The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 241 The struggle for military command within the United Nations Army!

Late that night, Wu Qianli personally led the soldiers to quietly approach the enemy's position.

It was already late at night, and most of the enemies had fallen asleep, unaware that the danger was quietly approaching.

Wu Qianli observed the situation, then waved his hand, and several soldiers touched it carefully.

Soon all the sentries in the enemy's sentry posts were killed.

Seeing that he was not exposed, Wu Qianli was obviously relieved. Then he waved his hand, and the soldiers behind him immediately rushed towards the enemy's camp cautiously.

At the same time, according to the previous plan, all the soldiers in the firepower camp entered the position and prepared for battle.

Yu Congrong carefully observed the situation in the enemy camp, and seeing nothing unusual, he waved his hand and ordered: "Let the soldiers calm down, hide, and wait for the captain's signal."


Around three in the morning.

Wu Qianli led the soldiers and after killing three Korean army checkpoints in succession, he had quietly arrived outside the Korean army's camp.

Wu Qianli observed the situation and then ordered: "Start immediately and rush in directly."


The soldiers responded quickly, and then several soldiers stood up, raised their guns, pointed them at the sentry outside the enemy's gate, and pulled the trigger directly.

"Da da da~!"

Intensive gunfire sounded, and a series of dense bullets flew towards the enemy like raindrops, instantly smashing several Korean military sentries into a sieve.

Then several grenades whirled past.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

A violent explosion sounded, and the simple door was blown open.

Wu Qianli waved his hand and shouted sternly: "Comrades, charge at me!"


Wu Qianli led the soldiers of the assault battalion to rush forward and rushed directly into the enemy's camp.

The soldiers held submachine guns and fired while rushing forward. Wu Wanli also led a group of soldiers who were responsible for throwing grenades.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

With the sound of violent explosions, the enemy soldiers were immediately turned upside down by the explosion.

At the same time, two flares soared into the sky.

This is also a signal that has been discussed in advance.

After Mei Sheng saw the signal flare, he immediately ordered: "Tell Lei Gong to fire immediately and bombard the enemy's deep positions."

"The bugler blows the charge bugle."


Following Mei Sheng's order, the artillery camp immediately launched an artillery bombardment, and artillery shells flew into the enemy's camp one after another, exploding loudly.

At the same time, several charge horns sounded at the same time, and charge horns sounded from the east, northeast, north and other directions at the same time.

The loud charging horn, combined with the sound of gunfire on the battlefield, frightened the enemy.

At this moment, the enemy who was suddenly attacked was already in a mess, but when they heard the charge horn again, they thought that the main force of the volunteers was coming, and they were suddenly frightened into a mess.

These Korean soldiers were just here to show off, and how could they really dare to fight against the volunteers.

Wu Qianli led the team to fight all the way forward, killing the enemy and turning them upside down, which also accelerated the enemy's defeat.

Moreover, the Wu Qianli team was led by guides who were all locals. They also taught the volunteer soldiers how to speak Korean.

At this moment, the soldiers all shouted loudly in Korean.

"The main force of the volunteers is coming!"

"The main force of the volunteers has arrived, run away!"

After hearing the shouts, the chaotic Korean soldiers were frightened and panicked.

The entire team was in complete chaos. The camp to the north was quickly and completely breached. A large number of enemies were killed, and the remaining enemies began to flee towards the camp to the south in embarrassment.

The main force of the enemy army is in the south. After learning about the situation here, the commander of the Korean Army quickly issued an order: "Quick, support the northern camp immediately, give full support, be sure to stabilize the position for me, go quickly."


A Korean military officer nearby responded quickly and turned around to convey the order.

At this time, the enemy troops in the southern camp began to gather urgently, but when they heard the movement from the north, these enemy soldiers were frightened and panicked. They were also afraid that the main force of the volunteers had arrived.

An enemy officer ran up to the regiment leader and said, "Commander, please listen. The charging horn in the distance keeps ringing. Their main force must have arrived."

"Our strength is less than one regiment. If we resist their main force, wouldn't we die in vain?"

The Korean Army Commander said angrily: "Fart, have you forgotten the order the Army Commander gave us?"

"If we withdraw now, how will we explain to the legion commander?"

