The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 240 The United States is stuck in the quagmire of war, and the Soviet Union is eyeing it!

The morning light pierces the night, and dawn comes

The U.S. military immediately called nearby artillery to provide artillery support, and also called in aircraft to bomb the Wumazhi Highlands.

However, at this moment, the soldiers of the Gang 7th Regiment had dug the tunnel, and all the soldiers were hiding in the safe tunnel.

No matter how much the US military bombs, it will not be able to cause much damage to the soldiers of the Gang 7th Regiment for the time being.

After some indiscriminate bombing, Joseph looked at the smoke-filled battlefield and said with a sneer: "Humph, now let's see how they can stop our army's attack."

A US military officer nearby said: "With such fierce artillery fire, it is estimated that all those hateful Chinese troops have been killed."

Another officer said: "Don't underestimate the enemy. These volunteers are cunning and cunning. They may have built a defense line. After all, these volunteers are really good at defensive operations. We still want to be careful."

Lieutenant Colonel Joseph said confidently: "That is absolutely impossible. They have only occupied Wumazhi for a long time. How can they build a strong enough position in such a short period of time? This is absolutely impossible."

The US military officer insisted: 'Don't be careless! After all, the Volunteer Army does have considerable strength, and they have created many impossible miracles. ’

Lieutenant Colonel Joseph sneered and shook his head, obviously not listening to these words.

After a while, the bombardment was over. Lieutenant Colonel Joseph sneered and said: 'Now that their fortifications have been completely destroyed, they may all have been killed. ’

"Launch an attack immediately and take advantage of this opportunity to eliminate them all."

"yes sir!"

After Lieutenant Colonel Joseph gave the order, the US military immediately dispatched an elite force and launched a fierce attack on the Wumazhi Highlands again.

It was almost the same as the last attack. Under the cover of tanks, a large number of American troops rushed towards the position of the Gang 7th Regiment.

Wu Qianli was crowded in the tunnel and couldn't help complaining, saying: 'This tunnel is still too narrow, we must continue to dig, and we have to dig deeper, because it can't accommodate so many of us. ’

"Commander, the American devils have launched an attack!"

At this time, someone shouted outside.

Wu Qianli quickly ordered: "Go out immediately, restore your position, and prepare to fight."

Then the soldiers carefully climbed out of the tunnel, and Wu Qianli hurried to the position with the soldiers, preparing to block the attacking US troops.

Wu Qianli was lying on the position, observing the situation at the bottom of the mountain. At this time, a large number of American troops had begun to rush up the mountain.

The tanks were parked in the open space at the foot of the mountain to provide covering fire for the attacking troops.

Strings of bullets continued to fly towards the top of the mountain. The bullets hit the top of the mountain and splashed up pieces of dust.

Wu Qianli shouted loudly: "Brothers~! Target these American devils and beat them hard."

Following Wu Qianli's order, the soldiers aimed at the charging enemies and pulled the triggers.

"Da da da~!"

Intensive gunfire sounded, and bullets were like raindrops, quickly sweeping towards the enemy.

"Puff puff puff~!"

The bullet hit the American soldier, making a muffled sound and splashing blood mist.

The shrill screams continued to sound, and a large piece of the American troops rushing in front fell instantly.

The other enemies were so frightened that they fell to the ground and no longer dared to rush forward easily.

The US tanks, heavy machine guns and mortars at the foot of the mountain immediately mobilized firepower and began to bombard the Gang 7th Regiment position on the top of the mountain to provide cover for the attacking troops.

While Wu Qianli shot the exposed American soldiers, he shouted: "Grenade."

Hand grenades flew out of the position with black smoke, and fell towards the US military position in a dense cloud.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

Violent explosions sounded one after another, and pieces of fire shot up into the sky. The American soldiers were immediately thrown over and killed and wounded.

On the anti-slope position, Lei Gong also ordered people to lay out mortars.

Lei Gong loudly ordered: "Fire."

"Dong dong dong~!"

A series of dull gunfire sounded, and mortar shells flew out one after another.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

Violent explosions sounded one after another, and pieces of fire rose into the sky. The American soldiers were immediately turned upside down by the bombs, leaving many dead and injured.

Although those tanks could not be destroyed, there were still many people on the heavy machine gun positions and mortar positions at the foot of the mountain.

After this round of artillery fire, Lei Gong and the others took the initiative and knocked out the US heavy machine guns and mortars in one fell swoop.

The attacking U.S. troops were hit head-on and suffered heavy casualties in an instant. The infantry was so frightened that they retreated in despair.

The retreat of the infantry means that the attack has failed.

