The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 234 A bloody battle with Cheelwon!

Under the stubborn resistance of the 42nd Army, the U.S. military's plan to sneak attack Kongsadong completely failed.

The news was conveyed to the headquarters, and Chief of Staff Xie said excitedly: "Boss, I just received a report from the 42nd Army, and my mouth is blocked."

"It was really too dangerous. Fortunately, the 42nd Army arrived in time and blocked the opening. Otherwise, the consequences would have been disastrous."

The boss nodded and said: "Thank you for their hard work this time. This incident was a mistake in our command, but we asked the 42nd Army to help us make up for our mistakes. We have to thank the 42nd Army."

Chief of Staff Xie said quickly: "Boss, don't blame yourself too much. The enemy's counterattack was too fierce. We were not prepared enough. It is human nature to make some mistakes."

The boss waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't make excuses for yourself. We should sum up our experience and lessons and do our best to prevent such an incident from happening again."


Chief of Staff Xie responded quickly, then changed the subject, pointed at the sand table and said: "In this way, the Cheorwon line is considered safe."

"Although the 63rd Army is fighting hard, it can still hold Cheorwon so far."

"If the enemy had not been able to capture Tiewon, they would not have mobilized their troops in an attempt to bypass Tiewon and attack Kongsa-dong."

"Fortunately, we filled the gap in time. In this way, the entire Cheorwon line is temporarily safe."

The boss said: "I know that the 63rd Army is also fighting very hard in Cheorwon, but at this time, we must not retreat anymore. We must give power to the 63rd Army so that they must defend Cheorwon and resist the enemy's attack no matter what. offensive."


The boss looked away from Tieyuan again, fell on another battlefield, and asked: "What is the current situation of the 15th Army?"

When the entire army retreated, the 15th Army performed very well.

Commander Qin of the 15th Army has always been extremely shrewd.

After receiving the order to retreat, he did not transfer the order to the division commanders and regimental commanders below.

Instead, he turned on the walkie-talkie, contacted the leaders of each regiment one by one, and personally explained the retreat plan, including the route and time, clearly to avoid confusion.

Because each unit retreated in accordance with strict orders, the retreat of the 15th Army was carried out in an orderly manner, and it also ensured that the 15th Army could eventually retreat intact.

Only the anti-aircraft artillery regiment violated the regulations and moved out without authorization during the day. As a result, the anti-aircraft artillery was bombed by the enemy aircraft and nineteen anti-aircraft guns were lost.

For this reason, Commander Qin, who had always been a thief and a shrewd man, was also very sad and scolded the commander of the anti-aircraft artillery regiment.

But overall, the 15th Army completed the retreat order quite well.

However, due to the emergency situation of the war, the enemy pursued them too closely. In order to prevent the troops from being defeated across the board and the 38th Line from being breached.

In order to buy enough preparation time for the follow-up troops, the defense line was rebuilt.

The boss had no choice but to order the 15th Army to be responsible for the blocking mission, and the boss strictly ordered the 15th Army to hold on for ten days.

At this time, the 15th Army, which had just retreated, suffered certain casualties after the first stage of combat.

Moreover, at this time, the soldiers were exhausted, and with the insufficient food supply, some troops had even run out of food and had to rely on digging wild vegetables to satisfy their hunger.

Even the captured Yankees learned to dig wild vegetables.

What's more, even the soybeans that had been soaked in horse manure on the road and were not fully consumed were picked out and eaten by the hungry and anxious soldiers.

It can be seen that the situation at that time was also very difficult.

Even so, when Commander Qin received the order to block the attack, he immediately issued the combat mission without saying a word.

The troops also strictly carried out the tasks assigned by their superiors, and quickly occupied Jiaoge Peak and Park Dal Peak in accordance with the instructions of their superiors.

Chief of Staff Xie pointed to the map and said: "Currently, the 15th Army is in this area and has seized favorable terrain to block the attack."

"After two days of fierce fighting, a brigade of the Canadian Army has been repulsed and retreated to rest."

"But the 25th Division and the 3rd Division of the US Army are attacking the 15th Army's defense line with all their strength. Now the 15th Army is also fighting very hard."

