The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 217 A lone hero captured several British soldiers by himself!

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn moved forward with the team. At this time, a British officer couldn't help but remind: "Sir, are we going too smoothly? I'm worried that this is a conspiracy of the Chinese army."

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn frowned slightly, but at this moment, he still held a trace of fantasy in his heart.

"What conspiracy?"

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn said angrily: "Didn't I say it before? They must have insufficient troops. All of China's main forces have been transferred to attack our main force, so there are not enough troops to surround us."

"They want to trap us, and we must not let them do it. As long as we get out of here as soon as possible, we will be safe."

After hearing this, the British officer could not say anything more and could only start to retreat with Lieutenant Colonel Kahn.

In order to break out of the encirclement in time, the British army also discarded all unnecessary things this time and tried their best to break out of the encirclement.

They didn't even carry too much food, which meant that if they couldn't join the main force in time, they would probably run out of food soon.

Of course, the volunteers have set up an ambush, and they can't hold on for long.

The blocking volunteer troops were defeated steadily under the fierce offensive of the Gloucester Battalion, and soon these British troops entered the valley.

The long team, like a big snake, slowly advanced in the valley.

Inside the army headquarters, the commander stared at the sand table, as if waiting for something.

At this time, a staff officer ran over quickly and said: "Report to the commander, report from the front, Gloucester Battalion has completely entered the valley."

The chief shouted excitedly: "Great, immediately follow the original plan, block both ends of the valley, block all the British troops in the valley, and launch an attack immediately. We must strive to completely annihilate these British troops in the shortest possible time." "


A staff officer next to him quickly responded, and turned around to convey the order.

"Dong dong dong~!"

The dull sound of artillery continued to sound, and artillery shells flew towards the forward position one after another.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

Violent explosions continued to sound, pieces of fire rose into the sky, and artillery fire instantly blocked the valley.

Blocking the British army's retreat, the British soldiers who entered the valley turned around and looked around after hearing the movement, only to see that they were caught in artillery fire behind them.

A British officer quickly shouted: "The Chinese army's artillery fire will soon spread. We must leave here as soon as possible, rush forward with all our strength, and we must leave the valley as soon as possible."

Then, the British troops rushed forward in a chaotic manner.

However, at this moment, at the other end of the valley, a volunteer army had occupied favorable terrain and built a blocking position.

They blocked the exit of the valley. Although the British army rushed forward desperately, they failed completely in several consecutive attacks.

The volunteer army's firepower became more and more fierce, and the British army was completely trapped in the valley.

At this time, volunteers also appeared on the mountains on both sides. The soldiers lying in ambush nearby launched an attack at the same time.

For a moment there were gunshots and explosions.

The dense rain of bullets continued to sweep into the valley, causing casualties to the British army.

Hand grenades also flew into the crowd of British soldiers one after another, knocking the enemy off their backs and causing heavy casualties.

At this moment, the British army was completely in chaos.

A British officer panicked and said to Lieutenant Colonel Kahn: "Sir, we are ambushed!"

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn was also panicking at this moment, but at this time, he had no other choice.

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn said angrily: "Don't mess around. Concentrate your troops and rush out from the front. As long as we get out of this valley, we can escape."

"Otherwise, we all have to die here. Life or death is at stake at this moment. We all need to rush forward with all our strength."

Under the orders of Lieutenant Colonel Kahn, the panicked British soldiers continued to rush forward.

However, the volunteer soldiers who blocked the attack this time did not continue to retreat in the face of the enemy's fierce attack. Instead, they concentrated all their firepower and fired fiercely.

The British troops who attacked for a while suffered heavy casualties. Faced with such heavy casualties, they also knew that if they continued to charge forward, they would die in vain, so they had no choice but to collapse.

At this time, Lieutenant Colonel Kahn was filled with regret. He didn't expect to be ambushed.

But it's too late to say anything.

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn turned around and took a look at the surrounding situation, then raised his hand and pointed, saying: "There is a hillside there. We can go up there first and rely on the terrain to resist their attack."

"Quick~! Order all troops to seize favorable terrain on the spot, switch to defense, and fight them."

"Yes sir!"

At this point, Lieutenant Colonel Kahn had no other choice but to hope that he could block the Volunteer Army's attack on the spot.

At this moment, the enemies trapped in the valley were completely in chaos.

At this moment, on the top of a mountain in the distance, the regiment leader held up a telescope, observed the situation, and then loudly ordered: "Send the order immediately, all troops launch an attack with all their strength, and destroy this enemy as soon as possible."