On the distant position, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph saw this scene through the telescope, and couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise.

"Fake~! How could this happen?"

Joseph originally thought that this attack would definitely go very smoothly. At worst, it would not be defeated so quickly or so miserably.

At this time, a US military officer said: "Sir, the firepower of the Chinese army on the opposite side is very fierce, and the timing is very exquisite, causing us a lot of losses."

Hearing this, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph's face became even more ugly.

At this time, a U.S. military lieutenant said: "Sir, I have said before that these volunteers are difficult to deal with. They may have built defensive positions, and our artillery fire may not be effective against them."

These words were undoubtedly a slap in the face of Lieutenant Colonel Joseph.

Hearing this, Joseph became furious and said: "What cleverness are you showing off here? Now that the attack has failed, is there any use in talking about it?"

The lieutenant couldn't help but be speechless for a while, thinking that you are too naive to let others talk now.

But since he was a commander, the lieutenant could only swallow his bad breath and obediently stepped aside.

Lieutenant Colonel Joseph said angrily: "Immediately concentrate the artillery fire and continue the attack. No matter what, I must take down the Five Horses."

"yes sir!"

At this time, an American soldier ran over and said, "Sir, the regiment commander sent a telegram asking about the situation of the war."

Lieutenant Colonel Joseph couldn't help but frown when he heard this.

It was a small five-horse stand. Before he came, he vowed that it would be taken down soon.

As a result, after fighting for so long now, winning the Five Horses Zhi is still far away.

Lieutenant Colonel Joseph pondered for a moment and said: "Immediately reply to the regimental commander and say that the Chinese army in Wumazhi is extraordinary and very difficult to deal with."

"We are currently attacking with all our strength. If nothing unexpected happens, we should win the Five Horse Stand today."

"yes sir!"

Joseph then ordered: "Send the order, organize more troops to prepare for the attack, and win the Five Horses at all costs."

"yes sir!"

The U.S. military officers present responded quickly.

The angry Lieutenant Colonel Joseph immediately began to organize a new round of attack.

Wu Qianli and the soldiers of the Gang 7th Regiment were also ready for battle at any time.

In Wu Qianli's view, the U.S. military was only there for a few seconds. As long as it escaped the enemy's bombing, the rest of the battle would be much easier to fight.

Hearing another explosion from outside, Wu Qianli ordered: "Use every opportunity to dig the tunnel as deep as possible."



After a fierce battle, the US military attack was repelled again.

Wu Qianli led the soldiers to hide in the tunnel again. Yu Congrong, Mei Sheng and Lei Gong all came to the regiment headquarters.

Wu Qianli briefly introduced the situation and said: "This is probably the situation now. The higher-ups hope that we can conquer the hills in the northeast. In this way, we can take advantage of the location and truly threaten the US military's retreat."

Lei Gong held the unlit belt in his mouth and said thoughtfully: "That high ground is easy to deal with. If attacked from both sides, the probability of a successful sneak attack is still very high."

Mei Sheng frowned and said: "Actually, the biggest trouble now is the enemy. Will the enemy continue to attack tomorrow? If we continue to fight according to this trend, how long can we hold on?"

Yu Congrong said with a smile: "Tonight, our main force will definitely launch a large-scale offensive again, and the enemy will definitely retreat again. Our large force will arrive soon. What do we have to fear?"

Mei Sheng pondered for a moment and said, "That's true."

Wu Qianli continued: "Ignore everything else, what we want to talk about now is how to capture this highland in the northeast."

Lei Gong pondered for a moment and said: "As far as I know, the enemy does not have too many troops on the mountain. We only need to select a group of good players. As long as we can touch the top of the mountain, the matter is basically done. If we cannot touch it, That would be troublesome."

Wu Qianli nodded slightly and said, "Lei Gong is right."

"Yu Congrong, the two of us will personally lead the team to the top of the mountain to attack the enemy's position."

Yu Congrong responded quickly: "Yes!"

Wu Qianli continued: "Deploy manpower immediately and start preparations."



Van Fleet learned that the Volunteer Army had launched a large-scale offensive on the Eastern Front, and the situation was not good, so he hurried to the Eastern Front.

Van Fleet landed in the enemy's eastern front headquarters compound by helicopter. When he got off the plane, Van Fleet said angrily: "Has Liu Zaixing of the Korean Army arrived?"

A U.S. Army brigadier general next to him said: "Your Excellency, General, Liu Zaixing is already waiting."

Van Fleet entered the room angrily and soon met Liu Zaixing, the commander of the Korean Army's Third Army Corps. Van Fleet was very polite at first and asked: "General Liu, what is the current situation on the Eastern Front?"