The boss said with a serious face: "Send them a telegram. I know they are in difficulty now, but we must persevere."

"No matter what, I must block the enemy's attack and provide enough time for the follow-up troops to build a defense line."

"Whether we can stabilize the front near the 38th parallel depends entirely on them. Let them block the enemy's attack for me no matter what. I thank them."


Chief of Staff Xie responded quickly and turned around to convey the order.

At this moment, facing the enemy's tenacious attack, the 15th Army and the enemy were locked in a bloody battle on the front line.

Every inconspicuous hilltop has become the focus of competition between the two sides at this moment.

Many hills had been reduced to scorched earth by the enemy, and it was on this scorched earth that soldiers from both sides launched a desperate fight.

In the end, many of the defenders had run out of ammunition and food, and could only engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.

Squad leader Chai Yunzhen fought extremely bravely. He led 13 soldiers, divided them into three teams, and launched a counterattack on three hills occupied by the enemy at the same time.

Taking advantage of the enemy's unsteady footing, he led the men and rushed up the hill. The soldiers roared loudly, like tigers, and rushed into the enemy's crowd with their bayonets pointed out.

Chai Yunzhen took the lead and rushed over. He raised his bayonet and stabbed the two Americans in the blink of an eye.

The other soldiers' morale was also greatly boosted, and they rushed towards the enemy one by one desperately.

The enemies had never seen such a battle before, and they were immediately frightened and ran for their lives one by one.

Chai Yunzhen didn't want to let these American devils go. He held his bayonet and shouted: "Chase me and kill these beasts."

As he said that, he led several of his soldiers to continue chasing the enemy. After recapturing the hilltop, Chai Yunzhen led the soldiers to chase after the enemy and followed them directly to the other hilltop in front.

Each of these retreating enemies was frightened and fled in panic while fighting back.

More than a hundred people were actually chased around by Chai Yunzhen and others.

But when Chai Yunzhen drove the enemy off the mountain, he was the only one left.

Chai Yunzhen observed the other two teams and found that they had also recovered the hills occupied by the enemy.

In other words, they were a squad, divided into three groups, with thirteen people, and in less than seven minutes, they captured four hills occupied by the enemy.

On these four hills, the enemy had an entire battalion, but they were repelled by Chai Yunzhen's squad, with dozens of casualties. It was simply unimaginable.

In seven minutes, one squad defeated an enemy battalion and recovered four hills.

It was nothing short of a miracle of war.

And throughout the battlefield, our great volunteer soldiers have created such miracles one after another with their tenacious will.

And this is just the beginning.

After taking this hilltop, only Squad Leader Chai was left in the entire position.

He signaled to the soldiers on the other three hills to hold their positions and wait for reinforcements to arrive, while he himself stood firm on this newly recovered hilltop.

Although there was only Squad Leader Chai, he was not afraid at all.

Taking advantage of the break in the battle, he quickly collected the weapons scattered by the enemy on the battlefield and placed them in different locations for easy access.

The enemy retreated in a hurry and abandoned a lot of weapons and equipment, as well as some food supplies. This was the only good news.

Squad leader Chai was busy restoring his position while eating in order to regain his strength as soon as possible.

At the same time, there was an enemy position on the opposite side.

Lieutenant Colonel Oriel became furious, pointed at the noses of his subordinates, and yelled: "Are you all stupid pigs?"

"There are so many of us, but we were driven from our position by a few enemies. Where is the honor of the military? We have been completely disgraced by you idiots."

A U.S. Army second lieutenant retorted: "Sir, those enemies are not human beings. They are demons in hell. They are really terrible."


Lieutenant Colonel Olier roared angrily: "They are just ordinary people, and they are sallow and skinny. They are not as strong as us. What is there to be afraid of?"

"Launch a counterattack immediately and take back the position. If you can't take back the position, don't come back."

"yes sir!"

Under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Olier, the hilltop occupied by the American squad leader Chai launched a fierce artillery bombardment.

"Chirp chirp chirp~!"

Harsh whistling sounds continued to sound, and artillery shells fell on the position one after another.