"Tick tick tick tick tick ~!"

The loud charge horn sounded, and the heroic volunteer soldiers roared one after another, rushing out of their positions one by one, and pounced on the enemy like tigers.

Liu Guangzi has always secretly vowed to make a great contribution this time.

Therefore, after the attack was launched, Liu Guangzi rushed forward desperately. Due to the blindness and the complicated terrain in the valley.

This charge was too fierce, and he quickly distanced himself from the other warriors.

But he still ignored it and vaguely saw the British army in front of him. Liu Guangzi rushed over with a gun and shouted.

As a result, dozens of people suddenly stood up from behind the stone and pointed guns at Liu Guangzi.

Liu Guangzi didn't expect that so many enemies would suddenly appear, with dozens of black guns pointed at him.

Liu Guangzi could only say silently in his heart: Calm down! Calm down!
  At this moment, these enemies looked at the gun in Liu Guangzi's hand without any fear, and they were all at a loss.

The two sides faced off for about two or three seconds, and Liu Guangzi still responded.

Liu Guangzi calmly opened the grenade and threw it directly into the enemy crowd. Then he fell backward and rolled down the hillside.

After the British soldiers saw the grenade, they screamed in fear and fled in all directions.


A violent explosion sounded, and several slow-running enemies were immediately knocked to the ground.

Liu Guangzi climbed up from the ground, observed the situation, and then continued to chase the enemy with a light machine gun.

Soon, Liu Guangzi intercepted a group of British troops again.

Liu Guangzi stood on a big rock, pointed his gun at the enemy, and shouted: "Don't move, I'll kill anyone who moves!"

Seeing Liu Guangzi's fierce momentum, like the god of war coming down to earth and taking down the British soldiers, they were all suffocated.

A British machine gunner was the first to throw away the machine gun in his hand and surrender obediently.

When the other British soldiers saw the leader, they all obediently threw down their weapons and raised their hands in surrender.

At this time, not far away, a group of British troops fled over.

Liu Guangzi held the machine gun and swept over with a single stroke. Several of the enemies were swept away, and the rest did not dare to run away. Liu Guangzi changed the bullets and gathered them all with his gun in hand. Seeing the British soldiers in the dark, Liu Guangzi felt happy for a long time. He finally made a great contribution.

Then Liu Guangzi took out the English leaflet in his pocket and handed it to the prisoners.

After reading the flyers, the prisoners all became honest.

Because it is written on the flyer that we treat prisoners preferentially, and as long as you give up resistance, we will ensure your safety and so on.

The reason why they surrendered so obediently was because they were already surrounded and could not break out, and they were surrounded by volunteers.

Especially the loud charge horn of the volunteers frightened them even more, and they no longer had the courage to resist.

Liu Guangzi held a machine gun and escorted this large group of prisoners, and soon joined the company.

The soldiers carefully counted them several times before they counted them clearly.

63 people!
  Liu Guangzi single-handedly captured 63 British soldiers, setting a record for the highest number of captured enemies by a single soldier.

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn led a group of people around him and ran up a hill in a panic, trying to hold on to the danger.

"Kill it~!"

Amid the deafening shouts of killing, volunteer soldiers surrounded him from all directions.

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn shouted at the top of his lungs: "Quick, knock them down."

Under the personal command of Lieutenant Colonel Kahn, the enemy began to rely on the terrain on the top of the mountain to counterattack.

After the surrounding volunteers attacked, they lost dozens of people in the face of the fierce firepower of the British army and were forced to temporarily stop the attack.

At this time, the Volunteer Army had fully grasped the initiative in the war.

The regiment commander immediately ordered, "Assemble all the artillery fire for me, aim it at the top of the mountain, and bombard me hard."

Following the regimental commander's order, the nearby volunteers immediately concentrated all their artillery and aimed at the top of the mountain to blast fiercely.

The British army had nowhere to hide and no fortifications on the top of the mountain.

The falling shells soon turned the top of the mountain into a sea of ​​flames, and the enemy also suffered heavy losses.

The Volunteer Army immediately launched another fierce attack, and a large number of Volunteer Army soldiers rushed towards the mountain one after another.

At this moment, the enemy who suffered heavy losses could no longer organize effective resistance, and soon all the resisting British troops were killed.

Seeing that the situation was over, the remaining British soldiers raised their hands and surrendered directly to the volunteers.

The volunteers successfully occupied the position on the top of the mountain. A battalion commander loudly ordered: "Clean the battlefield carefully. I opened my eyes wide and looked carefully."