Liu Zaixing frowned and said with a fearful expression: "Well, Your Excellency, Commander, we..."

Van Fleet asked angrily: "I heard that the entire Eastern Front collapsed. Your defense area, several divisions of troops, and tens of thousands of people did not even stop the enemy for a night, and they were all defeated."

"Is that so? My General Liu?"

Liu Zaixing hesitated and said: "It's probably like this. The enemy's offensive is too strong and we really can't support it."

Van Fleet said angrily: "Are you all trash? I think you are all a bunch of idiots, complete idiots."

"Where are your troops now?"

Van Fleet quickly walked to the sand table.

Liu Zaixing replied hesitantly: "I don't know..."

"do not know?"

Van Fleet was surprised and thought he heard wrongly.

Liu Zaixing quickly explained: "They retreated without authorization. Now the troops are all in chaos. I don't know where they are. Anyway, they are retreating now."

Van Fleet said angrily: "Fake!"

Van Fleet really wanted to shoot this loser now, but the battle was not over yet, and killing him at this time would not do any good.

What's more, this guy is a senior general of the Korean army after all. Due to political considerations, it is not convenient for him to kill him directly.

Van Fleet could only suppress the anger in his heart and ordered: "Can your troops still organize a counterattack now?"

Liu Zaixing answered honestly: "It's difficult. The enemy's offensive is too fierce. They are too powerful. There is no way we can be their opponent."

Van Fleet roared angrily: "You bunch of trash, let me tell you, the current situation is that you are all surrounded. You should have seen that the volunteers were also boldly inserting themselves during the day, and they were about to surround you. ,do you know?"

"If we can't open a breakthrough, all of your current divisions will be doomed."

"And why didn't your troops show up at Wumazhi? Isn't it the closest place to retreat?"

Liu Zaixinghui reported: "We received a report that the troops retreating to Wumazhi were ambushed by the enemy, so they changed their route."

"A bunch of trash."

Van Fleet scolded angrily: "They are all just losers. Don't you know that Wuma Zhi only has a small number of enemies?"

"Our troops are currently attacking Wuma Zhi, but the enemy occupies a favorable terrain and cannot conquer it yet, but I believe we will be able to capture Wuma Zhi soon."

Liu Zaixing sneered at this. You guys can't defeat me, so you still have the nerve to say this.

In fact, Liu Zaixing has seen through these US troops. In his opinion, these guys have better weapons, better ammunition and logistics support than them, but they may not be better than them in other aspects, so what qualifications do they have to say? where are they.

But that's what I thought in my heart, but I didn't dare to say it out loud.

Van Fleet said: "I hope to see your troops at Wumazhi! Can it be done?"

"General Liu, we must go all out now to stop their attack. If we fail, our losses will be huge. Do you understand?"

Liu Zaixing said bravely: "I will go all out."

Van Fleet pointed at Liu Zaixing's nose and said, "Go and supervise the battle in person, command your troops, and capture the Wuma Zhi."

Liu Zaixing was speechless for a while, thinking: You can't take it down, and you still expect us to take it down, but you can say such nonsense.

Van Fleet ignored this and continued: "Don't forget who we are fighting this war for. If you don't fight yourselves, how can you count on us for everything?"

Hearing this, Liu Zaixing was unable to refute. This was indeed true, and he was even embarrassed to complain.

Liu Zaixing said bravely: "Yes, then I will immediately organize troops to counterattack Wumazhi."

Van Fleet said: "We must win the Five Horses Stand. If we cannot win, then you will no longer need to be the commander of the army."

"Don't think that you were appointed by Li. Even so, I have the right to remove you from your post. All ground forces are under my command, including your Korean army. Do you understand?"

"yes sir!"

Liu Zaixing had no choice but to bow down and accept the order.

After sending Liu Zaixing away, Van Fleet said angrily: "These Korean troops are a bunch of complete idiots. Their legion commanders can't mobilize their troops. Now they can't even know the specific location of their troops. This is simply a lie." joke."

The American brigadier general next to him said: "But we still need their assistance now. After all, the scale of this war is getting bigger and bigger, and the enemy is still increasing its troops."

"And we cannot rely solely on our own strength, otherwise we will fall into the quagmire of war and be unable to extricate ourselves."

"Don't forget, the Soviet side is still waiting and watching. They have not joined the war yet. If they also join the war, it will be even more troublesome."

Van Fleet said: "I feel that they will not participate in the war at all. If they wanted to participate in the war, they would not wait until now."

The brigadier general said: "But we have to guard against it!"

