The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 233 Cheorwon sniper battle begins!

Chapter 233 Cheorwon sniper battle begins!

With a crisp gunshot, the bullet fired by Mason instantly penetrated the American soldier's head.

The American soldier who was hit groaned and fell to the ground.

At the same time, other soldiers also aimed at the enemy and pulled the trigger.

"Da da da~!"

Suddenly there was a loud sound of gunfire, and dense bullets poured towards the enemy like raindrops.

The enemy who escaped was unprepared and suffered heavy casualties immediately.

At the same time, other positions also opened fire one after another, focusing their firepower on the retreating US troops and firing with all their strength.

The enemy's retreat was completely blocked, and the enemies who were already in chaos were running around in panic.

However, at this time, all roads had been blocked, and the volunteer soldiers who were pursuing them gradually gathered around them, forming a situation of surrounding these American troops.

Under the protection of his adjutant, Lieutenant Colonel Burton hid in a safe place. This was at the foot of a mountain, with a large protruding stone blocking it. They were very safe hiding under the big stone.

Lieutenant Colonel Burton observed the situation on the battlefield and said angrily: "How could this happen?"

The adjutant said quickly: "Sir, our retreat has been completely blocked. We can't get out now."

Lieutenant Colonel Bolton cursed angrily: "Fuck, these damn volunteers, where did they come from, how could they suddenly cut off our retreat?"

The adjutant quickly explained: "Sir, judging from the current situation, maybe the Chinese army has discovered us a long time ago and deliberately set this trap. We were not aware of it and fell into the enemy's trap."

"Ask for help immediately! When will our reinforcements arrive?" Lieutenant Colonel Burton asked impatiently.

The adjutant replied: "We are too far away from the main force. We cannot get reinforcements in a short time. And they have already surrounded us. I am afraid that we will not be able to hold on until the air support arrives."

Bolton shouted angrily: "Then we have to ask for help, just in case the reinforcements can arrive in time!"

The adjutant said quickly: "We have reported the situation truthfully. As for whether reinforcements can arrive, we don't know."

"Now all we can do is pray for God's blessing."

Lieutenant Colonel Burton did not want to give up. He carefully observed the surrounding situation and said, "See if there are other ways out? I don't want to be their prisoner."

A second lieutenant next to him said: "We have already observed it. There is no other way out. There are mountains everywhere. This is the only road that is barely passable. We have nowhere to hide."

An enemy soldier said: "There is a valley over there, we can hide in it."

"You idiot, that's a death valley. If we hide in it, we won't be able to escape."


Amidst the loud shouts of killing, the pursuing volunteer soldiers got closer and closer. Seeing that they could not escape for their lives, a large number of American soldiers obediently surrendered with their guns raised.

Lieutenant Colonel Burton also looked ashen at this moment, and said helplessly: "It's over, we are all over this time."

The US military adjutant couldn't help but sigh deeply and said: "The matter has come to this, we have no other choice but to surrender."

Wu Qianli led the Gang 7th Regiment, concentrated their firepower, and blocked the enemy's escape route. After a fierce shooting, many enemy troops who tried to break through were killed.

Seeing that the enemy was surrounded, the pursuing troops also rushed up.

Wu Qianli immediately ordered: "Blow the charge horn, all troops charge, charge down here, and eliminate the remaining enemies as soon as possible."

"Tick tick tick tick tick~!"

The loud charge horn sounded, and the Gang Seventh Regiment took the lead in launching the charge.

The main force of the volunteers chasing behind also arrived one after another.

At this moment, the Bolton Task Force, which was in a desperate situation, had lost all combat effectiveness and could only surrender obediently.

Lieutenant Colonel Burton and a group of his officers could only raise their hands obediently and become prisoners when faced with the surrounding volunteer soldiers.

The battle ended quickly and completely. More than a thousand elite American infantrymen in the Bolton Task Force were wiped out in one fell swoop.

Hundreds were captured and the rest were shot.

