Sword life

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

March 12, morning.

The sun was a little pale that day, and it lost a lot of blood.

After a night of bloody battles, the 83rd Army and the 66th Army disabled three regiments and suffered more than [-] casualties. They finally broke through the Japanese defense line and arrived in Jiangning smoothly.

Ye Zhao and Deng Longguang clapped each other's hands. They were able to rush out so smoothly. The artillery supported by Zhang Gang was indispensable. The outstanding performance of the 177th Regiment, which was nominally given to Zhang Gang, was also one of the reasons.

Today, the 83rd Army and the 66th Army still have a few artillery pieces, dozens of machine guns, and 8000 people with guns.

To the north of Jiang'an, the Teaching Corps, 87th, 88th, 36th, and 51st Divisions, plus the Gendarmerie Regiment, 7 to [-] people, under the support of Hu Zongnan, began to retreat towards Wuhan.

Several generals said that they could wait another two days, wait for the Ninth Independent Brigade to cross the river together, and settle accounts with General Zhang without expressing gratitude.

But after being bombed by the little devil's plane, several generals immediately left the army, leaving the troops to their deputies or subordinates, and never mentioned a word about the Independent Ninth Brigade.

The chief disappeared, and the ministries refused to give in to each other. There was a stampede on the great plain, and 800 people were trampled to death. It took dozens of miles to gather the team.

In half a month of the bloody battle, these troops lost [-] troops, and the officers disappeared twice. They were already debilitated. As long as they were hit by a little blow, they would immediately collapse. It would be difficult to recover their fighting power if they did not rest for three to five months.

The last thing left is Zhang Gang's independent Ninth Brigade, with 1000 people.

The Wulong Mountain Fortress, which could originally accommodate 5000 people, was packed to the brim. If the 103rd and 112th divisions were not located in two corners, the Wulong Mountain Fortress would have exploded.

Zhang Gang felt that his brain was about to explode. The independent brigade had only 4000 people before, but now it has quadrupled, and it has directly become 2. The organizational structure has not kept up, and the command is not effective. It is puffiness.

Before the little devil came, Zhang Gang called Luo Yufeng, commander of the third battalion, He Xiaowu, commander of the third regiment, Niu Meng, commander of the second battalion of the third regiment, Fang Gensheng, commander of the fourth regiment, and Sun Desheng, commander of the cavalry battalion, to discuss how to adapt.

The five people glanced at each other, feeling a little embarrassed. Both He Xiaowu and Fang Gensheng joined from Nanjing, and their qualifications were not as good as Sun Desheng's, but Sun Desheng's level was not as high as the two. It's not easy to talk either.Luo Yufeng is still the battalion commander of the teaching corps, so it is even more difficult to speak.

Zhang Gang was overwhelmed, and called the names directly: "Come on, look at your coy looks, you know it's a meeting, but you don't know you think you're on a blind date, Sun Desheng, tell me first."

Sun Desheng has been with him the longest, bah, Sun Desheng is brave in battle, willing to fight devils with all his might, seniority doesn't matter.

He Xiaowu and Fang Gensheng exchanged glances quietly, although they were a little disappointed, but more relaxed.

"Brigade Commander, I have nothing else to say. The guns are ready, and I will definitely lead the cavalry regiment." Sun Desheng blushed, and barely managed to utter a few words.

"Success, that's the reason. No matter how much you say, it's useless if you can't fight. Sun Desheng, I appoint you as the commander of the cavalry regiment. I don't have any horses for the time being. I will make up for you later. You have to adapt to the fighting style of horseless infantry." , how many people do you have now?"

"Currently there are 500 cavalry regiments."

"Then make up nine companies with 1000 people. I will remove the excess. You should familiarize yourself with the situation of your subordinates as soon as possible. If you can fight, you can't fight. In three days at most, you have to pull out a cavalry regiment that can fight." ,understand?"

Sun Desheng nodded in agreement, and Zhang Gang looked at He Xiaowu: "Header He, how many people are there in the third regiment?"

"The third regiment now has 4000 people." He Xiaowu couldn't help laughing as he spoke.

"Good guy, it quadrupled at once. Not bad, but you have to take out half of it."

He Xiaowu was immediately dumbfounded: "Brigade Commander, I have earned this hard work. Can you just open your mouth and take it all away!"

Zhang Gang opened his eyes and his voice became louder:

"Captain He, if you say that, I will tell you. When you received the soldiers, I was working hard to transport the soldiers, which was much harder than you. If I hadn't been busy in front, fooling Lao Gui They, do you think you can pluck a hair from the direct line of the Central Army!"

As soon as Zhang Gang got angry, He Xiaowu froze immediately, and said with a smile: "That's not what you mean, brigade commander, don't be angry, two thousand is two thousand, I admit it, can't you?"

Zhang Gang laughed, and looked at Fang Gensheng: "Captain Fang, I have supplied you with the soldiers of the third armored company. Besides, I will give you ten more No. [-] tanks when we break through successfully."

Fang Gensheng asked cautiously: "Can I have ten T26 tanks?"

"Captain Fang, I still don't believe people say you have a big appetite, but now I believe it. How much is ten T26s?"

Fang Gensheng immediately changed his words: "Ten bean tanks are also fine."

"Within half a year, I will provide you with ten bean tanks, but now you have to figure out the forty tanks, and it will be up to you to attack them.

In addition to these two tank battalions, you keep two of the remaining five infantry battalions, and I will draw the remaining three. "

Fang Gen's face suddenly resembled a bitter melon: "Brigade Commander, I only have two infantry battalions, how can the infantry cooperate with each other? How can a battalion of infantry cover a battalion of tanks?"

Zhang Gang laughed: "Commander Fang, you think I don't understand tanks. A dozen tanks are a tank company. You really think it's a tank battalion? Or, should I change the tank battalion to the tank company?"

"No, no, I understand, Brigadier Commander, what you said is absolutely correct. A battalion of infantry and a battalion of tanks are a perfect match, just right." Fang Gensheng immediately faltered.

Zhang Gang grinned: "You guys are all like money lovers, you don't know who you learned from, you don't know how to eat more than you can eat, don't you understand?

There are so many soldiers, you don't even know their names, how to use them, the combat effectiveness will drop if there are more people.If you really want to explode, wait until we break through. "

When He Xiaowu and Fang Gensheng heard these words, their hearts immediately felt better. They all went to the Whampoa Military Academy, so they naturally knew the necessity of a unified military order.

"Commander Luo, how many people are there in your third battalion?" Zhang Gang turned his head to look at Luo Yufeng with a soft tone.

This is only an elder guest, and he has not clearly joined, so he has to pay attention to the method.

(End of this chapter)

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