Squad Leader Chai hurriedly hid in an artillery-proof cave. There were continuous explosions outside. The U.S. military's firepower was still very fierce. The entire hilltop was soon shrouded in artillery fire.

After a violent bombing, the US military launched a counterattack again.

Lieutenant Colonel Olier sent out a company to launch a counterattack. More than a hundred enemy soldiers held guns and rushed towards the hilltop screaming.

Hearing that the gunfire outside had stopped, Squad Leader Chai immediately rushed out of the gun cave. The outside was filled with smoke and a mess.

Squad Leader Chai came to a place with a wide view and looked down the mountain. When he saw so many enemies rushing up, Squad Leader Chai did not hesitate in the face of danger and immediately rushed to a pre-set machine gun position and hid it aside. He took out his machine gun, pointed it at the enemy at the foot of the mountain, and pulled the trigger.

"Da da da~!"

Intense gunshots rang out, and bullets flew towards the enemy like splashing water.

"Puff puff puff~!"

The bullet hit the enemy, making a muffled sound and splashing blood mist.

The screams continued to sound, and a large area of ​​the enemy troops rushing in front fell instantly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the enemies behind them were so frightened that they fell to the ground and started shooting.

Squad Leader Chai had been observing the situation on the entire battlefield and found that dozens of enemy soldiers had rushed up from the other side.

Squad Leader Chai immediately rushed over and took out an ammunition box from a small hole next to it. After opening it, there were grenades neatly placed inside.

Without saying a word, Squad Leader Chai picked up a grenade and threw it out, and then picked up another grenade.

Just like this, grenades were thrown out one after another. The grenades emitted black smoke and spun into the enemy crowd.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

A violent explosion sounded, and the enemy was immediately thrown off their backs by the explosion, leaving many dead and injured.

After throwing several grenades one after another, the enemies were frightened and fled. They fired wildly at the top of the mountain and did not dare to continue charging up.

Then Squad Leader Chai ran to another position and saw the enemy ready to move below, only ten meters away from the top of the mountain.

Squad leader Chai immediately raised a submachine gun, aimed at the enemy and pulled the trigger.

"Da da da~!" Intense gunshots continued to sound, and a string of blazing bullets quickly swept towards the enemy.

Those American devils were swept away in a large area in an instant. Seeing that the situation was not good, the enemies behind them were so frightened that they retreated one after another.

In this way, Squad Leader Chai stood firm on a hilltop alone. Although he was in a hurry, he successfully resisted the enemy's attack and killed and wounded dozens of enemies.

The enemy troops who suffered heavy casualties could only retreat in despair when they saw that they could not charge forward.

Lieutenant Colonel Oriel saw through the telescope that his troops were repelled again, and he cursed angrily: "Trash, they are all just useless."

"Inform the artillery to bombard the position on the top of the mountain, and the infantry is preparing to attack again."

"No matter what, take back my position. They don't have many people on the top of the mountain."

"yes sir!"

An American soldier nearby responded quickly, turned around and ran to convey the order.

At this time, a U.S. military lieutenant said: "Sir, although the enemy's troops are not large, they occupy favorable terrain, which is why they caused such great losses to us."

Lieutenant Colonel Oriel cursed angrily: "If these bastards hadn't lost their position, would we have been so passive?"

"Now that they have few troops, we should retake the position as soon as possible. If we wait until their reinforcements arrive, it will be more difficult for us to retake the position."

"The orders from above are also fatal. Let us break through the enemy's blockage as soon as possible."

"Tell me, what should we do?"

Lieutenant Colonel Oriel glanced at the American officers and soldiers present, and saw that everyone had shut their mouths obediently and said nothing more. Lieutenant Colonel Oriel then said: "Continue the attack!"

"Regain my position no matter what."

"yes sir!"

The American officers and soldiers present responded in unison.

Under the orders of Lieutenant Colonel Olier, the enemy soon launched a fierce attack again.

More than a hundred American soldiers once again charged menacingly toward the hilltop guarded by Squad Leader Chai.

The battle broke out again. Squad Leader Chai was guarding the position alone, but he remained calm in the face of danger.