This time Wu Qianli took the lead in discovering the enemy, reported it in time, and successfully cut off the enemy's retreat. Finally, he completely annihilated this American force and once again made a great contribution.

After the battle, the soldiers began to quickly clean up the battlefield.

Wu Qianli pulled Yu Congrong over and ordered: "Don't just stare at the prisoners, the main thing is the trophies. See if there are any valuable trophies on these American soldiers."

Yu Congrong asked curiously: "Captain, what is your so-called valuable trophy?"

Wu Qianli said: "You are not talking nonsense! In addition to weapons and ammunition, that is food. I will bring you all the delicious food and drinks."

Yu Congrong smiled when he heard this and said, "I understand, don't worry."

At this time, Mei Sheng next to him said: "But we have discipline, and the things we capture must be turned in!"

Wu Qianli said nonchalantly: "The friendly forces on the opposite side are not from the same division as ours, and we can't hand it over to them!"

"And the soldiers will have eaten all the food in their own stomachs, so how can they hand it over?"

Lei Gong laughed and said: "Hahaha, our leader is still the best."


At the same time, in Brigadier General Myron's headquarters, the American devil was already running around anxiously.

A staff officer next to him said: "Your Excellency General, Task Force Bolton has completely lost contact."

"Our aircraft have already gone over to provide support."


Brigadier General Myron scolded angrily: "Bolton, this idiot, is a complete loser."

"I repeatedly reminded him that they should be careful not to fall into an ambush by the Chinese army."

"What's the result? This guy turned a deaf ear to what I said. It's better now. He was ambushed again. A reinforced camp, and that's it."

Although Task Force Burton did not carry many heavy weapons, its strength was that of a reinforced battalion.

To the US military, these soldiers were more valuable than weapons and equipment, so Brigadier General Myron was naturally furious after losing so many soldiers.

A U.S. Army lieutenant colonel next to him comforted them: "Although they have lost contact, it may be that the troops are retreating and some accidents occurred. There is no definite news yet indicating that they have been eliminated by the enemy."


As soon as he finished speaking, a U.S. Army major ran over and said in a panic: "Your Majesty, General, I just received a report from the Air Force."

"They have rushed to the scene of the incident. After reconnaissance, they found that the Bolton task force has been completely destroyed."

"At least several hundred people have become prisoners of the Chinese army."

"Because there were too many prisoners, our planes did not dare to bomb rashly."

When Brigadier General Myron heard this, his old face suddenly drooped, and he cursed angrily: "Fake, these bastards should be blown up. What's the use of keeping them?"

"This is really unreasonable."

Brigadier General Myron was going crazy, but what happened had already happened, and it was meaningless to talk about it anymore.

A US military colonel next to him said: "It seems that we can only launch an attack from the front, try to open a hole in the frontal defense line, and defeat them."

Brigadier General Myron gradually calmed down and stared at the sand table in front of him. In fact, he knew very well that the volunteers on the opposite side had built a strong defensive position. It would be difficult to break through from the front.

But now he had no other choice. Brigadier General Myron gritted his teeth and roared: "Immediately pass the order and launch an attack from the front. At any cost, open a hole for me and break through their defense line."

"yes sir!"

A U.S. Army lieutenant colonel asked: "Your Excellency General, Your Excellency the Commander sent a telegram asking about the situation of Task Force Bolton. How do you think we should report it?"

Brigadier General Myron said angrily: "Report it truthfully! Can you still hide it?"

"yes sir!"

Brigadier General Myron's telegram was quickly sent to Van Fleet's headquarters.

After reading the telegram, Van Fleet frowned and said: "I didn't expect that this sneak attack plan failed. A reinforced battalion was lost in vain. It is really unreasonable."

A brigadier general next to him said: "Your Excellency, Commander, I believe that this strength is entirely due to us giving up our own advantages."

"Our advantage lies in weapons and equipment and firepower configuration, and this time the Bolton Task Force is just a light infantry unit. Their sneak attack prevented our heavy firepower from exerting its power, so that after they were ambushed, they were completely There is no way to fight back.”

