The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 236 Change tactics and wait for opportunities to counterattack!

Chapter 236 Change tactics and wait for opportunities to counterattack!

Wu Qianli secretly observed the situation of the US military below. The experienced soldiers were all ready for battle at this moment.

The soldiers clenched the weapons in their hands, holding their breath and concentrating, just waiting for Wu Qianli's order to strike hard at the attacking enemy.

At this moment, the attacking US troops were completely unaware of the approaching danger, and they continued to climb towards the top of the mountain.

Seeing that there was still no movement on the mountain, they became a little vigilant and kept shooting, the purpose of which was to test.

There were no volunteers on the mountain to fight back. Although they vaguely saw figures shaking on the top of the mountain, there were not many.

Seeing that the volunteers on the mountain never fought back, the American soldiers thought that there were no troops guarding the mountain, or a small number of troops. Seeing that they could no longer guard their position, they took the initiative to retreat.

So these American soldiers continued to boldly advance toward the mountain, getting closer and closer to the top of the mountain.

Wu Qianli saw the opportunity, suddenly raised his submachine gun, pointed at a group of enemies and pulled the trigger, while shouting loudly: "Hit me hard!"

"Da da da~!"

Intense gunshots rang out, and a string of blazing bullets quickly flew towards the enemy.

The American soldiers were caught off guard and were instantly beaten into pieces and killed on the spot.

After hearing Wu Qianli's order, the other soldiers also raised their guns, aimed at the enemy and started shooting desperately.

For a moment, there was a loud sound of gunfire, and bullets were like raindrops, sweeping towards the enemy.

The dense rain of bullets swept past, and a large area of ​​the enemy was swept down in an instant.

Then more than a dozen grenades flew down from the top of the mountain with black smoke and landed among the enemy crowd.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

Violent explosions sounded one after another, and the enemy was immediately thrown off their backs by the bombs, leaving many dead and wounded.

Then there was another round of grenades, and more than a dozen of them fell into the enemy crowd.

Violent explosions continued to sound, and the gunfire never stopped.

The attacking enemies continued to fall on the battlefield. In just a short time, more than half of the more than a hundred American soldiers who attacked were killed or injured because they were too close.

They were suddenly attacked. Due to their unfavorable geographical location, they were unable to form an effective counterattack. As a result, they suffered a great loss and soon suffered heavy losses.

After suffering a head-on attack, the US military was completely blindsided. The surviving US soldiers were too frightened to continue the attack. They turned around and ran down the mountain one by one, just wanting to escape as soon as possible.

Wu Qianli threw the submachine gun aside, raised the Garand rifle, aimed at the enemies who fled back, and pulled the trigger one after another.

"Bang bang bang~!"

Clear gunshots rang out, and in less than half a minute, three more fleeing enemies were shot to death by Wu Qianli.

At this time, the US tanks at the bottom of the mountain began to concentrate their full force and shoot towards the top of the mountain.

Artillery shells and bullets fell one after another, the purpose was to cover the retreat of their troops.

But most of the American soldiers who attacked this time have stayed on this position forever, and only a few escaped in the end.

Seeing that the American troops had fled far away, Wu Qianli quickly ordered: "Retreat to the tunnel in an orderly manner immediately."


The soldiers immediately began to pack up their positions and began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Bring back all the remaining weapons and ammunition, and most importantly, bring back the injured comrades, as well as the remains of the fallen comrades.

If the body is left on the position, it will definitely be completely blown up.

Generally, those who can be taken away are brought back to the tunnel as much as possible, and we will find opportunities to bury our comrades later.

Due to limited conditions, most of the fallen soldiers could only be buried on the spot, which was also impossible.

The soldiers of Gang 7th Regiment are also experienced and move very quickly.

In just a short while, they all withdrew from the tunnel in an orderly manner.

However, two scouts were left hiding in a safe place to observe the situation.

After a while, a harsh whistling sound sounded in the air.

The two scouts didn't hesitate and immediately ran towards the tunnel entrance.

Then one after another howitzer shells fell on the hilltop position one after another.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

Violent explosions sounded one after another, and soon the mountaintop position was once again caught in artillery fire.

On the opposite position, the furious Colonel Will pointed at Hill 435 and roared loudly: "Bomb it for me, keep bombing!"

"Send all these bastards to hell."

The failure of the attack has completely angered this ghost guy, and now he wants to burn the entire 435 Highlands to the ground.

