The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 216 The volunteers lured the snake out of the hole, and the British army fought desperately

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn hesitated and said: "Well...the brigade commander said he would let us break out and would help us. He shouldn't have abandoned us yet."

"As long as we can break out, we're safe."

The British officer asked: "Do we really want to break through? But the surrounding areas are blocked by Chinese troops. If we break through, we will die."

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn said: "Even if we stick to our position, aren't we just waiting to die?"

The British officer was immediately speechless.

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn walked to the map, stared at it and said, "But I still have to study the details of how to break through."

"There can't be any mistakes, otherwise we will be in trouble."

The British officer next to him said cautiously: "The Chinese army has surrounded us, and we are surrounded by enemies."

"The brigade commander mobilized more than two brigades of troops, and they didn't even open a gap from the outside to come in to support us. Can we break out with just a few of us now?"

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn said with a serious face: "Then you can't wait to die here!"

"You have to try to know if you can break out."

"Instruct all troops to prepare for battle and be sure to seize the opportunity to break out."

"yes sir!"

The British officers present took orders one after another.


Volunteer Army Frontline Command.

The leader stared at the sand table in front of him and said thoughtfully: "Following the instructions from our superiors, we will continue to attack forward."

"But the surrounded Gloucester Camp must also be dealt with."

"Before, we wanted to encircle the point for reinforcements and try to eliminate their troops as much as possible, but the enemy's rescue was not too active. In the end, the British Army's 29th Brigade and the Canadian Army's 25th Brigade have been carrying out rescue operations."

"The US military is not active, so our strategic purpose has not been fully achieved, but since the enemy is not so active in rescuing Gloucester Camp, there is no need for us to keep them."

That's when the deputy asked, "So what are you going to do about them."

The leader said casually: "With the strength of two regiments, it is enough to encircle and destroy them. The remaining troops will assist the main force and continue to advance south to defeat the main force of the enemy."

"But there is no need for us to rush to attack them, because judging from the previous situation, this place is easy to defend but difficult to attack. The enemy has been prepared and has strong firepower. If we attack rashly, the casualties will definitely be considerable. .”

"We can't do this kind of loss-making business."

"But... think about it, if we defeat the main force of the United Nations Army, the main force of the United Nations Army will flee."

"So what will happen to this Gloucester camp?"

A staff officer said: "They will definitely find a way to break out. After all, they can't stay here and wait to die."

The chief nodded and said: "We are not afraid that they will not move, we are afraid that they will stay where they are."

"As long as they move, we can easily kill them."

"So I ordered the besieging troops not to move for the time being and wait for them to break through."

"The artillery units can shell them, which can be considered as driving them away and forcing them to break out."


At this time, someone asked: "Chief, what if they insist on refusing to break through?"

The leader pondered for a moment and said, "If they continue to refuse to break out, we can't wait forever."

"With 02:30 in the morning as the deadline, if they don't break out, then at 02:30, we will organize an attack and try to kill them."

"If you can't kill them, then continue to surround them and besiege them until they die."

"As long as their main force is defeated, they will definitely not be able to hold on for long, so it is only a matter of time before the Gloucester Battalion is eliminated."



Under the command of the chief, the artillery unit concentrated a batch of artillery fire and began to bombard the Gloucester Camp position.

At this moment, the enemy had built a lot of fortifications. These foreign devils could only hide in the fortifications and passively suffered bombings.

Because their heavy weapons such as artillery and tanks had been completely destroyed in yesterday's battle, they now have no heavy firepower.

However, these fortifications are enough to withstand the bombardment of the volunteers, but they will not send them all to hell.

But these guys are not fools. Reinforcements never arrived. After being surrounded for such a long time, an atmosphere of panic gradually spread among the troops. The morale of the Gloucester Battalion has gradually dropped to the bottom, and is still declining. With.

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn also understood this situation. In the headquarters, Lieutenant Colonel Kahn said helplessly: "The matter has come to this, and we have to organize a breakout."

"If we continue to wait for death here, let alone hopelessness, we will collapse first without waiting for the Chinese army to fight."

"But the Chinese army is surrounding us. Is it possible for us to break out?" A British officer raised an objection.

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn said: "Did you hear the sound of artillery in the distance?"

"so what?"

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn said: "That is the main force of the Chinese army launching an attack on our friendly forces."

"According to their strategy, they will definitely launch an attack at night. That is to say, their main force is now attacking our main force with all their strength."

"Perhaps the defenses of the enemy troops around us are at their weakest now. If we suddenly launch an attack, we may be able to open a hole."

At this time, another British officer said: "But the enemy is shelling us. They must be attacking us. This shows that they should have a lot of troops here."

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn said: "Have you noticed it?"

"Their shelling was intermittently, firing a few shots, stopping for a while, and then firing a few more shots. What does this mean?"

A British officer tentatively replied: "It means they don't have many shells."

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn frowned and said, "I'm really worried about your IQ. Of course, what you said is true, but anyone with an IQ of ten years old can see this."

"That's not what I'm talking about, and it's not the most important point."

"If they launch an attack, even if they are short of artillery shells, they will use all the artillery shells together and will not launch artillery attacks intermittently like now."

"This shows that they have no intention of launching an attack. Their shelling is a bluff, not to kill us, but to scare us and make us think that they are going to launch an attack, so we can only be honest. Stay here and don’t dare to move.”

"This was their true intention, and why didn't they attack? Do you know why?"