Van Fleet nodded and said: "You are right. We should not give up our advantages and try to deal with these hateful volunteers in this way." "It is so stupid to use one's own shortcomings to attack the enemy's strong points. "

"We should make full use of our advantages and order the frontline troops to continue attacking from the front."

"We must make full use of our advantages, concentrate our firepower, don't care about ammunition, and tear a hole for me in the enemy's defense line as soon as possible."

"Order all units of the Air Force and the aviation forces of the Navy to also mobilize with all their strength to assist the frontline troops in operations."

"yes sir!"

The brigadier general responded quickly and turned around to convey the order.

At this time, Li Qiwei suddenly walked in with several officers.

Van Fleet hurriedly came forward and said, "Commander, you are here."

Li Qiwei said: "How is the situation on the front line?"

Van Fleet shook his head helplessly and said: "It seems that we still underestimated these enemies. They have rebuilt a defense line near the 38th parallel."

"Our current offensive is completely contained near the 38th parallel, and the enemy's resistance is still very tenacious."

"According to the intelligence we have received, they may have added more troops to the front line. Otherwise, it would be impossible to build such a strong defense line in such a short period of time."

Hearing this, Li Qiwei couldn't help but frown and said, "Do they really dare to try their best to fight us in a decisive battle?"

Van Fleet said helplessly: "Judging from the current situation, they have deployed hundreds of thousands of troops, and they must be trying to win this war with all their strength."

"So, we underestimated our opponents too much before."

Li Qi frowned slightly and said, "I have to say, that man's courage is unparalleled."

Van Fleet nodded and said, "I admit, that person is indeed a person worthy of admiration."

"But what we have to do now is to use every possible means to defeat our enemies."

Li Qiwei asked helplessly: "Do you think it is possible for us to break through their defense line under this situation?"

Van Fleet pondered for a moment and said: "Judging from the current situation, I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

"Is it difficult?"

Li Qiwei walked back and forth and said, "This shows that there is still a chance, so we must go all out to fight for this opportunity."

Van Fleet pointed to the map and said: "Although the Chinese army hastily built a defense line, but now that the battle line is so long, their defense will definitely be relatively weak."

"As long as we can make full use of our advantages and open a breakthrough, we will eventually have a chance to completely defeat the enemy's defense line."

Li Qiwei walked to the sand table, stared at the sand table for a while, and said: "The progress of our troops is still a little slow. If we advance fast enough, we can completely defeat them."

Van Fleet said: "This cannot be entirely our fault. The main reason is that the road conditions in this damn place are too poor and there are many mountainous areas. This severely limits our marching speed, which leads to such a result."

"And now that it's happened, there's no point in talking about it anymore."

"We plan to open a breakthrough from here and concentrate our superior forces to launch an attack. As long as we defeat the enemy in front of us, we can take advantage of the situation to completely defeat the enemy's entire defense line."

Li Qiwei nodded and said: "You are now the commander of the Eighth Army, and everything should follow your command."

"Then I'll be waiting for your good news."

Van Fleet said quickly: "Commander, please rest assured, I believe it won't be long before we can win."

Li Qiwei frowned and said, "But I heard that the enemy was very tenacious in blocking the attack in Cheorwon."

Van Fleet said: "We will strengthen our offensive. Even if we use artillery shells, we can smash a way out. And according to our understanding, this defense line is not monolithic. It is possible for us to open a gap."

Li Qiwei nodded with satisfaction, smiled and said, "I knew you wouldn't let me down."


Volunteer Army Headquarters.

Chief of Staff Xie pointed to the sand table and said: "Based on the current situation, the U.S. military has concentrated its main superior forces and is attacking the Cheolwon and Yeoncheon areas."

"The 63rd Army is doing its best to block the attack. They are fighting well and have blocked the enemy's offensive."

The boss said with a serious face: "Electrify the 63rd Army and other participating troops and ask them to defend the defense line for me at all costs and resist the enemy's attack."

"As long as we hold them back, we can completely crush the enemy's counterattack and reverse the current unfavorable situation."


