Sword life

Chapter 128 Thunder Attack

Chapter 128 Thunder Attack
The artillery fire stretched north and south along the top of the city, knocking down the little devils one by one. Di Sanshunan overcame the fear in his heart, pulled out his saber and shouted: "Kill it!"

In today's situation, evading will only result in a more terrible blow. Only by rushing into the city and fighting in the streets with the Chinese army can we avoid the heavy artillery attack.

The little devil who got the order immediately turned towards the city gate, but when the little devil occupied the two streets near the north gate, he encountered a hard stubble.

"Hit! Hit me hard!" He Xiaowu was so excited that the veins popped out of his neck, Lao Gao, before he started the battle, he blasted the enemy to pieces. It was a great battle!
Dozens of machine guns fired together, knocking down the fleeing little devils row by row.

Afterwards, the engineer pressed the button, and the houses were blown up to the sky by gunpowder, as well as the little devils hiding in the houses.

[You killed 530 and two elite little devils, and you will be rewarded with 106400 points. 】

Zhang Gang was happy to see that his points had risen to 200 million. Just now, the bombardment had killed a brigade of the 63rd Regiment, and at least two squadrons had been destroyed by this bombardment.

In other words, the 63rd Wing has a maximum of 2000 people, and it can be considered to attack!
"Blow the charge, let the 58th Brigade attack north, and drive the little devil out of the city. The artillery fire hits the north gate area, and must split the little devil into two pieces."

The resounding charge horn sounded in the night sky, and the 58th brigade began to charge like a raging wave. The little devil's line of defense, which was already in danger, was rushed away in an instant.

Di Sanshuan had no choice but to retreat outside the city with the defeated soldiers, full of remorse in his heart.

If I hadn't been greedy for merit, but moved forward with other alliances, I'm afraid there would be no such big defeat.

"Who the hell defeated me?!"

Full of anger, Di Sanshunan didn't notice the tumbling artillery fire at the city gate. He was accidentally hit by an 81mm mortar, and a thigh was directly blown away. His whole body was bloody and bloody. I can't die, I can only watch one soldier after another rushing into the flames.

The number of little devil soldiers who were able to escape from the city gate was less than 500, and they lost all their heavy weapons, leaving only a few big guns.

At this moment, horseshoes sounded like thunder, and a cavalry galloped from outside the city, directly wading into the formation of the remnants of the 63rd Regiment.

The saber was sharp, and he chopped down the little devils one by one. When all the cavalry regiments flew past, there were very few little devils who could stand at the gate of the city.

[Your subordinates killed 370 three elite little devils and rewarded 37300 points. 】

"Let the 59th brigade attack, and not let a little devil escape!"


"Commander, the armored regiment is ready!" Fang Gensheng couldn't help saying.

"I know you're here. This time, you guys don't move. How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer." Zhang Gang glanced at Fang Gensheng and said lightly.

Fang Gensheng understood immediately, and immediately stopped arguing.Don't move this time, and will move next time. You don't need to kill chickens, but you must use it to kill big guys.

The sound of artillery fire stopped, but the sound of fighting did not stop. The desperate little devils plunged into the city of Zou County again, relying on the ruins to contend with the 58th Brigade.

Seven or eight little devils leaned against half of the wall, looking at each other, and they all saw fear in each other's eyes.

"Baga, don't be discouraged, we haven't lost yet!" said the first class soldier.

"Yes, as long as we hold our positions and wait for the main force of the division to come, we will be saved!"

Just when the two little devils were talking hoarsely, an empty voice came, and the heads of several little devils went black, and a piece of explosive bag the size of a millstone fell down and exploded.

After the explosion, half of the wall was blown to pieces, and none of the little devils who spoke could be seen.

For the street fighting, Zhang Gang had already made arrangements, attacking house by house, blowing up a house and then attacking. Although the progress was a bit slow, the victory was safe and the casualty rate was small.

Especially the unconscionable cannon, which is easy to launch with a large caliber, and saves money. It is really an artifact of street warfare.

On the morning of January 1, Zhang Gang led the 6th Division to take the initiative to attack and wiped out the 29rd Wing of the Little Devils. When the news came out, the high-spirited Little Devils suddenly fell into panic.

"Baga!" In the division headquarters of the Tenth Division, Isoya Rensuke dropped the pen in his hand, and a line of characters was immediately stained with ink, and only the word Wu could be vaguely seen.

The 63rd Regiment was wiped out, and the Tenth Division lost one-fifth of its strength, but this was not what Isoya Rensuke feared the most.

It took less than three hours for a wing to be wiped out, which meant that the enemy had terrible combat power, even if it was the Tenth Division.

And this terrifying army is less than sixty miles away from him.

"Assemble your troops immediately!"

The Japanese Army North China Front Command had a different atmosphere. Terauchi Shouichi watched the battle report, unable to speak for a long time.

The chief of staff, Major General Naozaburo Okabe, met with him and explained: "After contacting, more than 63 people were killed and more than 600 people were injured in the 1000rd Regiment. They just temporarily lost their combat effectiveness."

Shousu raised his thick eyebrows in the temple, waved his hands and said: "Minister Gang, those things are only used to fool outsiders, let's not talk about them here, they fooled our own people into it, wars rely on strength, not whitewashing battle report."

Gangbu took a soft nail, got up and bowed and apologized: "Hey, the general taught me a lesson."

Terauchi Shouyi waved his hand: "Opening the Jinpu Road was originally a risky move. It is normal to suffer a little loss now. We can't give up halfway. Find out the number of the Chinese army that wiped out the 63rd regiment, and then gather the first army to besiege. This army must be wiped out. During this period, all ministries must form a group and fight with brigades as units!"


In the headquarters of the fifth theater, Li Zongren's face was full of joy, and he annihilated a regiment of little devils. This was a rare victory since the beginning of the war.

After suffering such heavy losses, the little devil must be honest for a while, and the northern front has temporarily stabilized, so he can free up his hands to deal with the enemies in the southern section of Jinpu Road.

 I'm not feeling well today, so I'll write half a chapter first, sorry.Make it up tomorrow morning

(End of this chapter)

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