again by then."

"If we do not withdraw, once the US troops on both wings retreat, we will also be surrounded by the enemy."

"We can't put the entire brigade in just for one battalion, right?"

When Major General Brody heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then slumped down in his chair.

The colonel quickly handed over a small map and continued to deal a fatal blow to Brody.

"If you look at it, we have US troops on both sides, and the volunteers have already advanced to this front line. Preliminary estimates are that there are several to 10 of them."

"Even if the Canadian Army's 25th Brigade advances and retreats with us, our two brigades cannot defeat them at all. It is easy to be surrounded by them."

"By then we will be the same as Camp Gloucester. Can you count on those nasty Yankees to rescue us?"

"They are eager to let us consume more volunteer troops so that they can reduce casualties."

Major General Brody angrily yelled: "It's all these damn Americans, I'm not done with them."

"I will definitely court-martial them."

In desperation, Major General Brody had no choice but to abandon Camp Gloucester. There was no other way.

But he didn't want to take this responsibility himself, so he could only shirk responsibility, saying that the US military's rescue was not successful, which led to the failure of the Gloucester Battalion to be rescued.

Afterwards, Major General Brody did file a complaint with the coalition military court.

But it is a pity that this court is also dominated by Americans, and they naturally support their own people.

Although after receiving the complaint, they sent an investigation team to investigate the details of the incident.

But in the end they came to the conclusion that there was nothing improper in the handling of the US Army's Harris Regiment and the Philippine Battalion.

The Gloucester Battalion was completely wiped out because of his battalion commander's improper handling.

Of course, this is just a later story.

Closer to home.

Major General Brody frowned and said: "Give me the order immediately and prepare the troops to retreat!"

"Send a telegram to Camp Gloucester and ask them to break out with all their strength. We will respond. As for whether they can break out, it's up to them. I believe God will bless them."

Major General Brodie's order was quickly sent to the headquarters of the Gloucester Battalion.

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn looked at the telegram and was shaking with anger.


"Bless you, uncle!"

"These bastards, they want to run away and ignore us."

"Let us break out now? If we could break out, we would have broken out long ago. Will we still stay here?"


Lieutenant Colonel Kahn was not a fool. Through this telegram, he guessed that his Gloucester Battalion might have been abandoned by Brody.

Although he also understands Brody's current situation, he knows that Brody is helpless.

But you know, you will still get angry when you are angry.

A British officer next to him said cautiously: "Sir, do you mean that the brigade commander will no longer care about us?"

When Lieutenant Colonel Kahn heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He didn't know how to answer this question for a while. (End of chapter)

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