The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 237: Opening a weak hole in the United Nations defense line!

Chapter 237: Opening a weak hole in the United Nations defense line!

Soon, Shiji determined a new combat plan: deploy the main force of the 3rd Corps and the 9th Corps, quietly move eastward, and attack the Korean army on the eastern front.

The 19th Corps and other units were responsible for containing the main force of the US military on the Western Front and providing a chance for victory in this battle.

After the order was issued, the volunteer army units took action one after another.

At the same time, the United Nations Army was not aware of it at all.

Even the Third Army of the South Korean Army happened to be arguing with the Tenth Army of the US Army over the issue of defense zone boundaries.

The reason is because, next to the southwest highway, there is a place called Wumazhi.

This was originally a small place, but it was close to the road, and this road was the supply line of the South Korean army.

This place is a high ground, stuck on the side of the road. If this place is occupied, the road can be blocked. In this way, the South Korean army in the county will be cut off from their retreat and lose their supplies.

So for them, this place is a very important pass.

These guys are not all fools, they also see the importance of this place.

So the South Korean army sent a force to build a defensive position here to guard this high ground.

But as a result, the US 10th Army gave up and sent people over to drive away these South Korean troops.

Because the nearby area happens to be the junction of the defense areas of the South Korean Army and the US 10th Army, and this place of the Five Horses Standoff happens to be within the defense area of ​​the US Army.

When the US military learned that the South Korean troops had entered their defense zone to build positions, they began to drive them away.

Because the US military is unwilling to mix with them, there have been many incidents in previous battles where the North Korean army disguised itself as the South Korean army, and there were even incidents where the volunteers disguised themselves as the South Korean army and launched surprise attacks on the US military.

Therefore, the US military is not willing to mix with them at all, so the defense zones are very clearly defined, each performing its own duties and maintaining its own defense line.

This is also a helpless move, because the US military cannot tell the difference between South Koreans and Northern Koreans. They are originally the same nation. No one can tell them apart when they change their clothes.

Of course, there are US military advisers in the South Korean army, but the advisers only reach the battalion level, and those who can speak English are limited to middle- and senior-level officers.

Moreover, this war has been going on for nearly a year, and many members of the Northern Korean Army have also learned English. Even many soldiers of the Volunteer Army have taken English lessons unexpectedly.

So if a small group of troops wearing South Korean clothing appeared in front of the US military, they would not be able to tell whether it was true or false.

Therefore, defending separately and not mixing together is a more effective method.

Therefore, these US troops will not allow South Korean troops to build positions in their defense zones.

As a result, the two sides began to argue.

The South Korean army proposed that this place is very important and needs to be stationed.

But for the U.S. 10th Army, this place didn't matter.

Because this road is the supply line of the South Korean army, not the supply line of the 10th US Army. Their supply route takes another road to the west, so this short section is actually insignificant to them.

That is to say, when the defense zone was first drawn, the person in charge wanted to save trouble and drew a line across it, placing this place within the defense zone of the 10th Army.

From a military perspective, the South Korean army should actually be stationed here. After all, it is safer to defend your own retreat and supply line, and you cannot leave your lifeline in the hands of others.

For this reason, the two sides almost started fighting. The South Korean army did not dare to offend the US military, so they complained to Major General Byers, commander of the 10th Army.

Major General Byers simply understood the situation. After learning that this place was within his defense zone, Major General Byers gave a simple and rude order.

"Why are the Korean troops in my defense zone? Please get them out!"

So these South Korean puppet troops were driven out by the US military. After driving them away, the US military did not deploy troops to defend this place that they considered insignificant.

There is only one patrol team patrolling this section of the road.

At this moment, they did not know that it was this small loophole that became the key to the rapid defeat of the South Korean army.

It was precisely because of this small mistake that they paid an extremely heavy price.

The South Korean army was somewhat aware of the actions of the Volunteer Army. They learned that the main force of the Volunteer Army was gathering in the north, so they temporarily stopped their offensive operations to the north.

In this counterattack, South Korea's 3rd Army was very active and has been advancing northward.

With the support of the US military next to them, their progress was relatively smooth. The People's Army troops they faced were no match at all, and they were beaten back steadily.

The battle line was pushed all the way to the Zhaoyang River, and they discovered that the main force of volunteers was gathering in the People's Army defense area on the north bank.

However, they did not know that it was the main force of the Volunteer Army that was preparing to attack them. They naively thought that the Volunteer Army was only here to reinforce and prevent them from breaking through the Eastern Front positions.

No wonder they think so, because at that time the main force of the Volunteer Army had just been repelled by the US military and was in the defensive stage. Now they are counterattacking.

The South Korean army never dreamed that the volunteers would be ready to launch a counterattack in such a short period of time, and their target was this group of South Korean puppet troops.