Van Fleet said: "To be honest, the volunteers on the opposite side are really powerful. I admire them very much. They can fight us like this with such inferior weapons. This is a miracle. However, they did it. I admire them very much. At the same time, I feel sorry for them too."

The US Army Brigadier General asked in confusion: "Do you mean that they paid greater losses and casualties?"

Van Fleet shook his head and said, "That's not the case. I feel pity for them for having such a shameless ally."

"Hmph~! Those old furry bears refuse to join the war themselves and just use the volunteers as gunmen. Isn't it pitiful?"

The US Army Brigadier General said: "But the news we got is that they have begun to provide more assistance to the volunteers."

Van Fleet said: "If we encounter such a situation, we will definitely join the war directly and join hands with our allies to fight the enemy, but they only provide some ridiculous assistance, and it may not be free. What does this count?"

"It's okay not to have such an ally."

"It is because China is too backward that it relies more on these despicable furry bears. Otherwise, this would not be the situation."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this now."

In fact, Van Fleet also received a report from the front line and knew that Wumazhi was a difficult place to attack. They had been attacking for so long and suffered heavy losses.

Only then did Liu Zaixing throw this hot potato to Liu Zaixing.

Liu Zaixing had no choice but to accept this task, hoping to get away with it and make meritorious deeds.


Inside the Volunteer Army Headquarters.

"The current overall war situation is still favorable to us. We must continue to strengthen our offensive, seize this opportunity, and annihilate as many enemies as possible."

Chief of Staff Xie said: "The Korean army was vulnerable and ran too fast. In order to catch up with them, our troops did not hesitate to pursue them during the day."

"But the enemy's air force controlled the air and carried out a series of bombings against us, causing some unnecessary losses."

"Especially, the 35th Division suffered heavy losses. The division headquarters was also bombed. The deputy division commander, operations section chief and a deputy regimental commander all died."

"No matter what, we must persevere. The enemy we face is too strong, and we will definitely face some difficulties and dangers."

"No matter how great the difficulties are, we must strive to overcome them as soon as possible and achieve the final victory."

"I always believe that we can definitely win the final victory."

"Order all troops to continue to strengthen their offensive and be sure to achieve greater results tonight."

"Occupy this area and strive to completely defeat or even annihilate the 3rd, 7th, and 9th Divisions of the Korean Army."

"And the 10th Army of the US Army must also use every opportunity as much as possible to consume their troops."

Chief of Staff Jie said: "According to the news from the front line, the US 10th Army has sent troops to attack from the flanks to rescue the Korean army and has started fighting with our troops. However, judging from the current situation, they The amount of troops invested is not too much.”

"In other words, they were not that active in rescuing the Korean army. Maybe they did not expect that the Korean army would be defeated so miserably."

"No matter what, we have to stop them. We can't take any chances with them. If their main force comes over, wouldn't it be troublesome?"

Chief of Staff Xie pondered for a moment, and then said: "There is another question, that is, the enemy will not play tricks on us again!"

"You mean, they deliberately lured the enemy deeper?"

Chief of Staff Xie nodded and said, "We can't rule out this possibility!"

"After all, these guys are getting more and more cunning now, and they have learned to play strategies and tactics with us."

"If we advance all the way on the eastern front, and they suddenly concentrate their forces and move behind us in a roundabout way, they may counter-encircle us."

"Their main force is not on the eastern front now. If you pass on the order, you must mobilize all possible forces and closely monitor the movements of their main force."

"Especially the movements of the main force of the 10th Army, we must investigate clearly. You are right, we should be more careful."


Chief of Staff Xie responded quickly: "I'll make arrangements right away."

"As a reserve force, we must set up defenses here and here in advance to prevent the enemy from sneak attacks on our rear. As long as we guard these points, the enemy will not be able to get through, and we will have nothing to worry about."

Chief of Staff Xie responded quickly: "Yes, I will make arrangements right away."

"These enemies are also very capable of learning, and we must constantly change our tactics."

"This way we can better adapt to this war."

Chief of Staff Xie nodded and said: "The Yankees' learning ability is indeed very strong. In addition, they have more advanced weapons and equipment. There is still a big gap with us in this regard."

"So it makes these guys more and more difficult to deal with."

"But we also have our advantages. Our soldiers' individual capabilities are much stronger than theirs. If it weren't for weapons and equipment and logistical support problems, they would have been driven into the sea by us by now."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. Now we still try to win the battle in front of us."

"No matter what, we must be as foolproof as possible, and we must not give the enemy any opportunity to take advantage of it. The previous lessons have been profound enough, and we must also learn from them and not let the tragedy happen again." (End of this chapter)

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