The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 238 Attack, cross the Zhaoyang River!

Wu Jin frowned and said, "It seems that the amount of work is not small!"

Wu Qianli said helplessly: "Now the American devils have an absolute advantage in firepower. If we want to ensure safety, we can only dig more tunnels and fortifications."

"Fortunately, I've made some observations and found that the fortifications on this mountain shouldn't be too difficult to dig."

"Seize the time and dig more fortifications. This is the greatest guarantee for our survival."

It has to be said that Wu Qianli and the others are quite lucky.

After the US military patrol convoy passed by, no one passed by on this road for a long time.

This road is a supply road for the Korean army. Many vehicles pass by on the road during the day, and convoys often pass by in the first half of the night.

But in the second half of the night, there were basically no vehicles passing by, only US military patrols patrolling nearby.

The enemy patrol that Wu Qianli and the others encountered just now was the last patrol of the night.

Therefore, after Wu Qianli and the others occupied Wumazhi, they immediately started building fortifications, and everything went very smoothly.

In the early hours of that night, the Volunteer Army launched a comprehensive attack on the Han 7th Division.

"Dong dong dong~!"

The rumbling sound of artillery continued, and the artillery shells flew towards the enemy positions on the south bank one after another.

There were violent explosions, and the Korean army's forward positions were successively shrouded in artillery fire.

The volunteers launched an attack from the front in advance to further attract the enemy's attention.

At this time, the troops responsible for the insertion continued to quickly move towards the enemy's rear and enemy flanks in a roundabout way.

In order to quickly clear the obstacles, this time the volunteer artillery was also rare and did not save artillery shells.

Each artillery group opened fire with all its strength, and the shells hit the enemy's position like raindrops.

The covering bombardment gradually extended southward.

The fortifications built by the enemy were destroyed by artillery fire, all the barbed wire fences were blown into the sky, and almost all the mines laid were detonated.

Through such fierce shelling, the volunteers gradually cleared the obstacles to the attack.

The volunteers immediately launched an attack, and the infantry rushed out immediately after receiving the order.

This section of the river is more than a hundred meters wide and the water is only about one meter deep, so the soldiers can wade on foot.

In this season, the river is still a little cold, but it cannot stop the volunteer soldiers at all.

Not to mention it’s already May, it’s almost summer.

Even last winter, when the volunteers attacked, they had to ford rivers alone.

It is hard for you to imagine that on the ice and snow battlefield, our heroic volunteer soldiers took off their clothes, naked, broke through the enemy's fire blockade, and crossed the river on foot.

So cold? Why take off your clothes.

Because the clothes we wear are all cotton-padded, it would be inconvenient to cross the river wearing clothes. The cotton-padded clothes will be full of moisture, which will seriously affect our movement.

Secondly, in such cold weather, if the cotton clothes are soaked, it will be difficult to dry them, and they will easily freeze into ice, and the soldiers will also freeze to death.

So it would be the safest to rush across the river naked and then put on clothes.

But now that it's May, the weather is not that cold anymore, and the soldiers are wearing single clothes, so there is no need to take off their clothes.

Under the cover of powerful artillery fire, the heroic soldiers quickly rushed across the Zhaoyang River and continued to fight south.

The Korean army blocking the south bank was beaten back steadily with just one contact. They could only watch the volunteer soldiers rushing across the Soyang River like waves.

The news reached the headquarters of Han 7th Division. Jin Jong was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and kept walking back and forth in the headquarters.

A staff officer reported: "The enemy's firepower was too fierce, our troops suffered heavy casualties, and the communication links of some troops have been cut off."

"In short, the current situation is very bad. The main force of the volunteer army is about to attack."

As soon as he finished speaking, another staff officer ran over quickly.

"Commander, something serious has happened. The enemy has launched an attempt to cross the Zhaoyang River. They have already crossed the Zhaoyang River. Our troops cannot withstand their attack at all."


Jin Jong's eyes almost popped out when he saw them, and he shouted angrily: "A bunch of trash, what do they do for food? Why don't they block the enemy's attack?"

