Sword life

Chapter 206 The Struggling Little Devil

Chapter 206 The Struggling Little Devil
After Zhang Youcai was promoted on the spot, the people on the playground suddenly became solemn, with bubbles ranging from half to six to four.

Zhang Gang photographed another guy with gun skills +1. Zhang Gang asked him to shoot with a cannon on the spot, and he was able to hit a target hundreds of meters away. He was immediately promoted to the artillery squad leader.

Except for these two, the others are very ordinary, and some are even promoted to non-commissioned officers only after serving in the army for a long time. They don't know much about squad and platoon tactics, so they can only be used for temporary emergency.

After some screening, more than 500 were selected from more than 150 people. These non-commissioned officers will be directly added to the company platoon to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the 55th brigade.

After taking down the ice city, the situation of the Tenth Army was very good. The No.20 Eighth Division carried out a mobile defense around the ice city, the 29th division attacked the west of the ice city, and the [-]th division attacked the east of the ice city.

The Independent Brigade and the New Second Brigade carried out mobile operations in the south of Bingcheng, and the New First Brigade quietly returned to the Spring City area to contain the little devils.

The little devil struggled a lot. He could advance fifty miles in a day at most, especially the heavy artillery unit, who was stuck in the mud and marched thirty miles to death.

Fast forward to late August. After a heavy rain, the road turned into a dirt road. Zhang Gang stood in front of a somewhat special car with a square head and four big tires higher than the front, which looked like a big head. baby.

Zhang Gang rotated the rocker vigorously, black smoke came out from the "chug chug" engine, and the belt turned violently, driving the four big wheels.

The big-headed tractor ran happily in the mud without any influence, but it was a bit laborious to operate, and ordinary people might not be able to drive it for a long time.

"Commander, what do you think, okay?" Zhao Qiang ran over and asked with a worried face.

This thing is not easy to drive, especially when turning, they have personally operated it, and once they were turned out by the joystick.

"Very good, how much can this thing hold?" Zhang Gang was quite satisfied, after all, it was the first mass-produced car, and he recognized some problems.

"The design load is [-] catties." Zhao Qiang didn't expect this to be the problem, and said directly in a daze.

"Actually?" Zhang Gang suddenly became interested. There are two-ton tractors with a load of [-] tons. This is not a big-headed tractor that can carry four tons!
"I haven't tried it!" Zhao Qiang replied truthfully.

Zhang Gang was not in a hurry, he waved directly, Master!Thirty people were crowded on the tractor, and the front of the tractor could hardly be seen, but that was it, the tractor was still moving forward steadily, and it was time to turn and climb.

If you don't consider the few fighters who bumped down, it would be perfect.

After the actual test, there is no big problem with a load of two tons.

"Let's tentatively decide on a Type [-] tractor, and then develop a Type [-] tractor, which doubles the load and can be used to tow heavy artillery." Zhang Gang is quite satisfied. It will be different with industry. What do you want? It can be manufactured directly without spending points to exchange.

After ten days of short-term repairs, the 55th brigade's combat effectiveness has recovered by about [-]%, and it can fight guerrillas with the little devils.

On August 27, Zhang Gang led his troops to withdraw from Bingcheng.

Looking at the undefended ice city, Tenshin Ichiro fell into entanglement.

Winning the Ice City is undoubtedly a feat worth boasting about, but defeating without a fight, this kind of feat that is almost given away by others, is too hot to hold.

"Send a brigade to search. If there is no problem, send a wing to garrison the ice city to prevent that guy from attacking again."

Ice City is the railway hub of Heilongjiang Province. No matter going east or west, you need to start from Ice City. The strategic location is very important. Tenshin Ichiro thought that Zhang Gang would definitely fight in Ice City before giving up. Thinking of it was a waste of time, and I was so depressed that I wanted to vomit blood.

Now, apart from Bingcheng, Syracuse and Bingxuecheng were taken down by that guy, the railways were dismantled, hundreds of thousands of tons of rails were barely visible, and the Anshan Iron Works was bombed , The steel rails need to be shipped from outside, and it will take at least two or three years to repair the railways all over the northeast.

That is to say, the three Class A divisions need to measure the land with their feet in the Northeast, and fight against the wandering Tenth Army.

There is not much time left for him. Once the first snow falls and the Northeast enters winter, under the furious blizzard, even the elite troops will find it difficult to resist this power of heaven.

The battle will become miniaturized and short-lived. With an attack of this magnitude, it will be difficult to drive the Tenth Army out of the Northeast. Once the Tenth Army has taken root in the Northeast, the Tenth Army will regain its combat effectiveness when the spring comes. will turn into a tiger.

Tenshin Ichiro shivered, not daring to think about it.

At this moment, a little devil soldier ran over: "Report to Your Excellency Commander, there is no ambush in the city, but there is nothing left behind."

Tenshin Ichiro frowned, what does it mean to leave nothing behind?Could that guy do anything more extraordinary?

Soon, he understood.

In the ice city, all the cables, wires, and tracks are gone, and there are big holes on the road; the doors and windows on all the buildings have been removed, and it looks like an old man who has lost his teeth;
Water, electricity, and all kinds of pipelines have been dismantled, and the tens of 10 people living in the ice city have disappeared.

This is really a typical evacuation of a city.

Looking at the hollowed out ice city, Tenshin Ichiro's head hurt even more. It was meaningless to take down such a city, but he had to take it. The face of the No.11 Army still had to be preserved.

"Damn it, where is that guy's army now?"

Tenshin Ichiro asked murderously.

At this moment, several red lights appeared in the sky, pierced straight down, and hit the Bell and Drum Tower in the square.

After a burst of earth-shattering explosions, the Bell and Drum Towers were reduced to ruins. Tenshin Ichiro wiped off his cold sweat. If he walked faster, he might become a victim of rocket bombs.

"Your Excellency Tenshin Ichiro, let's be safe and go to the barracks outside the city!" The chief of staff also wiped his sweat and suggested.

Although the ice city has become an empty city, that guy has always been good at wreaking havoc, and it would be bad if there was someone behind him.

Tenshin Ichiro took it very seriously, and hurriedly returned to the barracks with the people. As soon as he arrived at the barracks, Tenshin Ichiro was taken aback.

There is an area with a radius of one mile beside the barracks, which is full of traces of bombing. Obviously, before they came back, this place had been visited by rockets.

For a moment, Tenshin Ichiro was a little panicked. It didn't seem to matter where he was stationed. The heavily guarded army was also attacked by rockets!

(End of this chapter)

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