Under the orders of the headquarters, several main forces of the Third Corps and the Ninth Corps intensively headed to the Eastern Front battlefield.

This time, the purpose of the Volunteer Army is to deal with about four divisions of the puppet army plus the first unit of the 10th US Army.

That's right, you have to kill the chicken with a knife.

Of course, in fact, a division of the South Korean Army, which should be called a division to be precise, usually has more than 10,000 people.

This kind of strength far exceeds that of a division of the Volunteer Army.

The strength of a division of the US Army is far greater than that of a division of the Volunteer Army. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is an army of the Volunteer Army against a division of the US Army. Even so, it cannot gain an advantage because the firepower of the US Army is too strong.

As for the South Korean army, its combat effectiveness is relatively weak. Although its weapons are good, there is no problem in using one army to deal with one of their divisions.

Inside the 9th Corps headquarters

Commander Song pointed at the map and said: "According to the boss's instructions, we must quickly penetrate and encircle the enemy's rear, trying to wipe out all the Korean troops of the three or four divisions on the front line, or at least defeat them all."

"The first thing we have to deal with is the Eighth Division of Han at the front. As long as we defeat them, we can quickly open a gap."

"Our plan is that the two divisions are responsible for containing the US 10th Army on the flank and preventing them from reinforcing eastward."

Commander Song said, his eyes fell on the division commander, and said: "Your division is responsible for passing through here, attacking the Han Eighth Division from the flanks, and then attacking from the front with the strength of two divisions, trying to defeat them in one fell swoop."

"There is a small place called Wumazhi here. Although this place is small, according to the information we have received, it guards the highway and is an important pass. As long as we capture this place, it will be equivalent to cutting off the Han Eighth Division. retreat."

"We must seize this place. Isn't there still a heroic ace Gang Seventh Regiment near our legion?"

"Leave this task to them. Send a message to Qianli and ask them to pass through and seize Wuma Zhi!"



The telegram was quickly conveyed to Gangqi Regiment.

Within the regiment headquarters, the key officers have already assembled.

Wu Qianli took out a map, spread it on a big stone nearby, pointed at the map and said: "This is the defense area of ​​Han 7th Division. The task of the friendly division is to bypass them and cut them off from the U.S. Tenth Army. We must make contact with them, launch an attack on them from the flanks, and cooperate with the main force of our army to defeat the Han 7th Division and even completely annihilate it."

"As long as Han Qi Division is killed, a hole will be opened in the United Nations defense line, and they will definitely be defeated by then."

"And the mission of our seventh regiment is to penetrate from here to here."

"Five horses stand!"

Mei Sheng took a look at the map and immediately saw the importance of this small place, and said: "The superiors probably want us to cooperate with the friendly forces and cut off the supply line of Han 7th Division."

Wu Qianli nodded and said: "This battle is of great importance. Whether we can defeat the Eighth Division of Han as soon as possible depends on whether we can occupy this five-horse standoff."

"As long as this place is captured and the enemy's retreat is cut off, the morale of the army will inevitably be chaotic, and subsequent battles will become much easier."

"If you can't get it off? That'll be troublesome."

Yu Congrong asked, "Grandma, I'm afraid of a ball. I've been waiting for the war for a long time. When will we set off?"

Wu Qianli said: "Tonight, after dark, we will set off immediately."



In the evening of that day, it was time to set off, and the soldiers immediately began to assemble and stand by.

Wu Qianli and the soldiers of the Gang 7th Regiment set out as ordered. That night, they marched for more than thirty miles in a hurry, then stopped, and hid in a nearby mountain forest as planned in advance, and continued to hide and wait.

Wu Qianli looked south and said: "The Zhaoyang River is just ahead. According to the instructions from our superiors, we will cross the Zhaoyang River tonight and then quickly penetrate behind the enemy lines."

"Destination, Wumazhi!"

"This time we will go deep behind enemy lines and may face a very powerful enemy, so we must be mentally prepared." "We must complete the tasks assigned by our superiors, occupy the Five Horses Stand, and cut off the retreat of the Eighth Division of the Han Dynasty."

Pinghe said: "Isn't it just a roundabout way of intervening? We are familiar with this matter."

Yu Congrong sneered and said: "It's just a group of Korean soldiers, no big deal."

Lei Gong reminded: "Don't be careless. This area is the junction of the defense zones of the Eighth Korean Division and the US 10th Army. We may encounter puppet troops or the US military. It depends on the specific division of their defense zones."

Wu Qianli nodded and said: "Lei Gong is right. Once we reach enemy lines, anything can happen, so we must be more vigilant."

"Everything is mission-focused. We have only one goal, and that is to complete our mission at the minimum cost."

Wu Qianli said this because it was just the best wish.