The staff officer quickly replied: "Division Commander, the Volunteer Army's offensive is too fierce, and we really can't withstand it."

"Now that they have crossed the Soyang River, more and more enemy troops are crossing the river. What should we do now?"

Jin Jiongyi also panicked, but things were already like this, what could he do?

Calm down! Be sure to stay calm!

This guy also understands that at this time, the more calm he needs to be.

"Immediately send an order to all the troops on the front line to hold their positions with all their strength and block the enemy's attack."

"In addition, report the situation truthfully immediately. We need support. The enemy is attacking us with all his strength. We need all kinds of support."


A Korean military officer nearby responded quickly and turned around to convey the order.

Jin Jongyi quickly ordered all troops to go to the front line and hold on with all their strength.

However, facing the powerful offensive of the volunteers, the enemy was quickly defeated.

Due to the shelling by the Volunteer Army, all communications among some units were interrupted.

The regiment commanders on the front line were simply unable to effectively command their troops to resist.

As for those troops who had lost contact with their superiors, seeing the volunteers attacking so fiercely, they began to retreat regardless of the situation.

This resulted in the collapse of the two main regiments of the Korean Seventh Division on the front line.

The two main regiments behind wanted to rush to support, but they encountered the defeated troops halfway.

As a result, these reinforcements not only failed to stop the defeated troops, but they were also carried away and fled southward quickly.

The entire 7th Division began to collapse across the board. After the attacking volunteers discovered this situation, the frontline command immediately ordered all units to pursue them with all their strength and strive to annihilate the enemy to the maximum extent possible.

As soon as Jin Jongyi learned that his troops were out of control, they all began to retreat. So after asking for help from the Third Army Headquarters again, he then led his division to join the fleeing queue.

The brave volunteer soldiers easily broke through the Zhaoyang River defense line and advanced southward quickly.

The enemy army was completely defeated and fled all the way. The heroic volunteer soldiers just stepped on the corpses of the Korean soldiers and continued to advance.

Besides, the commander of the Third Army, Liu Zaixing, was a little confused after learning the news from the front line.

After deliberation, in order to save the situation, Liu Zaixing ordered the 3rd and 9th Divisions to fully rescue the Korean 7th Division in an attempt to restore the defeated situation and stabilize the front.

Wu Qianli and his soldiers were building fortifications at Wumazhi. At this time, Pinghe ran over quickly and said to Wu Qianli: "Captain, there are enemies! They will be here soon."

Wu Qianli asked: "How many people are there? What kind of army are they?"

Pinghe shook his head and said: "It's a convoy, the specific strength is unknown."

"But there are more than a dozen vehicles, and I don't know which army they belong to."

"Ready to fight!"

Wu Qianli said with a serious face: "I want to inform everyone that no matter who they are, they must not be allowed to pass. I will stop them and kill them."


The soldiers immediately entered the fighting position and prepared for battle.

After a while, a convoy of jeeps and trucks gradually drove over.

Seeing that the enemy had entered the ambush range, Wu Qianli loudly ordered: "Brothers, concentrate your firepower and hit me hard."

Following Wu Qianli's order, Wu Wanli and the bombing team immediately threw grenades towards the cars on the road.

The grenades emitted black smoke and spun towards the enemy's car.

At the same time, Lei Gong's artillery battalion also aimed at the enemy and began to fire.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

For a time, violent explosions sounded one after another, flames burst into flames, and the enemy's cars were blown into burning scrap metal one after another.

The enemies in the car behind jumped out of the car one after another, preparing to fight back.

As a result, blazing tongues of fire immediately erupted from the mountain, and dense bullets swept across. The enemies fell to the ground one after another.

After a fierce battle, this group of enemies was quickly wiped out.

Wu Qianli looked at the battlefield below and ordered: "Yu Congrong, take people down to check and bring up all the weapons and ammunition."


Then Yu Congrong rushed onto the road with two platoons of soldiers and began to clean the battlefield.

Several trucks were not destroyed. Yu Congrong led people to check these trucks that were not destroyed.