At the same time, this old guy really couldn't understand how the volunteers persisted under such fierce bombing.

Moreover, the US military's attacks in other directions also ended in failure. Under the guard of the volunteers, the nearby hills were as stable as Mount Tai.

The US military attacked again and again, but was never able to capture these hills, and instead paid an extremely heavy price.

The battle lasted from morning to afternoon. Colonel Will commanded the troops and launched three attacks on Hill 435, but all ended in failure.

What made this old guy even more angry was that not only did he fail to capture Highland 435, but he lost more than troops in vain.

Thinking of such a heavy loss, this ghost guy felt heartbroken.

However, faced with the stubborn resistance of the volunteers, Colonel Will was desperate and could only temporarily stop the attack.

Because he really didn't want to see his soldiers die in vain again.

A major next to him asked: "Sir, are we not going to continue the attack?"

Colonel Will said angrily: "It makes no sense to continue fighting like this."

"I can't let my soldiers die in vain. Let's stop the attack for the time being!"

"Don't attack until you think of an effective way."

"yes sir!"

Colonel Will suddenly thought of something, and quickly added: "Keep an eye on the attack on the opposite side, and if you find the enemy, you will shell it immediately. Although the infantry will no longer attack, the artillery will still launch shelling irregularly."

"Even if we can't occupy the Chinese army's positions, we can't make life easier for these hateful guys."


Soon it was dark.

Looking at the night outside, Wu Qianli couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's finally dark. It seems that the enemy will not launch an attack."

"We can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

Mei Sheng said: "We are quite lucky, the casualties are not too great."

As they were talking, Yu Congrong came over and said, "Captain, I just received instructions from my superiors. The troops to take over the defense will arrive tonight."


Wu Qianli nodded and said: "Lao Mei, when the friendly forces come to take over the defense later, you can introduce our combat experience to them in detail."

"Try to avoid unnecessary casualties. Please summarize it carefully. The more detailed the better."


Mei Sheng responded quickly. The number of battles between the Volunteer Army and the US military is relatively small. In particular, some units may not have fought many battles, and not all units have fought such defensive battles.

And another point is that the troops have been fighting for a long time and suffered heavy casualties. Many of them are newly recruited people. These soldiers are the most dangerous because they have no experience with the US military.

During this period, the Gang 7th Regiment was also constantly receiving new recruits. However, the backbone of the Gang 7th Regiment were all veterans from the Battle of Changjin Lake. They were considered rich in experience. Therefore, in the battle against the US military, there were still some Certain advantages.

Wu Qianli turned to Yu Congrong and ordered: "Go ahead and tell the soldiers to keep a close eye. Although the enemy is unlikely to launch an attack, we cannot be careless and stand guard as the last guard."


Yu Congrong responded quickly.

Wu Qianli then ordered Pinghe: "Inform the soldiers and prepare to move!"

"And I give you a task. You organize people to bring back all the sacrificed and injured soldiers safely."

"Those who are seriously injured will be sent to a nearby field hospital for treatment immediately."

"As for the remains of the fallen soldiers, find a place with beautiful scenery and bury them on the spot."


Pinghe solemnly promised: "Promise to complete the task."

After about two hours, the defensive troops finally arrived.

Wu Qianli led the soldiers and began to withdraw from Highland 435 in batches. Returned to the temporary residence arranged by above.

The next morning, Wu Qianli personally led his people to dig more than a dozen pits in a mountain forest and buried the bodies of the fallen soldiers.

Wu Qianli said: "Loyal bones are buried everywhere in Qingshan. Brothers, the mountains and rivers here are beautiful and the scenery is not bad. You can rest here first!"

"In future battles, we will fight for you, and we will kill American devils for you."

"When conditions are met in the future, we will definitely come to take you home."

The soldiers worked together and soon buried all the dozen soldiers and set up tombstones to facilitate their search later.

After burying the fallen comrades, Wu Qianli led the soldiers back to the station and told everyone that they had taken a good rest for the past two days to recharge their spirits and prepare for the battle.

Because Wu Qianli knew very well that this battle would definitely last a long time, so they must be ready to go to the front line at any time.

However, within the US military headquarters, Van Fleet was completely disappointed.

Van Fleet pointed at the sand table angrily and yelled: "These troops on the front line are just a bunch of trash, they are simply useless. They have been fighting for so long and they can't move forward."

