Sword life

Chapter 127 The Careless Little Devil

Chapter 127 The Careless Little Devil
Among the tenth army, Zhang Gang's attitude towards He Zhizhong is the most polite. One He Zhizhong is the Qian army, and Zhang Gang can't get along with him.

Another thing is that He Zhizhong performed too well in Yinkong Mountain. He resisted the little devil for a week without losing the core position, which is much better.

In addition, in Jiangyin before, He Zhizhong had withstood the attacks of the little devils for several months, so he was indeed a strong general.

"If you don't, I'll transfer two Sichuan army regiments to you to supplement your department's establishment temporarily, and I'll give you eight hundred German weapons here, and I'll complete your establishment first."

He Zhi glanced at Zhang Gang again, smiled, and felt warm in his heart.He is also a battle-tested man, and he has never seen anything. There are those who rise up and down secretly, and those who stab in the back. Like Zhang Gang, he has never seen a bowl of water that is flat, let alone now, give priority to adding him. Non-lineage troops.

"Commander, you have arranged this matter very well. I didn't say anything. I will follow you."

Zhang Gang smiled and said: "Back then, the Independent Ninth Brigade was also a miscellaneous brand. When Dalinghe was acting, the Independent Ninth Brigade needed three days to march 180 miles to cross the river to attack the Third Division. That was the trump card of 1 people. Division, fully equipped with weapons.

Later, the Independent Ninth Brigade walked 180 miles in two days, grabbed the top of the mountain before the Third Division, and carried it to the end of the show. After that, the Independent Ninth Brigade became the trump card of the Northeast Army. "

He Zhi stood up and saluted: "Understood, thank you Commander, I will repair the troops as soon as possible, so as not to hold back our army."

This time, he didn't mention the war, and added two to three thousand people at once. The 3000th brigade must be repaired immediately. It won't be able to restore its combat effectiveness within a month or two.

Zhang Gang prevented He Zhizhong from asking for a fight in an extremely natural way.

On January 1th, Zhang Gang arrived in Zou County with the armored regiment. On the 4th, the 5th and 29th divisions arrived successively. 30 people.

Zhang Gang opened the tactical map, and immediately saw Zou County's radius of a hundred miles clearly. He only glanced at it, and couldn't help laughing.

The little devil was so rampant that he killed him in a straight line. According to the distance calculation, he didn't even take basic precautions.
Zhang Gang immediately called Fang Gensheng and others to discuss how to kill the 63rd Wing.

After some discussion, Zhang Gang made the arrangements and asked all the ministries to go down to make arrangements.

In the early morning of January 1, Zou County.

A group of little devils from far away rushed over, and a three-wheeled motorcycle drove into the city, and it drove out after a while: "There is no Chinese army in Zou County!"

"Yo Xi! The Chinese army has run away again, what an annoying opponent!" Mitsuki Man, captain of the 63rd Regiment, muttered, but his eyes sparkled.

What an honor it is to lead a lone army and force back a hundred thousand troops, even if you meet the saber team, you can boast about it.

Looking at the desolate city gate in Zou County, Di Sanshu was full of spirits: "Telegram, saying that the 63rd Regiment had captured Zou County on the 6th, and the Chinese army fled."


Di Sanshunan didn't enter the city right away, but let the first team occupy the city gate first, and the second team entered the city to search to ensure that no fish slipped through the net.

Although the little devil is arrogant, the Type A division still maintains the level before the war, and there are still many things to do.

Soon, Di Sanshunan learned that Zou County was deserted, not only the county town, but also the surrounding villages and towns.

Di Sanshu's brows frowned, everyone ran away, and the property must have followed them, and most of the benefits of taking Zou County were lost.

Looking at his subordinates, the morale is also low. A few days ago, the alliance that took down Qufu, Dagon Prefecture made a lot of money. When it comes to me, I can't see any gold or silver!
With nameless anger burning in his heart, Di Sanshunan ordered: "The first team and the second team will enter the city to control the important places, the third team will go south and control the Xiaolin Mountain Highlands, and the fourth team will stay at the north gate. Half a day later, the first and second teams will go out of the city, Three or four brigades enter the city."

The eyes of the little devils were shining, and the first and second brigades immediately scattered and rushed towards the gate of the big mansion in the city. Di Sanshunan led the squadron directly under him and marched towards the center of the city.

According to the experience of previous colleagues, there are usually a lot of silver dollars in it that have not had time to be transported away.

At this moment, there was a sharp whistling sound in the air, and before Di Sanshunan could react, twenty 88mm shells fell, forming a huge death zone.

Then, there was another scream, and fifty rounds of seventy-five shells fell, and the edge just intersected with eighty-eight shells.

This is not over yet, with a soft sound, one hundred rounds of 81mm mortar shells fell from the sky and landed on a large group near the city gate.

The defenseless 63rd Regiment lost a brigade of troops almost instantly.

"Nani, why is there shelling!" Di Sanshu was lucky to avoid three waves of shelling, but the people around him were not so lucky. A staff officer was hit by shrapnel and his chest was almost cut in half.

"I don't know, it's the Chinese Heavy Artillery Regiment!" A team leader was still in shock and shouted in horror: "No, the main force of China is here! The Ninth Independent Brigade is here!"

His shout caused a burst of panic, and Di Sanshunan had no choice but to shoot the lunatic. He turned his head and looked around, and there were messy corpses everywhere. Even the bravest soldiers could only cower in the corner and wait for the shelling to end. .

[Your subordinates killed 763 elite little devils, rewarding 76300 points! 】

[Your subordinates killed 154 little devils, and rewarded 7700 points! 】

After a burst of bombardment, he earned [-] points. Zhang Gang felt elated, and shouted: "Keep firing, bomb the ****!"

(End of this chapter)

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