When he found that it was filled with weapons and ammunition, Yu Congrong was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Haha~! Now we are rich."

"Hurry up, don't be silly, carry all these weapons and ammunition to the position."

"Be quick with your hands and feet, hurry up!"


Under the command of Yu Congrong, the soldiers happily began to transport ammunition and supplies.

Yu Congrong carried a box of ammunition, ran to the battlefield happily, threw it in front of Wu Qianli, and said with a smile: "Now we are rich."

"This convoy is a transport team of the Korean Army, and the vehicles are all loaded with ammunition and supplies."

"There are several vehicles that have not been destroyed, and there are still a lot of good things, most of which are ammunition."

"Bullet grenades and mortar rounds, rockets and recoilless artillery shells."

Wu Qianli nodded with satisfaction and said, "It seems like this is just a baggage convoy of a certain infantry battalion."

"The battle on the front line started. They rushed to transport ammunition there, and they happened to run into us."

"Hmph~! This is an advantage for us. With these ammunition and supplies, it will be easier for us to defend Wuma Zhi."

Yu Congrong said with a smile: "Isn't that right? These ammunition supplies are enough to hold on to the Wuma Zhi. Now we can let go and have a good fight with these bullies."

Wu Qianli smiled slightly, but he was a little curious in his heart as to why this convoy rushed to the front line overnight.

But the most important thing now is to strengthen the defenses, especially the tunnels, which must be built strong and safe to prevent the enemy from indiscriminate bombing.

The battle started here, which also alerted the nearby enemy troops.

The news was reported at all levels. After receiving the news, Cui Xi, commander of the 9th Division of the Korean Army, immediately hurried to the corps headquarters.

At this moment, the entire legion headquarters was in chaos.

Liu Zaixing didn't know what to do for a while, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Cui Xi quickly reported to him: "Regiment Commander, now the 7th Division has been completely defeated. We followed the order to reinforce, but we were unable to prevent their defeat at all."

"The defeat of the Seventh Division completely exposed our army's flanks. In this way, once the Chinese army launches an attack, we will be attacked from both sides and will be easily defeated by the Chinese army."

"And I believe you already know that the Wuma Zhi has also been lost. This shows that the Chinese army has penetrated deep into the rear of our army. If the enemy continues to attack, our army will have no chance of being spared."

Liu Zaixing also panicked and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

Cui Xi sighed and whispered: "You must make a decision early."

Liu Zaixing's eyes flashed with panic and he said: "This...then what do you think we should do?"

Cui Xi said with a serious face: "The Chinese army is so powerful that we cannot be their opponent at all. Instead of waiting to be defeated or even annihilated by them, it is better for the entire army to retreat and conserve its strength in order to fight again. "

Liu Zaixing frowned and said, "Is there no other way?"

"After all, once our troops retreat, there will be loopholes in the entire defense line. If the US military is blamed, how will we explain it?"

Cui Xi said: "Once our troops are wiped out, can we expect those American troops to save us?"

Cui Xi's words have made it very clear, that is, the most important thing now is to save life, and there is nothing else to worry about.

Liu Zaixing nodded and said: "It makes sense, then retreat."

"But we must ask the US military for instructions. After getting authorization, we will not be too late to retreat. In this way, we will not be responsible."

Cui Xi said quickly: "Okay, I'll go back and prepare now. I'm waiting for news from you."

With that said, Cui Xi left in a hurry.

Liu Zaixing looked at Cui Xi's back and couldn't help but curse: "This bastard is a piece of trash. He can't fight, but he is more active than anyone else in escaping."

Although he said this, Liu Zaixing also understood that their situation was indeed very dangerous now.

So Liu Zaixing immediately sent a telegram to the US military, reporting the current situation truthfully and asking for permission to withdraw.

This order was quickly conveyed to Van Fleet's headquarters.

Van Fleet was also in a daze when he was suddenly woken up and ran to the headquarters to work overtime.

At this time, Van Fleet realized that the main force of the Volunteer Army had secretly arrived on the eastern front and launched a sudden attack from the eastern front. (End of chapter)

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