Relying on the favorable terrain, it continuously caused damage to the attacking enemies and delayed the enemy's offensive.

But this time, these American troops were also on guard. They spread out and began to move toward the mountain from different directions.

The battle fell into a stalemate for a while, with Squad Leader Chai still desperately blocking the enemy's attack.

Enemies continued to fall to Squad Leader Chai's guns and grenades.

However, the enemy did not retreat, but got closer and closer to the top of the mountain.

At this time, while Squad Leader Chai was not paying attention, several enemy soldiers sneaked up to the top of the mountain.

When Squad Leader Chai heard the noise, he turned around suddenly and found that the enemy had already touched him. He was slightly stunned, but he quickly realized that Squad Leader Chai rushed forward without any hesitation.

When Squad Leader Chai saw an enemy coming up, he raised his submachine gun and was about to shoot. However, the gun made a crisp sound but no bullet was fired.

It turned out that the bullets were empty, and there were no more bullets on hand. Without any time to think about it, Squad Leader Chai threw away the submachine gun in his hand.

He picked up an explosive bag next to him, pulled the fuse directly, and shouted loudly: "I will fight with you beasts."

He said and rushed forward holding the explosive bag.

The foreign devils carefully climbed to the top of the mountain and saw Squad Leader Chai rushing over with a pack of explosives, and the pack of explosives was still emitting black smoke.

The volunteers are not afraid of death when fighting. They have seen this before.

Several American soldiers screamed in fright, turned around and ran away.

An old black man accidentally tripped and fell to the ground. Seeing that Squad Leader Chai had rushed over, the guy was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground and couldn't move, and let out a frightened roar from his mouth.

When Squad Leader Chai saw the other enemies, they all ran down the mountain in fright. Only Lao Hei, who stumbled and fell down, was left frightened.

So Squad Leader Chai threw the explosive package out with all his strength. Although he was condescending, the explosive package was still thrown far away.


A violent explosion sounded, and several slow-running enemies were immediately blown away. Seeing that the situation was not good, the remaining enemies fled in fear.

After Squad Leader Chai threw the explosive bag, he jumped up, sat directly on the old Hei, stretched out his hands and grabbed the old Hei's neck.

This old black man was frightened just now, but after being overwhelmed and choked, his survival instinct gradually made him react, and he began to struggle and resist.

The two people soon started fighting each other. Lao Hei was 1.9 meters tall, tall and strong, while Squad Leader Chai was only over 1.6 meters tall, so there was a big difference in height.

Moreover, the conditions at that time were not good, and his physical fitness was far worse than that of the enemy. Squad Leader Chai's thin body was not at the same level as the opponent.

Moreover, in the previous battle, Squad Leader Chai had been injured. The wound had no time to be bandaged, and it was still bleeding.

Therefore, there are some obvious differences between the two sides in terms of strength, size, and condition.

But Squad Leader Chai had no fear and struggled with the old black man like crazy, desperately using various means to attack the enemy in front of him.

As the saying goes, the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road. This old black man was also intimidated by the momentum of Squad Leader Chai. In addition, he may not be as experienced as Squad Leader Chai, so the two of them struggled with each other, and this old black man did not gain the upper hand at all.

Squad Leader Chai clasped Lao Hei's eyeballs hard, making Lao Hei scream. At this time, a finger slipped into Lao Hei's mouth.

The old black man bit one of Squad Leader Chai's fingers hard, and both of them tried their best.

As a result, a section of Squad Leader Chai's finger was bitten off by Lao Hei, and Squad Leader Chai also dug out one of the guy's eyeballs.

Lao Hei screamed in pain, but Squad Leader Chai didn't notice it at all. Maybe he was numb from the pain, or he just thought about killing the enemy, so he couldn't feel the pain for the time being.

Captain Chai took this opportunity to pick up a stone nearby and hit Lao Hei on the head hard.

Lao Hei's head was smashed and bleeding, and he screamed. He suddenly struggled hard and pushed Squad Leader Chai to the ground, and then stood up unsteadily.

At this moment, the old black man was completely frightened and did not dare to continue beating him. He covered his bleeding eye sockets and ran away down the mountain screaming.