Chief of Staff Xie responded quickly, and then said: "But now there is a problem, there is a loophole in our defense line."

"Look here, the enemy's vanguard has advanced here, and it's only about sixty or seventy kilometers from here to Kongsi Cave."

"And within this 60 to 70 kilometers, there is no main force of our army stationed, only a guard regiment responsible for guarding the headquarters."

"This is a small road, not the focus of the enemy's attack, and they don't know that our headquarters is in Kongsadong."

"But we have to be on guard! If the enemy reacts, their attack on Cheorwon is blocked, and they allocate troops from this path to attack Kongsadong, then our headquarters will be in danger."

"And once Kongsa-dong is lost, the enemy's rear defense line of Cheorwon will be threatened, and Cheorwon may not be able to hold it."

When the boss heard this, he was not worried about his own safety. He was worried about the safety of the entire defense line.

The boss frowned and said, "We must not retreat any longer. Cheorwon must be defended."

"However, the 63rd Army has no troops left to send, and it is also difficult for other units. Each unit is blocking the enemy while retreating. The tasks are also very heavy, and the casualties are also high. Which unit should be transferred? It is difficult to handle!"

The deputy commander said firmly: "No matter how difficult it is, we must mobilize troops to plug this hole to ensure the safety of the headquarters and the boss, and not only the safety of the entire defense line."

As he spoke, Chief of Staff Xie began to search on the sand table and found that there were indeed no troops to mobilize nearby.

The nearest unit is the 42nd Army, which is more than a hundred miles away from Kongsadong. They have also just retreated to Deyang and are resting there.

Chief of Staff Xie pointed to the sand table and said: "Let the 42nd Army come up and block the mountain pass from Cheorwon's left wing leading to Kongsa-dong. As long as we hold here, the enemy will not be able to get through. Let them come over immediately."


The boss couldn't help but sigh and said unbearably: "The 42nd Army has just withdrawn from the front line and hasn't had time to rest. They fought hard enough in the previous battles. Now they have just arrived in Deyang and are just about to rest." …”

Chief of Staff Xie did not follow the boss's advice this time, and immediately said: "It's not enough to just arrive, they have to come, let them come with the whole army, and come overnight!"

"You must block this hole for me and ensure the safety of the headquarters."

"If the veteran is lost, what's the point of playing chess? No matter what, we must ensure the safety of the headquarters."

After hearing this, the boss could only make concessions and said: "You can come if you want, but you don't have to come with the whole army, just send one division."

Chief of Staff Xie frowned and said: "There is no room for failure here. The strength of one division is too small. At least two divisions, let their military headquarters bring them over."

"Don't worry about this. I'll send a telegram to the 42nd Army right away."

The telegram was quickly conveyed to the 42nd Army Headquarters.

After Commander Wu received the telegram, his eyes were red and he was anxious. He said: "The boss is too desperate for his life. He might be taken as a prisoner. How can this be done!"

"Immediately send the order to call the troops to assemble! Except for the wounded who stay in Deyang to recuperate, everyone else who can move will follow me to the front line."


Following the commander's order, all units quickly gathered together.

Commander Wu also gave the order and explained the situation at that time to the soldiers of each unit.

So the soldiers of the 42nd Army, who were still hungry and even wearing bandages, shouted loudly: "Defend the headquarters to the death, defend the boss to the death!", embarked on the journey again, and quickly returned to the front line.

After a rapid march, the 42nd Army arrived at the designated location in time, but the soldiers did not dare to rest and began to repair the fortifications with all their strength.

On the next day, after the US military's attack on Cheorwon was frustrated, Van Fleet ordered a troop to come straight here, hoping to raid Kongsadong.

After Commander Wu heard the news, he slumped down in his chair and said, "Thankfully we are here. If it had been one day late, the headquarters would have been in danger."

"Give me orders to all the troops on the front line to hold their positions no matter what. The enemy must not be allowed to advance even half a step."

"The headquarters is right behind us, and the boss is right behind us. Even if we die, I will be firmly nailed to the position."


(End of this chapter)

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