Without waiting for anyone to answer, Lieutenant Colonel Kahn continued: "Why? Because they don't have enough troops. They used all their main forces to attack other troops." "And the troops left around us are seriously insufficient. Why don't they What about launching an attack?"

"Just because we were defending in danger and had the advantage in firepower, they thought that we were already a piece of meat in their mouths. We were surrounded and couldn't escape even if they wanted to. So they prepared to trap us and force us to death." We surrender so that they can win this battle at the minimum cost."

"What I'm saying is, they're delusional."

"We must not wait to die here. We must take the initiative to launch a breakout operation when their siege forces are at their lowest. I believe that with our strength and combat effectiveness, we can completely open a hole in their defense line and break out."

"As long as we can successfully break out, the danger will be eliminated. It won't be long before we can rendezvous with the main force."

"I believe this is our only chance and we have to seize this opportunity and break out no matter what."

The British officers present were all silent after listening to Lieutenant Colonel Kahn's analysis.

After a while, an officer carefully put forward his opinion and said: "We now occupy a favorable terrain, so the enemy does not dare to attack. If we take the initiative to break through, our advantage will be gone."

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn said: "But if we don't break out, we will have to wait here to die!"

"Do you want to wait to die here? Or maybe you want to go to a prisoner of war camp in China."

"Those guys can't even feed themselves, and entering their prison camp will also lead to death."

"Our only hope now is to break out. Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, we should try hard instead of waiting to die here."

Hearing this, the British officer also shut his mouth obediently.

Under Lieutenant Colonel Kahn's repeated insistence, the Gloucester Battalion finally decided to break out with all its strength.

In fact, they have already lost their best opportunity to break out. If they break out now, they are nothing more than seeking death.

According to the commander's instructions, the troops surrounding the Gloucester Camp were all fully prepared. Now they were not afraid of them breaking out, but they were afraid of them lying in place and not moving.

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn was not completely brainless. This old guy decided to break out at 1 o'clock in the morning.

Because according to his judgment, this period of time should be a time when the Volunteer Army's defense is relatively empty, so the success rate of the breakout is relatively high.

In order to successfully break out, the British army also made corresponding preparations in advance.

One o'clock

Under the personal command of Lieutenant Colonel Kahn, the Gloucester Battalion began its breakout.

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn did not rush, but first sent a small elite unit in an attempt to sneak attack the volunteer position.

However, when they approached the position, they were discovered by the defending volunteer soldiers, and the battle began immediately.

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn frowned and ordered: "Immediately concentrate all artillery fire and bombard the Chinese army's blocking position. No matter what, blow a hole for me to come out."

"yes sir!"

Following Lieutenant Colonel Kahn's order, rumbles of artillery sounded immediately from the British artillery position.

The artillery shells flew quickly towards the volunteer positions with a harsh whistling sound.

Following violent explosions, the forward position was immediately engulfed in artillery fire.

At this time, Lieutenant Colonel Kahn loudly ordered: "Concentrate all your efforts on me and break out to the south. No matter what, we must occupy their position."

Under the order of Lieutenant Colonel Kahn, the British army immediately launched a fierce attack.

A large number of British soldiers rushed towards the volunteer positions as if they were crazy.

The battle started completely.

A regiment leader climbed to the top of a mountain, observed the situation on the battlefield, and said excitedly: "The leader is really clever, they really broke through."

The chief of staff next to him said: "It seems that these guys are unwilling to wait for death here, so they can only choose to break out."

The group leader smiled and said: "This is just right. Since these British guys are seeking death themselves, then we will help them."

"Inform the troops that a hole can be opened to let them out."

"As long as their main force leaves the camp, they will definitely die."

The chief of staff said with a smile: "The terrain of their camp is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and there are so many defenses, like a turtle shell, it is not easy to kill them."

"But as long as they move and leave this turtle shell, they are dead."

The chief of staff said that he had already ordered people to pass on the order immediately.

Under the command of the regiment commander, the blocking troops deliberately made a way.

"Report to the battalion commander that our army has successfully defeated the enemy in front of us and occupied the opposite position."

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn was overjoyed and quickly ordered: "Okay, it seems that the Chinese army is not as powerful as imagined."

"Order the troops to continue attacking with all their strength."

"The rest of the troops will immediately join the battle. Let's try our best to rush out."

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn didn't want to continue waiting for death here, so he had no choice but to fight desperately and lead his troops to break through with all their strength.

Under the personal command of Lieutenant Colonel Kahn, the Gloucester Battalion successively conquered two lines of defense of the Volunteer Army.

Its main force has all left the camp and is advancing southward along a mountain road.

At this time, under the command of the leader, another main group launched an attack from the front and gradually occupied the British camp.

After the news was conveyed to the military headquarters, the chief said excitedly: "Great, without this turtle shell, I'll see how long this gang can hold on."

A staff officer pointed to the sand table and said: "They are advancing along this road. This is a valley. We have ambushed a regiment here. As long as they enter the valley, they will definitely die. No one can save them."

The chief smiled and said: "They are seeking death themselves, so naturally no one can save them."

"Give me the order to go down and beat me hard. You must ensure that you kill this enemy. Not a single enemy can escape. What I want is total annihilation, not defeat."


The staff officer responded quickly: "Chief, just don't worry, they will definitely not be able to escape."

"No one can escape."


The chief laughed excitedly.

Because on the battlefield of the main force, the main forces launched an offensive and the progress was quite smooth. The United Nations forces were forced to continue to retreat.

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn also learned the news and knew that their friendly forces would only get further and further away from them. If they did not break through, they would have no chance, so they insisted on breaking through. (End of chapter)

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