While cleaning the battlefield, a soldier was picking up weapons and equipment from the enemy.

At this time, there seemed to be movement in the pile of corpses, and the soldier immediately became alert, quickly picked up his gun, walked over, and shouted: "Come out, don't hide in there and pretend to be dead."

"If you don't come out, I'll shoot."

It turned out that the person hiding in the pile of corpses and pretending to be dead was none other than Lieutenant Colonel Kahn. This guy heard the bell-like shouts of the volunteers. Although he couldn't understand, he almost peed with fear.

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn quickly shouted: "Don't shoot, am I surrendering?"

"I am your prisoner now, please don't kill me."

Lieutenant Colonel Kahn raised his hands high as he spoke, climbed out of the pile of corpses, and surrendered obediently to the volunteers.

In this way, the commander of the meritorious battalion became a prisoner of the volunteers and walked into the prisoner of war camp obediently. I look forward to his outstanding performance in the next POW Olympic Games.

In this way, the famous British ace Shuanghui Battalion was completely annihilated.

The news soon reached Brody.

"Reporting to your Excellency General, the Gloucester Camp has completely lost contact. It is estimated that the situation is in danger."

When Major General Brody heard this, he couldn't help but frowned and said, "So fast?"

The staff officer replied: "I received a report before that they encountered an ambush by the Chinese army when they broke through."

"So it is probably because the Chinese army occupies a favorable terrain and the Gloucester Battalion was ambushed that it was annihilated in such a short period of time."

Major General Brody couldn't help but scolded: "Kahn is also a complete fool, who fails more than succeeds!"

"What's the use of him!"

The staff officer said: "Your Excellency General, something has happened in Camp Gloucester now."

Major General Brody nodded and said: "This is already the case, what else can we do?"

"If those Americans hadn't refused to save them, how could they have ended up in this situation today?"

"If they are unkind, don't blame us for being unjust."

"Immediately pass the order, the troops will retreat with all their strength, and notify the J25 brigade to also retreat with all their strength."

"Yes sir!"

The staff officer quickly responded and turned around to convey the order.

With the Gloucester Battalion completely wiped out, Major General Brody no longer had any worries. He was a little reluctant at first, but now he had no worries and retreated with his troops, regardless of the friendly forces on both sides.

I asked you to come to the rescue before, but if you didn't come, don't blame me for tricking you.

However, this Brody also became cunning and did not openly disobey orders. He retreated too much, only [-] kilometers.

However, each time he withdrew an extra kilometer or two, and then deployed only a small number of troops at the front, while the main troops were all deployed five kilometers away so that they could escape at any time.

After a day's rest, the Gangqi Regiment also headed to the front line.

At a temporary resting place, Pinghe pointed to the map and said to Wu Qianli: "Commander, judging from the previous situation, Brody's British 29th Brigade retreats very quickly every time."

"Maybe they are afraid of being beaten. After all, the most elite Gloucester Battalion was just killed by us."

Mei Sheng on the side frowned slightly, glanced at the map, and asked: "Captain, what should we do next?"

Wu Qianli thought for a while, frowned and said: "We have been attacking for more than ten days. According to our logistical support, it is estimated that the attack will not last long. Maybe tonight will be our last attack."

"What I mean is that we should take advantage of this opportunity to eliminate as many United Nations soldiers as possible and create greater results."

Upon hearing this, Wu Wanli scratched the back of his head and asked, "Brother, what you said makes sense, but what does this have to do with the British 29th Brigade?"

Wu Qianli smiled, pointed at the map and said, "Silly boy, the one we are chasing is the British 29th Brigade. They are already scared. As long as we attack at night, they will retreat quickly."

"If they retreat, it will give us an opportunity, and the flanks of other British troops on both sides will be exposed."

"If we take the opportunity to outflank their retreat, we might be able to intercept a wave of enemies."

Lei Gong opened his eyes wide, looked at it, and said: "Captain, do you mean to intercept this US 65th Regiment?"

Wu Qianli nodded and said: "We can take advantage of the British 29th Brigade's rapid retreat to penetrate behind the US 65th Regiment."

"They are not retreating so fast. If we have a chance to stop them, and cooperate with the main force in the front, it is entirely possible to kill them."

"Comrades, let's get ready for battle, it's time for us to hunt again!"

When Yu Congrong and others heard this, they all became excited and shouted in unison with fighting intent: "Yes!" (End of Chapter)

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