Sword life

Chapter 104 The rest is mine!

Chapter 104 The rest is mine!
On the north bank of the Yangtze River, the teaching corps sits in the center, with the 87th and 88th divisions lined up on the left and right, and the 74th and 78th army platoons are further outside, completely enclosing the Pukou Wharf.

At this time, a few more landing craft arrived at the north bank, and the iron plates slapped on the bank, splashing water several feet high. Soldiers wearing steel helmets and holding centering rifles came down in groups.

Immediately, inspectors from the teaching corps and the other four armies surrounded them, screened the personnel carefully, and brought them into their phalanx.

Hu Zongnan's first division was kept outside, watching, unable to eat.

Gui Yongqing and other direct descendants gathered together, talking and laughing happily.

"This time, the teaching team fought really well in Zijin Mountain. They just let the little devil's No. 16 division lose troops, and they didn't win a position."

"Over there, Yuhuatai is good at fighting. The Ninth Division is the first-class division of the little devil. It attacked for half a month. Didn't it mean that it didn't stroke the tiger's whiskers of the 88th Division?" Gui Yongqing looked normal, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing true mood.

In this battle of defending Nanjing, I taught the general team more than 1 manpower to withstand the attack of two elite Japanese divisions. Although they lost more than 4000 people from three regiments, they also killed and wounded tens of thousands of little devils. It can be said to be quite outstanding.

"Ashamed, I can't compare to Brother Gui. Yuhuatai has lost a lot of ground." Although Sun Yuanliang said he was ashamed, there was no shame on his face.

Yuhua Terrace is not suitable for defense. It is normal to lose some ground. Being able to fight against the elite Class A division with a tired division for more than half a month, this record is justified.

Gui Yongqing smiled slightly, and stopped taking up the topic, but looked at Yu Jishi: "Brother Yu, this time the 74th Army defended Guanghuamen very well, congratulations."

Yu Jishi picked up his cup and took a sip, then said calmly: "The little devil's arsenal was taken away, and the heavy artillery fire was cut off, so he was lucky to resist for so many days. Otherwise, I'm afraid the city would have been destroyed long ago."

At the wine table, the atmosphere suddenly turned cold. To be honest, it was the most hurtful thing. After Yu Jishi lifted the lid, Gui Yongqing and others realized that most of their impressive achievements were watered down, and they felt tired all of a sudden.

Gui Yongqing was full of tiredness, and continued following Yu Jishi's words:

"This time I was able to withdraw smoothly, and I would also like to thank General Zhang. If it weren't for his fifty speedboats, our tens of thousands of troops probably wouldn't have withdrawn so quickly."

Sun Yuanliang laughed loudly: "Brother Gui, you didn't see that General Zhang hid a lot of broken soldiers in private. He is not selfless, he is shrewd!"

"That's right, many of my 87th brothers have been intercepted, and I have to talk to him later." Wang Jingjiu was a little depressed, drunk.

"Brother Jingjiu, come on, drink, and deduct as much as you can. Our four armies plus the teaching corps have a total of 8 people. It is a great contribution to be able to transport them to the north bank. If we deduct a few troops, it is nothing." Song Xilian raised his glass and put the huatou down.

Yu Jishi also laughed and said: "General Zhang became famous at a young age, and he is not thorough enough in doing things. If there is a shortage of soldiers, just tell us. If you are sneaky like this, you will be inferior."

As soon as these words were said, the matter of intercepting the soldiers was lightly revealed, and the wine was mixed, and the sullen generals were also eliminated invisible by the smell of alcohol.

April 12th, five o'clock in the morning.

Xiaguan Wharf was empty, and all the Chinese soldiers had been transported. The soldiers who rushed over from Zhongshan Road were sparse, and they were all organized into the third battalion. Zhang Gang was not going to send them north.

That night, 110 people and 1 soldiers were transported across the river, and the points soared by 30 million, which offset the expenses of ten LCM-420s, and earned [-], bringing the total points to [-] million.

Points have risen, but other aspects have not fallen.

Overnight, Luo Yufeng's third battalion expanded to 700 men, the third regiment expanded to 500 men, the fourth regiment expanded to 500 men, and the cavalry battalion expanded to 500 men, properly turning into a cavalry regiment. By the way, the people from the third tank company drove seven No. 1 tanks across the river, but they were also fooled by Zhang Gang for a while, and directly added to the second tank battalion.

Calculated in this way, Zhang Gang has more than 1000 troops, plus the 112th and 103rd divisions, the strength is just over [-].

In terms of ordnance, the harvest is also quite large. All the artillery pieces of the four German weapon divisions were left at the Xiaguan Wharf. A total of 28 20th artillery pieces, [-] [-]th caliber rapid-fire guns, [-] [-]th anti-aircraft guns, and [-]mm Earley There are eighteen anti-aircraft machine guns.

Coupled with the twelve 88mm anti-aircraft guns and eight [-] fortress guns obtained from the fortress, the firepower is so fierce!
The guns are even richer. Sun Desheng alone found 2 guns from various positions, and [-] people owned [-] rifles.

To put it bluntly, the combat effectiveness of the Ninth Independent Brigade is now stronger than that of the 83rd Army and 66th Army of the Cantonese Army combined.

Even if they cross the river, it is estimated that there will be [-] German weapons troops, [-] military police troops, and [-] miscellaneous troops. There is no guarantee that Hu Zongnan will not commit crimes.

In order to avoid risks, at one and three o'clock in the morning, Zhang Gang sent the third battalion and the third regiment back to Wulongshan Fortress respectively. At the same time, he also sent back twelve 88 anti-aircraft guns and 36 75 field guns. Decompose and take away.

Looking at Jiangbei, Zhang Gang looked at Xiao Shanling with a smile: "Commander Xiao, now Nanjing has become an empty city, staying here will only increase casualties and is not good for the country."

Xiao Shanling nodded: "General Zhang, aren't you going to cross the river? It's still too late."

Zhang Gang laughed loudly: "Commander Xiao, among other things, how long will it take us to cross the river with 3 horses, and how much can we cross with the indiscriminate bombing by the little devil planes?

This is just the air force, the army side, there is no danger to defend Xiaguan, should we send blocking troops, if sent, who will block it?If you don't send it, the little devil can be killed in an hour.

Also, what about my pots and pans?What to do with tens of thousands of tons of grain, I still feel distressed when they are all burned! "

Xiao Shanling had nothing to say, he could only recognize his head, and followed the gendarmerie on board. The three gendarmerie regiments fought bloody battles for more than half a month, and there were less than [-] LCVPs left, and fifty LCVPs were delivered at once.

To send Xiaoshan order away, Zhang Gang ordered,

"The first battalion and the second battalion of the armored regiment of the fourth regiment took alternate cover and retreated to the Wulongshan Fortress. The remaining personnel took the boat directly and returned to the Wulongshan Fortress."

Now, Jiangbei's generals who were waiting for the army to come over were dumbfounded.

Gui Yongqing: "Sun thief, why did you withdraw, I still have a thousand soldiers who haven't come back, so I just swallowed them!"

Sun Yuanliang: "Give me back the main force."

"You only lost one regiment, I fucking lost two regiments!"

"This matter is not over, and more than 2000 of my people have not returned!"

There was a lot of cursing on the north bank of the river. If it wasn't for the absence of ships, they might have killed them all the way to the south bank and settled with Zhang Gang directly.

(End of this chapter)

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