Due to excessive blood loss and the long battle, Squad Leader Chai looked pale and exhausted.

But even so, Squad Leader Chai stood up unsteadily, found the submachine gun dropped by the enemy from the side, climbed a certain distance in the trench, climbed up and took a look down the mountain.

I saw several enemies hesitating more than ten meters away. They didn't dare to move forward or retreat. They were slowly moving forward.

Without saying a word, Squad Leader Chai aimed at the enemy and pulled the trigger.

"Da da da~!"

Intensive gunfire sounded, and a string of bullets flew out quickly. Five enemies were instantly beaten into sieves and killed on the spot.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other enemies turned around and ran away in fright.

In this way, all the enemies were repulsed.

Squad leader Chai single-handedly killed and wounded more than a hundred enemies, and repelled them several times.

As for Squad Leader Chai and his squad, they killed and wounded more than 200 enemy people, and they counterattacked and recaptured four hills.

After repelling the enemy's attack again, Squad Leader Chai still stood firm on his position.

It wasn't until a comrade came over to support that Squad Leader Chai finally couldn't hold on and fainted.

So his comrades quickly sent him off the battlefield, and then Squad Leader Chai was sent to the rear hospital for treatment. Due to his serious injury, he was sent back to the country for treatment.

Since then, Squad Leader Chai has lost contact with the army.

Because transportation and communications were poor at the time, Squad Leader Chai returned from the army and returned to his hometown after recovering from his injury.

At that time, everyone in the army thought that Squad Leader Chai had died.

After the war, Squad Leader Chai was remembered for special merit and awarded the title of first-class combat hero.

These two medals have been kept in the archives of the 15th Army for thirty years.

In memorial halls in foreign countries, comrades in the Northern Dynasties also drew a portrait of Squad Leader Chai based on their imagination, and it has been hanging in their military memorial halls to commemorate this fighting hero.

It was not until more than thirty years later that the 15th Army learned by chance that Squad Leader Chai was not dead.

So he published a newspaper calling for his hero, and then he found this old hero who had hidden merit and fame.

Relying on the tenacious fighting spirit of the soldiers, the 15th Army successfully withstood successive attacks by two US divisions and a Canadian brigade.

In the end, at the cost of more than 1,200 casualties, more than 5,700 enemy troops were killed and injured, and they held their position for ten days, successfully completing the tasks assigned by the headquarters.

Moreover, the 15th Army was one of the few field army units during the entire fifth battle that wiped out more enemies than it lost.

The news reached headquarters.

Chief of Staff Xie quickly walked up to the boss and said, "Boss, the 15th Army also completed its mission outstandingly and blocked the enemy."

"Now the enemy's offensive has been basically contained, and we have successfully built a new line of defense. Now even if the enemy continues to counterattack, we can completely block them."

"I dare not say anything else. At least we can successfully maintain the front line near the 38th parallel."

The boss finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, his expression softened a lot, and he said, "We can finally breathe a sigh of relief now."

"There were major mistakes in this campaign, which caused many unnecessary losses. This is all my responsibility."

The boss never shy away from his mistakes, and when something goes wrong, he always reflects on his own mistakes first.

It is said that the boss has a bad temper, but he is upright and dedicated to the public, and he never has any selfish motives.

He cannot forgive the mistakes of others, let alone his own.

Even decades later, at the last moment of his life, our boss was still reflecting on his failure.

Chief of Staff Xie quickly advised: "Boss, don't blame yourself too much. There are various reasons for the failure of this battle, and we also restored the situation in time to avoid greater losses."

"Now that the battle line has gradually stabilized, we can take advantage of the defensive opportunity to consume a large amount of the enemy's vitality."

"At the same time, we can also take advantage of this opportunity to continue to accumulate strength for the next counterattack."

The boss sighed helplessly and said: "That's all we can do now. We have to re-evaluate the enemy's strength and seriously learn from this experience."

"The U.S. military is still advancing north, so hit me hard and consume as much of the U.S. military's effective strength as possible."


Chief of Staff Xie responded quickly. (End of chapter)

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