"And according to what they reported, their losses were not small."

"This is really unreasonable, and I'm just wondering, are those volunteer soldiers really that scary?"

A wry smile appeared on Li Qiwei's face, and he quickly comforted him: "Old man! Things are already like this, so don't be too angry."

"Also...these volunteers are really difficult to deal with."

"Now that they have built a solid defense line, it will be difficult for us to take advantage."

Van Fleet frowned and asked, "Then what do you think we should do?"

"How to do?"

Li Qiwei pondered for a moment and said: "Now that the matter has come to this point, I'm afraid there is no good solution. We can only fight a long-term war of attrition with them."

"Make full use of our advantages, gradually consume their strength, and look for opportunities in the future."

"After fighting for so long, our troops are exhausted and it's time to take a rest."

"However, we cannot let the enemy idle. We should always keep pressure on them. The main force should seize the time to rest and recuperate. We can also take the opportunity to replenish more troops and supplies, and we can also prepare to launch a larger-scale offensive."

Van Fleet said: "But will Congress really support us in continuing the fight?"

Li Qi was stunned for a moment and glanced at Van Fleet with interest.

Van Fleet explained: "I know that we are soldiers and should not involve too many political issues, but now this war is not just a military issue, it has inevitably involved political issues, so we also have to consider some Political Factors."

Li Qiwei pondered for a moment and said: "At least now Congress has no intention of letting us cease the war, so we should go all out to fight. As for the future? I am not the president, so what I say doesn't count!"

"Let's just take it one step at a time."

Fanfleet nodded and said: "You are right, we should do our job well. Before there is a specific order, I will go all out to defeat our enemy as soon as possible."

Li Qiwei picked up the coffee on the table and said with a smile: "This is the only way."

Van Fleet was not so open-minded, because at first he naively thought that he could take advantage of this opportunity to completely defeat the Volunteer Army, but now he is still far from his goal, so the old guy feels uncomfortable.

But things were already like this, and Van Fleet had no other choice but to order the frontline troops to temporarily stop the all-out offensive.

However, the battle was not over. Artillery fire continued on various front lines.

Fighting happens every day, but now the US military's attack seems perfunctory and not as desperate as before.

More often than not, they just send planes to bomb and artillery to bombard, and that's it.


Inside the Volunteer Army Headquarters.

"Now we can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

Chief of Staff Xie said: "All units have established defense lines, and the United Nations offensive has also weakened significantly. It seems that they have reached their limit. They know that they cannot break through our defense line, so they gave up temporarily."

"This gives us enough opportunity to rest and recuperate. We need to seize this opportunity and accumulate strength for counterattack."

"The strength of the US military is far beyond our imagination, but we still have to do everything we can to defeat them."

"We now need soldiers and all kinds of material support. Only by storing enough materials can we have the strength to fight back."

As the number of frontline troops increases, the troops will need more and more logistical supplies.

Now the country has set off a nationwide craze to defend the country, and all parts of the country are going all out to support the front line.

However, due to various reasons, frontline logistics are still very difficult. However, various departments work together and try their best to overcome all difficulties and ensure the war needs of the frontline as much as possible.

Chief of Staff Xie said: "The country is also going all out to provide us with various supports. If everything goes normally, we will soon be able to accumulate enough supplies to launch a large-scale counterattack."

"The American planes are very powerful, and we must reduce losses as much as possible."


Chief of Staff Xie quickly promised: "Don't worry, I will notify Lao Hong and let them implement it as soon as possible."

"This defeat is also a lesson for us."

"We must sum up experience and learn lessons. Judging from the current situation, if we want to defeat the enemy, we must also change our tactics appropriately."

"Change tactics?"

Chief of Staff Xie said thoughtfully: "I'm afraid this is not easy to handle. The enemy is strong, has good weapons and equipment, and has air superiority. The current replacements, Li Qiwei and Van Fleet, are also old foxes."

"The tactics they formulated to target our weaknesses are very targeted, and can even be said to hit our Achilles' heel. This is the main reason why we failed to achieve the planned results in these two battles."

"So we also need to find their weaknesses, avoid the real ones, and focus on their weak points."

The deputy commander pondered for a moment and said, "Their weakness? This?"

"We can think about this slowly, as long as we can figure it out in the next few days."

"I don't believe that they have no weaknesses at all. As long as we find their weaknesses and use targeted tactics, we can win."

(End of this chapter)

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