The enemy officer hesitated and said: "Even so, we can't wait to die here."

The commander of the Korean Army gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Maybe the ones who came are not the main force of the volunteers. Besides, we still have so many troops, can't we stop them?"

"Immediately order the Gangqi Regiment to seize favorable terrain and prepare to resist the enemy's attack. You must stabilize the situation for me."

"The second battalion immediately goes to support the first battalion."


At the same time, the enemies on the mountain in the northeast saw that the camp at the foot of the mountain was in chaos, and they did not know the specific situation.

Seeing them all running away, they were all frightened and panicked. They knew that if they didn't run now, they would definitely be besieged on the mountain, and they would not be able to escape even if they wanted to.

So several officers discussed and decided to take advantage of the chaos and escape quickly.

Then the Korean soldiers on the mountain immediately ran down the mountain in a hurry.

Yu Congrong had been observing the situation here and saw that they finally came down the mountain, so he quickly waved his hand to let the soldiers follow his orders.

After confirming that they had all gone down the mountain, Yu Congrong and his men quietly walked around and behind them, cutting off their retreat and preventing them from going up the mountain again.

"Tieniu, take a company up the mountain and take over the position."


Yu Congrong then ordered: "The rest of you will follow me and beat the hell out of him."

Then Yu Congrong led the soldiers and chased him directly from behind. Han Jun couldn't help but look back when he heard the movement behind him.

"There are enemies behind us."

However, it was too late. The soldiers who rushed forward raised their guns, pointed at the enemy and pulled the trigger.

"Da da da~!"

Intense gunshots rang out, and strings of blazing bullets flew quickly towards the enemy.

"Puff puff puff~!"

The bullet hit the enemy, making a muffled sound and splashing blood mist.

The screams continued to sound, and a large number of enemy troops fell instantly.

Yu Congrong shouted loudly: "Comrades, come with me!"


At the same time, Lei Gong was hiding on the mountain of Wumazhi. Seeing that the enemy army on the north side had been completely defeated, he said excitedly: "Well done."

Lei Gong said excitedly: "It's better now. These Korean troops are really vulnerable!"

"Dad Lei, the enemy tanks are coming!"

One soldier couldn't help shouting loudly.

Lei Gong raised his head and glanced into the distance, and sure enough he saw the tanks in the south moving towards the north, but if they wanted to pass by the highway, they had to pass by the road at the foot of Wumazhi Mountain.

Lei Gong said coldly: "Put those tanks closer and then attack them. We must kill them no matter what."

"The mortars are ready for battle. I will bombard their infantry later and try to kill a few more Korean troops for me."


Soon the enemy tank approached. Lei Gong saw the opportunity and ordered: "Fire."

Two rocket launchers and a recoilless rifle fire simultaneously.

Because the distance was very close and they were only self-aiming shots, the two rockets successfully hit two enemy tanks.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

A violent explosion sounded, and the two tanks were instantly blown into burning fireballs.

Then the shell also hit an enemy tank, and with a violent explosion, the third tank was also destroyed.

These tanks equipped by the Korean army are only light tanks with limited defense and cannot withstand the bombardment of rockets and recoilless guns.

Three tanks were killed at once, and the enemies behind were all frightened. They no longer dared to move forward and began to retreat quickly, obviously preparing to escape.

Lei Gong shouted loudly: "Artillery, fire with all your strength."

Several mortars immediately opened fire with all their strength, followed by violent gunshots.

Mortar shells cut a gorgeous parabola in the air and flew quickly towards the enemy team.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

Violent explosions sounded one after another, and the enemy soldiers were immediately thrown off their backs by the bombs, leaving many dead and injured.

Originally, these enemies were in chaos, but the bombardment caused the enemy troops to become even more disorganized.

At this time, the enemy troops who had retreated from the north also rushed over and mixed with the enemies who were preparing to support them. The two teams collided with each other, adding to the chaos.

In the end, the enemy troops were completely defeated and all began to flee south. Mei Sheng and Ping He also led a group of soldiers towards the battlefield. Originally, they brought a reconnaissance battalion to prepare for the response.

If it fails, the whole army will not be destroyed.

Now that the enemy's northern camp has been completely broken through, Yu Congrong also led his troops to capture the northeastern highlands, so that the volunteers can be invincible.

