Sword life

Chapter 205 Sharpshooter

Chapter 205 Sharpshooter

On the large playground, hundreds of captive non-commissioned officers stood in a queue of twenty by thirty, looking crooked and ugly.

"Commander, isn't it a bit ridiculous to want to be an officer of our 55th Brigade with this kind of virtue!" Wei Dayong stood beside Zhang Gang, looking at the team below nonchalantly.

"Cut, do you know?" Zhang Gang said angrily, "I don't know if our officers are good, but I don't know if these prisoners are bad! The bloody battle lasted for two months, and the brothers who followed us all over the country fell down." There are too many, if we don't replenish them in time, we will become weaker and weaker, at this time, don't pick and choose, use what you have, use the greatest strength to kill the little devil, understand!"

Wei Dayong stopped talking immediately, turned his head to look at the corner where there was no one, and turned his head after a while, his eyes were red: "Commander, you are right, I have never studied before, I have no education, you are free Give me more pointers."

"Cut, lack of education is not an excuse. Go back and read more. Didn't you get a cultural consultant for you? He graduated from Yan University. He is more than enough to be your teacher. Ask more questions if you have nothing to do. Don't fall behind because of your low education! "Zhang Gang has a bit of a hatred for iron and steel. This guy is good at everything else. He learns martial arts with accuracy. It's difficult for cultural classes. He gets sleepy when he reads a few words, and falls asleep soundly after reading a few words. So far Just write your own name.

Wei Dayong's head drooped immediately, and Zhang Gang didn't want to say anything more. He called a group of people up, shook hands and patted shoulders one by one, and then wiped out more than half of them, leaving only seven or eight people, and threw them to the east of the playground.

Seeing this scene, all the non-commissioned officers in the audience changed their expressions. Those who drove away were all complicated in mind, and those who stayed were all passionate men who had a conscience and wanted to do something. Could it be that this officer has a pair of divine eyes? , it is too powerful.

After the first screening, the ranks of non-commissioned officers became much more orderly to the naked eye, looking horizontal and vertical, and also had a bit of an army look.

The next team went on stage. Zhang Gang shook hands and patted shoulders one by one, while collecting some air bubbles.

【Cannon +1】

[Platform Tactics +1]

These are considered good, some people did not give a bubble, these people have a mentality problem, and they are determined not to use it, and some people have bubbles, but it is hard to say that there is any benefit.

【Fishing +1】

[Oil the soles of the feet +1]

If there are too many people like this, the whole team will be distorted. For this kind of messy guy, Zhang Gang would rather send him to the little devil's side and corrupt the team of the little devil.

[Stop+1] After patting a shoulder again, Zhang Gang was overjoyed by an option that had never appeared before, and immediately stopped in his tracks: "What's your name?"

"My name is Zhang Youcai, and I have wealth in my name, but I don't have wealth in my life. I'm so poor, so I became a soldier!" Zhang Youcai said with a simple and honest smile.

"You served as a soldier for three years, and then you were promoted to be a small team leader!" Zhang Gang thought for a while, and then he thought of the origin of this person.

"Yes, sir, you know everything!" Zhang Youcai asked in surprise.

"Well, it's not a big deal, by the way, I'll give you a rifle and shoot once!"

Zhang Youcai was a little surprised, he seldom shot, and he didn't feel that he was accurate in shooting, but the officer said it, so he had to carry it out.

Soon, the target was set up in the shooting range, Zhang Youcai was a little confused, he hesitated looking at the target, and the people around him talked about it.

"Old Zhang can still shoot? This is something new!"

"No, I have been in the army for three years, but I have never seen this guy shoot a gun!"

"It's just a poor man, how can he shoot a gun!"

Hearing these comments, Zhang Youcai's face also turned red, pointed the gun at the target, and pulled the trigger.

There was no gunshot, and Zhang Youcai looked around in wonder, only to find that there was no bullet inserted.

This time, the onlookers exploded, and laughed loudly: "It's so funny, this guy didn't even put the bullet in, and he still wants to shoot!"

"I'm laughing to death, I will do it like this!"

"Why don't you let me stay, what's the use of keeping this idiot!"

The discussion became louder, Zhang Youcai blushed, he stuffed the bullet in, opened his eyes wide, and saw that the target was a shot.

"It's the first time I saw someone shoot with both eyes open, I've learned a lot!"

"Two eyes are more accurate. If you can't do it, it doesn't mean others can't do it!"

Soon, the result of the first shot came out "Five rings!"

The playground was quiet for a while, the fifth ring was not a bad result, especially Zhang Youcai's posture was wrong, and his eyes were not right, and he was able to hit the fifth ring, which can be said to be beyond most people's expectations.

"Commander, this kid is interesting!" Wei Dayong got excited and said with a smile, "Why don't you transfer to my brigade headquarters and become a sniper."

Zhang Gang shook his head and said with a smile: "Monk, you are thinking about something beautiful again. How can there be such a good thing, but I think Zhang Youcai should have more than that."

As soon as the voice fell, the gunfire continued. It was a bit dull at first, but later it became very natural and smooth. After overcoming the fear, Zhang Youcai's posture became more and more standard, and his eyes became more and more radiant.

"Seven Rings"


"Nine Rings"

"Ten Rings"

"Ten Rings"

After the last shot was fired, the ring count was not reported for a long time. Finally, the target reporter handed it up with the target paper: "Report to the commander, so far no target mark of the tenth bullet has been found!"

And this matter, Zhang Gang picked up the target paper, took a look at it, and said with a smile: "It's hit here. Look, the mark here is bigger than the others."

The target reporter took a look and suddenly realized that it doesn't matter if it is true that the two bullets hit one place, the key is that the army commander said it, then it must be correct!
When the results were announced, everyone on the playground was stunned. Who would have thought that a guy who rarely touches a gun would shoot at such a level for the first time? I'm afraid even a sharpshooter can't do it. Two bullets hit a bullet hole. .

"Is this the first time I shot a target? It's too powerful. When I shot the target for the first time, I missed all of them. Two shots hit the next group. As a result, that guy hit a hundred rings, and I got zero rings!"

"The first time I hit a target, I hit the target three times. This kid is too good."

"I think the army commander is the best. If the army commander hadn't found out, wouldn't Zhang Youcai be an ordinary non-commissioned officer, and he could be a sniper!"

"Zhang Youcai, I think you are very good at sniping. In the future, you will find a deputy who specializes in being a sniper and a high-ranking official who kills little devils. Do you think it is good?" Zhang Gang said with a smile.

"Okay, sir, you are so powerful, you can discover all of this, I didn't even know I had this skill!" Zhang Youcai was trembling with excitement, and he didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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