In fact, everyone knows that the task is the most important thing.

If you encounter danger, no matter how heavy the casualties are, you must try your best to complete the mission.

Yu Congrong responded quickly: "I know, don't worry, let me take the lead this time!"

Wu Qianli said: "Forget it! It's me who has done this. I don't feel comfortable leaving it to others."

"I feel more at ease when I leave the big guy to Thunder Lord."

Yu Congrong rolled his eyes at Wu Qianli and said angrily: "I've been talking for a long time, but you just don't trust me."

"Congratulations, you got it!"

Wu Qianli and others then discussed some details.

Finally, Wu Qianli said: "Rest in hiding on the spot, no one is allowed to act without authorization."

"It's given me enough energy to start taking action in the evening."



Soon night fell again.

Wu Qianli took the lead in setting off with the soldiers of the Gang 7th Regiment.

Since they were one of the troops with the longest distance, they naturally set out at the earliest time.

The soldiers who were scouting ahead had already scouted the route in advance.

Wu Qianli led the soldiers to cross the Zhaoyang River from a shallow place according to the route given by his superiors.

Then the troops followed a mountain path and moved south quickly.

Wu Qianli led the soldiers on a rapid march over mountains and ridges.

At three o'clock in the middle of the night, Wu Qianli led the top soldiers to the side of the highway.

Wu Qianli observed the surrounding terrain, raised his hand and pointed to a high ground in the distance, and asked: "Look, is that Wuma Zhi there?"

Wu Jin raised his head and glanced at the terrain in front of him and said, "It looks a bit similar."

Wu Qianli observed the surrounding situation and found no trace of the enemy, so he said: "Get closer and take a closer look."

Then Wu Qianli led the top soldiers and moved toward the high ground.

At this moment, two car lights appeared on the highway in the distance.


The soldiers quickly hid in the grass on the roadside, lying on the ground one by one, motionless.

Fortunately, this area was overgrown with weeds, and it was night, so it was easy to hide.

There was not one vehicle, but three, a jeep followed by two trucks.

Three cars drove over slowly, and Wu Qianli guessed that they were an enemy patrol.

Fortunately, this patrol seemed to be fishing for something. They drove slowly on the road without checking carefully, and it was even less likely that they would find Wu Qianli and the others.

After they were far away, Wu Qianli led the people to continue walking forward and arrived near the high ground.

The terrain in the nearby area has been firmly imprinted in Wu Qianli's mind.

Wu Qianli observed the surrounding terrain and said, "Yes, this is it."

"There is a curve on the road ahead, and the angle of the curve is consistent with the map."

"The location of the highlands and the distance from the road are also the same as marked on the map."

"There is also a mountain over there, which is also marked on the map. The direction of the road and the angle are also correct."

"This is the Five Horses Stand!"

"We're here!"

Wu Jin smiled and said: "The most important thing is that there are no enemies here."

Wu Qianli was also very worried along the way. The biggest worry was that the enemy would be heavily guarded here.

But there is no need to worry now, because there is no sign of an enemy soldier above.

"Send someone back to meet up with the main force and ask them to come over as soon as possible."


"The rest of you will follow me to the high ground to have a look."


Then Wu Qianli took Wu Jin and others to the high ground, and several people climbed up carefully.

"There really isn't anyone!"

Wu Qianli nodded and said, "It's true that all our enemies are helping us!"

Wu Jin pointed to one side and said, "There are defensive fortifications built on the hillside over there, but it seems that they have not been completed."

Wu Qianli heard this and immediately walked over. Sure enough, he saw trenches, firepower points, foxholes and the like.

Wu Qianli observed the terrain and said, "This is the best defensive position to hold the road."

"But there are no troops stationed here. Aren't these fortifications built by the enemy?"

Wu Jin said: "These fortifications were not completed. It seemed that they were only half built and then suddenly stopped."

"This is even weirder!"

Wu Qianli was also puzzled by this.

How could he have imagined that the South Korean army was originally planning to garrison here and had begun building fortifications.

As a result, the US military quit and insisted that this was their defense area. After a final quarrel.

The arms couldn't twist the thighs, and the puppet troops were eventually driven away by the US military, so there were these half-built fortifications.

Wu Qianli didn't know there would be such a joke, so naturally he couldn't think of it.

Since he couldn't figure it out, Wu Qianli didn't bother to think about it.

"Forget it~! Who cares!"

"With these more than half of the fortifications built, it will be easier for us."

"You guys will check carefully first to see if there is anything that needs to be reinforced. When the main force arrives, reinforce the fortifications immediately."

"In addition, we have to dig tunnels on the reverse slope position."

"Then find a way to open up all these trenches and tunnels. This way, absolute safety can be guaranteed."

(End of this chapter)

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