Therefore, Mei Sheng and the others had nothing to worry about and immediately joined the battlefield with the remaining soldiers.

The loud charge horn is getting closer and closer, and the volunteer army's offensive is getting more and more fierce.

The Korean army was all in chaos. The commander of the Korean army saw that the chaotic troops were defeated and wanted to stabilize the situation, but he couldn't do it at all.

The defeated soldiers were not commanded at all, and they scrambled to flee backwards one by one.

While Wu Qianli and the others were attacking, they shouted loudly in Korean: "The Korean army has been defeated, and the volunteers will catch up soon."

"The main force of the volunteers is coming. Run for your life."

These guys were originally a group of frightened birds. They retreated from the front line. They were temporarily captured and went here to go through the motions. The purpose was to make an explanation to the US military.

Even Liu Zaixing didn't expect them to really capture Wumazhi. After all, even the US military couldn't capture it, let alone them.

So these guys were just here to go through the motions, and these Korean troops were indeed cowards. Once the situation was chaotic, the troops immediately lost their fighting spirit and began to run away, each and every one of them just thinking about saving their lives.

The group leader tried hard to maintain the situation, but ultimately failed.

In desperation, the guy could only retreat with his troops.

And Wu Qianli led the soldiers of the Gang 7th Regiment to pursue and kill them all the way. The corpses of the enemy soldiers they killed were strewn across the field and rivers of blood flowed.

In this battle, the Gangqi Regiment killed more than a thousand enemy soldiers and captured more than 400 Korean soldiers, winning a complete victory.

The remaining enemy troops fled all the way and disappeared without a trace.

Wu Qianli did not dare to continue the rash pursuit, so he temporarily stopped the pursuit and led his troops back to the area near Wumazhi.

Wu Qianli arranged for more than 20 soldiers to drive more than 400 captives into a valley.

All machine guns were set up, all exits were blocked, and these prisoners were guarded.

At the same time, Wu Qianli ordered to build positions on two other hills to prevent the enemy from attacking again.

Within the temporary regiment headquarters

Mei Sheng ran over and said, "I have asked people to move the loot to a safe place and prepare to hide it."

"Our gains this time are quite big."

"I didn't expect that the weapons and equipment of these Korean troops are so good, and the supplies are quite sufficient."

"They were so anxious to escape just now that they couldn't take them away. Now they have become our trophies."

"I'm telling you, we're getting rich this time."

Wu Qianli smiled and said: "The equipment of the Korean army is still good. If we win this battle, we will definitely capture a lot of good things."

Mei Sheng said quickly: "You don't know, it's much better than we imagined, and it's much better."

"We also found a lot of big guys in their camp, light tanks, jeeps and so on."

"There are also US-2 heavy machine guns, as well as some rocket launchers and recoilless rifles."

Yu Congrong laughed and said, "No matter what, these are all ours now."

Wu Qianli also smiled slightly and ordered: "The main thing is to build the defensive position as soon as possible."

"Roads can be temporarily destroyed and mines laid."

"As long as we persist until the main force arrives, we will win."


Everyone responded quickly.

Not long after, Wu Qianli received the order, and the main support force had arrived near Wumazhi.

After Wu Qianli got the news, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and quickly called Yu Congrong and others over.

Wu Qianli announced the news to everyone with a smile.

"The main force is less than ten miles away and can come to support us at any time."

"But it will be dawn soon, so the troops can only hide in the mountains temporarily."

"And we have to continue to hold on to the Five Horses Stand, but as long as we survive this day, our mission will be considered completed."


Yu Congrong said with a smile: "The main troops have arrived, which means that the Korean Third Army has been completely defeated by us."

Wu Qianli smiled bitterly and said: "Those losers really can run faster than rabbits. Not only was the Korean Third Army defeated, but their First Army was also beaten and retreated across the board."

"But each of them ran faster than a rabbit. We chased them all the way, but we only annihilated part of their troops. We didn't annihilate them all. We couldn't even annihilate a division."

Mei Sheng said with a smile: "I think the Korean army is running too fast. It is more difficult to annihilate one of their divisions than to annihilate one of the US military divisions!"


Wu Wanli laughed and said: "The political commissar still speaks well, I think so."

Wu Qianli waved his hand and said, "Okay, stop telling these jokes. We still can't be careless. What if the enemy continues to attack Wumazhi?"

"We still need to be ready for battle at any time, and all defensive positions must be dug in order to ensure safety."




The commander stared at the sand table in front of him and said angrily: "These Korean troops are not good at fighting, but they can run quite fast."

Chief of Staff Xie said helplessly: "Not only do they run fast, but they are also more familiar with the terrain, so their escape was quite smooth."

"Although the highway is cut off, they can escape through the path."

"However, although we failed to eliminate their main force, we also captured a lot of loot."

"Because these Korean troops abandoned a lot of heavy equipment and seized a lot of supplies in order to escape for their lives. In short, the gains of each unit are not small."

The commander shook his head and said: "I don't care about these petty gains now. The most important thing is to eliminate the enemy's main force. Only by hurting them can we ensure the victory of this battle."

Chief of Staff Xie said: "But the enemies have already fled and retreated quickly. If we continue to pursue in depth, I am afraid we will fall into a situation where we are alone."

The commander pointed to the sand table and said: "The Korean army retreated, didn't the US military start to come from the west to support it?"

"Then we will not fight these South Korean troops. We will concentrate our superior forces to fight the US military. We will wait for work and strive to eliminate part of the main US military force."

"Exhaust the strength of the US 10th Army."

"Fighting the U.S. Army?"

Chief of Staff Xie said: "But we had no such plan before."

The commander said: "The plan cannot keep up with the changes. With the current situation, if we don't hit them and hurt them, then the US 10th Army may launch a counterattack against us."

"If we wait until that time, our situation will become more passive. Instead of doing this, it is better for us to take action against them in advance before they are ready and try to eliminate more US troops."

Chief of Staff Xie pondered for a moment and said: "Yes! What the boss said is absolutely true. If this is the case, then we will change our strategy as soon as possible."

"The strategic focus will be on dealing with the US 10th Army, so we need to complete the new deployment as soon as possible."

The deputy commander pointed at the sand table and said: "We still have to use the old methods to deal with the US military."

"Deploy superior forces to penetrate the US military's flanks and rear, and open up openings from the front to allow them to march eastward."

"We can also take the opportunity to ambush the enemy to expand our results."

The commander pointed to the sand table and said: "Start making arrangements immediately and draw up a detailed combat plan as soon as possible."

"All relevant units must move as soon as possible. We must complete adjustments to the combat plan before dark. All units must start operations tonight."


Chief of Staff Xie responded quickly and immediately went to convey the order.


Inside the enemy headquarters on the Eastern Front.

Van Fleet angrily cursed: "What are these Koreans? They are just a bunch of losers. They can't fight, but they run away faster than the other. I think they should be allowed to participate in the sports meeting. They will definitely win first place." "

Major General Byers, commander of the 10th Army, said quickly: "Commander, please calm down. I have already said that these Koreans are unreliable."

"We can't expect them to do anything at all."

Van Fleet shouted angrily: "What do you call that?"

"Liu Zaixing!"

"Yes, that's him. Let him find a job. We don't need such waste."

"yes sir!"

In this way, the commander of the 3rd Korean Army Corps was dismissed, but he did not find another job.

Because Bangzi was still very short of officers at that time. After all, they had only established the army for a few years. There were still too few senior generals like Liu Zaixing who had received training from the US military and had certain abilities.

So in the end Liu Zaixing was only dismissed from the position of regiment commander, but he did not leave the Korean army. He was only temporarily assigned a sinecure, but he was quickly reused.

After all, the Korean army is special. He still has to be led by their own government. If he hadn't taken this into account, Van Fleet would have sent this bastard to a military court.

However, Van Fleet had no intention of just letting go of these sticks. The old guy pondered for a moment and said, "I think their failure was mainly due to command issues."

"The senior generals are all cowards, how can we expect ordinary soldiers to fight bravely against the enemy?"

Major General Byers said: "Our advisors can only be sent to the battalion level at most, and they only have certain command authority."

"The main command power is still in their hands."

Van Fleet pondered for a moment and said: "I don't think they need to set up a so-called corps-level command structure anymore. The divisions of the Korean army are integrated into our battle order and are directly commanded by us. This should be better." (This chapter) over)

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